Den kristna ambassaden i Jerusalem, har publicerat några böneriktlinjer för den nuvarande situationen i Mellanöstern. De kan läsas här:
Kristna ambassaden har också tagit ett böneinitiativ som de kallar "Jesaja 62-bön" där de inbjuder alla att stå tillsammans med dem i bön för Israel den 4:e onsdagen varje månad under 2011.
Läs mer om detta inititaitv här:
söndag 30 januari 2011
fredag 28 januari 2011
Bed för situationen i Mellanöstern
Rick Ridings, leader of Succat Hallel 24/7 House of Worship and Prayer in Jerusalem, sends out an urgent prayer alert (January 27th) as events move very quickly, that could deeply affect Israel Jerusalem and the Middle East.
torsdag 27 januari 2011
Undervisning om bön
John Mulinde är grundare, direktor/ordförande i World Trumpet Mission, en väckelse-orienterad missionsorganisation med huvudkontor i Kampala, Uganda. Se
Han är eftersökt i många nationer som talare på temat bön, väckelse och samhällsomvandling. John's har bla skrivit böckerna "Set Apart For God" och "Transforming Your World".
som kan beställas här:
Nedan finns länkar till översatt undervisning från
1- Att öppna böneportaler - John Mulinde
John undervisar här om vilka krafter vi har att bekämpa och hur viktigt det är med ett överlåtet och rent liv i den bönestriden.
2 - Abrahams strategi - John Mulinde
John fortsätter att berätta om hur man bad för Uganda och visar på principer från Skriften som gäller i alla tider, på alla platser och som kan praktiseras av alla som tror!
3 - Familjealtare - John Mulinde
När vi ber till Gud kommer Han att göra oss effektiva i landet. Då kan vi bli effektiva i att leda andra eftersom vi inte bara ger dem teoretisk kunskap utan ett liv som vi lever.
4 - Kraften av familjealtaret - John Mulinde
Samhällets minsta byggsten är familjen. Många av oss har gett upp gemenskapen i familjen. Vi sänker vår moral och våra värderingar. Det är så beklämmande men Gud säger, “Stå upp Min skara, jag är inte färdig med nationerna”.
6 - Att inta ett område för Kristus - John Mulinde
Gud har placerat olika församlingar och gemenskaper i världen med ett syfte. Gud använder församlingen som sitt prästerskap för att stå i gapet för människors frälsning. Herren har inte kallat sin församling att sitta och göra ingenting. Vi är kallade att skapa förändring i landet.
7 – Andligt bönekrig - John Mulinde
Du kan alltid vara vinnaren i ett bönekrig, den som övervinner fienden, men en sak måste du komma ihåg att fråga dig själv: ”Har jag en personlig sann gemenskap med Gud?
På denna sida kan du också lyssna till predikningar:
Han är eftersökt i många nationer som talare på temat bön, väckelse och samhällsomvandling. John's har bla skrivit böckerna "Set Apart For God" och "Transforming Your World".
som kan beställas här:
Nedan finns länkar till översatt undervisning från
1- Att öppna böneportaler - John Mulinde
John undervisar här om vilka krafter vi har att bekämpa och hur viktigt det är med ett överlåtet och rent liv i den bönestriden.
2 - Abrahams strategi - John Mulinde
John fortsätter att berätta om hur man bad för Uganda och visar på principer från Skriften som gäller i alla tider, på alla platser och som kan praktiseras av alla som tror!
3 - Familjealtare - John Mulinde
När vi ber till Gud kommer Han att göra oss effektiva i landet. Då kan vi bli effektiva i att leda andra eftersom vi inte bara ger dem teoretisk kunskap utan ett liv som vi lever.
4 - Kraften av familjealtaret - John Mulinde
Samhällets minsta byggsten är familjen. Många av oss har gett upp gemenskapen i familjen. Vi sänker vår moral och våra värderingar. Det är så beklämmande men Gud säger, “Stå upp Min skara, jag är inte färdig med nationerna”.
6 - Att inta ett område för Kristus - John Mulinde
Gud har placerat olika församlingar och gemenskaper i världen med ett syfte. Gud använder församlingen som sitt prästerskap för att stå i gapet för människors frälsning. Herren har inte kallat sin församling att sitta och göra ingenting. Vi är kallade att skapa förändring i landet.
