torsdag 20 december 2007

Vinna mark

Boken "Gaining ground" av Martin Scott kommer nu på svenska. Då heter den "Vinna mark - bönestrategi för en genomgripande samhällsförvandling"

Den kan beställas från XP Media och har beställningsnummer 245. Finns under fliken "böcker/bön" i webshopen.

Så här presenteras boken:

"Påverkar din församling sin omgivning? Det finns en oöverträffad kraftresurs som är tillgänglig för församlingen, som är stark nog att förvandla och omskapa samhällen hävdar Martin Scott. I den här boken förenar han en sund biblisk undervisning med upplevelser. Han hävdar att det inte räcker med att bara be. Vi måste lära oss att be med en ny insikt, och han betonar vikten av att ha en genomtänkt bönestrategi och att finna Guds profetiska plan för ett visst område. Det kan bara ske när alla de troende på en plats växer samman till en sann enhet."

tisdag 18 december 2007



"The appointed hour has come for many, and there is no greater testimony against our enemy than the revealing of the will of God brought into our lives in visual form."
In the last few months, there has been an incredibly invasive attack by satan against certain believers. It's been an emotional torture chamber of negative thoughts, feelings and circumstances and unusually heart-wrenching sadness and depression. Satan's goal is to cause you to lose heart, to give up, and to look at your age, health, circumstances, financial troubles and whatever else he has thrown your way with the hope that you'll finally give in and say as Job's wife encouraged him to do, "Curse God and die!" (Job 2:9). The whisperings of darkness have become so loud that at times you wonder if you'll ever be free from his negative oppression.

Satan is not interested in discouraging the fainthearted or unbelieving. His primary focus is on those who, for years, have believed and walked towards a specific goal in their lives--something so intensely "Kingdom of God" that it's governed every action, decision, moment and thought. You've thought at times that you haven't been able to live because you're so consumed for this thing God has spoken; and He has not just spoken to you about it, but He has made it a part of who you are. You feel that if this vision dies, there's no place for you anymore because you can't separate your own soul from what you have inside of your spirit.
An expectation of the end result of your faith has moved you from desire to spiritual compelling. It's a dynamic of Christianity that the world has never seen--the manifestation of the best wine saved for the last.

This dynamic expectation has satan trembling in fear for its manifestation. One of the greatest defeats of our enemy is to see the wombs of God's children bring forth what was sown into them.
The appointed hour has come for many, and there is no greater testimony against our enemy than the revealing of the will of God brought into our lives in visual form. We've longed and waited for it to be manifested in this earthly sphere. Many of us have carried these visions deep within our own spirit. We've groaned and cried out to God in travail until we feel physically damaged by the intensity of the burden with no acceptable remedy for the pain, except that we see with our own eyes--the labors of our soul.

So many of God's people have been in that chamber of God and have heard those inexpressible things that many people couldn't begin to imagine and we've brought them back into this earthly realm to guard and to watch over. It's the very seed of God's desire planted in the fertile ground of our hearts. We've been waiting, waiting, waiting with seemingly no sight of seeing what was sown--be made living.

The set time has come and many will begin to see the sprouting heads of what was sown in your hearts appear almost overnight, and by that, your hope will be restored once again, and you'll see that all the love and passion you have has not been in vain. And with the revealing of the first sign of life to your vision, your faith will soar and bring life back to your physical, financial and emotional life, along with every other area that satan targeted in your life with his hope of destroying that precious seed God entrusted you with.

I was recently in a prayer meeting and the Spirit of God came in an incredible way. He said to encourage His people, and to tell them that there's a wave of His Glory about to hit the earth. I encourage you to hold on. Some of you have been laboring for years, even to your own hurt. You've left your own desires to pursue a higher call and have suffered incredible opposition, but still had something inside of you that couldn't let go.

The set time has come and the Lord is coming to bring forth in the earth the things that have been hidden in the hearts of His worshippers. Be encouraged and don't lose heart--you will reap if you don't lose heart. He loves us even when satan said that He didn't. Even as the Word encourages us to consider both the suffering of Job and the end intended by the Lord, there must be a bringing forth of what was sown. The set time has come.

Pamela Beller

Edge of The Blade Discipleship Ministry

lördag 15 december 2007

Let Me Be The Judge

Let Me Be The Judge

Are you walking through situations that you feel don't measure up to be of My truth and victory? If so, then I want you to test the fruit of your heart at this time. Are you doing all that you can do to stand faithful and true? I am the one that is to judge, not you. I am the one that can truly see your heart and the efforts that you took to be able to overcome. I am the one that allows the severity of the trial so that I can purge and test you whether you will walk with Me or not.

