torsdag 19 december 2019
Lord, I Need Your Guidance!
Utmärkt undervisning från Jerusalem Channel:
Lord, I Need Your Guidance!
How do you hear from God with direction for your life? Christine Darg shares at least four ways that divine guidance has helped her through the years.
Om Jerusalem Channel och Peter och Christine Darg:
onsdag 18 december 2019
Himmelskt söndagsgodis
Prästen Bengt Pleijel var under många år föreståndare för Åh stiftsgård utanför Ljungskile i Bohuslän och en av förgrundspersonerna i den karismatiska rörelsen i Svenska kyrkan Han har författat många böcker och "vandringar i kristen tro" på
och är en fantastisk bibelutläggare. Han är bibelcentrerad och pedagogisk i sin undervisning och förkunnelse och skriver ofta med humoristisk glimt i ögat. Jag vet ingen annan som har en sådan unik förmåga att använda språket på ett så oväntat och träffsäkert sätt som han!
Idag är Bengt över 90 år men skriver tex fortfarande varje vecka på sin blogg "Himmelskt söndagsgodis...inte bara för de snälla barnen"
På bloggen skriver han tänkvärda och kunniga utläggningar kring söndagens texter enligt Svenska kyrkans kyrkohandbok.
Både på bloggen och på finns massor av texter att botanisera bland och bli välsignad av. Väldigt inspirerande läsning som rekommenderas varmt!
Guds välsignelse!
måndag 16 december 2019
Att vara kristen på jobbet
Intressant undervisning om att vara kristen i arbetslivet där Oz Hillman lyfter fram några viktiga områden
Do you know the 4 attributes of a Christian in the workplace? Do you know why these attributes are key to you fulfilling your destiny as a follower of Christ at work? Stay tuned, we’re going to be sharing these with you today on TGIF@Work podcast.
4 Attributes of Christ@Work (And why they are important!)
Do you know the 4 attributes of a Christian in the workplace? Do you know why these attributes are key to you fulfilling your destiny as a follower of Christ at work? Stay tuned, we’re going to be sharing these with you today on TGIF@Work podcast.
söndag 8 december 2019
The Processing & Responsibilities of God’s Prophets
The Processing & Responsibilities of God’s Prophets
AuthorJennifer Eivaz
by Jennifer Eivaz
" As I observe today’s prophets, both the established and the emerging ones, I thought it would be appropriate to provide instruction as to the distinct processing and responsibilities of God’s New Testament prophets. Being a prophet is not the glamour role that many think it to be, although it can appear that way at times. To know the future by the Spirit of God, to experience a plethora of unusual signs and wonders, to encounter the angelic realm are some of the rewards for all the difficulties and hardships that prophets endure that most are unaware of. "
Full article:
måndag 25 november 2019
Are We Prepared for the Coming Influx of New Believers?
Jewels from Judy: Are We Prepared for the Coming Influx of New Believers?
Judy A Bauman
A friend recently asked this thought-provoking question, and as I read it, I thought of when the attacks happened here in the USA on 9-11-01. Churches far and wide were flooded with people seeking answers, but within a month, many of those seeking them had left. Why? There was little preparation for such an event, few answers were found to important questions, and sadly, in too many cases the faithful became known as the faithless.
We, as the Body of Christ, need to know why we believe what we believe and be able to rightly divide truth from error. If we just hear and then parrot what we've heard without true understanding, we will not have the roots within ourselves to be able to endure the heat of tribulation or persecution when it arises. We will wither back and cause others to stumble with us because the word of God has not taken root in our hearts.
We must get our heads around this because it is also reflected in the parable of the 10 sleeping virgins in Matthew 25. Five were wise and did whatever it took to procure extra oil. The other five were foolish. They did not take the time or use their resources to make sure they had enough oil while they waited for the bridegroom's return. They assumed he would come before their oil ran out; however, they sadly learned too late that their thinking was flawed. Jesus stated the door was shut and they were not allowed to enter the wedding! Think about this – the virgins had kept themselves pure, and not once but twice they called Him, "Lord!" Yet Jesus stated that they were unknown to the bridegroom. Their presumption left them out in the dark!
