tisdag 21 november 2017

Release your voice!

Lion Bites daily prophetic word for Tuesday 21 November 17 

Release your voice - your Lion Bites word for today

The Lord is calling to all His children who have felt hidden and unseen; He is saying ‘it’s time to come forth and release your voice’.
Know that God has called you to speak. Through your voice you will shift atmospheres and circumstances, and you will speak and see breakthrough. Now, God is enabling you to let go of those fears and doubts, and all that has been holding you back and ‘hiding your voice’. As a child of God, you will speak what is true with your God-given authority.
Today, shake off your fear of man and ask God to make you bold. Don’t doubt that God has called you to speak His words over your circumstances, your family, your workplace and your destiny. Let your voice go, let your spirit rise, and roar with the words God has put in you.

Job 22:28
You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways.


lördag 18 november 2017

Befrielse från fruktan

Bra predikan om ett viktigt ämne, ljudfil:

Befrielse från fruktan. Predikan av Robin Lundgren



onsdag 15 november 2017

Seminariedag “Judiska rötter - kristna grenar?”

Seminariedag 27/1, 2018

27/1 Seminariedag “Judiska rötter - kristna grenar?” om den tidigaste kyrkans judiska identitet med Stefan Larsson (gymnasielärare och student vid masterprogrammet Religious Roots of Europe).

kl 9 Morgonbön, 
10 Seminarium “Ersättningsteologi och kristen antisemitism” 
14 “Det judiska folket som nav för frälsningshistorien” 
15.30 fika 
16 “Det nya förbundet” 
20 Kvällsbön

Plats: Roseniuskyrkan, Stockholm Kostnad: 200 kr, fika ingår. Anmälan till mishkansweden@gmail.com OBS! Föranmälan krävs. Medtag id-handling till entré vid konferensregistrering. 


fredag 10 november 2017

Exposing the Religious and Political Spirit

James W. Goll God Encounters Ministries https://www.godencounters.com/ writes:

Exposing the Religious and Political Spirit

The religious and political spirits are alive and well in the world today. We see their influence, but we Christians often cannot discern what is really going on. We cast blame right and left on a human level, failing to expose the demonic influences around us. We may even be part of the problem. Yet with the Spirit of Jesus Christ living inside us, we have both a responsibility to address these demonic influences and the ability to do so. Jesus is still in the captive-freeing business today, right where you live.

Read full text here:  
