
söndag 22 juli 2007
OAS - möte i Skövde

fredag 20 juli 2007
Tro på Herren - och inget annat!
Faith In Me
Have faith in Me--not in yourself, the government, nor man--but only have faith in Me. When you activate your faith in Me, My will is manifested on earth as it is in Heaven. Your faith frees Me to work on your behalf. Oh, how I love to work all things together for you and truly show you just how faithful I am! Do not walk in fear any longer, for fear does not come from Me. Walk in faith and I will give you the keys to unlock My supernatural power. Let faith be your fuel, it will unlock the keys of destiny in you. Exercise your faith, and I will reward you with confidence. Then you will be able to ask Me for even greater things--and I will give it to you. It only takes a mustard seed of faith to transform every situation in your life. I desire for you to have greater faith in Me. Come to Me now and ask Me for more, and I will gladly give it to you. See to grow in faith, and I will cause you to grow.
This word is submitted by Alice Currahrhemaflow@gmail.com
lördag 14 juli 2007
Den väckelse vi behöver
By Terry Somerville
The desire for revival is at an all time high. There have been many prophecies about a coming move of God that will eclipse all previous ones. Most discussions revolve around the glory and presence of God moving in the land.
Though much is being said and done, it seems to be mostly prophetic activity. The one basic ingredient that is lacking, and seldom spoken of, is true repentance. This requires a total breaking down of the heart, otherwise we naturally go along in"Christian selfishness", with all our activity oriented to ourself.
I'm more burdened over sin in the Body of Christ. In ministry times I find most Christians seem to be seeking a blessing in the meetings. The prayers revolve around the needs and not God's hearts desire. They experience the power and presence of God, yet leave with unyielded lives. Many Christians know there are issues between them and the Lord and are willing to leave them unchanged. Sometimes if I bring up the state of their heart during ministry they will say "God will change my heart". In the midst of all the Christian activity theres no sense of God's desire for true righteousness.
Out in the community as I work I encounter two things. People like Jesus, but the church is irrelevant, or worse.... Todays church seems to be very much like Isaiah described.
Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways: as (if they were) a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God, they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near unto God. Here are some of the issues I see standing between us and revival.
1. Power Without Repentance
The church has confused experiencing the presence of God VS a heart being right with God. It is possible for the heart to be unyielded yet still experience the anointing on the natural man! Yet most think if the Holy Spirit comes on them with His power their hearts must be right. The love of God has come with such power over the last number of years and yet I saw many entering in who remained in sin. I asked God about it and the Holy Spirit spoke to me. "I'm sending my love because I want to capture their hearts." Has it worked?
Jesus warned those who have anointing but work iniquity. How many there are in the church today!
Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name, and by thy name cast out demons, and by thy name do many mighty works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Matt 7:22,23
2. A Backward Gospel - a problem we have created!
The gospel most Christians believe goes like this.
a) believe in Jesus
b) ask Him to forgive your sins and come into your life
c) He will change you.
The gospel the bible teaches is
a) repent and believe first (change your life)
b) God will forgive your sin and come into your life
c) Walk with Him in newness of life
The gospel has a clear condition of turning from sin first, and genuinely entering into a righteous life. It seems most of the church is missing this. NO this is not salvation by works, this is repentance! We are forgiven and saved from sin because of the cross. Our righteousness cannot save us. But it is required! From Genesis to Revelation! Look at the gospel the church preached.
Luke 24:47 and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name unto all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out, that so there may come seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord;
3. Confession is Not repentance
Here is another common error. Being sorry at the altar and asking God to forgive is NOT repentance. It is confessing sin. We have mixed this up. To confess our sins is simply to acknowledge the truth about our condition and ask God to forgive us. Repentance is a genuine turning from the heart which "bears fruit befitting repentance".
4. Genuine Conversion Results in A Holy Life
Away with this garbage of continuing in sin but saying we are "immune" because of Christ. Sins power to reign is actually gone from us because of the cross. (Romans 6) Because of this we are warned not to live in sin. We choose!
Can we imagine the judgment day, and on this side is one who sinned not knowing Christ, and on the other is a Christian who continues in the same sin as the first man. Will the Lord be unjust? Will the cross be a mockery? Or does the Lord expect real righteousness to be the reward of His suffering?
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8 For he that soweth unto his own flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth unto the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap eternal life. Galatians 6:7,8
5. The Changed Heart is Man's Responsibility, But God's Activity
Most Christians are waiting for the Lord to change their hearts. God is waiting for us to "rend our hearts" and to "make for ourself a new heart"
Joel 2:12 Yet even now, saith Jehovah, turn ye unto me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: 13 and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto Jehovah your God; for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abundant in loving kindness, and repenteth him of the evil.
