onsdag 26 juni 2013

Anden vill leda oss till ett större beroende av Jesus

Från bloggen "Navigera" www.lysekilskyrka.blogspot.se

"Anden vill leda oss till ett större beroende av Jesus

”Vem är hon som kommer hit upp från öknen, stödd på sin vän” (HV 8:5)
Vi lever i en mycket spännande och avgörande tid nu. Här i Lysekil har vi under detta år sett flera av Guds löften till oss uppfyllas och vi har under våren talat om ett paradigmskifte.  En ny nivå av Guds närvaro vilket fört med sig en helt ny verklighet. Vi ser många fler tecken på Guds rikes närvaro än vi gjort tidigare och mycket som varit omöjligt förut händer nu regelbundet ibland oss. Vi kan känna igen Guds Andes ledning på många områden inte minst i våra gudstjänster. 

Under de senaste veckorna tror jag att Gud talat till oss om att Anden leder oss djupare in ett beroende av Jesus och att Gud gör något verkligt avgörande i det fördolda med oss. Det är Jesus som har ”getts all makt i himmelen och på jorden” (Matt 28:18) och det är under hans fötter som ormen krossats. (1Mos 3:15). Det är Jesu namn och person som får fienden att fly.  När Jesus växer till i oss innebär det också att fler områden och starkare fästen läggs under Jesu makt. Jag tror att öknen är platsen där detta sker och jag tror att öken är något som Anden leder oss in i och igenom för att vi skall komma ut ”stödd på vår vän”, i hans kraft och auktoritet."

Läs fortsättningen här:

torsdag 20 juni 2013

A Word for Fathers

Jewels from Judy: A Word for Fathers

Judy Bauman

An Exhortation from God our Abba to Fathers

"Do you know who you are, son? Man was created in My image and in My image you reflect My love or lack thereof. You are the very reflection of God Almighty on earth. When people look at you they see Me. When your children look at you they either see My love, grace, mercy, faithfulness and patience or they see your judgment, condemnation, perfectionism, apathy, and anger as a reflection of My character. Do not allow a bitter root to spring from you and defile many. The fruits of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit are very apparent. So what are you reflecting to your children and to those you mentor? What do you reflect to those who are subordinate to you? As an example, how do you speak of those who are superior to you in authority?" (See Hebrews 12:15; Galatians 5:19-26; 1 Tim 2:1-4; Ephesians 6:9; Titus 3:1, 2).

"Many desire to know exactly what I have called them to do and where they are to be. The perfection of My plan will unfold moment by moment and day by day as you bend your will to Mine. Do not look to the right or to the left. Let not your hearts be troubled. Do what I have asked you to do and then we will move on to the next thing together. Do not despise the day of small beginnings. He who is faithful with little will be given much." (See John 14:1; Joshua 1:7; Zech 4:10, Luke 16:10).

"Right now I want you to listen to what I tell you. You have heard that before the terrible Day of the Lord I sent the prophet Elijah. My Son Jesus made it clear that John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah to restore all things, and yet John clearly did not know who he was. The angel told his father, Zechariah, but John did not understand the depth of his calling. He did not know he was the Elijah to come and restore all things." (See Matt 17:12, 13; John 1:21; Luke 1:11-17.)

"Now I ask you: Do you know who you are? What was and what is the purpose of Elijah's coming? Yes, he destroyed the false prophets of BAAL, but what was it he was to restore? What do I desire to be restored now? Does not My word tell you? Does not My word make it plain? The Old Testament ends with this strategic information and the New Testament in the Gospel of Luke begins with it. So can you not see for yourself how plain I have made it?"

Malachi 4:5, 6 Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the LORD. He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse.

Luke 1: 17 It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS BACK TO THE CHILDREN, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

"Many of you believe you are ready for My coming, but you are not ready. The hearts of the fathers MUST return to the sons. The hearts of the parents must return to the children. In the days to come My promptings will become very pointed and exacting. A breaking is coming! The fathers are the ones closest to My reflection on earth and I am soon putting My foot down. Those who are repentant will see great breakthroughs in every area of their life, but those who are not will suffer great judgment from My hand."

"The fathers must heed and obey. This will require them to humble themselves under My mighty right hand, but those who obey will be lifted to new heights that will astonish even the best of them. At risk are financial blessings, healings and miracles, salvations and wholeness, and more than the mind can conceive."

"Many have cried out to Me for healing and financial breakthrough, but what they do not see is their relationship with their families is first on My list. Warn the men, Judy, that because they are a reflection of My glory on earth, it is time to align their will to Mine. The hour is late! It is much later than most believe. Let it be done on earth as it is in heaven."

