lördag 31 oktober 2015

Inbjudan till konferens om att vara kristen i arbetslivet

13-15 november 2015
Kungsportskyrkan, Huskvarna

Bland talarna:
Hans Weichbrodt, Ruth Nordström, Jan Sturesson, J. Gunnar Olson, Hans Jansson

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fredag 30 oktober 2015

Vi är din familj!

Ett vittnesbörd publicerat i den danska tidningen "Utfordringen":

Vi er din familie

Er du medlem af en kirke? Det spørgsmål lyder så koldt, som om Jesus kom, for at vi skulle blive medlem af en kirke, som en eller anden sportsklub.

Nej, Jesus ville at kirken skulle være en familie. En familie man blev født ind i, og familier har ikke medlemskab. Jeg tror, den første menighed virkelig var som en familie.
Vi siger, at blod er tykkere end vand, når det kommer til vores almindelige familie. Men jeg vil gå så langt at påstå, at ånd er tykkere end blod.
I mange år havde jeg kun oplevet kirken som en institution, man var medlem af, men nu har jeg fået lov at opleve kirken, som en familie og til det, må jeg bare sige ”Wow, sikke en forskel”. Kirken er jo en familie, hvor man elsker hinanden og lever sammen.

Läs fortsättningen här:

tisdag 20 oktober 2015

Var frimodig

Från Glasgow Prophetic Centre:

 Be Bold!

Don't just read this word, absorb its truth fully into your soul, spirit and body today, for you will need its truth to guide you today:
I hear Adonai say, 'Be bold in me! Have I not commanded you to be bold and courageous? I AM the Lord your God: come to me and trust in me. I will give you everything that you need for the situations you are facing for I AM creator God and I created the heavens and the Earth. I want to give you all that you need, this is my desire. 

Trust in me - open your mouth and I will fill it. I have the words you need; I have the wisdom you need. Ask me - I am a generous God. My ways are not your ways. Do not be afraid... come to me and ask for a 'Holy Boldness'. I AM all that you need. I have the wisdom and the words for every situation. Speak out truth and speak out life.'

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Lion Bites are daily (Monday-Friday) prophetic words, written for your strengthening, encouragement and comfort by a team from Glasgow Prophetic Centre, headquarters of the International Network of Prophetic Centres. The International Network of Prophetic Centres is a charity and is entirely supported by gifts and donations from people like you: people who are passionate about the advancement of Christ and His Kingdom in the nations.
For advice on the best ways to receive and process a prophetic word, please read the simple list of Frequently Asked Questions on our website.

Inspirerande undervisning på samma tema från en profetisk-apostolisk konferens i Norge:


fredag 16 oktober 2015

Gudomliga sammanlänkningar

Från Lana Vawser, https://lanavawser.com


The Lord is building bridges of favour leading His people to unexpected but glorious new relationships and places. Be on the lookout for the bridges, connections and networks He is building before you for they are leading to a new level of birthing and catapulting. These bridges are opening greater doors of divine destiny. Don’t be put off by “how they look” or “where you think” they are leading, follow the prompting of His Spirit for He is leading you into a glorious place where only He could get you.

onsdag 14 oktober 2015

Du har vad du behöver

Lion Bites daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre for 14 October 15

You have what you need

The Holy Spirit spoke by means of a dialogue between a believer - who could be any one of us - and God. Imagine yourself in this conversation:

You were saying to Him,
'I don’t have the right gifts or abilities to fulfil what you have asked of me, God. I am not capable, adequate or able to do what you have called me to do because I lack the necessary tools.'

As Father God listened to what you had to say He chuckled and then replied,
'My child, look inside you. Do not forget that when you received salvation that your spirit and my Spirit became one. Everything that I have, you now have access to, right in the inside of you. All power, gifts, strategies, solutions, peace and more do not need to be sent to you.. because you already have them - you just need to learn to pull them up and out.'

As He finished speaking He moved your head downwards so that you could see inside of yourself. There, inside you, was your spirit, dancing with the Holy Spirit and, in this dance, the Holy Spirit was giving to you all you need.

Today, God asks you, 'What do you need?'
You tell Him.
He asks you, 'Where can you find it?'
You answer, 'It is already inside me!'

All you require, you already have. You just need to learn to access and pull on it. Do not forget, as you move forward in these coming days, that you have access to all that you need. All required resource is not absent, nor is it far off. It is simply on the inside of you.

