onsdag 28 mars 2007

Omskakande vittnesbörd

För några år sedan fick Bill Wiese vara med om en omskakande upplevelse som förändrade hela hans liv - han fick tillbringa 23 minuter i helvetet.

Har du svårt att tro på detta? Titta på denna video där han berättar om vad han varit med om: http://www.trojesus.com/hjalpjesusbongudberbehoverhelabibel.html
(den tar en stund att ladda upp)

Bill Wiese har också skrivit en bok som heter "23 minutes in hell" som kan köpas på:

"Bill Wiese saw the searing flames of Hell, felt total isolation, and experienced the putrid and rotting stench, deafening screams of agony, terrorizing demons, and finally, the strong hand of God lifting him out of the pit.
"Tell them I am coming very, very soon!"
Wiese’s visit to the devil’s lair lasted just twenty-three minutes, but he returned with vivid details etched in his memory. Since this life-changing ordeal, he has spent the last seven years studying the Scriptures to find answers and has listed more than 150 Bible verses referencing Hell."

Läs mer vad Bill Wiese skriver om sin upplevelse på:

tisdag 27 mars 2007

Frank Mangs profetiska budskap

"Frank Mangs behöver inte någon närmare presentation. Han är en av de mest välkända predikanter som Norden har haft. Några år innan han fick hembud gick han ut med ett budskap, med en stark profetisk dimension till svensk kristenhet.
Det är ett allvarligt budskap som vi gör klokt i att ta till våra hjärtan. Vi publicerar det här med en förhoppning att det skall leda till ett andligt uppvaknande:

”Det hände en ganska tidig morgon för en del år sedan. Utan att tända lampan drog jag upp rullgardinen och slog mig ned vid skrivbordet. Ute var det grådager. Egentligen tänkte jag inte på någonting. Utan fanns bara till och lyssnade till det stilla böneljudet från mitt väsens innersta. Då hände det. Helt plötsligt såg mitt inre öga en väg. Inte en körväg och inte heller en stig. Det var närmast någonting som liknande en bättre promenadväg på några meters bredd. Nej, det var ingen andesyn. Jag var inte i trans eller hänryckning, utan alldeles klarvaken. Och ändå såg jag vägen så tydligt och klart att jag närhelst jag vill alltjämnt kan se hela bilden framför mig. Jag ser den just nu. Jag såg att vägen började vid en trång port och visste att den slutade i härlighetens värld. Men av det målet såg jag ingenting. Jag såg bara porten och början av vägen. Och längs vägens mitt låg en strimma av ljus, som tycktes komma från en ändlös ljuskälla av ett slag som jag aldrig skådat. På vägens båda sidor var det kolmörker.

Vägen hade inga diken och inga staket. Men gränsen utmärktes av det konturlösa område, som fanns där ljuset och mörkret möttes. Gränsen var suddig. Jag såg människor som gick på vägen. Både män och kvinnor, unga och gamla. De gick inte i grupper. De gick inte ens par om par och i bredd. Utan alla en och en. Och det berodde därpå att den Herre, som lockat dem in på vägen, hade sagt: ”Om någon lyssnar till min röst och upplåter dörren, så skall jag gå in till honom och hålla måltid med honom och han med mig.”

”Någon !” ”Jag med honom och han med mig.” Det där betyder att det i Kristi sanna efterföljds innersta finns ett rum, som reserverat endast för honom. Och dit ingen annan varken kan eller får komma. De där människorna var klädda i vita kläder. Bländande vita kläder, som stund efter stund fick sin renhet förnyad. Inte därför att de bad om och hungrade efter sekundlig renhet, utan därför att de vandrade mitt på vägen.

Rakt under strimman av det övernaturliga ljuset. Reningen i Jesu blod var en konstant pågående process.Och jag såg deras ansikten. Det var ljus över dem också. Fast många av dem var märkta av både ålder, sorg och sjukdom. Och det skenet var både en återspegling av det inre ljuset och en utstrålning av det ljus de bar inom sig. Gärna hade jag med mina ögon velat följa dessa människors vandring ända hem. Med jag fick inte. Jag var tvungen att vända blicken mot vägens början och den trånga porten. Och där såg jag en stor mängd som stannat.

De hade stannat redan innan de gått in genom porten och kommit in på vägen. Och det märkliga var att många av dem tycktes vara glada. De var glada därför att de trodde sig vara på vägen. Fast de aldrig hade gått in genom den sanna omvändelsens trånga port. Och kanske det värsta var att mitt bland dem rörde sig gestalter i prästrock och pastorsdräkt och evangelistmundering. Nej, det värsta var att jag såg skuggan av min egen bild i den där hopen.Ty vi har fuskat, vi som är kallade att vara levande organ för Livet från Gud. Vi har blivit religiösa pratmakare istället för att vara fungerande organ för Livet.