7 – Andligt bönekrig - John Mulinde
Du kan alltid vara vinnaren i ett bönekrig, den som övervinner fienden, men en sak måste du komma ihåg att fråga dig själv: ”Har jag en personlig sann gemenskap med Gud?
På denna sida kan du också lyssna till predikningar:
Lita på Herren
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 1/26/11:
Watch for key opportunities to overcome in areas that have represented a lack of confidence and failure. Now is a time when you can break through to higher ground, but you must not give in to the doubt and fear that the enemy will tempt you with. Instead, you must completely rely on Me to give you wisdom and direction. Have faith in Me to show you the way, says the Lord.
Psalms 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.
Watch for key opportunities to overcome in areas that have represented a lack of confidence and failure. Now is a time when you can break through to higher ground, but you must not give in to the doubt and fear that the enemy will tempt you with. Instead, you must completely rely on Me to give you wisdom and direction. Have faith in Me to show you the way, says the Lord.
Psalms 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.
onsdag 26 januari 2011
Frid med Gud
"Jesus dog på korset för att betala priset för Guds frid över mig, och han är i
himlen nu för att hävda den friden, för mig och i mig. Den frid vi har med Gud
genom Kristus skiljer vår tro från alla andra religioner."
Läs David Wilkersons utmärkta "dailydevotion" här:
Du kan också prenumerera på dessa dagliga betraktelser på denna sida:
himlen nu för att hävda den friden, för mig och i mig. Den frid vi har med Gud
genom Kristus skiljer vår tro från alla andra religioner."
Läs David Wilkersons utmärkta "dailydevotion" här:
Du kan också prenumerera på dessa dagliga betraktelser på denna sida:
tisdag 25 januari 2011
Intervju med Dennis Cramer
Detta är en intervju med Dennis Cramer
kring det profetiska. Dennis Cramer delar också ett antal profetiska ord och berättar om hur de uppfyllts. Programmet är ganska långt, närmare 2 timmar, men jag upplever att det är väl värt att lyssna på. Så sätt dig tillrätta, häll upp en kopp kaffe och håll tillgodo!
kring det profetiska. Dennis Cramer delar också ett antal profetiska ord och berättar om hur de uppfyllts. Programmet är ganska långt, närmare 2 timmar, men jag upplever att det är väl värt att lyssna på. Så sätt dig tillrätta, häll upp en kopp kaffe och håll tillgodo!
måndag 24 januari 2011
Den Heliga Staden
Den här sången tillhör verkligen en av mina favoriter och att få lyssna på den i en buss på väg in i Jerusalem, som jag fick för ett tag sedan, blir väldigt speciellt...
söndag 23 januari 2011
Truth Will Find YOU!
Från River of Edens blogg:
Truth Will Find YOU!
Truth! You can't get away from it. Can't go around it, over it, under it, or avoid it. If you are following Jesus wholeheartedly and desire to grow and mature, truth will find you. Truth will confront you. Truth will confound you. BUT, Truth will set you free. I have no doubt about that at all. No doubt.
The underlying foundation of what I will write this year is always Scripture. God's word is truth and is not compromised or unclear. Truth in God's word is absolute and in that, I stand. I don't always have to quote Scripture to walk in the reality of what I believe to be true. Truth should flow from me if I am walking with my Lord and people should SEE truth emanating from my life. Then I can speak truth. Get it?
Truth is generally inconvenient. By that I mean, it comes to us when God sees that it is necessary to confront us, in His timing. He looks into the depth of our being and sees our need for wholeness and the only thing that brings wholeness in our salvation is truth, His truth. With truth, we must trust.
Truth confronts and then we choose our response. We always choose our response. We are not clones or robots but we choose. It is personal responsibility to choose truth and to act on it. All of us must do that. We can't live in anyone else's truth. We live in His truth and He works it out in us according to His Word. Our lives are then built on the absolute revelation of His truth which is always stable and always sure in a world in chaos.
