söndag 28 juni 2009
Du är kallad att förlösa liv
Men vi har ett löfte om att alltid kunna dricka av det levande vattnet så några "torra svampar" skulle egentligen inte behöva finnas.
Predikan från församlingen Källporten:
En källa till liv
Ords 10:11
Den rättfärdiges mun är en källa till liv …
En källa är där vattnet kommer fram, där det blir tillgängligt. Ovanstående bibelställe säger att vår mun är en källa till liv, och vi ska tala mer om det, men först ska tala om vad ”vattnet” är som flödar ur källan.
Vattnet är den helige Ande
Jesus talade om vatten som ska flöda fram från de troendes innersta, och han förklarade att han talade om den helige Ande.
Joh 7:38-39
38 Den som tror på mig, ur hans innersta skall strömmar av levande vatten flyta fram, som Skriften säger.”39 Detta sade han om Anden, som de skulle få som trodde på honom. Ty Anden hade ännu inte blivit utgjuten, eftersom Jesus ännu inte hade blivit förhärligad.
Vi har tagit emot den helige Ande
När du tog emot Jesus som din Frälsare, så tog du också emot den helige Ande. Han tog sin boning i dig.
Rom 5:5…
Guds kärlek är utgjuten i våra hjärtan genom den helige Ande, som han har gett oss.
Gal 4:6
Och eftersom ni är söner, har Gud sänt i våra hjärtan sin Sons Ande …
Jesus sände den helige Ande från sin position på Faderns högra sida.
Apg 2:33
Sedan han nu genom Guds högra hand har blivit upphöjd och av Fadern tagit emot den utlovade helige Ande, har han utgjutit detta som ni ser och hör
Vattnet gör skillnad
Det finns en törst hos människor idag, och det finns tyvärr en torka i många församlingar. Den helige Andes livgivande vatten behövs mer än någonsin. Det är inte metoder vi behöver, utan vi behöver den helige Andes flöde. Hans ”vatten” förvandlar allt.
Jes 44:3-53
Ty jag skall utgjuta vatten över det som törstar och strömmar över det torra. Jag skall utgjuta min Ande över dina barn, min välsignelse över dina avkomlingar,4 så att de växer upp mitt ibland det gröna gräset, som pilträd vid vattenbäckar.5 Då skall en säga: ”Jag tillhör Herren”, en annan åberopa Jakobs namn, en tredje skriva på sin hand: ”Herrens egen” och bruka Israel som ett ärenamn.
Hur förlöser vi den helige Andes vatten?
Vi har redan konstaterat att den troendes, den rättfärdiges, mun är en källa till liv.
Ords 10:11
Den rättfärdiges mun är en källa till liv …
Vi förlöser den helige Andes flöde genom att tala.
Joh 6:63
Det är Anden som ger liv, köttet är inte till någon nytta. De ord som jag har talat till er är Ande och liv.
Läs hela predikan här:
lördag 27 juni 2009
Utdrag från boken "The Royal Way" av Frans Horsthuis
Här kommer ett smakprov:
The Lord does not think in terms of "churches", but rather in terms of "personal dedication to Him". In this connection, he said the following to me one day: "The time is coming, or is already here, where ever more Christians are to be found outside the churches rather than inside them. What is their function there? The salt of the earth will really have to start working." "But how are they to be reached, Lord?" I asked. "They must be tracked down by priestly people who are already at hand. Then they must be turned into the salt of the earth." This expression that Jesus used, "salt of the earth", occupied my mind. I prayed: "Lord, it is high time that the salt be taken out of all those ecclesiastical salt-cellars, where it is turning solid, out of the Catholic and the Protestant salt-cellars, out of the Baptist and Pentecostal salt-cellars and then the salt will be placed in the food..." Then the Lord interrupted me: "...and how do you get the salt out of the salt-cellars?" A surprising and rather odd question. I said: "You turn them upside down and you shake them." "Exactly", said Jesus, "and that is just what is happening today, isn't it? And...are you willing to pray for it to happen, and to urge others to pray in this way?"
På denna websida http://www.harvestnet.org/prophecies/royalway.htm kan du läsa alla citaten från boken.
måndag 22 juni 2009

fredag 19 juni 2009
AUI´s profetiska möten i Sverige
School of the Spirit with short overview of AUI prophetic meetings and concerts in Sweden during May 2009.
(June 18, 2009)
The Spirit of God was seeking a venue for His prophetic word for individuals, families, and Sweden as a nation when he gave us dates and places to go to in Sweden about a year ago for concerts and meetings.