1 Corinthians 6:17
But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.


Se också:

måndag 12 oktober 2015

Time for Reformation

Se alla videoupptagningar från Kristna ambassaden i Jerusalems firande av Lövhyddohögtiden som i år hade temat:

"Time for Reformation"

Day 1 of Feast 2015 - Ein Gedi Celebration

Day 2 of Feast 2015 - Parade of Nations

Day 3 of Feast 2015 - Evening Celebration

Day 4 of Feast 2015 - Evening Celebration

Day 5 of Feast 2015 - Israeli Night

Partnering with Victory in a Changing World

Detta är en länk till ljudupptagningar från en profetisk konferens som hölls nyligen i Glasgow Prophetic Centre. Talare är Johnny Enlow och Emma Stark:


  1. Första sessionen talar Johnny lite övergripande om det som man brukar kalla "The seven mountains", dvs sju olika samhällsområden som vi kan påverka.
  2. Den andra sessionen beskriver Emma mycket av det som pågått och pågår just nu i Kristi kropp och det görs en del profetiska deklarationer.
  3. Den tredje är riktigt bra tycker jag och handlar om hur vi som reformers kan vara med och utvidga Guds rike
  4. Den fjärde har mer fokus på församlingen och är också väldigt bra.
  5. Den femte har David i fokus
För min egen del tycker jag det de förmedlar verkligen är värt att lyssna på och jag hoppas att 
också du blir välsignad!.

fredag 9 oktober 2015


Ett profetiskt ord förmedlat av Lana Vawser, https://lanavawser.com


by lanavawser
This morning I felt the Lord's heart for those who are walking through deep painful stretching processes right now. 
"I felt the Lord saying that there are ENCOUNTERS WITH HIS POWER that are going to happen in the midst of your 'process' right now as you STAY POSITIONED. I saw encounters with the power of God for many across the body of Christ as they refused to 'cave' under the pressure, and these encounters with His power were like a defribulator. It was bringing hearts back to life, it was bringing revival in hearts, it was seeing deliverance happen in hearts and lives. It was seeing a shock of HOPE and EXCITEMENT for what the Lord is going to do, released. Not only will dreams come back to life in hearts, but with fresh vision and the Lord will add new 'elements' and 'layers' to these dreams in the heart of His people through these encounter with His power. In the encounters with His power, there is a great awakening that will happen in hearts to the heart of God like never before. Where hearts have been 'out of sync' with what the Lord is doing or saying, or fear has caused hearts to move away from the heart of God or His dreams for their lives, suddenly they will be shocked by His power and love into life and back into rhythm with His."

Läs fortsättningen här:

onsdag 7 oktober 2015


Varje kristens funktion och uppgift är unik och ingen behöver tränga den andre. Men oavsett uppgift så hör vi samtidigt på ett eller annat sätt ihop i Kristi kropp.
För att förstå hur vi kompletterar andra i denna kropp, behöver vi först förstå vilken funktion Herren har kallat oss själva till.  Har vi inte den insikten behöver vi söka Guds vilja för att få veta och börja vandra i den kallelsen.

Dagens "Lion Bites" från Glasgow Prophetic Centre:

Encouragement to stop the drift

I would have you understand this day what I have placed on the inside of you, and to also understand my ways with you. I did not make you to be like others, I made you unique to reflect aspects of my nature that others will not. But I would also have you understand that what I have given to you will be different to what I have given to others. Celebrate what I have done and am doing in your life, but also celebrate what I am doing in those that are not like you. Do not be threatened or intimidated by what you see in others, because what you have is different.

Läs fortsättningen här:


Sändning från DPPJ, Jerusalem

Day of Prayer - English

I söndags var det den årliga, internationella bönedagen för frid över Jerusalem, Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, DPPJ.

GOD TV filmande hela bönesamlingen i Jerusalem och den kan du se här:

fredag 2 oktober 2015

Internationell bönedag för Jerusalem

Facebook Cover Image

På söndag kommer det att vara en internationell bönedag för Jerusalem som det alltid är varje år den första söndagen i oktober. Var med och bed för Jerusalems fred!

Svensk affisch:

Fler resurser på svenska: 


torsdag 1 oktober 2015

Livesändningar från Lövhyddohögtiden i Jerusalem

Titta på direktsändningen från Kristna ambassadens firande av Lövhyddohögtiden i Jerusalem här:

Om du inte har möjlighet att titta live så finns inspelningarna av festligheterna på ICEJ:s hemsida