When truth confronts, we choose our response and they can be varied and diverse. We can be paralyzed in truth and need time to sort the revelation of it. We can object to truth and reject based upon an emotional response. We can be offended and argue our truth. We can make excuses. We can do a number of things. BUT truth is truth and Jesus said it clearly. Heaven and earth can pass away but My word will never pass away. Truth stands no matter what our response is. So, it is best to line up with Jesus, the absolute Truth. In Him, you cannot go wrong and He weaves a way through chaos.
Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE." Believe it and receive it. It is not going away but is eternal and is forever.
Truth is desperately needed in the Body of Christ today. Not opinion. Not people pleasing stories. Not seeker friendly environments. People are seeking the truth and we have it. Truth confronts in the midst of chaos, lies, deception. Truth weaves its way through all of it with clarity and purpose.
So what I am I the Word of God. Read the Word of God. Read the Word of God. Know it and live it. There are no shortcuts. None.
A few more things to add right now. All of us have seen Truth come to us through individuals that were prideful, self-righteous, angry, and many other agendas. They come to attack and assault us. I am not saying to do that or to walk in that spirit. I am saying to speak truth but listen it comes.......
Before you can speak in truth that is powerful, the very truth you speak with authority and power must be worked out in your own life, in my own life. In other words, walk it and don't just talk it. Okay? Remember to allow His Truth to penetrate your own life. Sozo - your salvation is a grand process dependant on walking in revealed truth which makes you whole - body, soul and spirit. We are desperately in need of mature sons and daughters in the Kingdom here and now. Are you one of them? Then press past the childish things and allow truth in the person of Jesus Christ to have His way in your life. You will never look back. Freedom feels soooooooooo good my friends!
More coming......................
Skrivet av Debra Westbrook
Truth Will Find YOU!
Truth! You can't get away from it. Can't go around it, over it, under it, or avoid it. If you are following Jesus wholeheartedly and desire to grow and mature, truth will find you. Truth will confront you. Truth will confound you. BUT, Truth will set you free. I have no doubt about that at all. No doubt.
The underlying foundation of what I will write this year is always Scripture. God's word is truth and is not compromised or unclear. Truth in God's word is absolute and in that, I stand. I don't always have to quote Scripture to walk in the reality of what I believe to be true. Truth should flow from me if I am walking with my Lord and people should SEE truth emanating from my life. Then I can speak truth. Get it?
Truth is generally inconvenient. By that I mean, it comes to us when God sees that it is necessary to confront us, in His timing. He looks into the depth of our being and sees our need for wholeness and the only thing that brings wholeness in our salvation is truth, His truth. With truth, we must trust.
Truth confronts and then we choose our response. We always choose our response. We are not clones or robots but we choose. It is personal responsibility to choose truth and to act on it. All of us must do that. We can't live in anyone else's truth. We live in His truth and He works it out in us according to His Word. Our lives are then built on the absolute revelation of His truth which is always stable and always sure in a world in chaos.
When truth confronts, we choose our response and they can be varied and diverse. We can be paralyzed in truth and need time to sort the revelation of it. We can object to truth and reject based upon an emotional response. We can be offended and argue our truth. We can make excuses. We can do a number of things. BUT truth is truth and Jesus said it clearly. Heaven and earth can pass away but My word will never pass away. Truth stands no matter what our response is. So, it is best to line up with Jesus, the absolute Truth. In Him, you cannot go wrong and He weaves a way through chaos.
Jesus said, "I am the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE." Believe it and receive it. It is not going away but is eternal and is forever.
Truth is desperately needed in the Body of Christ today. Not opinion. Not people pleasing stories. Not seeker friendly environments. People are seeking the truth and we have it. Truth confronts in the midst of chaos, lies, deception. Truth weaves its way through all of it with clarity and purpose.
So what I am I the Word of God. Read the Word of God. Read the Word of God. Know it and live it. There are no shortcuts. None.
A few more things to add right now. All of us have seen Truth come to us through individuals that were prideful, self-righteous, angry, and many other agendas. They come to attack and assault us. I am not saying to do that or to walk in that spirit. I am saying to speak truth but listen it comes.......
Before you can speak in truth that is powerful, the very truth you speak with authority and power must be worked out in your own life, in my own life. In other words, walk it and don't just talk it. Okay? Remember to allow His Truth to penetrate your own life. Sozo - your salvation is a grand process dependant on walking in revealed truth which makes you whole - body, soul and spirit. We are desperately in need of mature sons and daughters in the Kingdom here and now. Are you one of them? Then press past the childish things and allow truth in the person of Jesus Christ to have His way in your life. You will never look back. Freedom feels soooooooooo good my friends!
