tisdag 29 maj 2012

En drömsyn

Från bloggen "Bed för landet":

En drömsyn

Jag såg Sverige. Vårt vackra, avlånga land. Den förfallna grunden började vittra sönder och stenar lossnade.Grus och sand började rinna ner mot ett stort svart hål. Sverige började sjunka och dras mot den mörka avgrunden.

Landet började luta precis som ett skepp som sjunker med stäven före. Sverige gled fortare och fortare mot djupet. Jag förstod att nu går vårt land under.
Plötsligt stannade processen upp med ett ryck. Jag tittade och undrade vad det var som gjorde att det stannade.

Då fick jag se att det var någonting under landet som stoppade det hela. Jag såg något stort och väldigt som landet fastnat på.

Hela Sverige hängde på ett jättekors!

Korset kommer att bli vår och landets enda räddning från undergång. Jag var omskakad när jag vaknade. 

Bön för landet är mer aktuell än någonsin. Låt oss ropa till Gud om nåd och förbarmande över vårt land.

Gud älskar Sverige!

Sylvia Gustafsson           
17 maj 2012

måndag 28 maj 2012

Israels preminärminister håller bibelstudier


I december förra året skrev Jerusalem post att premiärminister Netanyahu skulle hålla bibelstudier i sitt hem, och nu har de kommit igång. Så här citeras han:

"And Netanyahu made clear what the message was: “Ben-Gurion and Begin believed that the Bible should be the heritage of the entire nation – secular and religious, young and old, men and women. The Bible is the foundation of our existence. It unites the Jewish people, as it has throughout the generations. It also serves not only as a foundation but also as a map and compass,” he said.

“The Bible is always relevant vis-à-vis today’s problems and challenges. It inspires, it is a source of life for our people and I think that it is important to expand Bible study and love of the Bible among all parts of the nation."

Läs hela artikeln i Jerusalem Post här:

fredag 25 maj 2012

Profetisk församling

Läste det här inlägget på "Gene - a prophet´s" blogg och blev så berörd. Den är den här typen av församling vi/jag längtar efter och söker och har gjort i flera år. Var finns den?!? Herre, led oss dit! 
Det känns som vi länge "väntat i Jerusalem" på det som Fadern utlovat och nu ber jag att pingsten eld ska manifesteras och skaka om så de döda benen får liv - främst i mitt eget liv, men också i alla andra sammanhang som behöver förnyas.    
Guds välsignelse! /Barnabas  

File:Jean II Restout - Pentecôte.jpg

"When a Prophetic Church Prophesies...lives Change

This morning I was part of a Church Service in Ann Arbor MI. Shekinah Church on Scio Church Road. I have been there before...but today was special. This is the Church led by Apostle Barbara Yoder. She is a friend and I respect her greatly.

So many things...

The worship team was amazing. I honestly didn't know who was leading...it all flowed so well...both in song and in prophetic worship. IF a professional music group is better, I don't know who. There were a Dozen people on the platform, all skilled, all worshipers, no one cared anything other than to worship the ONE. So fresh. So anointed of God.

It's not a huge church. In fact if there were 200 people there it might be all there were.

Yet, today, the presence of God came in such a unique way it was hard to stand. The word of the Lord in prophecy went forth. Pastor Benjamin Deitrick delivered several, some to people with ailments, some with people in trouble and then he delivered one to Peggy and me. It was so accurate, so directive, it was like getting a telegram direct from the throne. Benjamin and I had not talked, we are not connected except thru Apostle Yoder. Yet he spoke things over us only God knows. That's the mark of a true prophet. I won't rehearse it here, but if you live in the Ann Arbor area and need a word from God, you will get one at Shekinah. GO!!

During the service since I had been given release to do so, I came up and gave a prophetic word confirming the flow of the service. Pastor Tonya Roberson, (who also is connected to Apostle John Eckhardt as I am) was surprised by my walking to the platform, she didn't get the memo..but Cindy Williams interceded and the word came forth.

These are precious people and I was surprised at the change in atmosphere I sensed. I now understand what Apostle Yoder was talking about when she talks about the future. The future at Shekinah is in GOOD hands. I had questioned this a bit and was pleasantly surprised. God uses even family.

