Tack Herre att du är vår hjälpare! Tack att vi inte behöver förlita oss på vår egen, mänskliga förmåga. utan kan lita på Din! Tack att vi får sätta vårt hopp till Dig, Abrahams, Isaks och Jakobs Gud, Du som är trofast för evigt! Du som är konung i evighet, från släkte till släkte. Halleluja!
/I tacksamhet, Barnabas
Ps 146
Herren vår hjälpare
1 Halleluja! Lova HERREN min själ!
2 Jag vill lova HERREN så länge jag lever,
jag vill lovsjunga min Gud så länge jag är till.
3 Lita inte på furstar, inte på människor som ej kan frälsa.
4 När deras ande lämnar dem, vänder de åter till stoft.
Den dagen går deras planer om intet.
5 Salig är den som har Jakobs Gud till sin hjälpare.
Han sätter sitt hopp till HERREN, sin Gud,
6 till honom som har gjort himmel och jord
och hav och allt som finns i dem, till honom som är trofast för evigt,
7 som skaffar rätt åt de förtryckta och ger bröd åt de hungriga.
HERREN befriar de fångna,
8 HERREN öppnar de blindas ögon, HERREN reser upp de nerböjda,
HERREN älskar de rättfärdiga,
9 HERREN bevarar främlingar och styrker faderlösa och änkor,
men de ogudaktigas väg gör han krokig.
10 HERREN är konung i evighet, din Gud, Sion, från släkte till släkte.
fredag 18 februari 2011
torsdag 17 februari 2011
Himlens perspektiv
I förra inlägget tipsade jag om ett mycket starkt profetiskt tilltal och tre helt fantastiska predikningar. Missa inte att lyssna på dem! Samma profetiska tilltal skriver Judy Bauman om nedan:
Jewels from Judy: The Perspective of Heaven
Judy Bauman
A teaching on “The Perspective of Heaven”
February 4, 2011
Since January 1, 2011, Daystar Church, where I am a member, has been enjoying “40 Days of Adoration”. This was spearheaded by an encounter Bob Hartley had with the Lord concerning 2011. Daystar’s pastor, Johnny Enlow, has encouraged us to join in a conference call each morning for a time of adoration to the Lord. Daily we focus on specific names or attributes of God. This time of adoration has created an atmosphere of worship to the Lord. Even though you may not have read Bob’s word or participated in the calls, I believe this teaching will be a blessing to you.
There is one small part Bob shared at the beginning of his encounter that I would like to address in this post because, to me, it will bring greater understanding to the other parts. Please understand this is my interpretation of this specific part of Bob’s encounter. I have never written a post on something someone else has received, so this is an unusual “Jewels from Judy”. This post more closely reflects how I teach than how I write, which is very different from one another. As always, it is up to you to discern if what I am sharing is of the Lord. May the spirit of the prophets be subject to the prophets! Amen!
Excerpt from Bob Hartley:
· This encounter has been progressive, and was taken to a whole other level as I was taken from a view of 30 feet above the earth to five million miles in the heavens. I've had dreams of waves that would try to crash over the Body of Christ and I was only 30 feet above the ground, while the waves were 70 feet, and I and others were drowning. The Lord said, "I have measured you in hope and you have come up wanting. The way in is to adore, adore, adore!"
My Interpretation:
When I first heard the distances the Jesus showed Bob, I had to laugh. It truly tickled me. There has been a lot I have shared in past writings about seeing from the perspective of heaven in my encounters with the Lord, so this was lovely confirmation from the Father. When Bob saw the view at 30’ above the ground, the waves at 70’ and then the view of 5 million miles in the heavens, I believe the Lord was giving him, and us, a visual (mini-movie) of three spiritual realms.
Let’s break these distances down and examine them more closely.
What is the view of 30 feet above the Ground?
My interpretation is that the 30’ height that Bob saw from is the earthly perspective. This is a height you can see a fair distance (depending on the terrain and tree line). I believe this is a visual illustration that shows spiritually where we are when our eyes are focused on praying for our earthly needs (food, water, clothing, homes, jobs, cars, etc…). Jesus said pagans [unbelievers, idol worshipers, gentiles] seek after earthly things – what to eat and what to wear; but He made it clear to us that the Father knows of what we have need. We are to store up our treasure in heaven. Jesus taught us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all the things we need will be given to us. That is the promise of God, not man.
As believers we are to see with the eyes of understanding so we can know the hope to which we’ve been called. It has been my observation that this height is where most people get stuck in prayer – which is why Jesus warned us not to pray this way. Bob Hartley’s dream of the Body of Christ drowning here seems to confirm that praying at this level is a deathtrap.
