lördag 31 december 2011

Gott nytt 2012!

När nu 2011 närmar sig sitt slut vill jag passa på att tacka alla läsare av den här bloggen för det gångna året och önska er alla ett riktigt välsignat, Gott Nytt 2012! Det är med stor förväntan på Herren och glädje jag ser fram emot det nya året!

fredag 30 december 2011

Landet är ännu vårt

Jag läste idag i 2 Krön 14 om kung Asa. Han gjorde det som var gott och rätt i Herrens ögon. 

Han "avlägsnade de främmande altarna och offerhöjderna, slog sönder stoderna och högg ner aserorna. 4 Han uppmanade Juda att söka HERREN, sina fäders Gud, och att hålla lagen och budorden. 5 Ur alla Juda städer tog han bort offerhöjderna och solstoderna. Och riket hade lugn under hans tid. 6 Han byggde befästa städer i Juda eftersom landet hade ro. Och han förde under dessa år inte något krig, ty HERREN hade givit honom ro. 7 Han sade därför till Juda: "Låt oss bygga dessa städer och runt omkring förse dem med murar och torn, med portar och bommar. Landet är ännu vårt, därför att vi har sökt HERREN, vår Gud. Vi har sökt honom, och han har gett oss ro på alla sidor." Så byggde de och hade framgång. 8 Asa hade en här som utgjordes av 300.000 man från Juda och som bar stora sköldar och spjut. Utöver dessa kom från Benjamin 280.000 man som bar små sköldar och som spände båge. Alla dessa var tappra stridsmän." (2 Krön 14: 3b-8) 

Han avlägsnade alltså allt sådant som väckte Herrens vrede och uppmanade människor att söka Herren och hålla lagen och budorden. Då blev det lugnt i landet och han kunde börja bygga befästa städer till skydd för innevånarna. Lägg märke till att det i vers 6 står att det var HERREN som hade givit honom ro, inte något han skapat i egen kraft. Och Asa säger "Landet är ännu vårt därför att vi sökt Herren, vår Gud" 

Kan du se parallellen med vår tid, i Sverige?   

Fienden Sera drar sedan ut mot kung Asa och fienden är numerärt mycket överlägsen. Men Asa förtröstar på Herren och ropar:

"HERRE, utom dig finns ingen som kan hjälpa i striden mellan den starke och den svage. Så hjälp oss, HERRE, vår Gud, för på dig stöder vi oss, och i ditt namn har vi kommit hit mot denna skara. HERRE, du är vår Gud. Låt ingen människa stå dig emot."  (i vers 11)

Herren lät sedan fienden bli slagna genom Asa och Juda.  Återigen är det alltså Herrens verk, inte ett mänskligt,  Asa och Juda ställer sig dock som "tappra stridsmän" till förfogande i det Herren vill åstadkomma och det räcker.  

Även här kan jag se en parallell i vår tid, i vårt land. I oss själva och i egen kraft förmår vi inte åstadkomma "lugn i landet", men Herren har den möjligheten.  Så låt oss söka Herren för Sverige inför det nya året 2012 och frimodigt gensvara på det som Herren manar oss till. För Herren har all makt och i Hans namn finns det seger. 

All Guds välsignelse!

onsdag 21 december 2011

ECI Brussels Report | 2011 Special

’Tis the season for the Church to support Israel

’Tis the season for the Church to support Israel

By ANDREW TUCKER19/12/2011

As long as the Church fails to recognize that its genesis and its destiny are bound up with the restoration of the Jewish people we will continue to be irrelevant.

Christians worldwide are gearing up to celebrate Christmas. Christmas trees are being erected, presents purchased and the turkeys prepared for the oven. Millions of church services will be held on December 25 to mark the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.

The tragedy is, most of us have no idea why. We have forgotten that Jesus was a Jew – He came to this world as a Jew, lived as a Jew, died as a Jew, and will (we believe) come back a Jew. Most Christians have no idea that today’s Jews are descendants of Jesus’ friends and brethren. In fact, we have forgotten (if we ever knew) that the very reason Jesus came was to fulfill God’s promises to Abraham – to bless the Jewish people, and though them to bless all nations. We have made Jesus into a sort of Disneyland figure, conveniently cut off from his Hebrew roots and the people he so loved, among whom he dwelled, and for whom he gave his life.”

