Idag meddelande regeringen att den erkänner Palestina som stat. Nu, om inte förr, är det dags att vi som Guds folk vaknar upp och börjar be som Daniel gjorde i Babylon. Genom Daniels böner och inflytande erkände Nebukadnessar Israels Gud. Dan 2:47 Och kungen sade till Daniel: "Er Gud är i sanning en Gud över alla
andra gudar, en Herre över kungar och en som uppenbarar hemligheter,
eftersom du har kunnat uppenbara denna hemlighet."
Det kan ske i vår tid också. För Gud är ingenting omöjligt.
Kyrie Eleison, Fader förlåt oss för detta beslut och förbarma dig över vårt land Sverige. Daniel kap 9
/Shalom! Barnabas
Your Kingdom Come- Matthew 6:10“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
This model of prayer taught by Jesus to the disciples demonstrates a prayer of authority.
As Gatekeepers and Intercessors we need to pray like Jesus so we
become more effective in our intercession. According to this scripture
we see that Heaven is the template for whatever we need to bring to the
earth, and when we pray according to His will then we are guaranteed
answers to our prayers.
It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom- Luke 12:31-32“Instead,
seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. “Fear not,
little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the
He is commanding us to call for God’s kingdom to rule on earth, in
our lives, churches and our cities/nations. The Son of God wants us to
pray and to bring Heaven to earth!
To pray successfully on any particular issue we need to find out the
heart of the father (God) through the study of His word and listening to
Him. When you discover God’s heart on that particular issue, then you
make a proclamation about His kingdom to be established on the earth as
it is in heaven.
Luke 10:19“Behold, I have given you authority
to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing shall hurt you.” This is the authority bestowed on us
by Jesus. The question I want to pose to you today is how often do we as
believers use this freely given authority? Which brings me back again
to the issue of our identity. Knowing our identity in Christ is so
crucial to the lives of believers and especially gatekeepers and
intercessors. We must know who we are in Christ, taking hold of our
inheritance and ruling as Kings, and not living as servants as many do.
Acknowledge the sovereignty of God-Luke 12:8-9“And
I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man
also will acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies
me before men will be denied before the angels of God.”
Search for the relevant scriptures concerning the issue
Declare the Word to bring heaven to earth
Have faith and be expectant
Keep on loving God and don’t stop praising
As we begin to move into a new dispensation of His purposes for this
season of the great harvest we have to walk in alignment with heaven and
manifest heaven on earth. This is a reminder for us all to bring the
Kingdom of God to earth, as it is done in heaven.
Yesterday, millions of Christians united across denominational, cultural, and political differences as part of The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ) to
intercede for the city God calls His own and to invoke God's blessing,
purposes, and provision upon all of Jerusalem's people. From over 175
nations, believers gathered to pray in their worship services, in their
homes, in regional gatherings, on the prayer app Instapray, and on a 24
Hour Prayer Conference Call.
Highlights from Jerusalem Global TV Broadcast
Robert Stearns leads worship for DPPJ 2014
Broadcast by GOD TV to
over 200 nations, Christians and Jews were also able to participate in
the special Jerusalem DPPJ Celebration - hosted by Eagles' Wings Founder
/ Executive Director Rev. Dr. Robert Stearns - at the beautiful Haas Promenade overlooking the city. Ambassador Michael Oren,
the keynote speaker, was joined by religious leaders from the Jewish
and Christian communities as well as members of the Knesset which
included: Rabbi Dr. Shlomo Riskin - Chief Rabbi of Efrat, Mr. Akiva Tor - Head of Bureau for World Jewish Affairs and World Religions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Faydra Shapiro - Director of the Galilee Center for Studies in Jewish Christian Relations, Bishop Canon Andrew White of St George's Church in Iraq, and many others. Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu also
sent a personal letter to the gathering expressing his appreciation on
behalf of himself and all the citizens of Israel, for all who were
praying for Jerusalem's peace.
