fredag 28 februari 2014

The 12th Man – Awaken for the Renewal!

Jewels from Judy: The 12th Man – Awaken for the Renewal!

Judy Bauman

I saw people of all ages, races, denominations and levels of social status rising up and taking their position in the Body of Christ. As they came together, they formed a human body. I saw this “Body” walking all over the world. There were no parts of the body that were not in unity as they all were led by the Head – the mind of Christ. Then the Lord continued to speak:

“In Ephesians 4:11-12, I made it clear how the church needs to operate to function properly. Jesus Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. In Ephesians 2:19-22, I shared the plan for My Church, My temple. I made it clear that the Church needs to operate with the apostolic and prophetic leaders to set the foundation. Then the evangelists, pastors, and teachers are to build on that foundation with Christ being the Cornerstone. Though many have seen Christ as the Cornerstone, they have failed to see the need for apostolic and prophetic counsel. Most have the pastor running the whole church and that was not My intentions for that office and why so many burn out early. Because the foundation is often overlooked as being true in times past, the churches crumble and then wonder what happened. My word is eternally true.”

To read the full encounter, go to:

onsdag 19 februari 2014

Skatterna i Guds ord

Varje fredag kl 19.30 framöver visar TV7 Vingårdens undervisningsprogram "Skatterna i Guds ord". Du kan också se programmen på webben: 

Första programmen handlar om  "Självförtroende eller Kristusförtroende"

Del 1 kan du se här:

Del 2 handlar om fruktan för misslyckas och hur man övervinner denna fruktan.
Du kan se avsnittet i efterhand och även ladda ner det som mp4-fil här:

måndag 17 februari 2014

Kors - befruktning

Ett ord till många kyrkor/församlingar i Sverige för den här tiden med början i år
genom Marc A. Dupont:
The Lord is opening a sovereign window for 'spring warm winds' to blow through churches in Sweden. There will be a thawing out, a fresh scent of heaven, and new things budding & blooming (new Holy Spirit initiated and empowered works) for those who respond to the Holy Spirit. 

As well, there will be a historical amount of 'cross pollinating' taking place. These warm winds of spring will bring a joy to many leaders that will cause them to reach out and work with other leaders that they might never have worked with before in extending the Kingdom of God. It's time to open the windows to let out what's stale and let in the winds of God that are ripe for planting. Do not merely look for miracles- look for miraculous new works springing up!

Marc A. Dupont 
January 2014

Det som Bill och Marsha Burns förmedlar idag tror jag är viktigt både på en personlig nivå och mellan kyrkor och samfund som förberedelse för den process som Marc Dupont beskriver: 
Mountain Lake

Faith Tabernacle
February 17, 2014


My prophets bring forth things old and things new. The way is open for you to let go of things that are bound up in the past so that you may begin this new adventure. For, whatever has assaulted you in these past weeks, whatever has bound you, this is the day to be released and break out so that you may walk the path of My anointing in this season.  I have declared that a new anointing is coming upon My people. It is a more powerful anointing than you have ever walked in. It will break every yoke of bondage. It will release the captive and will cause you to walk in a new place of authority. It will bring the manifestation of your words to fufill My purpose and to call things that are not as though they are, says the Lord. All you must do is believe. I will go before you and prepare the way of My word, and then you will follow and receive the blessings of it.

I will bring to your remembrance various people who have either mistreated or misjudged you.  This is for the purpose of examination to see if there is something you need to understand from those encounters or need to forgive so that you can be liberated from lingering oppression.  It is My desire that you be released from the anchors of the past that keep you from moving forward in My purposes, says the Lord.  Freedom awaits!

Psalm 146:5-8   Happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God, Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; Who keeps truth forever, Who executes justice for the oppressed, Who gives food to the hungry. The LORD gives freedom to the prisoners. The LORD opens the eyes of the blind; the LORD raises those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous.


Faith Tabernacle | 111 North Fourth Street | P. O. Box 1148 | Kremmling | CO | 80459

söndag 16 februari 2014

A return to the ‘heart of David’


"… As we have seen, a lot of what is happening today is an emphasis on new paradigms of ministry. The contemporary church landscape is littered with a multiplicity of conferences and books on new apostolic structures, cell structures and so on. We think all we need to do is change the system. …

The new covenant, though, is not a promise of new paradigms but of new hearts (Ezk 36:26). While there are certainly paradigms of church life that more adequately facilitate spiritual life, heaven’s priority is on the wine, not the wineskin – on the spirit, not the structure. No amount of superimposing new paradigms – new methods, techniques, or programs on the old problem of idolatry will produce revival. It will simulate renewal for a short while, but never stimulate revival.

Only a return to the ‘heart of David’ will produce the revival we are longing for. Like David, God give this generation a cry for a 'new spirit' (Psa 51) – for a clean heart – a heart that will not bow to another god."