"I Am praying for the fathers. I Am praying for the parents. I Am praying for you. Reflect Me well. Be who I called you to be - representatives of My love on earth. May it be done on earth as it is in heaven." Selah


fredag 14 juni 2013


Från  "What The Lord Is Saying Today," © Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.:

"June 14, 2013. It isn't weakness to ask for counsel. Instead it is strength. Counsel from various people gives the advantage of seeing the problem from other points of view. Wisdom can be accrued and established for prayer, strategy and yes even battle. When the parts of My body now on earth work with each other, much more can be accomplished than when work is done alone.  My word to you is, "Listen to one another, submit to one another, weigh it all. Then take it all to Me and do what I say."
Proverbs 24:5-6 (HCSB) "A wise warrior is better than a strong one, and a man of knowledge than one of strength; for you should wage war with sound guidance- victory comes with many counselors."  Bev Robinson"

"What The Lord Is Saying Today," © Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.,
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you include the author's name, Fullness in Christ Ministries website and email contact info.
For any other use, please contact us at: info@fullnessnetwork.net.
Fullness in Christ Ministries / PO Box 136117 / Fort Worth, TX 76136 

måndag 10 juni 2013

Ett profetiskt ord till Sverige på nationaldagen

File:Flag-Map of Sweden.svg

Som alla profetiska ord, skall också detta tilltal prövas. Guds välsignelse! Barnabas

Ett profetiskt ord till Sverige på nationaldagen

My prophetic word for Sweden today. I felt the heart of God calling Sweden and Scandinavia to PREPARE for the move of God that is coming to this land. Sweden is on the heart of God and is a country He is targeting for a move of God. The Swedish flag is blue with a gold cross. I saw the blue representing an open, free heaven and the gold cross as the Son of Righteousness, yellow reflecting the color of the sun. Key scriptures I got were Gen 28:12-19. This is where Jacob has a dream and sees a ladder reaching into the heavens with angels ascending and descending. God promised to give him the land on which he was lying. God is giving the land to the Swedish Christians who stand in prayer upon it. God will carefully watch over His word to perform it. Jacob declares, "This is the gateway to heaven!" He then pours oil over a stone.

Sweden will be as an open heaven with angels ascending and descending. It will be as a gateway to heaven because of the body of Christ here. I felt in my spirit that Sweden will be known as the Land of the Open Heaven. I also saw the Sun of Righteousness rising with healing in His wings. God's heart desires to pour out a healing and restoration revival in Sweden. Key scripture is Mal 4:2. The key is reverently fearing God's name. Then the last part with Jacob anointing the rock with oil. Key verse: Mat 25: 1-13.

I saw three parts to this: 1. extra oil. 2. Be prepared. 3. Relationship. The wise virgins had extra oil with their lamps. They were PREPARED for the Lord's coming. Part of this preparation was that they were in RELATIONSHIP with the Lord and had extra oil stored up. God is calling Sweden to PREPARE for what God is about to do and to be sure to cultivate their intimacy with God. The church must cultivate and be full of fresh oil. God wants a first love fire to burn in our hearts for Him.


Jabes bön

Från Kristna ambassaden i Jerusalem:

“ICEJ Report: The Prayer of Jabez

Expanding the influence of the Kingdom of God

There is a beautiful prayer in the Bible that captures the essence of God's will for us to be an influence, and to enlarge our influence on earth, for His glory and for His Kingdom. In I Chronicles 4, Jabez asks God to enlarge his sphere of influence to be more effective in His Kingdom.

The ICEJ has prayed this prayer, and like Jabez, our prayers have been answered by heaven, allowing us to be an influence and make a difference among the people in Israel. The ICEJ's Haifa Home for Holocaust survivors is one such example of a project the Lord has given us that is not only changing lives, but impacting many Israelis with our acts of kindness, thoughtfulness and generosity.

But, we want to do more, to enlarge the work and expand the Haifa home to help more survivors in need. To do this, a further $500,000 is now needed.
You can play a part in this wonderful project with a donation of any amount and by lifting up this work in your prayers.

The ICEJ Report appears weekly during the Israel Now News program on Daystar TV.

Make a Difference:

Support the ongoing work and witness of the ICEJ in Israel »

Källa: http://se.icej.org/content/icej-report-prayer-jabez

Jesus ger aldrig upp!

I en bloggpost på Bönehus Stockholms blogg "Rista" beskriver Martin Reen ett förhållningssätt som jag kan känna igen mig mycket i. Guds välsignelse! Barnabas

…men Jesus ger aldrig upp!