Från Jerusalem Post, läs fortsättningen här:

Länk till ”Christans for Israel International”: http://www.c4israel.org/c4i/

Chanuka - den judiska ljusfesten

Chanuka - den judiska ljusfesten

Chanuka firas mellan den 25:e Kislev till 3:e Tevet enligt den judiska kalendern, vilket vanligtvis infaller i december efter den kristna kalendern [i år 20-28 december]. Hanukkah firas till minnet av judarnas, mackabéernas, seger över de grekiska härskarna (164 f. Kr). Man firar både en liten judisk nations seger över det mäktiga Grekland, men även den judiska trons andliga seger över Hellenismen och grekerna. Helgen firas med anledning av den andliga aspekten av segern och miraklet med oljelampan; en mängd helig olivolja som skulle brinna i Templets kandelaber en dag, varade i åtta dagar; den tid det tog för templet att återinvigas.

Chanuka firas i Israel liksom i diasporan, under åtta dagar. Den viktigaste symbolen för denna högtid är att man tänder ljus varje kväll; ett den första, två den andra och så vidare; för att fira minnet av miraklet i templet. I Israel fokuseras Chanukas budskap mycket på Israels självständighet. I diasporan är det vanligt att man ger varandra presenter, liksom att man leker med en dreidl - en leksakssnurra. Snurrans sidor är markerade med hebreiska bokstäver som bildar orden i buskapet "Ett stort mirakel skedde här", medan bokstäverna i diasporan är ändrade till "Ett stort mirakel skedde där" (med där avses i Israel). Under Chanuka-veckan är skolorna i Israel stänga, men inte arbetsplatserna.

Från Israels ambassads hemsida: http://stockholm.mfa.gov.il/

torsdag 15 december 2011

Simple Delight

Simple Delight

November 2011
by John Paul Jackson

God has never stopped being God, and He has never stopped wanting to manifest who He is to His people.

Have you ever known someone who is a true gift giver? People who express their love by giving gifts do not give out of obligation or burden; they give out of delightbecause it is in their hearts to give. It is how God made them.

Part of being a gift giver is paying attention to the details. It is being aware of the little things so that you can craft a gift that will be perfect for the recipient. God takes great delight in surprising His people with His goodness. He delights in being there for us, in coming through for us. He loves to give us the good gifts of His provision and grace that reveal to us His nature and His character. He will always turn out to be more than we expect.

However, we can get so wrapped up in the “big” things of God that we forget about the “small” things of God. Yes, He rejoices in the sacrifices we make for Him and the risks we take on His behalf. But He also rejoices in the whispers of His name and in the glances sent His direction. Every time His children reach for His hand, it is important to Him. These things matter to Him, more than we realize.

I think that as we rediscover God’s simplicity, we will rediscover our hope.

Eye Has Not Seen

Where hope and expectation collide, faith is birthed. Many of us in the Church have used up our hope, and our expectation in Him has become almost non-existent. Why? Because we have been lulled to sleep. Even in the most intense times of God’s presence, many of us do not expect Him to do what He has never done before — to touch what has never been touched or to heal what has never been healed.

We are not ready for 1 Corinthians 2:9, which states, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

We know that verse is true, but it is as if we know it from a distance; we have a hard time believing it is always true, all the time, in every life.

Yet God is a giver of gifts. And many gift givers do not want to give you something you have received before. Where is the delight in that? They want to give you something new — something that will bring you a new level of delight.

Ear Has Not Heard

Our belief system has taken us to a place where we “believe” God will do something, but we do not really expect Him to do it. We need to undo that mental process and begin to approach Him again like little children. They don’t know what to expect, but they know it is going to be good.

We try to make things so complicated, and in the process, we lose the simplicity of His existence. We forget the delight of the Father’s heart. We overlook the extravagant story offered by the “small” things.

I think that as we rediscover His simplicity, we will rediscover our hope. If we knew how easy it was for His children to delight Him, we would make delighting Him a daily goal, and as a result, we would fall that much more in love with Him.

källa: http://www.streamsministries.com/index.php?page=eletter#.TuocSmOXu7s

onsdag 14 december 2011

En julhälsning från Israels premiärminister

En mycket uppmuntrande julhälsning från Israels premiärminister Benjamin Netanyahu till kristna runt om i världen. Vill du skicka en julhälsning till honom kan du göra det här: http://www.eagleswings.to/pmchristmasgreeting

tisdag 13 december 2011

Tala väl om varandra!