The Lord gave me a word for a church a few years back that has really resounded in my heart. Since then I have shared this with many congregations. The Holy Spirit said, “Let the sound of your prayers match the sound of your praise.” All too often we go from joyful, thankful, adoring, praise and worship to prayers of “woe is me” and “the world’s going to hell in a hand basket”. Telling the Lord everything that is wrong, and everything we want Him to do, in prayer conveys an ungrateful heart to the Father. The one praying often wonders why their prayers aren’t answered. It is often because they are operating with a double-minded heart. (I know I have done this many times, so please don’t receive any condemnation as none is intended. My hope is to share a better way!) We need to operate with the mind of Christ so when we pray we can pray with confidence knowing what we ask for is the will of God. As we pray, “Father, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” we conform our will to His. We must learn to trust the Lord. Even if the prayer’s answer takes more time than we thought, we can have confident hope – knowing God’s will in the matter will help us fight doubt and unbelief until His promise is fulfilled.
We are to come into His courts with thanksgiving and praise. We are to magnify what He is doing and what He has promised He will do. All of God’s promises are “Yes” in Christ Jesus so the church can respond, “Amen!” The Lord is not honored when we are going through motions and jumping through hoops before we bring a petition to Him. He already knows what we need and our religious antics to try to get God to do what we want will not move Him. It brings no joy to the Father when we drone on and on about all the bad things going on around us. Anybody can see the bad and talk about it! What level of spiritual maturity does that take??? We are created in God’s image, the Father of life – the Holy and Anointed One! We are His voice and we are His Light-bearers! We are to proclaim the light in the dark situations seen, not state the obvious darkness covering the earth. We have clear direction in Isaiah 60 that we are to arise, to shine – for the glory of the Lord is upon us. We already have the prophetic word that darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people. Our calling is to BE THE LIGHT-CARRIERS of GOD! (lightcarriers) We are to be radiant and proclaim God’s promises. We are to speak the word of the Lord and declare what is supposed to be happening at the 30’ level – not state the world’s obvious problems, troubles and woes. As Jesus taught us, we are to pray for the Father’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
If we look from the earthly vantage point, which I believe Bob saw as 30’ high, then the 70’ waves will overwhelm us every time.
What are the five 70 foot waves?
Seventy is very significant number as it is 7X10. Seven is the number of spiritual completion and perfection while ten is the number of perfection of divine order. It should be noted that seventy is biblically tied to Jerusalem. 70 AD is when Jerusalem fell to the Roman Empire. I have no specific understanding what this means today for the Holy City, but I do know Jesus asked us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. So pray we must! Though these were known to Bob Hartley to be troubling waves, the Lord expressed His desire to “turn the Valley of Challenge into a Door of Hope.” The Bible has given us plenty of information to recognize what to expect before Jesus’ return and every prophetic word in Scripture is always coupled with hope. (See Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, 2 Tim 3, 2 Thes 2, Rev 19)
This 70’ level represents the spiritual realm above the earth, and in our own strength (the 30’ level) we will never overcome it. Because fear often grips our hearts and the hope we should have will likely be overshadowed by fear. The devil and his demons are known powers and principalities that operate in this realm – sometimes referred to as the 2nd heaven. Biblically Satan is known as the prince of the power of the air, the one who rules in wickedness in high places. Many spirit-filled Christians who practice spiritual warfare have actually gotten stuck in this realm and it’s why they are suffering horrific defeats. We cannot stay at this level – we must come up higher. We have to see what God is doing. When we focus on what the devil is doing – talking about what he’s doing and all the evil happening around us – we are in effect giving him glory.
It is easy to see the earthly woes and what the devil is doing, but the Lord is always doing something greater that rarely can be immediately seen. This is where our faith and hope [earnest expectation] in Christ must take a hold of our hearts! It is seeing what cannot yet be seen – the substance of what is yet to come. It’s being able to believe more in what God has said than what our eyes can see, our ears can hear, and all our senses can comprehend.
When Jesus was tempted by the devil, He was taken to the pinnacle of the temple and on top of a mountain. While this reveals the authority Satan has in high places, this is also where the angels of the Lord do battle against the devil. The prince of Persia resisted the angelic messenger 21 days in this realm from reaching Daniel until the angel Michael stepped in to help. Daniel was like any normal man during this time – sick with mourning to the point he could eat only a little bland food. He had to get God’s understanding (His perspective). When Daniel finally did, he was strengthened again. Before that he was overwhelmed. We can learn a lot from this heavenly encounter! The “prince of Persia” has again reared its head against Israel. The spirit of Esther must arise to defeat the spirit of Haman. (ariseesther)
The Lord told Bob Hartley there are 5 Great Waves coming in 2011. Even as I write this there is another terrible uprising in the Middle East and all news channels are reporting on the “Exodus out of Egypt”. A volcano is creating havoc in Japan as it spews out ash and rock; and another crippling “monster” winter ice storm has hit huge portions of the USA. Australia has suffered great floods and now a huge cyclone has hit the northern side of that great nation.