Vi har garanterat människor deras salighet därför att de en gång blivit döpta till Kristus. Vi har garanterat att sökande själar blivit födda av Anden, fast de bara blivit födda av mänsklig påverkan. Vi har sagt att de är Guds barn bara därför att de är ”snälla”. Vi har blivit religiösa kvacksalvare, som i förtid intalat andliga sökare att de är födda av Gud. Fast de bara är väckta. Och vi har ibland genom just detta avbrutit den andliga födelse-processen. Resultatet har blivit att det i dag finns massor av människor, som tror sig vara på väg till himlen fast de inte är det.

Men Jesus sade ju att det skulle komma att bli så i denna tidsålders afton:
”Då skall det var med himmelriket som när tio jungfrur gick ut för att möta brudgummen. Men fem av dem var oförståndiga, de tog ingen olja med sig.”
Ingen olja! Ingen ande! Och inget fungerande andeliv. Bara formerna och skenet. Namnet och bekännelsen. Och de trodde att detta var nog.
Men jag såg mer. Jag såg människor som gått in genom porten, upplevt nya födelsens under och kommit in på vägen, men som sedan gjort vägen till någonting annat än det den var ämnad att vara. De har stannat och gjort vägen till en rastplats i stället för att låta den var en färdväg. De hade stannat, inte när det gäller ålder och tid. Men de hade stannat när det gäller andlig utveckling och tillväxt. De hade stannat och börjat leva på minnen. Och somliga hade bara stannat. Och somnat. Men alla hade de glömt de paulinska orden: ”Dock, såvitt vi redan har hunnit något framåt, så låt oss vandra vidare på samma väg.”

Men jag såg mer. Jag såg människorna som dragit sig ut ur det övernaturliga ljuset som låg över vägens mitt. De hade dragit sig in i den grådager som fanns på vägens båda sidor. Grå-dagen, där synen på både synden och saligheten var höljd i dunkel. Allt var dimmigt och grått och overkligt. Och den grå overkligheten gjorde att sådant som var en total omöjlighet på vägens mitt nu blev leksaker för både sinnet och talet och handlingarna. Och hur underligt det än låter så blev de ting, som fanns i mörkret på sidan av vägen föremål för deras intresse. Likt Guds gamla Israel under ökenvandringen greps de av lystnad till Egyptens köttgrytor, som de en gång hade lämnat.

Lystnaden blev inte bara ett visat intresse. Lystnaden växte till åtrå. En hunger som fångade deras tankar och känslor. Lade beslag på deras drömmar och fantasier. Och gjorde att de i verklighet befann sig på sidan av vägen, trots att de skenbart fanns kvar på den. Sedan hände det kusliga. Sakta som skuggor gled de bort ifrån den väg, som saknar både staket och diken. Bort ifrån den väg, som de en gång under tårar och böner sökt sig in på. Bort från det levande hoppet och in i hopplösheten. En hopplöshet som de själva inte kände av. Ty de var döda. De hade förlorat förmågan att uppleva en andlig kris.

Sedan jag sett allt detta sjönk jag sakta ned på knä och brast i gråt. Jag önskade att jag varit minst ett halvsekel yngre än vad jag är. Och haft möjligheten att på ett bättre sätt än vad jag gjort, satsa mitt yttersta för att Guds Helige Ande skulle få frihet att bruka mig på ett bättre sätt än vad han nu kunnat. "

Källa: http://www.flammor.com/profetior/profetia002.htm

måndag 26 mars 2007


Mars månads CD-undervisning från Kerygma heter "Uppenbarelseboken - Solkvinnan, skökan och Babylon" och är den första i en serie av 4 om denna bibelbok. Owe Lindeskär undervisar på ett utmärkt och klargörande sätt om en del av bibeln som inte alltid är så lätt att förstå.
Enskilda CD eller månadsabonnemang kan beställas på www.kerygma.se eller genom att skicka ett mail till owe@kerygma.se . Överskottet från CD- undervisningen går till Owes missionsarbete i andra länder.

söndag 25 mars 2007

Akta på mitt ord

Missa inte denna andesmorda predikan om vikten av att ha olja sin lampa i en tid som denna. Barbro Erling förmedlar ett budskap som hon fått ta emot från Herren själv och som du kan lyssna på här:

Guds oändliga och underbara nåd!