It is my hope that we are intimately known by Jesus and do whatever it takes to procure the oil. We need to understand that in order to have the oil, we must have His Holy Spirit. He is the oil! How we use our time and resources is paramount in these days so that we can be readied for the harvest, the huge harvest that we have heard about for a long time. Let us not lose heart now!
As Peter wrote this instruction to the Body of Christ, the Ekklesia, and I paraphrase:
Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. Do so with meekness, being courteous and respectful to the hearer even if they accuse you of evil.
Keep in mind, it is your heavenly Father that you are representing. He has called you to reflect His light and love to the influx of new converts and returning prodigals. God’s light requires oil and oil requires time, patience, and effort to procure, but it is worth it! Will you be ready for the influx of new believers?
In the Father's Love,
Judy A Bauman
torsdag 21 november 2019
Den säkraste platsen är att vara mitt i Guds vilja
En tänkvärd artikel från Kehila News Israel:
Is there any safe place?
Aaron Hecht
November 17th, 2019
onsdag 13 november 2019
Prayer for Welfare of State of Israel
Israel behöver våra böner!
IDF Chief Cantor, Shai Abramson, sings the Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, the "Tefila L'Shlom Hamedina" in Hebrew. Featuring photos of the Israel Defense Forces.
IDF Chief Cantor, Shai Abramson, sings the Prayer for the Welfare of the State of Israel, the "Tefila L'Shlom Hamedina" in Hebrew. Featuring photos of the Israel Defense Forces.
fredag 8 november 2019
Västra muren i Jerusalem
Intressant text om Västra muren i Jerusalem:
The secret of the Western Wall 31 oktober 2019
Praktiska tips för att skärpa ditt böneliv
How to Supercharge Your Prayer Life
- October 31, 2019 by Doug Addison
Most of us know that prayer can change everything and anything! But it is sometimes difficult to make prayer a priority.
Here is my personal outline to help you streamline your prayer time. You don’t have to stick completely to this—and the outline will change depending on what’s happening in your life—but it’s a great place to start!
Fortsätt läsa artikeln med tipsen/Continue reading:
lördag 26 oktober 2019
Förstå, tolka och tillämpa uppenbarelse på rätt sätt
James W. Goll undervisar om hur vi rätt ska förstå, tolka och tillämpa uppenbarelse.
The Anatomy of a Prophetic Word
"Early in the modern prophetic movement
in 1988, I remember learning the importance of the three-stage process
of properly handing revelation. These three basic but essential
principles each build upon each other: (1) Revelation, (2)
Interpretation, and (3) Proper Application! Without discovering that
framework, we might have continued to take every word literally, never
realizing that God might sometimes speak in symbolic language. These
three principles have become vital building blocks for understanding the
Fortsätt läs här/continue reading here
God encounters ministries
with James W.Goll
Fortsätt läs här/continue reading here
God encounters ministries
with James W.Goll
söndag 20 oktober 2019
Profetisk undervisning "Intimitet med Gud"
Dr. Sharon Stone besöker Utrustningssenteret 24/7,
Flesseberg Gård, Øvre Eiker, Norge fre 18 -20 okt
Visjonen for Utrustningssenteret 24/7 er å forløse og
utruste Guds folk med nådegaver til helhjertet tjeneste, for vekkelse og
Undervisningen sänds både direkt och spelas in och läggs ut
på Profetisk TV:s Youtube-kanal
Den undervisning jag särskilt vill lyfta fram just nu är
från lördag förmiddag den 19 okt och Dr Sharon Stone talar över ämnet "Intimitet med Gud"
Jag rekommenderar dig varmt att lyssna till detta!
All Guds välsignelse!
tisdag 8 oktober 2019
Does the Seven Mountain Message Diminish the Church?
Bland de mest klargörande utläggningar jag hört om församlingens roll, hur vi kristna ska vara ljus och salt i världen hela veckan osv.:
Does the Seven Mountain Message Diminish the Church?
Does the Seven Mountain Message Diminish the Church?
torsdag 3 oktober 2019
Tala uppbyggligt
Dagligt profetiskt ord från Glasgow Prophetic Centre:
What are you speaking over your life, your family and your circumstances? I am looking for those who understand the power of their words and who will declare my Word over their lives. Will you be one who will yield your voice and allow me to speak life, truth and even my power through your words? Will you choose to disconnect your tongue from speaking anything that tears down or harms?
