torsdag 28 april 2011

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Jewels from Judy: Come Away From the Ledge of Despair!
Judy Bauman

A word from the Father’s heart to yours: Come Away From the Ledge of Despair
April 26, 2011

As great as your imaginations can be, no one can imagine what I will do when I return. Eye has not seen and ear has not heard all the good things I have in store for you.
Do not be dismayed by the things coming on the earth. Though they are great, let not your heart be troubled. I have already overcome and have given you what you need to overcome too.
If you speak My words and blessings, then these things will not overcome you, If you speak words of fear and glorify (give your strength to) what the demonic powers are doing and how they are conspiring against the people of the Land and the saints of the Church, then you will be overcome. The grief will cause your heart to sink like a lamb caught in quicksand. The more one struggles and fights and seeks out others speaking fearful words, the quicker the sand will fill your lungs and smother out the life I have died to give you.
I Am the Breath of Life! I give life and give it in abundance. My anointing breaks the yoke of bondage.
Come away from the ledge of fear and allow Me to love you and fill your heart with hope and delightful expectation! Come away with Me, My beloved. Come away from the ledge of despair and run into My awaiting arms. My arms are mighty to save. My arms will not drop you. My arms will hold you close and bring you deep within My heart.
Come beloved! See all the good things I have prepared for you.
Your Abba

Scriptures to Ponder:
Isaiah 64:4; 1 Corinthians 2:9; John 14:1; Genesis 2:7; John 10:10; Matthew 11:28-30; Hebrews 4:14-16; Proverbs 18:21

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