"God is calling for His children to adopt His 'policy of Grace.'"

God recently spoke to me and said, "Without My grace, My entire creation would perish--for there is not one thing that is not covered by My grace." Being human, I quickly responded, "What about satan?" He then said, "Did I not have mercy upon the legion of demons? I am calling My people to be a people of grace!" The grace Jesus showed sending the legion of demons into the herd of pigs is hard to comprehend! (Mark 5). There is an appointed time for darkness to be destroyed, but for now, everything lives under His grace! There is not one thing in creation that is not covered by His uncontrollable grace!

The New Testament translates "grace" in Greek as charis, which literally means "gift." All grace belongs to God and it's His prerogative to give "Freely" as He wills!
Divine Grace is the sovereign favor of God for the entire humankind, especially in regard to available salvation, irrespective of actions/deeds, earned worth, or proven goodness. Grace is God's gifts to humankind, including life, creation, and salvation. More narrowly, but more commonly, grace describes the means by which we are saved from a life born in sin and granted salvation as a result of His unwavering love! John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son." And why did He send Him? Because He loved. And who did He send His Son to? The World! We Limit His Grace

What good is grace if it is not available to those who need it the most?"
God is out of control with grace, and we don't have the ability to control it--so why do we try? We as humans, often try our best to limit God's grace. We try to control His unwavering grace because we can't understand it. I think we will spend eternity trying to figure out God's amazing grace and unending love.God is calling for His children to adopt His "policy of Grace." That policy deems that we love and tolerate every person--saved or unsaved. We have gotten better at loving one another, but we were told to love and bless our enemies as well. We were told that judgment dealt will be judgment received, but yet we continue to "try" to control God's grace, so that we may have an excuse for our lack of it!

Sometimes those proclaiming grace, have lost giving grace. We grow weary of trying to express our certain beliefs upon others that seem to have another view, and we can quickly quench our grace to each other because we disagree on a point of view. We quickly forget that we are sheep. Sheep have thick coats of wool. Anything that runs into a sheep or rubs a sheep the wrong way will not be hurt. "A bruised reed shall He not break" Matthew 12:20.
God's grace doesn't only apply to the Church; when looked at correctly, it all the more applies to the unchurched and the unsaved. What good is grace if it is not available to those who need it the most? Grace becomes nothing more than a song to sing of its amazement, rather than being freely given by us to those who need it more. Instead, the world should be "amazed" at our grace for them. Grace for the Prodigals

The very parable Jesus told of "the workers in the field," was about Grace. Matthew 20:15, "Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own?" And in verse 16, in that same story Jesus said, "So the last shall be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen." God is out of control with grace, and there's nothing we can do about it! In the parable of the lost son in Luke 15, Jesus speaks a clear picture of grace. A son asks for his daddy's blessing and wastes it, then returns home just hoping he could be at least a servant to him. The father welcomes him with more love and grace than ever, but there was anger in his "other son" who remained at home and served. At the end of that story, the older son was outside with a decision to make: Does he enter into the father's house and join the party or stay outside and pout? At the end of that story, who was the prodigal?

God's grace is amazing! But isn't it also amazing that we can become angry when grace abounds where we think it should not? Likewise, it's amazing to those who are in need of God's grace, and when realizing it, they receive it with a great joy that surpasses all their understanding! The Mahesh Chavda Story: When God's power takes hold of a man, it can shake the world
It's a joy and hope to those of you reading who may have been thinking about returning home, with your head hanging low--willing to take anything the Father will give. Daddy will run out and cover you with His grace and love. He will even have a party just for you. It is the rest of us that must make a choice--either enter in and celebrate the grace of God over our brothers and sisters, or stay outside of the party and pout..."For by grace ye are saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." Ephesians 2:8-9
Still Worshipping,

Scott Hicks

True Worship Ministries Email: info@trueworshipministries.net
From Elijah list Email: elministries@elijahlist.net

fredag 23 mars 2007


My beloved one, do not think it strange all the distractions I have taken out of your life. It was too easy for you to avoid and turn your head away from that which I am bringing your attention to focus on.Yes, My Beloved it has been hard and I have heard your every cry. I have even given you the voice of My Holy Spirit to utter and moan that which you have no words for. I have constantly reminded you not to look at the circumstances and the high waters that have surrounded you.Yes it seems overwhelming and at times you have thought it would swallow you up. It has felt heart wrenching and you have felt the attack of the mind.