Jag har alltid, ända sedan jag blev frälst haft Sverige och Skandinavien på mitt hjärta. Jag älskar vårt land och tror att Gud vill och kommer att göra mycket här. Ofta får man höra saker som: Det är hårt i Sverige, det blir värre och värre, församlingarna krymper, hur skall det gå… När jag hör sådant förstår jag andemeningen i det som sägs, jag förstår och delar också våndan bakom orden. Ändå kan jag inte låta bli att för mig själv lägga till orden: … men Jesus ger aldrig upp och Hans vilja kommer att bryta igenom i Sverige. Vi kommer att se Guds rike upprättas i vårt land! När man ser på Sverige och våra församlingar rent mänskligt finns det givetvis anledning att bli nedslagen. När jag har pratat med hundratals kristna genom åren, som är nedslagna och modlösa vore det lätt för mig att bara ge upp och kasta in handduken. När man ser på nyheterna och hör om människors hopplösa situation, ett utbrett alkoholmissbruk, kärnfamiljens sönderfall, gatuvåld och allt vad det är vore det lätt att ge upp. Ändå när jag ser och hör allt detta kommer jag på mig själv med att lägga till orden … men Jesus ger aldrig upp och Hans vilja kommer att bryta igenom i Sverige. Vi kommer att se Guds rike upprättas i vårt land!
När jag pratar med föräldrar som är förtvivlade över sina barns situation kan jag som tvåbarns pappa förstå något av den smärta de känner. När kristna bröder och systrar som har ett trasigt äktenskap hör av sig och ber om förbön gör det ont i mig. När jag samtalar med människor som har misslyckats, och gjort dumma val i livet, så att deras liv brutits ned kan jag känna Guds hjärta för dem. När jag möter så många kristna som tycker sig ha tappat sina drömmar och sin kallelse gråter jag med dem. Ändå när jag möter allt detta, kommer jag på mig själv med att lägga till orden: … men Jesus ger aldrig upp och Hans vilja kommer att bryta igenom i ditt liv. Du kommer att upprättas i din kallelse, dina barn kommer att få ett starkt Jesusmöte som förvandlar deras liv, ditt äktenskap kommer att upprättas och Herren kommer att hjälpa dig så att de misslyckanden du har upplevt kommer att vändas till det bästa för dig så att du kan göra en comeback med Jesus!
Jag vill inte ta lätt på vare sig människors trasighet eller synd, men det är ännu viktigare för mig att inte förminska Jesus som frälsare, läkare och återlösare. Jesus är trovärdig. Hans löften håller. Vi faller igenom och misslyckas ibland. Varje dag behöver vi uppleva Guds nåd och förlåtelse i våra liv. Men Jesus varken sviker eller faller igenom. Därför finns det alltid anledning att se ljust på framtiden när vi följer Jesus. Detta gäller också din församling, ditt liv, din familj, dina vänner och din framtid!
Här följer några punkter att be utifrån:
- Låt oss be om att Gud löser sitt folk ifrån modlöshetens ande och förlöser en kraftens, kärlekens och självbehärskningens ande över sitt folk.
- Låt oss be att vi som Guds församling kan få se utifrån Guds segerperspektiv på vårt land.
- Låt oss be om att vi sedan kan förmedla detta Guds rikes perspektiv till vår nation som just nu går igenom en period av modlöshet.
  Var välsignad!
Martin Reen Healing Streams

Källa: http://ristatavlan.wordpress.com/2013/05/29/men-jesus-ger-aldrig-upp/

tisdag 4 juni 2013

Gör upp med samfundstänkande


"The apostolic church knew nothing of denominational division. It was not denominated by theology or celebrity, but only by geography. Geographical boundaries and civil jurisdictions alone determined the church's boundaries. When the apostle wished to address a church he would speak to the whole church of the city – for example, the `church of God in Corinth' (1 Cor 1:2). Evidently, the church, even in these large cosmopolitan cities, was functioning as one unified whole. (See also 2 Cor 1:1; 1 Thes 1:1; 2 Thes 1:1; Rev 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14; Rom 1:7; Eph 1:1; Phil 1:1; Col 1:2).

Anything less was an aberration, provoking apostolic rebuke. Paul had clearly taught, '...all the parts, though many, form (only) one body, so it is with Christ...' (1 Cor 12:12; see also v 20, 27; Rom 12:5; 1 Cor 10:16, 17; Eph 2:14-16; 4:4, 16, 25; 5:30). And so, when the church of God in Corinth violated this unity he wrote,

'I appeal to you, brothers...that there be no divisions among you... One of you says, `I follow Paul'; another, `I follow Cephas'... . Is Christ divided? ... Do you not discern and understand that you (the whole church at Corinth) are God's temple.... If any one destroys it, God will destroy him because God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple'. (1 Cor 3: 10-13; 3:16-17 Amp. & author's paraphrase).

Need we wonder any more at the destruction of the contemporary Western church! The scandal of our denominational divisions has invited the displeasure of God.

Now is the time to return to him – to repent of our pride and false value systems. To dismantle the mindsets and structures that are inimical to the spirit of Christ and the unity of his body. And together we will become a dwelling in which God is pleased to live.

All heaven will then erupt, declaring over our cities and nations –

'Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God'. (Rev 21:3)"

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