The “waves” that affect individual nations, churches and lives may vary, but each one will be too big and will swallow us up if we do not come up higher.
What is the five million mile view and how do we get there?
The five million mile view is the perspective of heaven – also known as the 3rd heaven. Why would God want to give you His perspective? He loves you. HE loves you! HE LOVES YOU! Jesus died to bring the Blood of the Lamb to the Mercy Seat and He did this because God loves you. (John 3:16)
The best Scripture I know of which teaches us how to get the 5 million mile view and why we have permission to do this is found in Hebrews 4:14-16:
14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
The Bible teaches us how to get from a 30’ earthly perspective to a 5,000,000 mile perspective. Jesus is inviting us to see from His heavenly vantage point and not from the view of our problems!
How do we do this? “Adore, adore, adore!”
One of my all time favorite Bible stories is the testimony Israel’s victory in Second Chronicles 20. Back when I was a new believer, it opened many doors of revelation as to who we are in Christ and the power that is available to us through true praise and worship! In short: the sound of victorious praise coming from Israel brought confusion to their enemy’s minds. The armies that were set to destroy Israel suspected each other of treason and they ended up killing each other! This story holds the very essence of victory in praising God!!! He inhabits our praise and He is our Vindicator. As we come seeking our Father in adoration and thanksgiving during threatening times, the enemy is wrought with confusion. When we hope in God, when all hope seems to some to be lost, this is when we are brought five million miles into the heavens!
The apostle Paul also gave us some wonderful insights as to our right to have God’s heavenly perspective in the book of Ephesians. He teaches we have a hope to which we have been called, and that we are seated together with and in Christ Jesus. Paul revealed that when Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father in heavenly places, the Lord was FAR ABOVE powers and principalities and rulers of darkness. Everything has been put under His feet. He revealed that “the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” We can’t crush Satan under our feet if we are below him. To get above the devil we must go to the Throne of Grace!
My own encounters with the Lord (Jewels from the River) have come after spending large blocks of time loving the Lord and telling Him how much I adore Him. When we come to Him with a heart of worship, we gain His vantage point because we have set our minds and hearts to seek Jesus. These writings have captured the hearts of its readers because the Lord paints a scene that our minds can understand and grasp. He has created a story painted by words that each person can then be taken to the River and see what the Lord has been so gracious to share with me.
I enjoyed how the Lord explained why He chose to give Bob Hartley this specific number of five million miles. Five is the number of grace and a million is a number the Lord used to make a specific point. As it turns out, we cannot actually get our minds around what a million looks like because we have a difficult time comprehending great numbers. To give you an example, I looked up how long it would take a person to count to one million. According to my source it would take nearly 23 days of doing nothing but counting. This is an example of the Lord using a hyperbole – which is an exaggerated figure of speech that is more symbolic than literal. Hyperboles can push our imagination past our mind’s ability to comprehend. In effect, Jesus forces us think in ways past our normal thought processes! When telling parables the Lord used these all the time, but He never used a hyperbole without a reason. The objects of His exaggeration always had a purpose, as does the five million mile view He gave Bob.
It is my hope that you will read and study out these Scriptures, as I know the Holy Spirit will continue to teach you in and through them:
Matthew 6:19-34, John 14:30; Ephesians 1:18-23, 2:4-7 and 6:10-18; Colossians 3:1-3; 12-17; Philippians 4:4-9; Romans 16:20; Daniel 10:12-14, James 1:5-8; Proverbs 3:5, 6; Second Chronicles 20:1-31; Isaiah 40:26; 60:1-5; Psalm 3:6; 34:1-22; 68:17; 121:1; First Samuel 18:7
Bob Harley’s 3 part word can be found in total at:
Blessings in the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman
Jewels from Judy: The Perspective of Heaven
Judy Bauman
A teaching on “The Perspective of Heaven”
February 4, 2011
Since January 1, 2011, Daystar Church, where I am a member, has been enjoying “40 Days of Adoration”. This was spearheaded by an encounter Bob Hartley had with the Lord concerning 2011. Daystar’s pastor, Johnny Enlow, has encouraged us to join in a conference call each morning for a time of adoration to the Lord. Daily we focus on specific names or attributes of God. This time of adoration has created an atmosphere of worship to the Lord. Even though you may not have read Bob’s word or participated in the calls, I believe this teaching will be a blessing to you.