More coming......................
Skrivet av Debra Westbrook
lördag 22 januari 2011
Nations will come to your light!
Jewels from the River: Nations Will Come To Your Light
Judy Bauman
January 11, 2011
As I was journaling on the 9th of this month, I suddenly saw myself standing at a bend of the River. The last time I was here it was pitch dark, but today it is so bright my natural eyes would be blinded. (lastpost) The light dancing on the River is so brilliant and dazzling! Every ripple in the water is magnified as it reflects beams of light. It reminds me of when the sunlight hits the facets on a diamond and its refracted light is seen on nearby surfaces. The River is lit up and reflects glimmering light on nearby trees and rocky cliffs. It is beautiful; however, I do have to allow my eyes, even spiritual eyes, to adjust to such brilliance. I think of a song and cannot help but sing aloud:
You are Beautiful, Marvelous, Excellent, Radiant
I am astounded by Your brilliance
The One who is Faithful and True are You
The One who is Faithful and True – are You
As I sang, it sounded like many voices joined me, but I look around and don’t see anyone. The Lord reminds me of the revelation that believers are all seated together in Christ and the voices I heard were saints all over the world worshipping God in spirit and truth. Pondering this while looking at the River, it seemed that each light I saw bouncing off the water represents those who carry His light. They are in the flow of the River – the flow of what God is saying and doing. They go where He tells them to go even when it feels like they are being swept away.
I see the Lord caring for each light and I stand as a witness that the light is carrying God’s brilliance. These are the ones who bring the Light of the world to the ends of the earth. They flow with the will of God and they flow with the Word of God; they rest as they know He is the One who carries them.
I ask the Lord if He would speak a word of encouragement to His “Light-carriers” and He says,
“Tell those who carry My light (i.e.: My love, My hope, My peace, My righteousness, My word) that they must stay where I Am flowing. If they move to the edge, they will be caught in an eddy and eddies run contrary to the flow of the River (which is contrary to My will). It takes a huge amount of effort to free oneself from an eddy. This is also where debris gets trapped. Debris represents the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. In the eddy one is trapped with and defiled by such things.
“They must stay in the midst of the flow of My flow and if they do, they will shine with the light of My glory. They will continually be My Light-bearers. This also requires them to rest in Me and allow Me to carry them to the fulfillment of their destinies. There are individual and corporate destinies and they work hand-in-hand. I say again, “Arise shine for your light has come – the glory of the Lord has risen upon you and will appear around you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.”
Scriptures to ponder:
Isaiah 60:1-3; Psalm 19; John 4:23, 24; 9:5; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 4:19; Ephesians 2:6
Judy Bauman
January 11, 2011
As I was journaling on the 9th of this month, I suddenly saw myself standing at a bend of the River. The last time I was here it was pitch dark, but today it is so bright my natural eyes would be blinded. (lastpost) The light dancing on the River is so brilliant and dazzling! Every ripple in the water is magnified as it reflects beams of light. It reminds me of when the sunlight hits the facets on a diamond and its refracted light is seen on nearby surfaces. The River is lit up and reflects glimmering light on nearby trees and rocky cliffs. It is beautiful; however, I do have to allow my eyes, even spiritual eyes, to adjust to such brilliance. I think of a song and cannot help but sing aloud:
You are Beautiful, Marvelous, Excellent, Radiant
I am astounded by Your brilliance
The One who is Faithful and True are You
The One who is Faithful and True – are You
As I sang, it sounded like many voices joined me, but I look around and don’t see anyone. The Lord reminds me of the revelation that believers are all seated together in Christ and the voices I heard were saints all over the world worshipping God in spirit and truth. Pondering this while looking at the River, it seemed that each light I saw bouncing off the water represents those who carry His light. They are in the flow of the River – the flow of what God is saying and doing. They go where He tells them to go even when it feels like they are being swept away.
I see the Lord caring for each light and I stand as a witness that the light is carrying God’s brilliance. These are the ones who bring the Light of the world to the ends of the earth. They flow with the will of God and they flow with the Word of God; they rest as they know He is the One who carries them.