It was one of those amazing services where preaching can be superficial. In fact, as I left, I had this thought:

What if every pastor and teacher in the land was to stop delivering prepared sermons for the next year. Nothing unless the Holy Ghost provides; OR sit down and be silent. That would test the spiritual mettle of most preachers. What if the only activity in the Church was to be what is in 1 Corinthians 12-14? I remember the story behind "The Heart of Worship" by Matt Redman. It's time for those who call themselves Christian to let HIM flow and get out of the way.

Maybe it's time to restore the Apostolic and Prophetic to the place the word of God said it should be...foundational. Time to tone down the pulpit and raise up Jesus.

I can only tell you this, I received a hundred times a confirmation on what the Lord wants me to do. I will obey. I'm so thankful for those who I love that are part of this fellowship. I hope to be there again soon. Prophetess Cindy Williams was amazing..as she always is. Bless her for her obedience. I received at her hand....the future is amazing.

I cannot be in any house that is not prophetic. If I lived in Ann Arbor I would be in that house.

God is going to take the church and form it into HIS image. If you resist...He is the potter...you are simply clay and you will end up in potters field...unless....

Great day in God."


onsdag 23 maj 2012

Det kungliga dopet

Igår döptes prinsessan Estelle i Slottskyrkan i Stockholm och jag ber om Guds rikaste välsignelse över henne och hennes familj! Under dopceremonin bad kronprinsessan Viktoria offentligt en bön och jag rördes till tårar. Varje bön är naturligtvis viktig, men det kändes ändå alldeles särskilt viktigt att en person som hon valde att göra detta så offentligt. Så här skriver Carola bla på sin blogg:

"Beundrar Kronprinsessan Victoria.
Jag högaktar Kronprinsessans mod på dopet idag!
Kronprinsessan Victoria är en banbrytare som ställer sig upp inför hela kyrkan och även hela Sveriges folk och läser en personlig bön. En tacksägelse bön där det inte finns en tvekan till vem hon riktar sitt tack!Det är hennes hjärta och övertygelse som Victoria delar med sig av här. Hennes högsta personliga tro.Jag vill tacka Ers Kungliga Högheter för ödmjukheten och glädjen i att tacka vår Gud för livets gåvor och utmaningar. Stora föredömen för oss alla. Tack! Länge leve hoppet på sann kärlek och äkthet.

Jag blev verkligen så glad och upplyft över det raka, vördnadsfulla och ärliga budskap som lyftes fram under dopceremonin idag. Som vid Bröllopet 2010. Det kändes verkligen som en helig stund i kyrkan. Ja hela dagen. En riktigt Kunglig dag!"

Läs hela inlägget här:

Håller med Carola i dessa ord!

Tidningen "Dagen" lyfter också fram det unika i att kronprinsessan själv bad för sitt barn. Detta har tydligen inte någon kunglighet gjort förut. Bönen hon bad var:

"Gud, vi tackar dig för vårt barn. Tack för gåvan du har gett och förtroendet du har visat oss. Ge oss ömhet, fasthet och lugn. Hjälp oss att ge din kärlek vidare till det barn du gett oss ansvar för. I Jesu namn. Amen."

Och den kan vi alla stämma in i.

Dopet kunde också följas i Kungsträdgården via storbildsskärm. Dagen skriver om spontana applåder från både ”uppklädda damer och en och annan nedgången man” när ärkebiskop Anders Wejryd höll fram prinsessan Estelle och refererade till Jesusordet att "den som tar emot ett sådant barn i mitt namn, han eller hon tar emot mig". Och många sjöng med i psalmen ”Tryggare kan ingen vara”

De här sakerna blev för mig hoppfyllda tecken på att Gud verkar och människor berörs av Honom i Sverige idag.

