tisdag 20 september 2011

Bed för Israel

Den här veckan kommer att bli en avgörande vecka i den judiska statens historia eftersom den palestinska ledaren planerar att presentera sitt förslag om statsbildning för FN och begära fullt medlemsskap. Detta skulle få långtgående konsekvenser för den judiska staten. European coalition for Israel, ECI, har engagerat sig starkt för att förhindra detta.

Varje dag denna veckan presenterar Tomas Sandell, direktor för ECI, en video med böneämnen

på den här sidan: http://www.keepjerusalemunited.org/

se också: http://www.ec4i.org/

Har du inte redan sett dokumentären om historiska fakta vad gäller staten Israels historiska rättigheter med avseende på internationell rätt, så titta på den här: www.givepeaceachance.info

tisdag 13 september 2011

Bed för Nord Korea!

PINK, Prayer Initiative for North Korea, near the DMZ, Sept. 18-22.

A couple hundred Korean church leaders plus 50-60 international prayer people will gather near the DMZ (border with North Korea) for these days of special intercession for the liberation of the North, where probably the worst evil oppression is being continually penetrated against its people, and especially against Christians who often have to pay with their lives for their faith.

Please pray with us for real humility, repentance and reconciliation among participants that brings unity in the Spirit, enabling us to get in sync with Goad and pray the prayers that He inspires. Pray with us for a true breakthrough, both spiritually and politically, that there will soon be regime change that will make the long-suffering people of North Korea free at last.

Here is the link for the prayer documentary that was commissioned for PINK. It will grip and break your heart! Feel free to share it with others who can also pray with us for a breakthrough. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv6E2ReEbGI&feature=youtu.be

Källa: bönebrev från International prayer council


onsdag 7 september 2011

Not your choices

Från Eileen Fisher:

Not your choices

The Lord would say, “I am lifting up people. I am lifting up a fresh wind of leaders: leaders who will cling to Me; leaders who will declare unto Me; leaders who will follow Me; leaders who will embellish My Spirit; leaders who will come forth singing and declaring My glory. You are able to see the hour of Joshua to come forth. It will have nothing to do with age nor gender. It will be those who carry a bold and courage things in the Spirit. I am putting in your hands tonight a new spear: the spear of truth, the spear of enlightenment. I am going to bring you into a practicality of the power of the knowledge of My word. Then you are to apply what I have downloaded into your spirit. There is warfare to and fro, in and without. I would say it is the hour of settling My leaders to where they will recognize and hear My voice. I want them to learn to draw from My strength in stillness.

“I have joined them at that banquet table. That banquet table has been prepared in the presence of the enemies: yours and Mine. But it is a position of nourishment that I have provided. On this banquet table is My Word. It is the manna of My Word. I would invite you to devour the manna of My Word. When the enemy comes, you will simply serve the manna and he will be appalled at the manna. It will be Heaven sent and it will carry with it the scent of Heaven; the scent and the fragrance of the Rose of Sharon.

“I know many of you have been in the wilderness. I know many of you have been in the valley and it has not even been of your choice of your decisions, but it has been a forced position. Where the enemy has placed you in situations, people, and positions to bring you into a lower place, not to the high places to feast, but to the low places to where you will examine your wounds and pick at your sores and recall the hurt and reopen the wounds. I heal and I re-heal and I re-heal and I re-heal. Now I want to change that for I want to consume your woundedness in My blood. In the process of consuming your woundedness, I will train you and teach you how to do warfare that is effective: much more effective. It will not be voices filled with hot air and puffed up. Instead it will be voices of authority, voices that will declare; voices who will have heard and have had manna with My Spirit, and My Father and Myself. When mine come, they will come forth Heaven sent. You will become those just as I was, sent by the Father for you are entering into a season of overseeing the vineyards. The vineyards to where I am coming to plant fresh seed. Fresh seeds that has been watered by the dew; the dew that has come from the anointing of My Spirit.

“Be prepared to reap where you have not planted. Be prepared to be sent where you know not of. Be prepared to stand still when you are on your hind feet prancing around ready to run. Be prepared to hear the whispers and the sigh of My Spirit. Pray to know Me: know My heart, know My Spirit, and know My plans. In this I promise you, by Myself, for there is no greater. You will come to know freedom, freedom, freedom for I am raising up overseers and facilitators; but most of all, freedom fighters who will fight for My Kingdom, but stay free in My presence,” says the Lord your God. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Love and Blessing, Eileen

Källa: http://presenceleader.com/2011/08/01/eileen-fisher-not-your-choices/

lördag 3 september 2011

Nästa generation lovsångare

Jotta A igen och en liten tjej med en ljuvlig barnatro och frimodighet när hon ber!

Agnus dei och Oh happy day

Ojojoj vad månde det bliva av den här grabben ?!?!?

fredag 2 september 2011

Fria församlingar

Jag har inte vuxit upp i en kristen familj och blev frälst i vuxen ålder. Så kristen tro och speciellt detta med olika kristna samfund var länge ganska främmande för mig efter att jag förstått att det fanns en sådan uppdelning. Jag la en del möda på att försöka begripa vad som kännetecknade varje samfund, men jag kan än idag inte riktigt förstå varför vissa tolkningar av Skriften och/eller att visa områden poängteras, ska få sådana organisatoriska konsekvenser.

Däremot kan jag se hur Herren under olika tider poängterat vissa delar som tidigare varit fördolda (tex helgelse, Bibelordet, den Helige Ande, tro osv) för att alla delar i helheten ska bli tydlig, så att vi kan ledas in i frälsningens fullhet. Och jag ser också att vissa rörelser och kristna grupper fått olika mandat för att verka inom olika områden (tex Frälsninsgarmén). Men det är en annan sak anser jag.

När jag för en del år sedan läste Kjell Sjöbergs kompendium "Fri församling" så kände jag att "slöjan lyftes bort" och jag förstod varför detta med samfund skavde så i mig. Jag insåg att jag är en utpräglad Gudsrikes-medborgare och med det är jag ganska nöjd.

Igår så upptäckte jag att XP-media har lagt ut Kjell Sjöbergs utomordentligt intressanta kompendium som PDF-fil och den kan läsas och laddas när här:

Stort TACK till XP Media för att ni la ut den på nätet! Tänk om fler av Kjells kompendier kunde läggas ut, de skulle verkligen vara välsignat.

Vill du köpa ett pappersex av kompediet finns det att beställa här:

Guds välsignelse!