I ask the Lord if He would speak a word of encouragement to His “Light-carriers” and He says,
“Tell those who carry My light (i.e.: My love, My hope, My peace, My righteousness, My word) that they must stay where I Am flowing. If they move to the edge, they will be caught in an eddy and eddies run contrary to the flow of the River (which is contrary to My will). It takes a huge amount of effort to free oneself from an eddy. This is also where debris gets trapped. Debris represents the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches. In the eddy one is trapped with and defiled by such things.
“They must stay in the midst of the flow of My flow and if they do, they will shine with the light of My glory. They will continually be My Light-bearers. This also requires them to rest in Me and allow Me to carry them to the fulfillment of their destinies. There are individual and corporate destinies and they work hand-in-hand. I say again, “Arise shine for your light has come – the glory of the Lord has risen upon you and will appear around you. Nations will come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising.”
Scriptures to ponder:
Isaiah 60:1-3; Psalm 19; John 4:23, 24; 9:5; Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 4:19; Ephesians 2:6
Stå upp och kom med mig!
Jewels from the River: Arise and Come with Me
Judy Bauman
January 5, 2011
OBS! Utdrag, läs hela profetiska tilltalet här:
“This day marks a new day in the days of creation. Even rocks cry out for My return, but the time is not yet. There is a fullness that must come to My own. They must be given more time to awaken. They are sleepy as if drugged – and drugged they are! They are drugged by the media. They are drugged by entertainment. They are hypnotized by the world’s governmental issues. They slumber because their hearts have grown weak from the continue diet of fear fed them.
“I Am sending you out in force to roust up the saints of God, My chosen and elect. I Am decreeing this day a mandate to call, call, call, beckon, beckon, beckon the sons of God – both male and female – to awaken to the revealing. Shake them out of their deep sleep and cause them to ARISE!
“Give heed to My orders and follow My voice and we will witness the great move you have heard of from old. Creation itself will also be set free from its slavery to corruption into freedom of the glory of the children of God. Cause them to awaken to the groaning that is deep within them for the adoption.” (See Romans 8:14-22)
“Tell them: Your light has come and the glory of the Lord is seen upon you! Yes the light will shine brightly through even in the dimmest of lights because of the dark days that are upon them.”
Judy Bauman
January 5, 2011
OBS! Utdrag, läs hela profetiska tilltalet här:
“This day marks a new day in the days of creation. Even rocks cry out for My return, but the time is not yet. There is a fullness that must come to My own. They must be given more time to awaken. They are sleepy as if drugged – and drugged they are! They are drugged by the media. They are drugged by entertainment. They are hypnotized by the world’s governmental issues. They slumber because their hearts have grown weak from the continue diet of fear fed them.
“I Am sending you out in force to roust up the saints of God, My chosen and elect. I Am decreeing this day a mandate to call, call, call, beckon, beckon, beckon the sons of God – both male and female – to awaken to the revealing. Shake them out of their deep sleep and cause them to ARISE!
“Give heed to My orders and follow My voice and we will witness the great move you have heard of from old. Creation itself will also be set free from its slavery to corruption into freedom of the glory of the children of God. Cause them to awaken to the groaning that is deep within them for the adoption.” (See Romans 8:14-22)
“Tell them: Your light has come and the glory of the Lord is seen upon you! Yes the light will shine brightly through even in the dimmest of lights because of the dark days that are upon them.”
torsdag 20 januari 2011
International Holocaust Remembrance Sunday
Just nu pågår förberedelserna för "International Holocaust Remembrance Sunday". Det är organisationen "European coalition for Israel", som inbjuder kristna ledare runt om i Europa att uppmärksamma detta i söndagens gudstjänst den 30 januari. Inspirationsmaterial finns att ladda ner från under fliken "Download".
Det kommer också att hållas en cermoni för att hedra Förintelsens offer i EU-parlamentet i Bryssel den 25 januari och den 27 januari är det FN´s officiella minnesdag för Förintelsens offer.
Se mer information på ECI´s hemsida och videon nedan. Var gärna med och bed för detta!