Cast away from you all your transgressions, wherein ye have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel? Ezekiel 18:31
This is the same Ezekiel who says the Lord will give a new heart and a new spirit. How is it possible? Does the new heart come from God or us? It is both Here is an example
There is a man with sickness unto death. He goes to the doctor who gives him medicine. He takes it and is well. What made him well? The man did because he went to the doctor, the doctor did because he treated the man, and the medicine did as well because it killed the disease. The new heart is our responsibility, but we have left out that part out of the gospel. It must be returned for revival preaching to work.
New Heart Ingredients
a) Conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment by the Holy Spirit. Only this will break into the deep levels needed for repentance. This requires praying Christians and righteous preaching. Surely if the Lord is anointing us with power for healing He will bring this clear promise of the Spirit.
He will convict the world concerning sin, and concerning righteousness, and concerning judgment; John 16:8
b) The true condition of the selfish motives of our life are seen, and wrestled down. As Finney said "the fountains of sin must be broken up". If believing the gospel is only head knowledge about Christ, it is doubtful conversion ever took place! It must be a matter of the heart. For out of the heart springs all the issues of life!
c) The Holy Spirit enters in and God pours His own love into our heart!This is the point! The Love of God Himself is put into our heart. The same love that motivated Jesus becomes the motivation of our hearts. (John 17:26 Rom. 5:5) Check it out. When the revivalists broke through they had a radical filling with Gods love!
Here are Finney's own words
"No words can express the wonderful love that was shed abroad in my heart. I wept aloud with joy and love; and I do not know but I should say, I literally bellowed out the unutterable gushings of my heart. The waves came over me, and over me, one after the other, until I recollect I cried out, 'I shall die if these waves continue to pass over me.' I said, 'Lord, I cannot bear any more;' yet I had no fear of death."
Yes, we need a mighty revival. As I check out the old time revivals and go right back to the preaching of the bible I see a common denominator. The preaching of the righteous demands of a Holy God, accompanied by mighty convictions of the Holy Spirit. This produces deep conversions and holy, power filled living. This, and ONLY this, impacts and changes the community with the Kingdom of God. Right now we are living in a time of theories. "Revival this, Kingdom that, Prophetic this, Apostolic whatever. " The world is longing for the revival we need!
Källa. http://www.totalchange.org/
torsdag 12 juli 2007
I see you waiting in My presence, eager for Me to show up.
I will show up, just keep pressing in.
I will show up at the appointed time and
I will show you great and marvelous things.
You are not alone.
I promised that angels are round about you;
in due time I will open up your eyes for you to see them.
You will not only see them, but you will hear them also.
You will receive sudden impartations to propel you into your destiny--
stony ground will become smooth as you press into Me.
Mantles are being prepared for My glory,
but remember it isn't about you...
it's about all those you will touch for My kingdom.
I'm preparing you for My glory
and this will require complete and total trust in Me.
You feel like you are burned out like a tire;
but you are not to Me.
It's the perfect condition,
where your will is submitted to Mine,
where your only input will be your willingness to obey Me.
The glory dam is about to overflow
and you will be filled with My glory, for My glory.
Come, I'm waiting for you. Don't be afraid, for I'll never leave you nor forsake you.
Launch out into the deep..
together we will walk this out.
This word is submitted by Ethel Semeler ethsem@gmail.com
Källa: http://www.godspeak.org/prophetic_word/7-05-07.html
tisdag 3 juli 2007
Samlingar på arenor
Herren verkar både i de små sammanhangen och genom de större och vår uppgift är att lyssna in Hans vilja och stå till förfogande oavsett vilket sätt Han väljer. Senaste åren har det kommit en del profetiska tilltal som säger att stora sportarenor ska fyllas med lovsång och tillbedjan till Herren och så skedde bla i Berlin förra sommaren. Samma stadium som de tyska soldaterna marscherade in i fylldes då istället med mäktig lovsång. Det finns också liknande tilltal för Scandinavium i Göteborg.
Framöver väntar några större sammanhang som behöver böneunderstöd.

Södermalmskyrkan i Stockholm har fått ett profetiskt tilltal om en samling i Globen i aug. mm och under juni har församlingen förberett sig i bön, fasta undervisning osv.
Under juli går församlingsmedlemmar ut på sta´n och tar kontakter med stockholmarna. De ska ge alla de möter ett erbjudande om att be för deras behov. De som får förbön får lämna sitt telenr så att församlingen kan ringa upp dem efter 2 v och höra vad Gud gjort Alla de möter blir också inbjudna till Globen den 24 aug. där det kommer att bli en "Gospel Night" med fri entré. Församlingen räknar att på detta sätt nå 30 000 pers i sommar.
Läs mer på
Det är inte bara i Globen som det kommer att samlas stora skaror människor som längtar efter Gud.
I Falun så finns det personer som upplever att de fått en vision från Herren att hyra skidstation Lugnet den 12-15 juli.
