onsdag 24 oktober 2007


Rikstäckande jourtelefon för stöd och hjälp vid oplanerad graviditet 0771 - 77 78 79, www.livlinan.nu

Livlinan startade hösten 1997 som en nationell jourtelefon och är nu ledande i landet. Den är tillgänglig för vem som helst, oavsett ålder, livsåskådning, bakgrund eller omständighet, som söker konfidentiellt stöd i samband med graviditet eller efter abort. Avsikten är att lyfta fram de valmöjligheter som finns och ge adekvat information så att den sökande kan göra ett välgrundat val för sig själv och sin framtid. De ger även stödjande samtal till kvinnor som har gjort abort. Livlinans telefonrådgivare arbetar på frivillig basis och erbjuder villkorslös medkänsla och respekt för den hjälpsökande. Livlinan har under åren som gått arbetat fram ett nationellt kontaktnät bestående av omkring 800 personer. Dessa personer är villiga att utan ersättning erbjuda sina tjänster till Livlinans verksamhet då det behövs, tex. stödja en kvinna någonstans i landet som är ensam i sin situation. Livlinan arbetar utifrån en kristen grundsyn.

I mitten på maj föddes en underbar liten flicka till följd av Livlinans engagemang. Hon har blivit mycket speciell för både sin mamma och pappa. I början på september 2006 ringde Emely, som då var i en mycket svår situation och dessutom gravid. Hon ville inte göra abort, men omvärldens påtryckningar var så starka att hon inte visste om hon skulle orka stå emot trycket och vara tvungen att göra abort. Då kunde Livlinan finnas där och vara till stöd och hjälp och hon orkade stå fast vid sitt beslut att föda sitt barn. I dag är hon mycket tacksam för det stöd hon har fått från Livlinan.

Detta är ett exempel på att Livlinan får vara med och vara en skillnad i människors liv. De får medverka till att små härliga barn föds och att kvinnor får kraft att välja livet.
Nyligen fick de kontakt med en annan ung kvinna, som trots turbulenta omständigheter också har bestämt sig för att föda sitt barn.

Nu är de inne i ett skede där de bygger vägar för att fler kvinnor utöver vårt land ska hitta Livlinan och få det stöd och den hjälp de behöver i sin situation, 5 Mos. 19:3.

· BE om visdom att på ett effektivt sätt nå fram till dessa kvinnor.

Det behöver byggas ”fristäder”, 4 Mos. 35:11. En plats dit tjejer/kvinnor som behöver stöd och hjälp kan vända sig och få vägledning i sin situation av graviditet/abort/ föräldraskap. Även de som har gjort abort och som lever sina liv i smärta och ångest ska kunna erbjudas en möjlighet att finna en väg ut i frihet. Livlinan skulle kunna vara en inspirationskälla till att lokala arbeten med denna inriktning startas runt om i vårt land.

· BE att kyrkor och församlingar runt om i Sverige ser att det är deras uppgift att arbeta för dessa kvinnors upprättelse.

· BE att Livlinan får större ekonomiska resurser för sin verksamhet.

· BE att Livlinan accepteras och ses som en positiv resurs i samhället.

lördag 13 oktober 2007

The end is near

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun." -- Ecclesiastes 3:1

My child just as in the beginning I marked off the different seasons, so have I appointed a time for every activity and every deed. Therefore be of good cheer, for though you have been in a season of being salted by fire; I am about to do something new. Though you may not perceive it, it will spring up.

My child, you have said in your heart "Why is this burning taking solong, for I feel so dry?", and that you have felt bewildered as you seemingly wandered through the land of confusion. But I have led you down this lengthy desert road so that My Name might be glorified. For if I had taken you on a shorter route, the enemy would have raged against your soul much more severe and you may have become too discouraged and given up.

But now I decree to you that your days are numbered and your deliverance is close at hand. For just as Esther had to undergo twelve months of beauty treatments before she could appear before the king, so have you been undergoing something similar. Just as the Israelites salted the grain offering and how it was made the most holy of all the offerings,so as it is with you that you be made holy and set apart for the Lord. For I require all offerings to be salted and burned as to be a sweet smelling aroma unto Me.

All of your days are ordained for you beloved and are written in My book even before one of them came into being; therefore do not be anxious about striving or if the mistakes you have made disqualify you. For it is I who works in you to will and to act accordingly to My good purpose, and the work I began in you I will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. For you can do nothing against Me because I work all things together for good for those who love Me and are called to My purpose.