There is one small part Bob shared at the beginning of his encounter that I would like to address in this post because, to me, it will bring greater understanding to the other parts. Please understand this is my interpretation of this specific part of Bob’s encounter. I have never written a post on something someone else has received, so this is an unusual “Jewels from Judy”. This post more closely reflects how I teach than how I write, which is very different from one another. As always, it is up to you to discern if what I am sharing is of the Lord. May the spirit of the prophets be subject to the prophets! Amen!
Excerpt from Bob Hartley:
· This encounter has been progressive, and was taken to a whole other level as I was taken from a view of 30 feet above the earth to five million miles in the heavens. I've had dreams of waves that would try to crash over the Body of Christ and I was only 30 feet above the ground, while the waves were 70 feet, and I and others were drowning. The Lord said, "I have measured you in hope and you have come up wanting. The way in is to adore, adore, adore!"
My Interpretation:
When I first heard the distances the Jesus showed Bob, I had to laugh. It truly tickled me. There has been a lot I have shared in past writings about seeing from the perspective of heaven in my encounters with the Lord, so this was lovely confirmation from the Father. When Bob saw the view at 30’ above the ground, the waves at 70’ and then the view of 5 million miles in the heavens, I believe the Lord was giving him, and us, a visual (mini-movie) of three spiritual realms.
Let’s break these distances down and examine them more closely.
What is the view of 30 feet above the Ground?
My interpretation is that the 30’ height that Bob saw from is the earthly perspective. This is a height you can see a fair distance (depending on the terrain and tree line). I believe this is a visual illustration that shows spiritually where we are when our eyes are focused on praying for our earthly needs (food, water, clothing, homes, jobs, cars, etc…). Jesus said pagans [unbelievers, idol worshipers, gentiles] seek after earthly things – what to eat and what to wear; but He made it clear to us that the Father knows of what we have need. We are to store up our treasure in heaven. Jesus taught us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all the things we need will be given to us. That is the promise of God, not man.
As believers we are to see with the eyes of understanding so we can know the hope to which we’ve been called. It has been my observation that this height is where most people get stuck in prayer – which is why Jesus warned us not to pray this way. Bob Hartley’s dream of the Body of Christ drowning here seems to confirm that praying at this level is a deathtrap.
The Lord gave me a word for a church a few years back that has really resounded in my heart. Since then I have shared this with many congregations. The Holy Spirit said, “Let the sound of your prayers match the sound of your praise.” All too often we go from joyful, thankful, adoring, praise and worship to prayers of “woe is me” and “the world’s going to hell in a hand basket”. Telling the Lord everything that is wrong, and everything we want Him to do, in prayer conveys an ungrateful heart to the Father. The one praying often wonders why their prayers aren’t answered. It is often because they are operating with a double-minded heart. (I know I have done this many times, so please don’t receive any condemnation as none is intended. My hope is to share a better way!) We need to operate with the mind of Christ so when we pray we can pray with confidence knowing what we ask for is the will of God. As we pray, “Father, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” we conform our will to His. We must learn to trust the Lord. Even if the prayer’s answer takes more time than we thought, we can have confident hope – knowing God’s will in the matter will help us fight doubt and unbelief until His promise is fulfilled.
We are to come into His courts with thanksgiving and praise. We are to magnify what He is doing and what He has promised He will do. All of God’s promises are “Yes” in Christ Jesus so the church can respond, “Amen!” The Lord is not honored when we are going through motions and jumping through hoops before we bring a petition to Him. He already knows what we need and our religious antics to try to get God to do what we want will not move Him. It brings no joy to the Father when we drone on and on about all the bad things going on around us. Anybody can see the bad and talk about it! What level of spiritual maturity does that take??? We are created in God’s image, the Father of life – the Holy and Anointed One! We are His voice and we are His Light-bearers! We are to proclaim the light in the dark situations seen, not state the obvious darkness covering the earth. We have clear direction in Isaiah 60 that we are to arise, to shine – for the glory of the Lord is upon us. We already have the prophetic word that darkness covers the earth and gross darkness on the people. Our calling is to BE THE LIGHT-CARRIERS of GOD! (lightcarriers) We are to be radiant and proclaim God’s promises. We are to speak the word of the Lord and declare what is supposed to be happening at the 30’ level – not state the world’s obvious problems, troubles and woes. As Jesus taught us, we are to pray for the Father’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.
If we look from the earthly vantage point, which I believe Bob saw as 30’ high, then the 70’ waves will overwhelm us every time.
What are the five 70 foot waves?