Copyright © David Orton 2004

Lifemessenger Inc · PO Box 777 · Mount Eliza · VIC 3930 AUSTRALIA
Duplication and re-transmission of this writing is permitted
provided that complete source and website information is included
Thank you

tisdag 11 februari 2014

Village of Hope

Jag har själv besökt "Village of Hope" i Estland som reportaget handlar om och det gjorde ett oförglömligt intryck på mig. En påtaglig kombination av stark faderskärlek, tydlighet och drivkraft hos dess ledare Märt Vähi gjorde också ett djupt intryck. Det är ett fantastiskt arbete som bärs av en vision från Gud. Det tar också fysisk form genom många villiga händer. Detta är ett "bygge" på många olika plan!  
Titta på filmen och låt dig inspireras. I slutet på filmen finns uppgifter hur du kan ta kontakt om Herren manar dig att vara en del av detta arbete. Guds välsignelse! Barnabas

Reportage - Village of Hope, Estland from Mission in Focus TV on Vimeo.



Fader vår

Fader Vår, som är i himmelen
Helgat varde ditt namn.
Tillkomme ditt rike.
Ske din vilja, såsom i himmelen så ock på jorden.
Vårt dagliga bröd giv oss idag,
och förlåt oss våra skulder, såsom ock vi förlåta dem oss skyldiga äro,
och inled oss icke i frestelse
utan fräls oss ifrån ondo.
[Ty riket är ditt och makten och härligheten i evighet.]

1917 års bibelöversättning

lördag 8 februari 2014

Stora drömmar och små begynnelser

Från Bönehus Stockholms blogg "Rista":

Stora drömmar och små begynnelser

"Under den senaste tiden upplever jag hur Gud talat i ett par större teman. Ett av dessa teman rör området av drömmar. Jag upplever hur det finns en speciell nåd för nystart, omstart, omformulering och omvärdering när det kommer till våra drömmar. En del människor i Guds rike kommer finna sig i spänningen mellan stora drömmar och ringa begynnelser, vilket inte blir utan utmaningar.

Hur någon påbörjar processen att drömma är av mindre relevans, om drömmen startas med en enkel tanke eller om det är änglabesök med eldskrift på väggen är inte det viktiga. Det viktiga i sammanhanget är om drömmen är född tillsammans med Gud. Mitt i en kultur där drömmar påverkas av orsak och verkan, brainstoming och strategiskt tänkande är det vitalt att stanna upp och söka Gud om man har välsignelse att gå vidare med visionen. Varför detta är viktigt är inte risken att drömmen inte blir sann, vi människor kan faktiskt utföra en hel del i egen kraft, risken är att missa fullheten av vad Gud har tänkt."

Läs fortsättningen här:

tisdag 4 februari 2014

Storbönemöte för Sverige

"Smålands Jerusalem"

Smålands Jerusalem - väckelsen i SmålandRSS

"Väckelsen som gick fram påverkade alla delar av samhället och fick konsekvenser som märks än idag, inte bara i det faktum att många fortfarande refererar till "Smålands Jerusalem" när man talar om Jönköping."

Se detta intressanta program här:

alternativt direkt på Vimeo:

Läs gärna också den här bloggposten från bloggen "The Hearts of the Fathers" som handlar om Jönköping, men det som Rob skriver är tänkvärt också i förhållande till städer i allmänhet: 

"When families are restored to its origin, its purpose and its authority, it will result in hearts that trust, that are secure and willing to move with the voice of agreement. As the Father is rebuilding the safety of the City, it will cause rest and balance in the relationships. It will result in the seeking of each others heart and it will effect the whole of the City!"

måndag 3 februari 2014

Lita på Herren


"Anxiety either drives us to the Lord or to Mammon. It presents us with the clear choice of either finding comfort in Mammon or in God. Resolve and progress in the kingdom is only found by obeying the clear injunction to not be anxious. The choice is ours, to trust in the Lord or rely on our own understanding (Pro 3:5-6). …

Anxiety will either press us into the Lord, or into relying on ourselves. By leaning on our own understanding we rationalise our self-reliance, and thus, find our own life. In contrast, trusting in the Lord requires that we lose our life:

Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10:39 NIV

The Greek word used for “life” is psuche, referring to our soul life — our mind, will, and emotions. And so, to “lose our life” demands the laying down of our soul-realm — that is, what we feel, think, or want in the face of life threatening circumstances."

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Copyright © David Orton 2010

Lifemessenger Inc · PO Box 777 · Mount Eliza · VIC 3930 AUSTRALIA
Duplication and re-transmission of this writing is permitted
provided that complete source and website information is included

lördag 1 februari 2014

Word from Jerusalem - Our Connection to Jerusalem

Från :

"Word from Jerusalem - Our Connection to Jerusalem (Episode 1)
The historical significance of Jerusalem through a Biblical perspective

In this, the first episode of Word from Jerusalem, ICEJ Executive Director, Dr. Juergen Buehler, teaches about the historical significance of Jerusalem through a Biblical perspective and why it is important for Christians.
Then Juergen talks with ICEJ's International Director, Juha Ketola, about living in Jerusalem.
Finally, the leaders of the ICEJ talk about the work of the organization."