Therefore, My child, rejoice! For it is through your prayers and the help given by the Holy Spirit that what has happened will turn out for your deliverance. For I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland, so My chosen people may drink because I am sending rain inits appointed season.

This word is submitted by Don Froess dfroess@telus.net
Källa: http://www.injesus.com/index.php?module=message&task=view&MID=4B007DDN&GroupID=4A007E1D

tisdag 9 oktober 2007

Himmelens regn

Pouring Forth

I am about to pour forth. My ways are being released. They flow down, drenching those who will embrace Me. They burst the bonds of those oppressed. I will rush upon those who invite Me into their inner rooms. I will bring cleansing and a new refreshing. My ways thunder from the highest heaven; the enemy can not withstand My surge. I am the creator-God. Those who have will be given more. Those who know Me will express My creative nature in new and unexpected ways. They will learn to see with the new spiritual eyes. I am the God who knows His children. Each one is blessed and uniquely embedded with My attributes. They are like their Father; you are Mine. The enemy holds no power over you. Rest in Me. Cease striving for My approval. You can not achieve what is already yours. Walk with Me and I will guide you. My ways are being poured forth. Do not hesitate to step into My rain.

This word is submitted by Steve Bliss

måndag 8 oktober 2007

Syndanöd på New Orleans gator

Det här är vad som hände när Billy Graham nyligen predikade i New Orleans Arena i USA, kanske för sista gången i livet. Efter hans predikan gick skaror av människor ut på stan och vittnade. Folk hällde ut sina drinkar och lyssnade på vittnesbörd och folk började be till Gud.

April 12th 2007

In what might prove to be the crowning achievement of an illustrious career in ministry, the 87-year-old evangelist, Billy Graham shocked the 16,300 in attendance at the Celebration of Hope crusade in New Orleans Arena on Sunday Night. Touted in advance as possibly his last Evangelistic crusade, Graham invited the packed house of evangelical Christians and the hundreds of new converts to join him on the one mile walk from the arena to New Orleans ' infamous Bourbon Street.

"While we have seen God do tremendous things here the past couple of evenings, yes, it is true that a great healing and a great many salvations have occurred within the confines of this auditorium. Still yet, there lies a great mountain in this city which needs to be conquered." Then taking from the Biblical Book of Joshua Chapter 14 he read, "I am this day, eighty-five years old. As yet I am as strong this day as on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war, both for going out and for coming in. Now therefore, give me this mountain of which the Lord spoke in that day," his voice suddenly sounding more forceful than during his 22 minute sermon.

"I last preached in the City of New Orleans in 1954 and I felt then that there was some unfinished business. Tonight, in what very well might be my last evangelistic service, I aim to finish that business and lead as many of you that would follow me to the multitude of lost souls that fill Bourbon Street tonight. That is my mountain!

That is where we shall see the harvest!" said Graham as the stadium erupted in cheers that lasted the next several minutes. Utilizing a waiting mobility scooter, the elder Graham joined his son and heir to the ministry, Franklin across the Arena floor and through the opened doors leading towards the French Quarter. In a show of solidarity and determination reminiscent of civil rights marches of the 1960's, nearly the entire capacity crowd joined in the 20-minute trek while singing, "When the Saints Go Marching In".

As the march crossed Canal Street and headed northward towards Bourbon Street , many onlookers stood in stunned silence as the massive crowd of people began singing in unison the Christian hymn, Amazing Grace. Upon entering the west end of Bourbon Street , Billy Graham was soon recognized by partiers.

Soon those joining in the march began to approach those partying on Bourbon Street with the Gospel message that they had heard preached just a half hour before. Graham himself joined with a group of local street evangelist in ministering to a man who had survived Hurricane Katrina in the lower 9th Ward.

Within 30 minutes the entirety of Bourbon Street was packed with Christians and the once blaring music of nightclubs and strip joints had been replaced by weeping and worship as people poured out their drinks and sought prayer from the Christians who were now reaching out to them."I have never seen anything like this in my life," said 20 years New Orleans Police Department veteran, Tom Phillips. "This is unbelievable! We thought a riot was going to break out, but this looks more like a Revival than a riot!"

Two hours later, a glowing Graham sat back down on his scooter and smiled. "Now I know how the Apostle Paul must have felt at the end of his ministry. Do the work of an evangelist; make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith."

Hours later hundreds of Christians remained on the street ministering to the many people eagerly waiting to receive prayer and ministry. New Orleans will never be the same. And the press remained mute on this "news item?" Did anyone see it on TV/hear it on radio/read it in the paper? Why are we not surprised? Can't have THAT just prior to a major election, now, can we?