You have remained faithful in all of this as each step and each time you have fallen because of your weakened knees,and you have reached the end of your own strength and called for My Strength. Though the time seems to drag on I reassure you this day that a great and mighty thing I have prepared in the wing of your life is about to break forth and transpose your current situation and excruciating pain into the higher level of My peace, My joy, My purpose and My plans that I am setting before you.You are obedient My Child. I have heard ever cry, every moan, every guttural shout. I have captured every tear. I have seen every move, every fall, every secret thing. I have heard the silent things of you too.

But know this day Child that I am releasing this new season in your life that will take you to higher places where I will make your foot sure in it's place. I will lay everything out before you so you will not even wonder or guess that it is from Me. You will know in all surety that it I am guiding you because you have kept your eyes on Me as your help, your strong tower, your everything. What can man do to you because I am with you! Girding your loins, I am showing you now that I am the lifter of your head, I am the author of your life. Lean, lean, lean on Me still. Pass your own understanding, beyond all you can think and ask, into My faithfulness, in My power and deeper in My Love.Now. Stand. Now. Faith. Now. You will see.

My guidance and instructions are being placed before you. Be Quiet, be still, the vision, the dream will reveal in part. My Wisdom I reveal to you as you stay in Me. I am in control. I love you. My Love never fails. Love Me. Just Love Me. Love Me More. Closer and deeper and higher I take you. You will see from My point of view. Live in My love; My arms are around you. I am all around you. No weapon formed against you will prosper. Now stand, My beloved!The battle is Mine and I have overcome the world! Now, love Me more."

This word is submitted by Paula Kay peakent@voicenet.com
16 mars 2007

I Am In Charge

Child of Mine, trust Me that I have all things under control. They may not go precisely the way that you expect them to go, but I am indeed in charge, and I hold all things in My hands.There are divine plans and purposes behind some of what happens to you that don't match human reasoning, or that go beyond human comprehension.There are some things that I simply choose not to explain to you because I want you to trust Me.

foto: www.fotoakuten.se

You don't have to understand what I am doing or why I am doing it, all you need to know is that I am good and I am faithful and I am in control. Yes, you need to know that I am in charge. You need to know that no matter what I allow to come your way, I will never give you more than you can bear and I will never stop loving you.

There are times when I will require a lot from you; but in those times, I will give you the grace and strength that you need. When I allow hardship or difficulty to come your way, I want you to know that I will never stop loving you. I want you to know that I am with you and that I will never abandon you. I want you to know that I have a plan and a purpose to bring My glory into your situation.When My Son stood in the Garden of Gethsemane and prayed, He did not want to go through with what I was asking Him to endure. From a human standpoint, it looked horrible beyond measure. It was not an easy thing that I asked Him to do at that moment, but it was a thing that I poured My glory into and it was a thing that I used for great good. If it were not for what He did for you, I would not be speaking to you now. Likewise, child of Mine, there will be times when you stand in your Garden of Gethsemane and you look at what lies ahead and shutter.

Yes,there will be times that I call you to go through difficult or unpleasant times. I want you to know that I do not do this lightly, and that I have a great plan and purpose in what I ask of you. I want you to know that as you trust Me and step forward in obedience to endure the difficulty,I will both strengthen you in the task and pour My great glory into your situation. I will use it for God and I will advance My kingdom Then, when the task is complete, I will raise you up and you will standin My strength and you will walk in My glory. Child of Mine, I want you to trust Me in your difficult times because I am in charge and I know what I am doing. I will indeed work My glory inyour situation as you place your trust in Me.

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net] www.godspeak.net
12 mars 2007

Do You Really Love Me?

I am looking for obedient servants through whom I can pour out My glory, and through whom I can accomplish My purposes on this earth.I do not want the type of obedience that is motivated by fear of punishment, for that type of obedience is stagnant and legalistic. I want the type of obedience that is motivated solely by your greatlove for Me. Yes, I want you to covenant in your heart to obey Me because you love Me.Dear one, it causes Me great pleasure when you obey Me joyfully from a willing heart.

That is the type of obedience that I am looking for. But it does not bring Me pleasure if you obey only out of a sense of duty, or with a resentful heart. That is not the type of obedience that I reward. I don't just want you to obey Me only in your words and actions: I also want you to obey Me with a willing heart. I want you to have a good attitude before Me as you do what I ask you to do.If it seems like I am asking a great deal from you, that means you are not obeying Me from a heart that is full of love for Me. For when you have great love for Me, there is nothing that I can ask that you are unwilling to do--you desire to make Me happy because you love Me so much.

