måndag 28 september 2020

Idag är det Yom Kippur

Två korta budskap om Yom Kippur, Försoningsdagen:   

Bishop Robert Stearns, founder of Eagles Wings, https://eagleswings.org/

"Today is the day! We have entered Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement), the holiest day on God’s calendar, completing what is known as the “Days of Awe” and followed by the Feast of Tabernacles. "

Lyssna; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQDuSZbxmp8&feature=youtu.be&mc_cid=1e8a0b9e16&mc_eid=afff9093dd

Pastor Israel Pochtar, Voice of Judah ministries:

"On this day people of the Jewish faith fast and pray and ask God to forgive them of all their sins of this past year. Only with forgiveness of sin can each person’s name be written in the Book of Life. Through Yeshua’s sacrifice on the cross it is now possible for each and every one of us to have our name written in the Book of Life for eternity."

Lyssna: https://vojisrael.org/2020/09/26/yom-kippur-5781/

fredag 18 september 2020

10 dagars bön för Israel och nationerna startar idag

Idag startar 10 dagars bön initierat av Global Prayer Call. Bön och lovsång kommer att pågå under "10 days of awe" fram till Yom Kippur

"Through the Jewish calendar and the biblical feasts, the Lord provides a deeply meaningful and precious opportunity for both the Jewish people and the body of Christ to humble ourselves before Him - the creator, judge and redeemer. As GPC, we want to invite you to use this opportunity personally as well as in your priestly calling as you reflect – as a representative of the royal priesthood (1 Pet 2,9) - on the relationship between your nation and Israel. In this unique season of world events, let us put these 10 days of awe to effective use in 2020! Let us use this opportunity to reflect, research and repent for our nations as an expression of the global intercessory body of Christ and ask for HIS redemption and forgiveness for the failings of our nations in their relationship with the Jewish people and the nation of Israel - past and present."

Första och sista dagen kommer att sändas live och däremellan kommer det att bli olika regionala bönesamlingar online via Zoom  

Läs mer om upplägget under de olika flikarna här:



Shana Tova - Gott nytt år!

Ikväll inleds det nya judiska året 5781 och den bibliska högtiden Rosh Ha-Shanah eller "The feast of trumpets" som den också kallas.  

Lyssna gärna på den messianske pastorn Israel Pochtar som berättar om högtiden här.


På församlingen Beit Hallels hemsida kan man läsa: 


"As we enter into the season of biblical feasts, we can sense a change in the atmosphere, a solemness that has to do with understanding the profound significance of the feasts we are entering.

In the bible Rosh Ha-Shana is also called the feast of trumpets and this festival is a very special one both for God and for the nation of Israel."

Tyvärr kommer man i Israel i år inte att kunna fira de kommande veckornas bibliska högtider på traditionellt sätt eftersom landet kommer att stängas ner helt pga pandemin.  
Bed att man ska göra det bästa av situationen och hitta nya kreativa sätt att högtidlighålla och fira dessa högtider! 

Shana Tova - Gott nytt år!