Well, just on a whim spread the news, anyway. It cost our elder brother, Billy Graham, more than any of us, knows to make that effort. The least we can do is publicize it.

Sommelier's Choice Limited
9 Dagnall Park
London SE25 5PW

söndag 7 oktober 2007

Jag har gett dig auktoritet

I Have Given You Authority

Precious one, I want you to raise up and break off the shackles that bind you. Do not sit there in torment crying out to Me to help you, for I have already given you My authority. Use what I have given to you, for it is more than sufficient to gain you the victory.

Have I not said that ”No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man?” (Mark 3:27) You have My spirit living within you and I have given you My authority over the enemy and over infirmity. Don’t you realize that you are strong in Me? So how is it that you fall into the role of helpless victim and offer no resistance? How it is that you complacently hold out your hands and allow the enemy of your soul to bind you that he might torment you? How is it that you so easily allow the enemy of your souls to plunder your goods? That is not My will for you.

Don’t you realize that My will for you is victory and overcoming? Have I not said that I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you? (Luke 10:19) If I have given you My authority, then don’t you think the authority that I have placed on you is greater that the authority of your adversary? Of course it is! You are stronger than him, so don’t listen to his lies and don’t surrender to him without a fight.

Little one, you are indeed Mine and My blood indeed covers and purifies you. So when the enemy speaks condemnation to you, he speaks lies. I have already said in My word that ”There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Me” {Romans 8:1); so do not give the enemy a foothold of condemnation in your life. Choose to believe what I have told you instead of believing the lies of the enemy. My words are truth and they are words of life and victory, but his false words bring torment and bondage. Choose to believe My truth and choose to use the authority that I have already given you.

Do not be complacent when the enemy comes to try and make you feel small and helpless. Rebuke him in My name and with My authority. Have I not said, ”Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7)? So precious one, don’t be complacent the next the tormentor comes to torment you. Raise up in My authority and command him to leave. Don’t stop with one command, give up and assume that My authority doesn’t work in your case. Keep on fighting and keep on warring in the authority I have given you. Fight until you have complete victory, for I have given you My authority that you might obtain My victory in your life.

Yes, little one, I have given you My authority and I want you to use it to accomplish My will. My will for you is to defeat the enemy of your souls that you might walk in victory, in peace, in prosperity and in fullness of joy. That will be a testimony of My glory operating in your life and it will be a light that draws the unsaved to Me. I want the world to know that I mighty, that I am able to save and to deliver My own from the problems and torments in their life and give them the victory. So use the authority that I have given you to obtain the victory that I have destined for you.
That is right, precious one, raise up and break off the shackles that bind you and be free in Me.

This word is submitted by Teresa Seputis ts@godspeak.org

fredag 5 oktober 2007

Det är mörkast innan gryningen

"DARKEST BEFORE DAWN: A Message for God's Children"

Ching Co:

Intensified Battle Going On
"Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi." Matthew 2:16
In the days succeeding Jesus' birth, King Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the magi. He was furious and gave orders to kill all the boys who were two years old and under in Bethlehem and its vicinity, with the intention of stopping Jesus' destiny from being fulfilled.

So the same is happening today.

Satan, sensing that God is planning out something GREAT AND AWESOME is bent on stopping the realization of this great event. Just like Herod, he is on a rampage and is now unleashing his blind rage against God's people.
Our Heavenly Father is reminding us today NOT TO FOCUS ON WHAT IS SEEN. There is a great spiritual Heavenly battle going on and we who are God's warriors and watchmen are in the forefront of this battle. Just like during the times of Job, there is a greater drama unfolding in the Heavenly realm and just as God allowed Job to be tested, so we, His children, have been tested in the same measure.

What To Expect
God's children may experience different spheres of attacks and we may be affected on different levels and in different manners. Some who used to be active in ministry, but because of various circumstances happening in your midst (change of job, physical ailments, family troubles, financial difficulties), may find themselves having to stop doing what they love most, and at times will find themselves holding an empty bag, so to speak.
Others may experience great emotional attack. In the past, you have been moving in such strong anointing and now you may feel empty, detached, uncertain, and wonder if something is wrong with you and wonder if God has removed His protection from over your life.
What His children will experience will parallel what Job had experienced in his time. The area of attack and the intensity of the attack will be such that outwardly, it will appear to be very devastating to the affected ones.

This Is Not the End!
Our Heavenly Father is reminding us today that this is not the end. In fact, compared to the degree of suffering that we have been facing today, the blessing that He is preparing for us is FAR GREATER IN MAGNITUDE AND INTENSITY. This is the reason why the enemy is panicking and unleashing his wrath in such manner and intensity as well.

Beware Of the Spirit of Condemnation
This is the season to fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. He is faithful and He will not allow us to be tested beyond what we can bear. We must be careful not to pass judgment and to not make conclusions based on outward appearances. Things will not be as they seem.
Those suffering the most today are not "deserted children," but are the "favored beloved" of the Most High. For truly to whom much is given, much too will be required. And as people of God, when we see others suffering greatly, we are to ask for great wisdom and discernment on how to comfort each other.
We must be aware of the enemy's tactics this season--he will be TWISTING the meaning of much of what we hear and see from one another.
Those believers who are experiencing the fullness of God's blessings in this season must be extra careful with their words, as most times instead of bringing comfort to the suffering ones, it can cause them to feel more insecure, unsure, and even depressed, especially when hearing the words, "You need to have more faith," or "Just believe, etc. "
We must be careful not to act like Job's friends. Their well-meaning exhortation of "the causes of Job's difficulties" were useless then in ministering to Job.
The Weapons of Our Warfare--HONESTY, YIELDING and SURRENDER
Jericho was conquered not by physical fighting, but by silence and praise. So today, the weapons of our warfare will also be nontraditional.
As we struggle through our difficult situations (questions, negative thoughts and feelings that overwhelm us mentally, spiritually and physically, and grasp at why these things are happening to us, trying to make sense of what God is wanting to teach us)--our Loving Wonderful Heavenly Father is reminding us today that HE KNOWS WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH (see Psalm 139).
BE HONEST WITH OUR FEELINGS TO HIM. We need not be afraid to verbalize and express all of our negative emotions (doubts, anxieties, disappointments, questions, anger, frustrations, jealous feelings, etc.). Reading through the Book of Psalms, we can see how God's suffering saints of old had struggles with the same emotions and they were so open in expressing these feelings to God. We need to do the same today.
LETTING GO. We are to daily and continually practice the art of yielding and surrender. As these burdens overwhelm us, let us consciously learn to "pass the ball" back to God. It is not an easy task sometimes to learn and relearn to "live one day at a time."

Beyond What We can Imagine or Perceive
Our Father's message to us today:
"My child, I know what's happening. I know that 'you knew' that I am in control. I know in this season, you don't feel anything, yet your heart continues to trust in Me. I know about all these things and I Am pleased with you.
Don't let the enemy deceive you. He will make you feel unimportant, insignificant, useless, weak, and of no use to Me. But THIS IS FAR FROM THE TRUTH.
Where you are standing now, many times seemingly in the valley of the shadow of death--is where YOU ARE THE STRONGEST. Just like My Son Jesus when He struggled in the garden of Gethsemane, where His sweat became droplets of blood--that was His moment of triumph. So the same is happening to you, today.
Even as you struggle daily to just stay afloat, to just keep things together, to just stay alive--great breakthrough is happening in the Heavenly realm. Your life has become My most powerful weapon of breaking through the spiritual darkness of these times.
So be strong and be of good courage, your labor will not be in vain. I am taking your every sigh, every drop of your tears, and I am using them as powerful weapons to break down the spiritual walls of the enemy. Only in eternity will you fully grasp and see the fullness of your labor and surrender.
I love you dearly, precious one, and I have not forgotten you...remember this, and carve this once again in your hearts and minds today."

Ching Ten L. Co
Cebu City, Philippines Email: Chingten_co@yahoo.com

Ching's Bio:
Ching Co currently resides in the Philippines, in Cebu City. Ching and her husband, Harry, are accountants by profession, they have four children and attend Word of the World Christian Fellowship.


tisdag 2 oktober 2007

Fruktbärande liv och tjänst

The Secret to a Fruitful Life and Ministry

There are several secrets to a fruitful life and ministry. I share them with you believing the Bible does not speak of a successful life, but a fruitful life. Bearing fruit is result of loving and obeying Jesus. He said in John 15, verses 15 and following:

"I'm no longer calling you servants because servants don't understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I've named you friends because I've let you in on everything I've heard from the Father.

"You didn't choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won't spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you.

"But remember the root command: Love one another."
The Message

The context of John 15 makes it clear there are three signs of fruitfulness: an intimate love relationship with Jesus – evidenced by trusting, obeying and spending time with him; a love relationship with those who also love Jesus – particularly by investing in one discipling relationships in one another's lives; and thirdly, loving and bearing witness to those who do not yet know Jesus.

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