When you have this attitude of loving obedience, then I can ask the impossible of you and empower you to do it--and I will. Then you will be able to do the very things that I did on this earth and even greater things than I did.*Yes, I want to pour out My power and My glory in your life. I want to give you a greater victory than you have ever tasted before, and I want to clothe you in My own great authority. But I cannot do these things for you when you pursue your own agenda instead of pursuing Mine. You must obey Me with all of your heart if you want to walk in My power and My authority, just as I obeyed My Father and walked in His authority.

What I am saying should not be a surprise to you, because I have already told you that you must love Me with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your spirit.** This is the type of love that causes true obedience to spring forth from your innermost being. This is the kind of love that enables Me to empower you to do mighty works with Me. Demonstrate your love for Me by purposing in your heart to obey Me in all things. Remember that I am looking for obedient servants through whom I can show forth My glory and advance My kingdom. Will you be one of these? Will you purpose in your heart to obey Me in all things andwatch and see the amazing things I will do in you and through your life?* John 14:12-15** Mark 12:30

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net] www.godspeak.net

19 februari 2007

Trust That He Is Good

Foto: www.fotoakuten.se

The Lord has been speaking to me a lot about knowing and truly believingthat He is good. It is easy to know He is good when things are going well, but it is much harder to know deep down with total certainty that God is good when things are not going the way we think they should go. God wants us to stand in faith in Who He is, to believe His goodness and to know for with a certainly that rises up from our innermost being that He loves us and that He is dependable.There are times when the enemy tries to beat us down and to make usbelieve that God is mad at us, or that He is disappointed with us. The devil does that because he wants to prevent us from running back into God's presence, so we can be restored. Our enemy wants to sabotage our faith.

There are going to be times when we get empty and drained. We begin to minister and to function from our own limited resources instead of from God's vast resources. We continue doing our best to please God, but the emptier we get, the more we feel that God must either be mad at us or disgusted with us for allowing ourselves to get into this state. Then the enemy begins to play "mind games" with us to make us feel even worse about ourselves and our walk with God. He tries to tell us that God won't help us when we cry out to Him because He is so disappointed in us, and we have failed Him or let Him down. Eventually we find it difficult to believe that God wants to restore and refresh us.

We are not aware of it, but what is happening is that out faith in God's goodness is being systematically attacked and damaged.I went through that for a couple of months. The emptier I got, the harder it was to do the things that strengthen my spirit: to pray and read my bible every day. I felt guilty about my struggle to do those basic things and I began to feel so desperate for God that I arranged to go on a five-day prayer retreat at a mentor's house to seek God in hopes of being restored and refreshed.As I began to draw into God's presence, I realized that I was afraid of coming to Him.

My head "knew" I had to draw into God, but my heart feared that He would be angry with me or not want me to come to Him.Part of me was so hungry to be restored to intimacy with God that I was willing to meet His terms and conditions--whatever they were. But another part of me was afraid that God would not want to meet me.I set all else aside and started to press into Him, and His sweetness began to settle over me. I expected Him to rebuke me, and I kept waiting for that rebuke--but it never came. I expected Him to tell me that He was displeased with me, but all He did was love on Me and let me see glimpses of His glory.

Two days into the prayer retreat, I finally asked Him about it. I asked Him if He was angry or disappointed in me for letting myself get into that state. His reply surprised me."Teresa, it hurts My feelings that you think I would be like that. I am not hard to please for those who's hearts are committed to obey Me. I am a loving Father, and I love My children. When they get empty or drained, I don't get mad at them for it and I don't punish them for it. Instead, I fill them back up; I refresh and restore them, just like I am doing for you right now. When hope is drained and My children feel they have disqualified themselves, I don't disqualify them. I restore their hope and I remind them of their destiny, and then set them back into it. I don't rebuke My servants when they are weary, I revive them and I refresh them."

Then He want on to say, "When you are feeling empty or dry or when hope begins to fade away, I want you to exercise your faith. I want you to remind yourself of Who I am, of what I am like--remember what My true nature is. I am your loving Father and I am committed to take care of you. I want you to choose to believe in My goodness instead of choosing to believe the devil's lies about Me. Have faith in Me--not in your spiritual disciplines or in your ability to sense My nearness, or even in your ability to "please" Me. Know that I am love and I cannot stop loving you. Believe that I am good and choose to stand in faith when the enemy whispers his lies into your ears.""I have revealed Myself to you, and I don't change. So don't think of Me don't attribute pettiness to Me. Trust Me, I really am Who I have showed you that I am, and I am truly good. Yes, I have good plans for you and I will accomplish them in your life."

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis [ts@godspeak.net] www.godspeak.net

26 februari 2007