My beloved children, if you could see the extent of destruction that is set in motion when you speak against one another, you would learn to hold your tongue. However, this is not a matter of words but of the condition of your heart and your willingness to say things about someone else that you would not want spoken about yourself, says the Lord. You will be held accountable for every word that you speak, so be careful what you say.

Matthew 12:36 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment

Källa: Dagligt utskick från http://ft111.com/

måndag 12 december 2011

Profetiskt tilltal genom Denise Mears


If you feel the need to continue to "show and tell" then your wounding of the past is not healed. You hold on to share and prove the battles from which you come. Listen now, my battle-scarred, I have marked you but not for showing and not for telling but for My Service. Well done my good. Well done my faithful.

All have not seen these wars but all will sense, by the spirit, the anointing that has come from this time of warfare. You are not unscathed but you are ready. You seek My Will for this is the day as no other. Now, My Faithful, be still and know that I AM GOD for My Glory; for the Glory of this latter rain. Hallelujah!

There is a gathering that is now taking place. Oh, my like-minded. It is not about you but that which I have called you to; the anointing you are anointed with and the glory, My Glory, which you carry. Let go for you cannot carry both My Glory and your burden of woundedness into this season. Let it go. Let it be. Sufficient is the day before you. Walk in My Presence. Abide in Me as I abide in you.

I AM the yoke bearer. I AM the yoke breaker.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off they neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of The Anointing."
Isaiah 10: 27

"Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
Matthew 11: 28-30

Stand, stand, stand in the call, my fellow saints, for which you have been called. The anointing that is on your life will speak for itself. I will say that some will not speak at all and it will be apparent for the Holy Spirit is our witness. I sense the Lord's heart is for your chatter to be of Him not of your battles. There will be anointed times to share "the word of your testimony" but not to all you meet or all meetings of which you are apart. I know that what is here in this day is also revelatory knowledge coming from the throneroom to your spiritman. How can you share the new if all that you allow to flow is the old. You are anointed this day for this hour for this day's revelation. Stand in the worthiness for which the Lord has called you. You are worthy. You are called, anointed and going forth hearing His voice and His revelation as the seals have been opened. You are mighty and go forth obedient to the command of The Captain of the Hosts, our Lord, our Savior, our King. Jesus the Messiah; Yeshua HaMashiach.

Integritet och sund framåtanda

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns:
I have chosen you for such a time as this to walk in the power of My presence and in victory. For, I have come to raise an army, a glorious army, the likes of which has never been before. For, they shall rise up and run in the power of the Most Holy to defeat the enemy. I am calling to you now. I am calling to you to be restored and to recover the gift of My love, joy and peace. Beloved, even as this year has passed by, there stands one before you, the summary and the power of which, at this point, is unknown and unbelievable. But, I call those things which are not as though they were, and you will be astounded at My work. You will be astounded at what I accomplish among My people. It is the day of opportunity and discovery, the day of receiving the blessing of the Lord Most Holy. Renew yourself this day, says the Lord; all things will be possible to him who believes.

Stay focused spiritually and refuse to allow the herd instinct of this season to push you into carnal tendencies. Expectations based on presumption or fantasy will only produce disappointment. Keep your emotions under the rule of the Spirit, says the Lord, and you will be able to resist temptations that will take you down the path of regret. James 4:7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

källa: dagligt utskick från http://ft111.com/

fredag 9 december 2011

"I Believe" Joshua Waller

Text från Youtubesidan:


"I Believe" is a song that crushes the barriers of ideological differences. The foundation of an eternal righteous plan for the redemption of the whole earth begins with a special covenant to a specific people in a specific land. In the millenniums following this promise men have sought to alter, to distort, and even undo God's beautiful plan.

This song challenges us to make a stand with the Word of God:

He remembers His covenant forever...the word He commanded for a thousand generation...the covenant He made with Abraham...the oath He swore to Isaac. He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant: "To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion you will inherit." Psalm 105:8-11"

Läs fortsättningen här:

måndag 5 december 2011

Julia C. Loren: A Vision of Europe

Look to Germany, Northern Italy and Eastern Europe

During a long and revelatory worship set on November 20, 2011, the Holy Spirit took me up and into a vision where I flew over Europe and saw the territory the Lord had marked out for the outpouring of His Spirit in the coming years.