Rev. Canon Andrew White the "Vicar of Baghdad"
The Rev. Canon Andrew White, nicknamed in recent weeks
as The "Vicar of Baghdad," pastors the only Anglican Church in Iraq
whose members have either been martyred or driven away by ISIS. He was
visibly moved, as were those in the audience, when he shared: "We
are in the midst of the most horrendous slaughter against Christians in
Iraq. The first people who stood with us was not The Church, but the
Jews. The first people who stood with us were our Jewish brothers and
sisters, who came to us and said: We have been there. We have known the
horrors of The Shoah. We will not leave you. Thank you Israel."
Frmr. Ambassador
Michael Oren
Ambassador Oren shared what a tough summer it had been for the people of Israel and said in response to months of world condemnation: "To
those who would deny Jews the right to live in their ancient homeland,
we say that it is not only anti-Zionist but also anti-Christian. We say
this because Jesus - who was born in Bethlehem, baptized near Jericho,
and lived in Judea - would today be an "illegal settler" by their
definition... And to any church that would remain silent in the face of
Palestinian denial that the temple ever existed, it is not only denying
The Temple but also denying The Gospel because it is denying the very
place where Jesus taught."
Stearns declaring Jeruslem is to be a "house of prayer for all nations."
This multi-national, multi-denominational global prayer movement was
started in 2002 and is co-chaired by Evangelical Christian leaders Rev.
Dr. Robert Stearns, Dr. Jack W. Hayford, and Dr. Paul Cedar. Rev. Stearns took the opportunity to remind those gathered, of the call that brought them together. "This
day is a day of prayer, in the very city whose ultimate calling is to
be a 'House of Prayer' for all nations. True prayer believes for the
impossible. We must gather and believe today that swords can be beaten
into plowshares, that the Lion can lay down with the Lamb, that mercy
can triumph over judgment, and that together a spiritual solution can be
found to these current problems that manifest politically. Prayer is
not a recitation of how bad things are, but of how good things can
Christians participating in the DPPJ observances
not only pray for Jerusalem, but also add practical action to their
intercession. This year a check of $15,000 was presented by Robert
Stearns from the DPPJ offerings to support two Feeding Centers in Israel, which feed both the Arab and Jewish poor in Jerusalem and Tiberias.
In Huts, Cathedrals, and on their Mobile Phones
Additionally, millions participated by praying in their churches,
homes, and special services throughout the day, from cities to rural
villages, from huts to mansions, and from cathedrals to underground
churches in China and seven Muslim countries.Hispanic evangelical leader the Rev. Samuel Rodriguez,
President CEO of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference,
oversees more than 500,000 Latin churches globally and he is just one
of over 1,300 global leaders endorsing DPPJ. Pastor Daniel Ouma in
Tanzania reported that his church has had 24 hour prayer for Jerusalem
since September 1st and that by the end of the day on October 5th, 1,650
Christians in his church had fasted and prayed.
Throughout the
24 hours of October 5, believers from around the world also prayed
together through an internet "virtual prayer room" created by the
24-Hour DPPJ Prayer Conference Call (
Callers representing the U.S. were joined by believers from many
nations, including Kenya, Africa, Australia, Canada, Germany, and
others. The total was 81,543 minutes combined minutes of prayer,
which is the equivalent to one person praying non-stop for 56 days or
almost two months of continual prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem.
New to 2014 was the addition of social media, with global believers
joining one another in prayer for the peace of Jerusalem through the
world's leading prayer app, Instapray.
As soon as one person would release their prayer for Jerusalem, within
minutes a multitude of others from places like India, the US, UK,
Mexico, Australia, Ghana, South Korea, and even Saudi Arabia, sent back
messages saying that they too had prayed with them. Of course if you
multiply this scenario for each person praying for Jerusalem via
Instapray on Oct. 5th, the number of prayers released around the world
were amazing. There were 17,000 "Likes" for #DPPJ from Instapray members
within hours!
More reports coming in. . .
We are getting dozens of reports from our
coordinators in over 175 nations. Here is a picture of DPPJ celebration
at Yoido Full Gospel church in Korea last year. Watch your inbox for our
"global report" with more pictures and testimonies from the DPPJ
celebrations around the world!
October 6, 2014.
You feel guilty about going outside the camp for your spiritual needs.
You need to hear a prophetic word from the Lord. At your present
location, you are not getting that which you seek. The Lord wants you to
know that He approves your going outside the camp at times. Study how
Moses made available "a tent" wherein people could come to him in his
prophetic role when they needed to inquire of the Lord. This tent was
pitched outside the camp, giving privacy and the right spiritual
atmosphere. Seek Me in the tent.