Guds välsignelse!/ Barnabas

måndag 21 maj 2012

Guds omsorg

Faith Tabernacle
May 21, 2012

I would have you to remember My goodness, for I have watched over you even when you felt alone, even when you felt desperate, even when you felt forgotten, even when you have been without.  I have never left you.  I have never forsaken you.  I have been with you all of these days from the very first day you gave yourself to Me, and I have watched over you.  It is true that I have allowed you to walk through some hard circumstances, but do you not know that they are making you stronger?  And, do you not know that they are giving you the right to exercise the authority that I have given you?  And, do you not know that they cause you to cling to Me?  Your destiny is already written and it is one of victory, not failure.  So, walk with Me in trust and love. Victory is assured.  Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Dare to believe you can be what I said you can be, says the Lord.

källa: dagligt utskick från http://ft111.com/

onsdag 16 maj 2012

Suphah - ny hemsida

Goda vänner till mig har sjösatt en ny hemsida som jag tror kommer bli mycket intressant och välsignat att följa. Den heter "Suphah" Detta är välkomstorden:

“Welcome to Suphah
This homepage is birthed out of a vision of revival in Sweden, the nations of the north and Europe, something that only can start with change. It is our vision that this site might be a tool for change through prayer, worship, teaching and revelation.”

Så här börjar beskrivningen av visionen för denna hemsida:  

““His way is in the whirlwind and the storm, and clouds are the dust of his feet.”  Nah. 1:3 (NIV)

Many of us remember the 90’s song, ”Wind Of Change”, that immortalized the fall of the Berlin Wall and end of Communism.
And now the Lords wind of change is ”on the move”, His suphah (Hebrew: whirlwind/tornado) is beginning to manifest across the nations; Gods people are awakening!

Like the tornado the Kingdom of God has all through history been marked by its ability to turn things upside-down. That’s why true transformation (turning upside-down) is the heartbeat in any reformation, that so often precedes a revival.
God’s suphah (His chariot of change and glory) are the New Testament people who are “moved” by the Spirit, just like the Spirit moved the wheels of Gods chariot throne (Ezek. 1:20).

So God is asking you and me; ”Is the Spirit in your wheels; are you moved by the Spirit?”

Right now, so many of us are waiting in dying temples (churches), because we haven’t seen and seized our high calling of being His temple. This is a time for us to allow ourself to be touched and “moved” by His heart, and connecting "heart to heart" with the rest of His body (Rom. 12:4-5, 1 Thess. 2:8). Will you join the movement, will you become His suphah?” 

Här kan du läsa fortsättningen:

Adressen till hemsidan är: http://www.suphah.org/

Jag önskar all Guds välsignelse över denna hemsida och er som skriver den och ber att den skall få bära frukt, frukt som består. Välkommen till cyberspace :-)! /Barnabas  

lördag 12 maj 2012

Rensa Templet

Från bloggen “The legacy of a dreamer”:

Cleansing the temple

I Skara kommer nu på lördag en altartavla avtäckas utav Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin.
Tillsammans med ett nytt altare som ska användas vid vigsel av två män nu på lördag.
en utav domkyrkans präster vill ställa upp, så en präst kommer från Göteborg.

While the Jesus manifestation takes place today in Stockholm and thousands of christians will march the city to proclaim that Jesus is Lord, Skara will be polluted by the creative eruptions of a confused and provoking “artist”! I hate to call her an artist as it violates the word to its mosts essence!

In the same time I am thankful that they have to fly in a priest from Göteborg, since no priest from the city want to be part of this shameful incident!
I wished that the thousands of today would bend their march and marched right to the city of Skara to cleanse the “temple” as Jesus did in His days!

Writing from my bed in an early morning, I am fighting an anger to such a disgusting, provoking and blaspheming act, that will be aired all over Sweden!
When will we stand up and shout the NO! When will “Jesus clean the house”! I know… not by might and not by power but by My Spirit… But today, there will be two opposing expressions as we happily march and in the mean time behind our back they defile “the house”!

I pray for wisdom, I pray for Fire, I pray for a powerful awakening as the “heart” of history in Sweden will be shaking by the violence of those who walk in a darkness!

