tisdag 27 augusti 2013


Bed gärna för dessa två samlingar:




Elav 2013

ELAV 2013 Information

ELAV 2013 will gather hundreds of Jewish, Arab & international young people together with both local and international worship teams and speakers to seek the heart of God through worship, prayer, teaching & fellowship. Join us for three days of encountering His presence as we give ourselves to Him!

August 17-19

Begins: Saturday, August 17, 7:00pm
Ends: Monday, August 19, 10:00pm

Haifa International Convention Center

fredag 23 augusti 2013

God´s goovernement on earth

Glenn H. Jackson

God has given all power to His Son, Jesus Christ both in heaven and on earth. He is the King of kings. 

One night some weeks ago as God woke me up to pray, Lord Jesus said to me: I have been given all power and authority on earth, but i can not rule there, as my government is not coming together to execute my decisions on earth! He said He has given His five ministers: apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers, but they don’t even understand who they are or that they should come together to seek my will and to lead things so that they will take place in your nations on earth!

He said look at your nations, your governments are gathering, every minister from their governing field, coming together to negotiate and seek how to do things. He said even the antichrist is gathering his government in Europe… but Mine is not understanding and hearing my call and purposes how to do things according My order…

He said, the decisions are made in heaven, by His Father and Himself with the 24 elders there, but them to be done on earth, He needs His goverment to do it’s part in leading. Your nations are ruled by governments so that things are taking place in good order. He said He has many things He wants to do on earth, but there is not His order in His churh to execute His will, everyone is scattered and do as they think is best in their own field. 

He said, there is a stumbling block in this; earthly governments are chosen by people in democratic way, but in His Kingdom He is the One who has chosen His officers, the fivefold ministers. Epf. 4:11 says that He gave some to be apostles, some prophets and so on. People wants to choose leaders by themselves and they have chosen those who have spoken according their pleasures and paid attention to them. But He said there is a change coming to this, He is going to rise up those He has chosen and call them together to seek Him and to lead His kingdom on earth. We need eyes to see what He is doing, ears to hear and heart to understand His will in order this to take place. This is going to separate those whose who’s eyes, ears and hearts are towards God and heaven from those towards people and world!



onsdag 21 augusti 2013

Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, DPPJ

Israel behöver våra böner varje dag, men en gång om året kommer bedjare från över 175 nationer överens om att be specifikt för Jerusalem. I år är "The Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem" söndagen den 6 oktober: Läs gärna nedanstående utskick från DPPJ med mer information. Svensk affisch finns här:

Guds välsignelse! 


The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem

Urgent: Over 100 million are praying. . .are YOU?

Dear Praying Friends,

GOD is stirring the hearts of His people to pray for Jerusalem as never before.
Christians from China to Germany and from Kenya to Brazil are raising their voices in fervent intercession with His Son, on behalf of Jerusalem and all her inhabitants, both Jew and Arab alike in response to what is happening in the world today, and in alignment with God’s word, (Psalm 122:6,7.)

Join me in this global chorus of prayer.

We are weeks away from a powerful moment when on Sunday, October 6th, hundreds of millions of Christians in literally every corner of this planet will unite for the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ), a day specifically set aside annually for the Church to gather and pray for Jerusalem. This prayer call has come from more than 1,200 global leaders (click here to view a partial list of leaders).

YOU can make your presence felt and pray for God's power and His peace to flood the streets of Jerusalem by doing these four (4) simple things:

1. Share our short, entertaining new video with your friends, church, and through social media. 

2. Become the DPPJ Representative for your local church or city. 

Make sure that your church is praying. The DPPJ is not a single location event but rather a worldwide celebration day when local churches pray for Jerusalem in their Sunday services, in accordance with Psalm 122:6. 

There will be a Jerusalem Celebration on this day carried live on GOD TV around the world, but the real thrust of the initiative is on the local church level.
To receive the FREE equipping packet now for your church, and to obtain helpful materials such as posters, prayer cards, videos, flyers, and children's resources for your local church, go now to www.daytopray.com.

If you are in Jerusalem during the week of October 1-7 and would like to attend the Jerusalem celebration of the DPPJ that will be broadcast by GOD TV around the world, go to www.daytopray.com to get more information about how you can attend.

3. Sign the "Call to Prayer Resolution".

Thousands of Christians from all over the world have signed this document calling for a day of global prayer for Jerusalem and all her inhabitants. Add your name to this growing number today. Click here to sign the "Call To Prayer Resolution".  

4. Please forward this e-mail to as many people as you can.

Our goal is to reach 150 million Christians within the next 30 days with this timely message for the Body of Christ. Help us meet this goal for the Lord's sake and for His advancing Kingdom! If you will simply take a moment right now and forward this on, especially to your pastor, close friends, and prayer partners, we can literally sound a global trumpet to bring clear focus and awareness to this urgent prayer effort. It really, really makes a difference if you will take only five minutes and forward this e-mail.
We thank you for putting action to your prayers and for taking part in seeing God's true peace for Jerusalem unfold in this hour of history!
May the Lord's Shalom rest over each of you,

Rev. Robert Stearns
Co-Chairman, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem

Dr. Jack Hayford
Co-Chairman, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem

Dr. Paul Cedar
Executive Committee, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem

P.S. If you have not yet done so, please make sure to add your name to the thousands of Christians around the world who have signed the "Call To Prayer Resolution." Be sure to check out the free online resources as well as the DPPJ materials available in more than 20 languages.