What was the message from the Spirit of God? The meetings (and the type of anointing) were mostly prophetic in nature, not evangelistic where the winning of the lost is the main focus and where big publicity and crowds are of the essence. Nor were the meetings of a teaching anointing when instruction and explanations are in the center.
Many seem to confuse these different anointings in Sweden, probably because of a lack of teaching on the subject. (Hosea 4:6)
The Spirit kept saying that the Church, not God, holds the keys to revival and to the future of Sweden (see prophetic dream about the Church in Gothenburg). The ball is not in God’s court but in the court of the Christians. God is waiting on the Church, not the other way around.
Christians, their families, and Churches need to forgive, unconditionally, those that have done them harm, and in some cases, great harm, in order to open up for a spirit of redemption, reconciliation, and unity, all of which precede revival. We must remember that with forgiving, also goes forgetting! (Prov. 10:12)
These are God s Words not mine. (See also Matthew 18:21-35)
Matthew 5:44 even tells us to love our enemies, bless those that curse us, do good to those who hate us, and pray for those who despitefully use and persecute us.
At our AUI meeting in Stockholm on May 23, my family, Consuelo, Michelle, Michael, and I, gave a concert together with an old friend and collegue, opera singer and opera stage director, Bjorn Sjogren.
Consuelo, my wife, sang an impromtu with Per-Erik Hallin at the piano, "Oh, The Blood of Jesus" by Andre Crouch. Eric and Anette Anders performed a beautiful song from the Welsh revival translated by Eric Anders. Also, during our dinner gathering after the concert/meeting, Gladys del Pilar and Annika Skoglund each sang together with Per-Erik Hallin with great inspiration.
Principal Bo Nyberg, who was knife-stabbed some 20 times and still forgave the stabber, confirmed this prophetic message about forgivness during this prophetic artists meeting at S:ta Peterskyrkan in Stockholm. Per-Erik Hallin prophetically composed a song in performance on the same subject at our concert at S:ta Clarakyrkan on Sunday the 24th of May.
My wife, Consuelo, and I also spoke prophetically and people were admonished by the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom to act on the Word of God in order to receive their healing, spiritually, physically, and mentally.
In each city where we had our concert/meetings, namely, Västerås, Stockholm, and Göteborg, many healings and deliverences took place. Several women who had been badly sexually abused and raped as during their childhood by close family members (fathers, brothers, and uncles), came forward during the meetings after having their names called out by the Spirit of God through words of knowledge, to publicly forgive their offenders. Others who had been falsely accused by friends and colleagues, and had lost both reputation and large sums of money, also received deliverance as they forgave, through faith, those that had done them great harm.
As I was speaking to some people after the meetings in both Västeras and Stockholm, I had visions related to the prophetic word of forgiveness and revival for Sweden.
During one conversation in Västeras, I saw three things that go together with revival:
1. Brokenness (förkrosselse).
2. Forgiveness (förlåtelse).
3. Persecution (förföljelse).
Speaking to some people over the dinner at our AUI meeting in Stockholm, I saw in a vision that when we as kings (Rev.1:6) extend mercy to those who have harmed us, then the King of kings also gives us mercy (unmerited favor).
Many also reported being healed physically by the power of God. For example, one woman who had suffered from tinnitus in the left ear for a long time was healed. She said that she had gone down into the church basement to check her hearing and found it to be completely healed. Another example, a man with both a short leg and back problems also received healing. In other cases, physical healings were related to forgiving others. Marriages were also being restored and healed by the power of God. Several visions of Jesus and angels seen by audience members were also reported. All the glory goes to Him!
This is a time for spiritual revival for Sweden, says the Lord! Believe it and receive it!
With Love,
Roger Wågsjö
(Video): Special Thanks.
(Video): Highlights of Music Performances: 1, 2, 3, 4
Please write us if you would like to share what you received from God during the Conferences/Concerts with AUI in May 2009: aui@artistsunitedinternational.com
fredag 5 juni 2009
Clean the Wells of Your Inheritance

Judy Bauman
June 3, 2009
A prophetic word of exhortation from the Father to His Church: Clean the Wells of Your Inheritance
How many people throughout history do you think were unable to fully walk out their destinies in Me?
People, both now and in the past, have been kept locked up by religion and religious activities; they have been bound by culture, and handcuffed by political systems. Deep in their hearts they know there was something more. These world systems, particularly religious ones, have come in and made promises to fulfill. However, they are the actual jailer to My people with the goal of turning them into slaves to their system. Even the best plans of man cannot outmatch Mine.