33:7 (NIV) "Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp
some distance away, calling it the "tent of meeting." Anyone inquiring
of the LORD would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp." Ras Robinson
Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to
reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to
your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only
that you include the author's name, Fullness in Christ Ministries
website and email contact info.
For any other use, please contact us at:
Fullness in Christ Ministries / PO Box 136117 / Fort Worth, TX 76136
Stand up My people!
Shake off the dust of that which has come against you. Declare to
yourself that you will rise above all that is a hindrance. For, I am
calling you in this moment to come forth and come out of all oppression,
all depression, all doubt and discouragement. Believe fully in Me. I
will provide the power of your faith, says the Lord. Faith becomes a
substance as you stand fully upon it to receive that which you need in
this season.
comes your way, get on top of it as quickly as possible. Don't let
the enemy's tactics get you down or keep you down. I have given you
authority to gain the victory over every attack. Trust Me, says the
Lord, to lift you up, strengthen you, and cause you to stand strong.
Just don't be afraid.
12:12-13 Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the
feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is
lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.
Faith Tabernacle | 111 North Fourth Street | P. O. Box 1148 | Kremmling | CO | 80459
Vi ber: Tack Jesus vår segerfurste! Tack Helige Ande för din vind som reser upp Ditt folk på sina fötter idag! Helige Ande blås över vårt land idag !!!! I Jesu namn, amen!
Hes 37:10 Och jag profeterade som han hade befallt mig. Då kom Anden in i dem,
och de fick liv och reste sig upp på sina fötter, en mycket stor skara
Idag klockan 15 sänds "Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem", DPPJ live från Jerusalem på GOD TV. Om du inte har den kanalen på TV så gå in på deras hemsida, leta upp Livesändning och var med via datorn.
"Day to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Nordic Countries: 05 October at 15:00, 05 October at 21:30
Allow God to stir your heart as you respond to Psalm 122:6
“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: ‘May they prosper who love you.’”
Held annually on the first Sunday of October, the Day of Prayer for the
Peace of Jerusalem has become one of the largest Israel-focused prayer
events in the world. More than 300,000 churches and 1,200 key leaders
support it and it's broadcast LIVE and exclusive on GOD TV.
The multi-denominational prayer movement was founded in 2002 by
Robert Stearns (Eagles’ Wings Ministries) and Jack Hayford (Foursquare
Gospel) and each year features Christian, Jewish and Arab leaders
praying together for peace.
Times are subject to change."
Ur ett nyhetsbrev från "Revive Israel" "Ministry with a Vision for Revival in Israel and the Nations"
By Asher Intrater
Giving honor to other people is a special principle of godly
living. One of the Ten Commandments is to honor one's parents (Ex. 20;
Deut. 5). Giving honor is not only
for parents but for all those "to whom honor is due" (Rom.
13:7). As we pass honor upwards, God passes blessings downwards toward us
in return. A little bit of honor goes a long way.
The issue is not so much the
worthiness of the other person (I Cor. 12:23), but developing the character
quality of respect. If we have respectful attitudes, then it is
"safe" for God to give us glory and honor without it ruining us.
Ultimately God wants to "glorify" us (Rom. 8:18, 30; I Cor. 2:7, Heb.
2:10). Respecting others in this life is part of the training to be qualified
for glory in the world to come.
Over the years, the problem
I have seen that has caused more damage than any other is
"wounded pride" or
"offended honor," particularly among leaders. We are to do
nothing out of vain pride and competition (Gal. 5:26); but to consider all
others as more honorable than ourselves (Rom. 12:10, Phil. 2:3). Yeshua Himself gave up honor for the sake of helping
others (Phil. 2:7).
If we do the same, we can become
more gracious and Christ-like in our own lives.
Will you pray for Israel on Oct. 5?
God is stirring the hearts of His people to pray for Jerusalem as never before.
me, Dr. Jack Hayford and Dr. Paul Cendar in this global chorus of
prayer this Sunday, Oct. 5, as hundreds of millions of Christians in
literally every corner of this planet will unite for the Day of Prayer
for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ), a day specifically set aside
annually for the church to gather and pray for Jerusalem. This prayer
call has come from more than 1,300 global leaders.