For more information, call the DPPJ office at 1-800-519-4647 or visit www.daytopray.com.

tisdag 20 augusti 2013

Mountain Movers 2010 Johnny Enlow

För mig blev denna undervisning med Johnny Enlow en ögonöppnare på många olika sätt. Undervisningen börjar ca 37 minuter in i videoklippet och är ganska lång, men väl värd att lyssna på:

lördag 17 augusti 2013

Utan mänsklig visdom

Förlaget Vingården har börjat spela in DVD-filmer och denna film tycker jag verkar intressant:

DVD003 Utan mänsklig visdomUtan mänsklig visdom

”I olika kulturer tilltalas man av olika saker, och det mänskliga sinnet försöker gärna attrahera lyssnare och dra dem till Kristus genom mänskliga metoder.
Paulus visar hur helt Gud tar avstånd från det. I talet om korset finns inget som tilltalar vårt naturliga liv. 

Hur har Guds Ande verkat i tidigare väckelser? Hur skiljer dessa sig från de så kallade väckelserna vi ser idag?

Innehåller 1 DVD-film med 60 minuters speltid. Bredbild. ”

Läs mer på:

söndag 11 augusti 2013

Davids tabernakel


"Apart from God giving us a revelation of his own holy nature, we have no yardstick to measure the church, or the culture. Fortunately, though, this is exactly what is happening.

God is bringing back the plumbline of worship 'as it used to be' (Amos 9:11; from the passage quoted by James in Acts 15). Worship not according to our traditional patterns or even our contemporary culture, but according to the Tabernacle of David.

So, what does this mean? To have worship restored as it was under David's Tabernacle for Amos's generation and ours, was to be cleansed of idolatry – to have our heart fixed on the Lord (see Psa 57:7 KJV) – to worship only him. As David so poignantly asked – 'Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false' (Ps 24:3-4 NIV). Every false allegiance and affection – every false god was thrown to the ground in his passion and pursuit of the true and living God. It means laying down every priority, agenda, and value system that is contrary to the heart and character of God. ...

Let us be assured that Christ is returning for a worshipping Bride — a perfect and mature church, moving in the restoration of David's Tabernacle, and experiencing the full realisation of all he purchased at the Cross (see Eph 4:13; 5:27). At this glorious climax she will offer to him a world renewed in the power of the kingdom (see Mtt 13:33; 1 Cor 15:24, 25)."
Excerpt from "Restoration of David's Tabernacle"

Copyright © David Orton 2002

Lifemessenger Inc · PO Box 777 · Mount Eliza · VIC 3930 AUSTRALIA
Duplication and re-transmission of this writing is permitted
provided that complete source and website information is included
Thank you

Ett ord för Sverige

 The Lord will bless the efforts to bring down the walls and spiritual barriers in the church. Just as Barnabus had to go get Saul (Paul) before he could be fully released in his own ministry, the divided church in Sweden needs each other to fulfill their destiny. Saul was a hard and difficult man, but he would become Paul, and the Lord saw him as the apostle of grace who could be trusted with His most fruitful field.
The increased economic and social earthquakes are opportunities for those with vision. Sweden will be a fortress for the cross, and a light that shines to the east, the west and the south."

Utdrag från:  

Prophetic Words for 1994
Morning Star Prophetic Bulletin #6


fredag 9 augusti 2013


När jag skickade ut detta profetiska tilltal:
som Matt Sorger fick för Sverige i början av juni till några vänner, så fick jag följande respons av en kär syster:
Så starkt, när jag kom till den delen han skrev God is calling Sweden to PREPARE for what God is about to do då drog jag mig till minnes den där drömmen jag fick för ett tag sedan:

I had a dream on night, with great strength and authority I was speaking to people at an airport (I almost got afraid of myself of which power I spoke) I was instructing people to get packed, the people where in the airports waiting lounge. But had made this place their home and had little focus to pack, their suitcases where empty and neatly put in stacks. I told them the time was 5 and the flight was to leave 6:10 don’t miss the flight! I sat down with a woman at a table that was so focused with the table decorations; I told her there was no time for that. Some people where out buying things at the duty free, totally had no focus any more when the flight was to leave. After a while I got some people into movement and they started packing. Others came and told me there was a whole hour before the flight would leave, they wanted to go back into the duty free place. Some left others stared packing.
This was the dream the words came to me so clear to me as I woke up ; DO NOT MISS WHAT GOD IS ABOUT TO DO STOP DOING THE WRONG THING; GET READY!

Jag fick också:
Matt 25
The Parable of the Ten Virgins

25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.