söndag 24 maj 2015


Här kommer en fortsättning på den profetiska ordet  "Interference in the airways" som publicerades här på bloggen den 22 maj, se: http://profetiskt.blogspot.se/2015/05/interference-in-airwaves.html


"Yesterday I posted a word about "interference in the airways" and the opposition and "static" many have been experiencing. The Lord was encouraging His people to NOT CHANGE THE CHANNEL, hold tight, because many are moving into a NEW CHANNEL.
This morning the Lord was speaking to me again about "airwaves" and "broadcast" and I heard the Lord and it sounded like He was speaking over a radio and He said "Tune in, Tune in, Tune in, this is a heavenly broadcast.. JEREMIAH 33:3"

‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
I saw many crying out to Him "in the static" and the "static" was bringing such a discouragement and despair. It was then I sensed the Lord saying "Look closer, look from where you are seated above". Suddenly it was as if I was above the static looking down on it and in the middle of the static I could see a "springboard"."

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Vad vi kan lära av kolibrin

Jewels from Judy: Lesson from the Hummingbird

In a vision, I saw a hummingbird with its beak deeply inside a large, bright red flower. Since I see hummingbirds often in the natural, I asked the Lord, “What does this mean?”

He said, “The hummingbird knows it has to go deep to get nourished. Many in the Church have surface level understanding of who I am. They want someone else to do the work of studying My word, but can you imagine how long a baby bird would live if it was only fed one hour of one day of the week? Even if it’s twice a week, it is not enough to sustain life. This is why so many fall from the faith. They eat the leaven at the table of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and particularly, of Herod.* Every believer needs to study themselves approved and learn to rightly divide the Word of Truth. If they do not, they will be led off, and in turn, mislead others who do not know the truth from a lie. Learn from the hummingbird and drink deeply! Go deep to find the nectar of the Word of Truth. You will not be disappointed and your thirst will be satisfied.”
* Jesus warned us in Matthew 16:6 and Mark 8:15 to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and of Herod. Each of these will do anything to avoid a true relationship with God and is why we must be vigilant and remove all traces of this “leaven” that puffs up and distorts. Instead, let us be raised by the leaven of heaven!

Leaven of Pharisees: Legalistic, religious works done out of duty and need for approval. It puffs up, thinking more highly of self than ought to be - lacking love and compassion. They are judgmental and critical of others and do not have to be in a ‘religion’ to exhibit this form of self-righteousness. (See Luke 18:9-14) Though they think they are serving God, they actually oppose Him. They are set on destroying the voice of Christ Jesus in the world just as in Jesus’ day when they yelled, “Crucify Him!”

Leaven of Sadducees: Operate and teaching in religious error (false religions). Like Pharisees, they are puffed up by their own religious acts and work to silence the voice of Jesus on earth. They are sincere, but like Balaam, sincerely wrong. (See 2 Peter 2:15; Jude 1:11; Revelation 2:14)

Leaven of Herod: Guided by worldly appetites and endeavors. These tend to be sensual in nature, use coarse language and jesting to cover up insecurities. They want to be entertained – even in church and by the things of God. (See Luke 23:8) They are quick to turn on one they admire if the one the admire refuses to join them in their mind games.

Leaven of Heaven: Arise, shine! (See Matthew 13:33) Teaches and shares the word of God that nurtures themselves as well as others. They edify and bring comfort into situations. Operate in the gifts of the Spirit and produce the fruit of the Spirit. Recognize that they are here “for such a time as this.” 


En ny typ av ledare


" … in obscurity God prepared a man, David, who in the fullness of time would receive the kingdom. Likewise today — the kingdom is being taken from Saul-leaders and given to a Davidic company prepared by God. There is a shift right now from human to divine leadership. And just as David submitted to wilderness preparations, experiencing many perplexing dealings, so too this emerging company. Their hearts of pride and self-sufficiency have been humbled and broken through life's experiences. And, like David, they are currently sensing the stirrings of imminent destiny fulfilment, inquiring of the Lord: "Is this the time to go up ... ?" (1 Sam 2:1). Timing and spiritual precision is of the essence. Unlike Moses and Saul, who both ran ahead of God, David submitted himself to God’s perfect timing for kingdom advancement.

David was a `processed' man. He had been through the deep heart searchings and brokenness necessary for true spiritual leadership in the kingdom. In the fullness of time God drew him out of the "valley of the shadow of death" raising him to the throne"

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Copyright © David Orton 2006

Lifemessenger Inc · PO Box 777 · Mount Eliza · VIC 3930 AUSTRALIA
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Lifemessage is a regular deeper-life teaching

fredag 22 maj 2015



"This morning when I got up and was talking to the Lord I heard Him say to me that many are experiencing "interference in the airwaves".
It was then that all I could sense was "static".. and the static was getting louder and louder. I felt the Lord saying that there over the past few days and leading into Pentecost many are experiencing "interference in the airwaves".. lots of "static".
Right now many are "between channels". In that place of "waiting" for the opening of the "next"."

LÄS HELA det uppmuntrande profetiska ordet här:

tisdag 5 maj 2015

GPC konferens i Jerusalem

Var gärna med och bed för den avslutande GPC konferensen i Jerusalem den 10-13 maj så som den Helige Ande leder.
Bed för gruppen som deltar som representanter för Sverige. Se mer info om konferensen här:


GPC- böneämnen avslutande bönevecka 15

100 dagars bön 27 januari – 
8 maj 2015
15 veckors bön för Israel, Sverige och Kristi Kropp i Sverige

Be om ett välsignat förhållande mellan Israel och Sverige – med församlingen som en central del 

Herren vill göra detta innan han återvänder: Han vill hjälpa så många nationer som möjligt att inför hans ankomst och när Domens dal närmar sig (Joel 3:14-16) till slut räknas som en fårnation i domen och inte som en getnation (Matteus 25:31ff). Om vi har en biblisk förståelse av församlingens kallelse och makten i bön och förbön, förstår vi att den bedjande församlingen har ett avgörande ansvar för nationernas slutliga öde som hänger ihop med deras förhållande till det judiska folket och Israel. Grunden för vår bön är 1 Moseboken 12:3:
”Jag skall välsigna dem som välsignar dig och förbanna den som förbannar dig. I dig skall alla släkter på jorden bli välsignade.”

Således: Be för Israel i en ande av ödmjukhet, tacksamhet och kärlek. Be att vår nation får bli och vara en välsignelse för Israel och det judiska folket. Och be för församlingen att den kan vara en central del i vår nations förhållande till Israel, andligt och praktiskt.

Vi ber att Kristi Kropp i Sverige må vara en välsignelse för Israel såväl som för nationerna

Vi ber 

• att Kristi Kropp i Sverige välsignar Israel enligt Guds löfte till Abraham (1 Moseboken 12:3; 1 Petrusbrevet 3:9; 4 Moseboken 6:22-27)
• att Kristi Kropp i Sverige i handling visar kärlek till Israel och det judiska folket (tröstar överlevande från Förintelsen, stöder aliyah, besöker Israel, köper israeliska varor, står tillsammans med det judiska folket i Israel, i vårt land och i världen, etc) (Apostlagärningarna 11:29; Romarbrevet 15:25-27)
• att Kristi Kropp må vara ”sanningens pelare och grundval” i vårt land Sverige (1 Timoteusbrevet 3:15)
• att Kristi Kropp i Sverige må vara en modell och ett föredöme för förhållandet mellan vårt land och Israel (Filipperbrevet 3:17)


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