Submit your words to me today and let me consecrate your voice anew for there is much that I want you to declare over your life.
Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Matthew 12:36-37 NASB
But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned
Your Words
What are you speaking over your life, your family and your circumstances? I am looking for those who understand the power of their words and who will declare my Word over their lives. Will you be one who will yield your voice and allow me to speak life, truth and even my power through your words? Will you choose to disconnect your tongue from speaking anything that tears down or harms?
Submit your words to me today and let me consecrate your voice anew for there is much that I want you to declare over your life.
Proverbs 18:21
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Matthew 12:36-37 NASB
But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned
Utveckla en relation med Herren och höra Guds röst
Jag skulle verkligen vilja rekommendera att lyssna på dessa två undervisningar om att utveckla en relation med Herren och höra Guds röst, de är väldigt bra!
Kan inte påminna mig att jag under alla år som kristen hört en sådan praktisk, klargörande och befriande undervisning på dessa områden Och jag tänker precis som Sharon säger, tänk
om nån hade undervisat mig om detta i början när jag blev kristen...!:
Conversation Creates Intimacy: Hearing the Voice of God for Yourself | Dr. Sharon Stone
Developing your Spiritual Senses: Hearing the Voice of God for Yourself | Dr. Sharon Stone
torsdag 26 september 2019
Biblical Teachings
The Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah): Much more than a dress rehearsal
Sandra Teplinsky
Sep 26, 2019 |
"The atmosphere in Israel this week is tinged with lively expectancy, despite the drama of political posturing and military threats of Iran. Around the country, preparations are underway for Yom Teruah (Day or Feast of Trumpets), also known as Rosh HaShanah (Head of the Year) on September 30. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) follows ten days later; and on October 14-21, we celebrate Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). Collectively, these three moedim (appointed times) are known as the Levitical fall feasts. They are God’s appointed times to meet in holy love with His people in special ways. [1]"
Read full article here:
onsdag 25 september 2019
Undervisning genom sånger
Tre stycken lovsångsvideos lyftes fram för mig idag med tre "rubriker":
Vem Gud är
Vem vi är
Herrens makt
tisdag 24 september 2019
Var noga med vad du säger
September 24, 2019
What you say is important. Be sure to get your heart right and in line with the word of truth before you speak. Bitterness of soul will not only defile you, but will defile those you express your frustrations and anger to. You are designed to be a representative of My kingdom on the earth. Let the words of your mouth always glorify your heavenly Father. Luke 6:45 "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks."
Faith Tabernacle, 111 North Fourth Street, P. O. Box 1148, Kremmling, CO 80459
fredag 13 september 2019
Prophetic Wisdom Lessons: What To Do & What NOT To Do
Prophetic Wisdom Lessons: What To Do & What NOT To Do
by James W.GollWisdom is invaluable for any believer and all the more when exercising your prophetic gift. We need all the wisdom we can get, particularly when we are handling words of revelation in these perilous and controversial days.
The following prophetic wisdom lessons from my years in prophetic ministry will help you discern what to do & what NOT to do as you grow in your prophetic gift.
Read full text:
onsdag 11 september 2019
Bön för Sverige
Kerstin Adeström, Richard Adeström, Miriam Adeström, Ellinor Adeström, Jonas Björnhager sjunger bön för Sverige.
Producent: Jonas Björnhager.
Nio undervisningspass om att höra Guds röst
Johnny Enlow undervisar i nio delar om att höra Guds röst:
onsdag 4 september 2019
Befriad från förkastelse
I denna artikel beskrivs tex fyra goda förhållningssätt som kan vara bra att ha i minnet, inte bara för profeter:
Author Jennifer Eivaz
Are You a Prophet?
You CAN Overcome Rejection!
Profetisk undervisning
måndag 2 september 2019
Bön för september
Carol skriver:
SEPTEMBER: In this broadcast, we will look at the significance of
taking authority over our months and lifting them up in prayer. Join me
as we make time to pray for the month of September 2019. Blessings, The
River of Life Ministries.
söndag 1 september 2019
Miracles in marriages
by Lana Vawser Ministries
Recently I heard the
Lord say "Miracles in Marriages". The Lord showed me that there are
SIGNIFICANT miracles that are increasing in marriages right now and will
continue to in this new era.
The Lord showed
me that where many have been battling through marital issues that have
seemed to go from "bad to worse" by the power of His Spirit moving
miraculously within the marriage, the marriage is
now going to go from glory to glory and strength to strength.
Läs hela texten/read full article:
YEAR 5780 – The Year of The Mouth
På kvällen den 29 september infaller det judiska nyåret.Rosh Hashanah. Patricia King delar några intressanta iakttagelser och uppenbarelser i denna text:
Läs hela texten/read full text:
God Needs Your Mouth – by Patricia King
Sep 1, 2019 |Läs hela texten/read full text:
The Controversy of Christian Zionism
har lyssnat ganska mycket på Christine Darg, Exploits ministry, det senaste året
och hon har mycket att förmedla.
Därför vill jag varmt rekommendera hennes undervisning på och speciellt veckans avsnitt med titeln The Controversy of Christian Zionism
The Controversy of Christian Zionism
Guds välsignelse!
Därför vill jag varmt rekommendera hennes undervisning på och speciellt veckans avsnitt med titeln The Controversy of Christian Zionism
The Controversy of Christian Zionism
Guds välsignelse!
tisdag 20 augusti 2019
Lärdom från fiskgjusen och hägern
Jewels From Judy
Monday, August 19 2019
Whose Perspective is Right?
The Lesson of the Osprey and the Heron
Judy A Bauman
Pictured here are two beautiful birds. While they are clearly not the same species, they both eat fish so both live near water. One is an Osprey (aka Fish Eagle) and the other is a Great Blue Heron.
Last week, my husband and I were taking our little pontoon boat out on the lake, when I spotted an Osprey high in the trees. It really surprised me because I had never seen one in that vicinity.
Judy A Bauman
Pictured here are two beautiful birds. While they are clearly not the same species, they both eat fish so both live near water. One is an Osprey (aka Fish Eagle) and the other is a Great Blue Heron.
Last week, my husband and I were taking our little pontoon boat out on the lake, when I spotted an Osprey high in the trees. It really surprised me because I had never seen one in that vicinity.
husband was navigating out into the lake when excitedly I said, “Look,
Jeff! There’s an Osprey!” As I readied my camera for a shot of the
stately bird, he corrected me saying, “That’s not an Osprey; it’s a Blue
said, “Jeff, I have it in focus in my viewfinder, and I am telling you,
it’s an Osprey!” After we went back and forth a couple of times as to
who was right, I got a clear photo and showed it to him. He said, “Oh!
You’re looking up in the trees; I was looking at the shoreline.” He
pointed and said, “Do you see the Blue Heron?” I looked where he was
pointing, and saw it seeking a meal in the same waters as the Osprey.
realized that this was an important lesson because often we know we are
right, so we believe the other person is wrong; however, in this case,
we were both right. We rightly identified what we were looking at but
didn’t realize we were looking at different things.
Maybe you are trying to relate something to someone, but you are both looking from different perspectives or at different subjects. Sometimes we need to stop and make sure we see what the other is looking at, and conversely, they need to stop and look from our perspective. Just like Jeff and I correctly identified what we saw, yet we were not in agreement because we weren’t looking at the same thing.
This illustrates that we need to listen to hear and look to see. One thing I know is if I ask the Lord to show me what is going on from His perspective, I have a much better chance of understanding the circumstance.
May we hear what the Spirit is saying through this little life lesson.
Maybe you are trying to relate something to someone, but you are both looking from different perspectives or at different subjects. Sometimes we need to stop and make sure we see what the other is looking at, and conversely, they need to stop and look from our perspective. Just like Jeff and I correctly identified what we saw, yet we were not in agreement because we weren’t looking at the same thing.
This illustrates that we need to listen to hear and look to see. One thing I know is if I ask the Lord to show me what is going on from His perspective, I have a much better chance of understanding the circumstance.
May we hear what the Spirit is saying through this little life lesson.
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