Beloved, I am very concerned for My Church - not for My sake, but for Hers. She has gotten so caught up in "causes" that She has forgotten "My cause"! I never told My Church to picket abortion clinics*, send tea bags and empty red envelopes to the White House, or to try to predict the Coming of Christ; yet She is very preoccupied in fruitless activities such as these. She has failed to see how My own Son dealt with these world systems or even listen to what Jesus said in regard to His Coming.
I showed Jesus and He followed My every directive. He went about doing His Father's business and His life was My example to mankind. Jesus made it clear in the mandate given in Matthew 28:18-20 which basically states that My beloved Church is to "Go make disciples" that is to say - people who will follow Jesus' example and obey His commands. They are doers of the Word who have heard and do what Jesus said. These are the ones who have built their lives on The Rock and not the sand. I did not leave My Church without instruction! Yet most who are in My Church, which is not a building but the people who make up the Body of Christ, is building on sand. They hear the Words of Jesus but they do not do them. They are making disciples for themselves and their denominations. They are making followers of man; they are making men their security and means of prosperity for themselves - without regard for the eternal consequences! Leaders in My Church have used My Word - MY WORD! - to cause people to become enslaved to their whims.
It is time for the Wells of your Inheritance, the stopped up wells, to be cleaned out. How much inheritance do you think you have waiting for you when My word states that I show love to a thousand generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments? Many that loved Me throughout time were kept from My completed purpose being fulfilled in their lives, so My storehouse is full of Promises waiting to be claimed! Their unfulfilled destinies are part of your inheritance, Child! There is more! Those who walked in My fullness have mantles waiting to be claimed like Elisha did with Elijah. You are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who are cheering you on - awaiting their reward. It is My desire for fresh, clean, Living Water to flow from your belly - from the belly of My Church. I want My glorious Church to rise up out of the ashes of self-inflicted wounds and wounds caused by others who have sought to stop up the well of My presence. I have so much awaiting My Church and it is My desire for Her to come out of Her politically minded, man-made, self-promoting mindset and come to Me.
"Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30
When My beloved Church does what is written here in Matthew, all these things troubling her will be shown for what they are - straw readied for the fire. As My people, those who have taken My name, humble themselves in fasting and seek My face in prayers of repentance, My lovingkindness will touch every hurting part and bring healing to your land. Come to Me and together let us clean the Wells of your Inheritance.
måndag 1 juni 2009
Oförglömliga dagar av teori och praktik
New Wine Konferens Stockholm 28-30 april 2009
Oförglömliga dagar av teori och praktik
Immanuelskyrkan i Stockholm blev i år konferenskyrkan för årets Nordiska New Winekonferens den 28-30 april. Förutom ett antal svenska New Winepastorer medverkade Mark Aldridge från London. Bill Johnson, Reading, Kalifornien, förra årets uppskattade förkunnare, återkom också.
Den underbara lovsången fyllde Immanuelskyrkan med stor glädje och hängivenhet. Runt 600 konferensdeltagare gav sin tillbedjan till Fadern dessa konferensdagar. Den enkla men oerhört utmanande undervisningen från Bill Johnson och efterföljande praktik av förkunnelsen satte djupa spår i konferensdeltagarna. De många omskakande vittnesbörden inte minst hämtade ur Bill Johnsons rika erfarenheter från olika platser i världen stärkte åhörarna att gå från teori till praktik.
Bill Johnson inledde sin undervisning första kvällen då konferensen var öppen också för tillfälliga besökare genom att berätta om förra årets avslutande förbön på Stortorget i Gamla stan. Det är ett torg fyllt av historia med de brutala morden i samband med Stockholms blodbad fram till många händelser i modern tid. Frågan är dock om det någonsin tidigare förekommit direkt praktisk tillämpning av förbön för sjuka efter förkunnelse. Nu gjorde man det. Bill Johnson erkände att han kände tveksamhet om det skulle fungera, som han är så van vid att det är en naturlig del av den praktiska tillämpningen av församlingens förkunnelse i Kalifornien, när man tar budskapet om Guds rike med tecken och under direkt ut på gator och torg i staden. Guds eld kom ner över människorna och bland annat blev en man helad från cancer där på Stortorget. Det torg, där människor förlorat sina liv under Stockholms blodbad en gång, kunde man nu bevittna fyllt av människor som sökte helande och en del låg utslagna på torget, berättade han inledningsvis.
Läs hela den spännande rapporten här: http://www.kairosnewwine.se/new-wine-konferens-stockholm-28-30-april-2009/