You feel that you aren't measuring up to My standards, but you aren't the one to judge this. Your place is to do your best to draw close to Me in spite of all that is coming against you. Yes, your place is to draw close to My side and trust Me.
Do not measure your progress by what others are doing in their walk. Don't even measure your progress by what My word says, because you can misplace the value of My word to fit your standards and not Mine. Be careful to not misinterpret My word to meet your needs and not Mine.

Many have used My words to tear down their lives by presuming that I told them to do a certain thing. They stood by this presumption through thick and thin, and it only brought them destruction. Don't line up the value of your life by methods oflegalisticinterpretation of My word.

Seek My face and not My hand. Seek My heart and not My rod of correction;You are not the one to judge; for I am. You are to watch Me by My example of faithfulness to keep you strong and not wavering in the face of the wind and the waves. You might think they are there to wipe you away, but they are My tools to strengthen you. Do not walk by what you feel or see but by My faith that causes you to stand.

Yes, this is the day to truly get your eyes off of your circumstances and how you are measuring up to your own standards and on to My love for you. This is the day I want you to return to Me, and rest in Me, and know that all things work together for your good. You are one of the "called-out ones;" you are one of My special jewels, the apple of My eye. I see you perfect in My Father's heart. He sees you through the Son, cleansed through the power of His blood.

So, you see you can do no wrong if your heart is right before Me. Yes, I look to the heart. I see deep past the outward flaws of the character. I see past the flesh to the spirit which is right before Me. I have made you righteous. I have made you pure. Yes, My child, you truly are Mine!

måndag 3 december 2007

Hör vi Andens rop till församlingen!

Hör vi Andens rop till församlingen!

"Res er upp, väckelsen står för dörren, Kungars Kung ska rida in i landet. Röda mattan har rullats ut. Det jag har talat det jag har lovat det ska ske, Elden ska brinna från Göteborg i väster till Stockholm i öster, från Smygehuk i söder till Treriksröset i Norr. Gör er redo köp ögonsalva hos mig så att ni kan se och känna igen min Ande när jag rör mig i landet. Se till att ni inte står i vägen eller begränsar mig, bestäm inte hur jag ska komma eller vad jag ska göra.

Fåren känner Herdens röst bli stilla och lyssna mitt i er rörelse så att jag får tala. Bli inte rädda när det skakar, jag river ner Babelstorn för att mitt tempel i er ska byggas upp. Agnarna kommer att skiljas från vetet i den skörd som burits in ladorna, detta för att den nya skörden inte ska mögla utan bli frisk och fruktbärande. Ni andliga fäder och mödrar borsta av er dammet, res er ur ert viloläger. Tiden av väntan är förbi och tiden för förberedelse är nu! Om ni inte gör er redo kommer jag att gå förbi, jag har sedan länge nåtts av ropen och bönerna för Sverige och mina ögon söker efter villiga hjärtan. Inte skickliga, duktiga utan hjärtan som berörts och kopplats samman med mitt hjärta. Det som ingenting var utvalde och utväljer jag för att kraften ska bli känd, kraften och segern i mitt namn, Jesus"

Våra diskussioner är många och långa ibland tror jag att vi luras in i de meningslösa dispyter som Paulus varnar för (2 Tim 2:23-26) Självklart ska vi prata om och vända på teologiska spörsmål, bibelsamtalet får inte avstanna. Men en sak som är en varningssignal i dagens samhälle är den trötthet och likgiltighet som breder ut sig. En del av anledningen är det ständiga informationsflödet runt om oss i vår vardag. Vi blir informationströtta vi mister hungern för att vi matats i vår själ så mycket att vi vaggats in i en falsk sömn. Vårt fokus måste bli att veta vad Jesus vill. Vilka behov ser han i vår närhet, hur vill han att vi ska möta dem? Evangeliet är en kraft mäktig att ge ungdomar och vuxna en identitet som Gud tänkt. Istället för den identitet TV och media ger. Budskapet om synd och nåd, upprättelse och frälsning måste åter bli vår första prioritet. Det måste våga predikas. I dag riskerar våra Gudstjänster bli ett andligt Spa dit vårt ego går för att relaxa. Vi behöver viloplatser men får akta oss så att vår egen tillfredställelse inte bli viktigare än människors frälsning. Gud har en plan, bättre än Sickans. Planen är frälsning o väckelse för vårt land. Vill du vara en del i den planen?

Pastor Ewa Gustafsson
Pingstkyrkan Skara