So they came to Jerusalem. Then Jesus went into the temple and began to drive out those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He would not allow anyone to carry wares through the temple. Then He taught, saying to them, Is it not written, My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations ? But you have made it a den of thieves. (Mark 11:15-17 NKJV)

Father, forgive them, because they have no clue of their responsibility to the generations to come!
In the same time, Father please forgive us our swedish lagom silence as we watch and don’t say anything. As we handed over our authority to the worldly systems! Open our eyes Father and make us bold to shape a godly environment that will not allow the defilement of Your House! That your Kingdom come and Your will be done, even in Sweden!

Please, be sure that you all will be there as we will march to Skara one day, to cleanse the temple!

måndag 7 maj 2012

Andlig auktoritet


"True spiritual authority does not come from a position - it comes from God's presence through times of pressure - from the crucible of wilderness testing."

Lifemessenger Inc. 
PO Box 777 
Mount Eliza VIC 3930 Australia

torsdag 3 maj 2012

Bön för sommar - OS

Uppmaning till bön för de olympiska sommarspelen i London från International Prayer Councils, IPC´s  bönebrev ( http://www.ipcprayer.org ):

Praying for the London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Games
With less than 100 days before the commencement of the 2012 London Olympics[1], the movement of prayer in the British Isles and Ireland wish to welcome the rest of the world to join us on the journey. We welcome prayer groups, praying communities, prayer movements, praying churches and praying individuals to join in with us to strengthen our hands in God during the coming months. Above all we are praying for the presence of God to be experienced in unprecedented ways in these island nations.

Key Dates:

Olympic Torch Relay: 19th May-27th July; Olympic Games 27th July-12th August;
Paralympic Torch Run 24th August-29th August; Paralympic Games 29th August-9th September


As a result of a "download" from Heaven in 2005, we believed that it would take seven years of prayer and praise - particularly around the coasts of Scotland, England and Wales - to prepare this nation. So that, when the nations of the world arrive for the Games, we would be in a right place with God and with one another to welcome them and to pray for them to encounter God here. This "download" has been echoed in many ways through similar revelations. Only two weeks afterwards, a young man was the subject of a television interview for having completed a prayer walk of the entire coast of Great Britain. Since then, many others have walked and prayed along their part of the coast, and along rivers. A spiritual "coastguard" has been raised within the Lydia movement. Many prayer centers have been started around our coast also.

In addition, Scripture about the role of the gatekeepers as described in 1 Chronicles chapters 9-23 has been important for us. Gatekeepers were to stand guard at the gates of the temple - north, south, east and west - in order to maintain the temple as a place where people could encounter God. They were to be involved in praise and worship and in prophesying. They were to prepare for the ark of God's presence to be brought back. We have therefore been praying that when the nations come to the UK for the Games, they will come into a nation where they can encounter God - a nation where the presence of God can be experienced. We want to be a blessing to the people from the nations. We want them to be blessed by being here. We know that we actually deserve the judgment of God - but we have been praying repentantly for God to have mercy, forgive our sins and heal our land.

More Than Gold (the charity set up to co-ordinate the Christian response to the Games) has a Prayer Program team amongst the 22 program teams, and has welcomed the whole prayer strategy that has been emerging since 2005. The theme verses for 2012 are Isaiah 60:1-7 and the prayer strategy for 2012 is called 'A Time to Shine'. www.morethangold.org.uk


Year of Prayer 
This year is being called 'a year of prayer' with many churches, organizations, and prayer ministries being called by the Holy Spirit to mobilize different seasons and initiatives. This is unprecedented here! Information on www.prayerforum.org. Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. This will be celebrated throughout the year but especially from 2-4th June with many nationwide events. The Big Lunch will take place on Sun June 3rd where we are praying for 6 million people to be fed across the nation as the church provides lunch for its community. So in your prayers of blessing on this nation, we humbly ask for her and her family to be included. www.hopetogether.org.uk

The Olympic Torch Relay 19th May-27th July
Many know that the Olympic Torch is lit in Olympia, Greece - at a temple to Zeus. It will arrive in Land's End in Cornwall (the extreme South-West tip of England). It will then go to over 1,000 communities throughout all parts of the British Isles, stopping each night at 70 key towns and cities. Interestingly, about 70% of the overnight stopping points are coastal towns and cities. We believe God knew this before the route was formally planned, and has been preparing the ground through His people.