Seventy is very significant number as it is 7X10. Seven is the number of spiritual completion and perfection while ten is the number of perfection of divine order. It should be noted that seventy is biblically tied to Jerusalem. 70 AD is when Jerusalem fell to the Roman Empire. I have no specific understanding what this means today for the Holy City, but I do know Jesus asked us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. So pray we must! Though these were known to Bob Hartley to be troubling waves, the Lord expressed His desire to “turn the Valley of Challenge into a Door of Hope.” The Bible has given us plenty of information to recognize what to expect before Jesus’ return and every prophetic word in Scripture is always coupled with hope. (See Matt 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, 2 Tim 3, 2 Thes 2, Rev 19)
This 70’ level represents the spiritual realm above the earth, and in our own strength (the 30’ level) we will never overcome it. Because fear often grips our hearts and the hope we should have will likely be overshadowed by fear. The devil and his demons are known powers and principalities that operate in this realm – sometimes referred to as the 2nd heaven. Biblically Satan is known as the prince of the power of the air, the one who rules in wickedness in high places. Many spirit-filled Christians who practice spiritual warfare have actually gotten stuck in this realm and it’s why they are suffering horrific defeats. We cannot stay at this level – we must come up higher. We have to see what God is doing. When we focus on what the devil is doing – talking about what he’s doing and all the evil happening around us – we are in effect giving him glory.
It is easy to see the earthly woes and what the devil is doing, but the Lord is always doing something greater that rarely can be immediately seen. This is where our faith and hope [earnest expectation] in Christ must take a hold of our hearts! It is seeing what cannot yet be seen – the substance of what is yet to come. It’s being able to believe more in what God has said than what our eyes can see, our ears can hear, and all our senses can comprehend.
When Jesus was tempted by the devil, He was taken to the pinnacle of the temple and on top of a mountain. While this reveals the authority Satan has in high places, this is also where the angels of the Lord do battle against the devil. The prince of Persia resisted the angelic messenger 21 days in this realm from reaching Daniel until the angel Michael stepped in to help. Daniel was like any normal man during this time – sick with mourning to the point he could eat only a little bland food. He had to get God’s understanding (His perspective). When Daniel finally did, he was strengthened again. Before that he was overwhelmed. We can learn a lot from this heavenly encounter! The “prince of Persia” has again reared its head against Israel. The spirit of Esther must arise to defeat the spirit of Haman. (ariseesther)
The Lord told Bob Hartley there are 5 Great Waves coming in 2011. Even as I write this there is another terrible uprising in the Middle East and all news channels are reporting on the “Exodus out of Egypt”. A volcano is creating havoc in Japan as it spews out ash and rock; and another crippling “monster” winter ice storm has hit huge portions of the USA. Australia has suffered great floods and now a huge cyclone has hit the northern side of that great nation.
The “waves” that affect individual nations, churches and lives may vary, but each one will be too big and will swallow us up if we do not come up higher.
What is the five million mile view and how do we get there?
The five million mile view is the perspective of heaven – also known as the 3rd heaven. Why would God want to give you His perspective? He loves you. HE loves you! HE LOVES YOU! Jesus died to bring the Blood of the Lamb to the Mercy Seat and He did this because God loves you. (John 3:16)
The best Scripture I know of which teaches us how to get the 5 million mile view and why we have permission to do this is found in Hebrews 4:14-16:
14 Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
The Bible teaches us how to get from a 30’ earthly perspective to a 5,000,000 mile perspective. Jesus is inviting us to see from His heavenly vantage point and not from the view of our problems!
How do we do this? “Adore, adore, adore!”
One of my all time favorite Bible stories is the testimony Israel’s victory in Second Chronicles 20. Back when I was a new believer, it opened many doors of revelation as to who we are in Christ and the power that is available to us through true praise and worship! In short: the sound of victorious praise coming from Israel brought confusion to their enemy’s minds. The armies that were set to destroy Israel suspected each other of treason and they ended up killing each other! This story holds the very essence of victory in praising God!!! He inhabits our praise and He is our Vindicator. As we come seeking our Father in adoration and thanksgiving during threatening times, the enemy is wrought with confusion. When we hope in God, when all hope seems to some to be lost, this is when we are brought five million miles into the heavens!
The apostle Paul also gave us some wonderful insights as to our right to have God’s heavenly perspective in the book of Ephesians. He teaches we have a hope to which we have been called, and that we are seated together with and in Christ Jesus. Paul revealed that when Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Father in heavenly places, the Lord was FAR ABOVE powers and principalities and rulers of darkness. Everything has been put under His feet. He revealed that “the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.” We can’t crush Satan under our feet if we are below him. To get above the devil we must go to the Throne of Grace!
My own encounters with the Lord (Jewels from the River) have come after spending large blocks of time loving the Lord and telling Him how much I adore Him. When we come to Him with a heart of worship, we gain His vantage point because we have set our minds and hearts to seek Jesus. These writings have captured the hearts of its readers because the Lord paints a scene that our minds can understand and grasp. He has created a story painted by words that each person can then be taken to the River and see what the Lord has been so gracious to share with me.
I enjoyed how the Lord explained why He chose to give Bob Hartley this specific number of five million miles. Five is the number of grace and a million is a number the Lord used to make a specific point. As it turns out, we cannot actually get our minds around what a million looks like because we have a difficult time comprehending great numbers. To give you an example, I looked up how long it would take a person to count to one million. According to my source it would take nearly 23 days of doing nothing but counting. This is an example of the Lord using a hyperbole – which is an exaggerated figure of speech that is more symbolic than literal. Hyperboles can push our imagination past our mind’s ability to comprehend. In effect, Jesus forces us think in ways past our normal thought processes! When telling parables the Lord used these all the time, but He never used a hyperbole without a reason. The objects of His exaggeration always had a purpose, as does the five million mile view He gave Bob.
It is my hope that you will read and study out these Scriptures, as I know the Holy Spirit will continue to teach you in and through them:
Matthew 6:19-34, John 14:30; Ephesians 1:18-23, 2:4-7 and 6:10-18; Colossians 3:1-3; 12-17; Philippians 4:4-9; Romans 16:20; Daniel 10:12-14, James 1:5-8; Proverbs 3:5, 6; Second Chronicles 20:1-31; Isaiah 40:26; 60:1-5; Psalm 3:6; 34:1-22; 68:17; 121:1; First Samuel 18:7
Bob Harley’s 3 part word can be found in total at:
Blessings in the Father’s love,
Judy Bauman
onsdag 16 februari 2011
Guds perspektiv

Prophetic Voices in the Family of God Who Have Answers Part 1
Bob Hartley
"The Miracle Encounter for 2011 on the Holy Ghost Hope Glory Train
Over the last few amazing months, I have been reclining on a porch swing with the Lord and He has been showing me His heartfelt desire and holy hope-filled decrees for the Family of God in 2011 and other groups of people still to come in, with such love and vibrancy to enable us to receive His hopeful embrace and perspective.
Simultaneously, my sister, who is very intuitive, encouraged me to watch the movie the "Polar Express." I am not really a movie watcher, but I watched this movie several times and the Lord has touched me through what begins with the movie and turns into my own beautiful encounter with Him. This encounter has been progressive, and was taken to a whole other level as I was taken from a view of 30 feet above the earth to five million miles in the heavens. I've had dreams of waves that would try to crash over the Body of Christ and I was only 30 feet above the ground, while the waves were 70 feet, and I and others were drowning. The Lord said, "I have measured you in hope and you have come up wanting. The way in is to adore, adore, adore!"
Så börjar ett av de mest omvälvande, omfattande, kraftfulla profetiska ord jag läst. Missa inte att läsa fortsättningen antingen på:
eller på:
där texten är lite lättare att läsa.
Kring detta profetiska tilltal talar också pastor Johnny Enlow, Daystar Church, Atlanta under tre predikningar. Det handlar bla om att vi förstår vem Gud är, vilket Hans perspektiv är inför de utmaningar som väntar, att vi inte är faderslösa utan söner (och döttrar ) och att Han är vår Abba. Detta appliceras på en mängd olika områden. Jag lyssanr på mycket predikningar , men för mig var dessa något alldeles särskilt och jag blev så välsignad. Jag menar att dessa predikningar innehåller en skatt av uppenbarelse som jag gärna vill återvända till.
Jag vill verkligen varmt rekommendera dig att ta dig tiden att lyssna på detta!