Vet inte exakt hur många människor den rymmer, men stor är den. Så här skriver arrangörerna:
"Inbjudan till Hopp för Sverige i Falun 12-15 juli 2007
GUDSMÖTEN 12-15 juli på Riksskidstadion Lugnet i Falun. Utomhus, under öppen himmel nedanför hoppbackarnaNehemja kallade samman sitt folk för att sätta murarna i stånd igen Nu kallar Herren samman sitt folk för att på samma sätt ställa in sitt folk iden kallelse som finns för detta land.
TV http://tv.daltid.se/mov.php?cat=00019&br=win&mid=2007&aid=2009
Bilaga Inbjudan JMLUtskick4379.PDF http://www.jesusmylord.se/download.do?ug=Administrator&f=Utskick4379.pdf
PDF-affisch http://www.jesusmylord.se/download.do?ug=Administrator&f=EntLugAffBl.pdf

I Orsa så har arrangörerna hyrt Skeer Fokets park den 13 juli kl. 18.30. Det har man gjort 2 ggr förut i år och på första mötet i februari tackade 14 personer jag till frälsninginbjudan och ca 30 uppgav att de blev helade. Andra gången den 4 maj tackade 27 ja till inbjudan (av totalt ca 30 som inte tidigare var kristna) och ett 40-tal uppgav att de blev helade!
Sist men inte minst så håller OAS rörelsen möte i vecka 30 i den stora sporthallen Arena i Skövde.
Läs mer på http://www.oasrorelsen.se/ och http://www.skovdeoas.blogspot.com/
Om du inte kan vara med personligen på något av dessa möten så var ändå med att be för och välsigna dem!
Läs gärna också artiklar från Frälsningsarméns möte i helgen med temat: "Din stads bästa"
Vänner det är spännande tider vi lever i!
måndag 2 juli 2007
Hängivna kristna invandrare tänder väckelsens eld i Sverige

Hängivna kristna invandrare tänder väckelsens eld i Sverige
Valentine från Nigeria stiger upp varje morgon klockan fyra och ber för Sverige. Han vandrar runt på gatorna i Filipstad och ber och välsignar vårt land. Ibland fastar och ber han i flera dagar tillsammans med sina vänner på flyktingförläggningen.
Maribel från Colombia har gått igenom många svårigheter i livet. När hon avslutat sitt vittnesbörd i kyrkan om hur hon blev fri att vittna om Guds under i livet, bryter en lovprisning och tacksägelse loss. Jag hör minst tio språk talas tillsammans med tungotal och svenska. När jag tittar på skaran av bedjare blir jag djupt gripen. Att dessa människor tillber Gud så hängivet är ett mirakel. Där sitter Etienne som förlorat 17 syskon i folkmordets Rwanda och många andra.Här i församlingen har de funnit en ny familj och tillhörighet. De vittnar, sjunger och predikar och brinner av iver att evangelisera vårt land. Ibland far vi ut till marknader, evangeliserar på gator och besöker andra församlingar för att ha bönedagar, möten och bibelstudier.
En dag besöker vi Dala-Järna, en bygd i Västerdalarna som sänt ut många missionärer. Jag citerar orden från Predikaren 11:1 ”Sänd ditt bröd över vattnet, ty med tiden får du det tillbaka”. Just på nationaldagen fick dessa ord en profetisk skärpa när evangeliet predikades för dalfolket på bruten svenska av dessa invandrarvänner. De brinner för väckelse i Sverige.
I bilen hem talade vi om Stanley Sjöbergs förslag om en stor Jesusmanifestation i maj nästa år. De var heltända för detta och vill på alla tänkbara sätt kontakta olika grupper och församlingar. En av afrikanerna berättade om stora samlingar som hålls i kyrkor där man öppnat kyrkan för nysvenskarna. Man har både gemensamma gudstjänster, men också speciella gudstjänster på franska och engelska.
Från olika församlingar i Bergslagen vill vi komma i bussar, minibussar, skrotfärdiga bilar och fina BMV. Visionen om araber, afrikaner, sydamerikaner, koreaner och svenskar tillsammans på marsch för Jesus har verkligen engagerat oss och vi ställer oss helhjärtat bakom Stanley Sjöbergs initiativ. Vi avvaktar med spänning reaktioner från andra kyrkor och samfundsledningar. Ofta finns en ny pionjäranda i församlingar som befruktats av invandrare som gått genom luttringens eld tillsammans med Jesus genom nöd och svårigheter. Människor som offrat allt och som nu kvalificerats för uppdraget att hålla upp Jesus och Guds ord för ett avkristnat och avståndstagande svenskt folk. Ett folk som desperat ropar till Gud om förändring från tomhet, materialism och hopplöshet till ett meningsfullt liv fyllt av framtidstro och gudsnärvaro.
Det är en ny tid!