On the first pass through Central Europe, the Lord took me back to places where I had been in recent years – particularly in Germany and Italy. He then rolled back the memories and said that ministry will look very different in the years to come in Europe. A sovereign move of God will flow like a spring snow melt that begins with a trickle as the initial snow pack melts, then gains strength and rushes and roars into various watersheds for a season that will change the face of European Christianity.

The Lord showed me that as Germany is the first nation to fully embrace the move of God, the rivers of Germany will carry the rushing waters into other countries. I saw Germany come alive in the Spirit. And as the fire of God's love consumed them, they spread the word through Austria and the spring thaw rushed over the Alps into Northern Italy. I also saw the Swiss-Italy border watershed capturing the flow of the Spirit. Then, I heard the Lord say, "Look to the university towns of Germany and Northern Italy for a revival among the youth who will carry it throughout Eastern Europe." I believe this includes Heidelberg University in Germany and Padua in Italy (the second oldest University in Europe where Galileo taught).

As I flew along the Danube into Budapest I saw the crystalline image of a silvery angel hovering above Budapest. Showers of silver rained down upon the Danube and flowed to the east. And wherever the river flowed, revival flowed. For the Lord is redeeming His people out of the ravishes of oppression and into the total freedom of the Holy Spirit. The silver and the gold are His to give where He pleases, and it is time for the Eastern European Bride to step forward out of the ashes and into the adorning grace of redemption. He has set His gaze upon you. This is the time of your favor – Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Moldova, Ukraine, Romania – you who live where the Danube flows.

The Lord Will Be a Ring of Fire Around England and Wales

Then the Lord took me over the United Kingdom where the Cross was superimposed across the landscape. I saw four fires being lit – one in the north, one in the south, one in the east and one in the west of England. And the Lord said, "I am lighting a ring of fire around England and Wales. And I will be a ring of fire around them." Look to four churches to become well-known Apostolic Resource Centers in the coming years. They will release the torches that all of England will either be drawn to or repelled by. And the fire of God will protect them.

Then the Lord said, "Look to the locks that are opening canals long closed." The re-opening of locks in the U.K. is a sign that the ancient waterways are opening that have held back a move of the Spirit of God. New pathways of the Spirit are opening, new opportunities to spread the Word within the region are opening. As the locks become unlocked, the restored waterways of revival and evangelism will emerge and flow.

I looked this up online after receiving the vision, and read a note of significance concerning the ancient locks: "The Droitwich Canals opened Friday, 1 July 2011, 72 years after they were officially abandoned... 240 years after they first opened on 27 June 1771, the newly restored waterway is the final link in a brand new 'cruising circuit' – the Mid Worcestershire Ring. The Ring allows boats, cyclists and ramblers to make a 21-mile circular journey through some of the UK's most beautiful and historic countryside, from the Worcester & Birmingham Canal to the River Severn, through the city of Worcester and back to Droitwich."

In the 1770s, when many locks were being built or restored, England was in the middle of the John Wesley revival. It is also interesting to note that in 1939, when many canals and locks began closing, history records that WWII broke out that year. Also, religious historians believe that in 1939, one particular man brought Wicca out of the woods of England and spread its popularity throughout Britain and America, launching a Wiccan revival. It seems like 1939 was a good year to close off the waterways of the natural and spiritual enemy. But now is the time to reopen the waterways of the Spirit and let revival break out!

A ring of fire around the country and a ring of locks within it speak of the coming invasion of Heaven becoming more manifest than ever before to ordinary Believers and unbelievers. Both speak of complete circles – like a wheel within a wheel – and both are signs that the Lord is moving to restore the rich heritage of the Spirit in the U.K.

The vision ended and two questions rumbled through my mind. The first was this: Will Europe experience its Spring thaw in 2012? And the second question was this: As the Lord sovereignly and suddenly lights the fires of revival and evangelism, who will rise up and carry the torch to the neighboring nations?

I believe it will be those who say, "Here am I, send me!" who will go to the surrounding nations, and many who are displaced or students living outside of their home countries in Central and Eastern Europe will find themselves riding the rivers and carrying the torch wherever the river flows.

Julia Loren
Julia Loren Ministries

Email: juliascribes@yahoo.com

källa: http://prophetgene.blogspot.com/2011/12/julia-c-loren-vision-of-europe.html