Del 1 "The Arising Hope for 2011"
"The Arising Hope for 2011 Part 2"
"The Arising Hope for 2011 Part 3"
lördag 12 februari 2011
Ett profetiskt tilltal för 2011
New-Year Prophecy
Received in a Christian congregation in Hallsberg, Sweden
1/1 2011, past midnight
Prophecy given by Thonni Josef Groth
Father Lord, I thank You for Your presence, and I thank You for the company of witnesses that are here today. And we are honoured that You are here today, we are honoured, but most of all we are honoured that the King of Kings is here today. Now by Your authority and by Your command I prophecy to this nation, to the ground that I stand on, that:
See, I AM DOING A NEW THING (1), I am doing a new thing, for I am the Lord thy God, and nothing is impossible for me. And in this day and age I will speak a fresh word, a new song and a new tone will be played, and no marching band will play it for it is no marching tone, but it is the fresh waters of the Temple (2) that will flow from the temple of God, that will flow from Israel, and will flow from the temples of the world where My Name is Holy and healed in esteem, and held in purity in the hearts of those who have been faithful. And I shall blow forth (3) trough people in many nations in this day, and they shall gather in the nations, and they shall make music, they shall make music, new music and a new tones (4). And new colors shall arrive that the world has not seen, and men shall be amazed, and they shall say what is this? And I shall Say I Am, I Was and I Will Come, for I Am the Same; I Am YHWH (5), I AM YHWH, I am the Lion of Judah says The Lord God. And I Am doing a new thing in this nation, (I (6) call for healing, healing, healing for this nation, healing for this nation, healing for this nation, healing for all the brokenness, healing upon the broken families, the broken relationships, healing, healing), for I have died and My death is enough, My blood is enough, for this nation and this nations sins says The Lord thy God. My healing goes forth this day, and I will call this nation to be a great light in the darkness, for the Vikings will arise from this nation; the Vikings will arise from this nation and the Light will brake forth with healing in the nation for there has been division in this nation, but We will be menders of broken hearts, We will be menders of broken relationships (7), We will be wisdom to those that have no wisdom, for great has been the pain and darkness in this nation, (but you will turn it in to light), I will turn it into light says the Lord (You will turn it in to light), I will turn it into light says the Lord (Yes Lord, You will turn it into light). And a great light this nation will be says the Lord, and we will stand with Denmark, Sweden will stand with Denmark, Sweden will stand with Denmark, (I prophecy to the spiritual world; Sweden will stand with Denmark! And Denmark repent, for ye shall stand with Sweden, your sister calls to you Denmark, drawback to hear, for ye were one and are one in heaven). An a great light shall stand forth in this dark day trough the unity between Sweden and Denmark, and the people of the north will shout again, they will shout again as the Berserkers of the old, but they will shout with passion, with healing, with healing, healing, healing and the healing is His Love, the Agape of Heaven.
I thank You Lord God that Your word has gone out and there have been witnesses, on earth and in heaven, and I thank You for the honour, the honour of speaking Your word. Help us now to take care of Your word, and to allow Your word to bear fruit in our lives, but in my life first so that we might become a manifestation of these words, that our lives as Swedish and Danish Vikings might be lives of healing, the healing of unity, not in any place but in the places where it is possible. So lead us Lord in this day, so that we might be vessels of healing in the nations, in the nations, in the nations. To gather the people together in unity, and to bind threads to the hearts across nations, to draw nations together as boats are drawn together before the storm; for many will stand but few divided will fall, many will stand but few divided will fall, many will stand together but few divided will fall (8). So heal us God to be menders of hearts, to speak hope, healing and forgiveness, and being the prophetic manifestation in the flesh, in the character, in the fruits of that healing ability. Forgive us this day Lord for every wrong word, for all lack of love and forgiveness, in our hearts towards ourselves, towards our families and towards our church. Cleanse us and set our hearts ablaze with a new love, with the peace of Heaven, with the music of Heaven that is love. Crucified where You Lord for this time, we bless You Adonai, and we welcome You to this nation, a new (a fresh), for the seasons are changing and the season has changed; Revival day is here!
1. Isaiah 43:18-19
2. Ezekiel 43
3. ”I will give a signal for them to come together because I have rescued them. And there will be as many as ever before.” Zak 10:8, Contemporary English Version