Favor of God. The first few months of this year has revealed an extraordinary level of favor that God has begun to give us. Here a few of the headlines.
  • More Than Gold has been equipping over 3000 churches throughout the country to make the most of this open door to do service, mission and hospitality in a variety of ways. All the main Christian denominations and over 80 organizations are working together.
  • The London Organizing Committee of the Olympic & Paralympic Games (LOCOG) have asked More Than Gold for 1,000 Games pastors - to welcome people as they arrive at ports, airports and stations & to help them locate venues or accommodation.
  • With the help of More Than Gold, LOCOG have found the Christian Chaplains who will be available to help with practical and spiritual needs of athletes in the athletes villages.
  • The Police have been looking to the church for help in a number of ways as they face huge policing challenges.
  • Hundreds of people involved in drama groups are expected from the nations. Various British-based drama teams have been writing and preparing special material.
  • Overseas mission teams are currently registering to come to partner with British Christians in faith sharing on the streets and in public squares.
  • LOCOG have asked More Than Gold to run the Athlete Family Homestay Program which provides living accommodation for athletes families from overseas.
  • The Salvation Army has been awarded the contract to provide water to the athletes in all events.   [William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, began his work in the East End of London, not far from the main Olympic site.]
  • A 70-day cascade of praise and prayer will use the Olympic Torch Relay route to mobilize the movement for prayer and the church to pray blessing over communities. This involves a number of prayer initiatives including a praise bus and a prayer relay between 70 key towns and cities.
  • Churches in East London are running 30 days of non-stop prayer and worship 14th July to 12th August.
  • Many other churches, home groups, prayer groups, Houses of Prayer across the British Isles will be taking part in what we hope will become a continuous canopy of prayer & praise during both the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Key Areas for Prayer:
  1. That we as the body of Christ across our nations will grasp the opportunities before us to Arise and Shine and share the good news of Jesus with residents, competitors, visitors, and a watching world. Isaiah 60:1-7
  2. That through the praise and prayers of God's people the Olympic Torch will be recalibrated to shine the light of Christ in every community across our nations during the 70-day cascade of prayer and praise.
  3. That through the prayer relay of blessing, ditches will indeed be dug in the spirit to prepare the way for the Lord to bless every person and every community. 2 Kings 3:6-20
  4. That Christians in the area of the main Olympic venues in the East London will be strengthened and equipped. They have been alert to the opportunities well before the 2012 Olympics were announced and through prayer and action are working hard as they focus on the legacy of the Games for future generations. However, this area is one of the poorest and most deprived in the capital, and the church is arguably the weakest numerically.  Yet they are full of enterprise and have been positioning themselves in the community "for such a time as this".
  5. Our nation is currently on a very high security alert. Every part of our armed forces and police are being mobilised. Annual leave has been cancelled for them all during this season. Pray for God's mercy and protection for us that the media will not create a culture of fear and that through a safe and peaceful Games, the:
  • presence of Jesus will be experienced
  • power of the gospel released to be shared
  • purposes of God will be fulfilled

If you would like to pray with us during this season, the More Than Gold website will be uploading daily. Prayer pointers from 14th May linked to its Facebook and Twitter pages
Current prayer resources are on the prayer pages website.

Brian Mills & Jane Holloway on behalf of Prayer Forum of British Isles & Ireland
World Prayer Centre, Cornerstone House, 5 Ethel Street, Birmingham B2 4BG, UK

April 24, 2012 

[1] London 2012 was awarded to the United Kingdom and there are venues in Scotland, Wales, and in different parts of England as well as in London. The Olympic Torch run will also visit Isle of Man, the Channel Islands and the Republic of Ireland.

onsdag 2 maj 2012

Songs in the night

Karen Davis är lovsångsledare i den messianska församlingen Kehilat HaCarmel längst upp på Mount Carmel i Israel. Nyligen har hennes senaste CD kommit ut och den presenteras här:

Den innehåller profetiska sånger till uppmuntran, hopp och tröst födda mitt i turbulensen i det hårt ansatta landet Israel. 

Vill du köpa musiken går det bra att göra det här: