lördag 13 oktober 2007

The end is near

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun." -- Ecclesiastes 3:1

My child just as in the beginning I marked off the different seasons, so have I appointed a time for every activity and every deed. Therefore be of good cheer, for though you have been in a season of being salted by fire; I am about to do something new. Though you may not perceive it, it will spring up.

My child, you have said in your heart "Why is this burning taking solong, for I feel so dry?", and that you have felt bewildered as you seemingly wandered through the land of confusion. But I have led you down this lengthy desert road so that My Name might be glorified. For if I had taken you on a shorter route, the enemy would have raged against your soul much more severe and you may have become too discouraged and given up.

But now I decree to you that your days are numbered and your deliverance is close at hand. For just as Esther had to undergo twelve months of beauty treatments before she could appear before the king, so have you been undergoing something similar. Just as the Israelites salted the grain offering and how it was made the most holy of all the offerings,so as it is with you that you be made holy and set apart for the Lord. For I require all offerings to be salted and burned as to be a sweet smelling aroma unto Me.

All of your days are ordained for you beloved and are written in My book even before one of them came into being; therefore do not be anxious about striving or if the mistakes you have made disqualify you. For it is I who works in you to will and to act accordingly to My good purpose, and the work I began in you I will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ. For you can do nothing against Me because I work all things together for good for those who love Me and are called to My purpose.

Therefore, My child, rejoice! For it is through your prayers and the help given by the Holy Spirit that what has happened will turn out for your deliverance. For I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland, so My chosen people may drink because I am sending rain inits appointed season.

This word is submitted by Don Froess dfroess@telus.net
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