4. Psalm 33:3
5. Yahweh
6. When text is in brackets ( ) it is intercession and proclamation for, and over, the nation.
7. Malachi 4:5-6
8. Ecclesiastes 4:12
Received in a Christian congregation in Hallsberg, Sweden
1/1 2011, past midnight
Prophecy given by Thonni Josef Groth
Father Lord, I thank You for Your presence, and I thank You for the company of witnesses that are here today. And we are honoured that You are here today, we are honoured, but most of all we are honoured that the King of Kings is here today. Now by Your authority and by Your command I prophecy to this nation, to the ground that I stand on, that:
See, I AM DOING A NEW THING (1), I am doing a new thing, for I am the Lord thy God, and nothing is impossible for me. And in this day and age I will speak a fresh word, a new song and a new tone will be played, and no marching band will play it for it is no marching tone, but it is the fresh waters of the Temple (2) that will flow from the temple of God, that will flow from Israel, and will flow from the temples of the world where My Name is Holy and healed in esteem, and held in purity in the hearts of those who have been faithful. And I shall blow forth (3) trough people in many nations in this day, and they shall gather in the nations, and they shall make music, they shall make music, new music and a new tones (4). And new colors shall arrive that the world has not seen, and men shall be amazed, and they shall say what is this? And I shall Say I Am, I Was and I Will Come, for I Am the Same; I Am YHWH (5), I AM YHWH, I am the Lion of Judah says The Lord God. And I Am doing a new thing in this nation, (I (6) call for healing, healing, healing for this nation, healing for this nation, healing for this nation, healing for all the brokenness, healing upon the broken families, the broken relationships, healing, healing), for I have died and My death is enough, My blood is enough, for this nation and this nations sins says The Lord thy God. My healing goes forth this day, and I will call this nation to be a great light in the darkness, for the Vikings will arise from this nation; the Vikings will arise from this nation and the Light will brake forth with healing in the nation for there has been division in this nation, but We will be menders of broken hearts, We will be menders of broken relationships (7), We will be wisdom to those that have no wisdom, for great has been the pain and darkness in this nation, (but you will turn it in to light), I will turn it into light says the Lord (You will turn it in to light), I will turn it into light says the Lord (Yes Lord, You will turn it into light). And a great light this nation will be says the Lord, and we will stand with Denmark, Sweden will stand with Denmark, Sweden will stand with Denmark, (I prophecy to the spiritual world; Sweden will stand with Denmark! And Denmark repent, for ye shall stand with Sweden, your sister calls to you Denmark, drawback to hear, for ye were one and are one in heaven). An a great light shall stand forth in this dark day trough the unity between Sweden and Denmark, and the people of the north will shout again, they will shout again as the Berserkers of the old, but they will shout with passion, with healing, with healing, healing, healing and the healing is His Love, the Agape of Heaven.
I thank You Lord God that Your word has gone out and there have been witnesses, on earth and in heaven, and I thank You for the honour, the honour of speaking Your word. Help us now to take care of Your word, and to allow Your word to bear fruit in our lives, but in my life first so that we might become a manifestation of these words, that our lives as Swedish and Danish Vikings might be lives of healing, the healing of unity, not in any place but in the places where it is possible. So lead us Lord in this day, so that we might be vessels of healing in the nations, in the nations, in the nations. To gather the people together in unity, and to bind threads to the hearts across nations, to draw nations together as boats are drawn together before the storm; for many will stand but few divided will fall, many will stand but few divided will fall, many will stand together but few divided will fall (8). So heal us God to be menders of hearts, to speak hope, healing and forgiveness, and being the prophetic manifestation in the flesh, in the character, in the fruits of that healing ability. Forgive us this day Lord for every wrong word, for all lack of love and forgiveness, in our hearts towards ourselves, towards our families and towards our church. Cleanse us and set our hearts ablaze with a new love, with the peace of Heaven, with the music of Heaven that is love. Crucified where You Lord for this time, we bless You Adonai, and we welcome You to this nation, a new (a fresh), for the seasons are changing and the season has changed; Revival day is here!
1. Isaiah 43:18-19
2. Ezekiel 43
3. ”I will give a signal for them to come together because I have rescued them. And there will be as many as ever before.” Zak 10:8, Contemporary English Version
4. Psalm 33:3
5. Yahweh
6. When text is in brackets ( ) it is intercession and proclamation for, and over, the nation.
7. Malachi 4:5-6
8. Ecclesiastes 4:12
torsdag 10 februari 2011
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Lifemessenger Inc.
PO Box 777
Mount Eliza VIC 3930 Australia
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Back to the Future
by Geoff Searle
"Over the last few weeks, God has impressed on my spirit the old classic Michael J Fox movie, Back to the Future. As yet, I haven’t been able to re-watch it, (but I will).
In the series, MJ Fox has to go back to the past to rectify mistakes, mostly non intentional, that causes adverse problems in the future, (or something along those lines).
I feel within the body of Christ and as individuals we are in a critical ‘kairos’ time period where God is giving us the opportunity to go ‘back to the past’ in order to revisit formative periods in our lives in which were sown seeds both good and bad that now outwork in our present day thinking, attitudes and actions"
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Lifemessenger Inc.
PO Box 777
Mount Eliza VIC 3930 Australia
Precis så här upplever jag att det är just nu:
Back to the Future
by Geoff Searle
"Over the last few weeks, God has impressed on my spirit the old classic Michael J Fox movie, Back to the Future. As yet, I haven’t been able to re-watch it, (but I will).
In the series, MJ Fox has to go back to the past to rectify mistakes, mostly non intentional, that causes adverse problems in the future, (or something along those lines).
I feel within the body of Christ and as individuals we are in a critical ‘kairos’ time period where God is giving us the opportunity to go ‘back to the past’ in order to revisit formative periods in our lives in which were sown seeds both good and bad that now outwork in our present day thinking, attitudes and actions"
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