Let your voice be heard on behalf of Israel and her inhabitants by doing these three simple things:
1. Please forwarding to or sharing this story with many people as you can.
Our goal is to reach 150 million Christians within the next 30 days
with this timely message for the body of Christ. Help us meet this goal.
If you will simply take a moment right now and forward this on,
especially to your pastor, close friends, and prayer partners, we can
literally sound a global trumpet to bring clear focus and awareness to
this urgent prayer effort. In only minutes, you can make a difference.
2. Sign the "Call to Prayer Resolution."
Thousands of Christians from all over the world have signed this
document calling for a day of global prayer for Jerusalem and all her
inhabitants. Add your name to this growing number today. Click here to add YOUR name to the Prayer Resolution.
3. Become the DPPJ Representative for your local church or city. Make
sure that your church is praying. The DPPJ is not a single location
event but rather a worldwide celebration day when local churches pray
for Jerusalem in their Sunday services, in accordance with Psalm 122:6.
There will be a Jerusalem Celebration on this day carried live on GOD
TV around the world, but the real thrust of the initiative is on the
local church level. Order a FREE Prayer for Jerusalem Packet, which contains helpful materials such as posters, prayer cards, videos, flyers and children's resources for your church.
In Jerusalem? Click here
for more information if you will be in Jerusalem on Oct. 5 and would
like to attend the Jerusalem celebration of the DPPJ that will be
broadcast by GOD TV around the world.
We thank you for putting
action to your prayers and taking part in seeing God's true peace for
Jerusalem unfold in this hour of history.
May the Lord's Shalom rest over each of you.
Rev. Robert Stearns and Dr. Jack Hayford are the co-chairman for the
Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem. Dr. Paul Cedar is on the
executive committee for DPPJ.
If you have not yet done so, please make sure to add your name to the tens of thousands
of Christians around the world who have signed the "Call To Prayer
Resolution." Be sure to check out the free online resources as well as
the DPPJ materials available in more than 20 languages.
time I wrote you, I mentioned this Hebraic Year, 5775, is a palindrome –
meaning it reads the same forwards and backwards. Five is the number of
God’s “grace” and seven is the number of “spiritual perfection.”
Seventy is the number of “perfect spiritual order carried out with all
spiritual power and significance.”*
These numbers (5775) have stood out to me for weeks; and in prayer
yesterday, I saw it. Putting this all together: the fives are like
bookends for the number 77. They are not only symbolic of a double
blessing of grace, but also they symbolize the all-encompassing grace of
God! The Father’s grace is SURROUNDING us with His perfect spiritual
order, which is to be carried out with all spiritual power and
significance! His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Take courage
in this as we see the enemies of Christ rise up and seem to be taking
ground. Have you ever heard of any war God lost? No! Yah is our Strong Tower
– the righteous run to Him and they are safe. Let the Lord surround you
with His peace and let that perfected peace (shalom) rule in your
heart. Hallelujah!
this month the Lord gave me a prophetic word about His desire to
“reveal heavenly mysteries” to His body. The Holy Spirit will lead us to
fulfill our divine purpose, but we have to do our part. I will share
that word in my next post.
Remember, this Rosh Hashanah is a Sabbatical year, or Shemittah, which
means “to release.” (See Deuteronomy 15:1-2.) It is a year sanctioned by
the Lord to “Release, Rest, and Refocus on spiritual pursuits”. We live
in exciting days and we have no reason to be in fear, for God is with
us. I hope you are using this time to seek the Lord, and if there is
anything you have keeping you from following Jesus wholeheartedly, you
will repent and turn fully back to Him. He loves you.
May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year.
Judy Bauman
Ords 29: 18
Utan uppenbarelsen går folket vilse, lycklig är den som tar vara på Guds undervisning.
1 Kor 8:2-3
Om någon tror sig ha kunskap om något, så vet han ännu inte det han borde veta. Men om någon älskar Gud är han känd av honom.
Luk 10:27 Han svarade: "Du skall älska Herren din Gud av hela ditt hjärta och av hela din själ och av hela din kraft och av hela ditt förstånd, och din nästa som dig själv".