Det kommer också att hållas en cermoni för att hedra Förintelsens offer i EU-parlamentet i Bryssel den 25 januari och den 27 januari är det FN´s officiella minnesdag för Förintelsens offer.
Se mer information på ECI´s hemsida och videon nedan. Var gärna med och bed för detta!
onsdag 19 januari 2011
Nivåhöjning i en ny tid
Den här texten sätter ord på det skede jag tror många av oss är inne i nu, en nivåhöjning i en ny tid. Med större utmaningar, men också med större välsignelser /Barnabas
"SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 1/03/2010:
I see in a vision the engine of an automobile that needs to be adjusted and tuned up so that it can run better. Expect to make some adjustments as you are being fine tuned to fulfill your purpose in the overall scheme of things. Things that once sparked your interest will be replaced by that which better suits your level of spiritual maturity.
As you continue to draw close to Me, you will see My creation from a new perspective. The sky will seem bluer and the grass greener, yet worldly interests and the satisfying of your flesh will become a secondary pursuit at best. And, your knowledge of the written Word will combine with your experiences to produce fresh, life-producing revelation.
Just when you think you've lost your edge, spiritual clarity will come forth like a picture coming into focus. You will be able to see and discern with greater depth and lucidity than ever. Expect to be more decisive with issues and concerns where you have been duplicitous. Instead you will be focused and more efficient.
I kept hearing in my spirit the term "quantum leap". You will broaden your spectral lines. This means that you will move beyond your normal limitations into a new realm of understanding and activity. You will no longer allow circumstances or people to hold you back or keep you from achieving your spiritual and natural potential.
I have torn, but I will heal. What has seemed like destruction has only been a good house cleaning to remove from your life the things that were no longer relevant. You have been released from the things that have held you back or created spiritual stagnation, and you can now move forward with a greater sense of freedom.
Do not concern yourself with thoughts of what you cannot do. Refuse to be a "Jack in the box" confined by old mindsets. Instead of focusing on your inabilities, let Me reveal your possibilities. I am with you to take you beyond your perceived restraints.
I am taking you to new heights. You will be delighted in what you see, but you must wait for Me instead of striking out on your own in presumption. This will be a time when you will begin to know the difference between the leading of My Spirit and the impulse of your own soul. I will lead you in perfect timing if you will wait on Me and trust in Me, says the Lord.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
"SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 1/03/2010:
I see in a vision the engine of an automobile that needs to be adjusted and tuned up so that it can run better. Expect to make some adjustments as you are being fine tuned to fulfill your purpose in the overall scheme of things. Things that once sparked your interest will be replaced by that which better suits your level of spiritual maturity.
As you continue to draw close to Me, you will see My creation from a new perspective. The sky will seem bluer and the grass greener, yet worldly interests and the satisfying of your flesh will become a secondary pursuit at best. And, your knowledge of the written Word will combine with your experiences to produce fresh, life-producing revelation.
Just when you think you've lost your edge, spiritual clarity will come forth like a picture coming into focus. You will be able to see and discern with greater depth and lucidity than ever. Expect to be more decisive with issues and concerns where you have been duplicitous. Instead you will be focused and more efficient.
I kept hearing in my spirit the term "quantum leap". You will broaden your spectral lines. This means that you will move beyond your normal limitations into a new realm of understanding and activity. You will no longer allow circumstances or people to hold you back or keep you from achieving your spiritual and natural potential.
I have torn, but I will heal. What has seemed like destruction has only been a good house cleaning to remove from your life the things that were no longer relevant. You have been released from the things that have held you back or created spiritual stagnation, and you can now move forward with a greater sense of freedom.
Do not concern yourself with thoughts of what you cannot do. Refuse to be a "Jack in the box" confined by old mindsets. Instead of focusing on your inabilities, let Me reveal your possibilities. I am with you to take you beyond your perceived restraints.
I am taking you to new heights. You will be delighted in what you see, but you must wait for Me instead of striking out on your own in presumption. This will be a time when you will begin to know the difference between the leading of My Spirit and the impulse of your own soul. I will lead you in perfect timing if you will wait on Me and trust in Me, says the Lord.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."
onsdag 5 januari 2011
Resa till Israel

Under de närmaste 10 dagarna kommer det inte att bli några inlägg på bloggen här.
Återigen har jag förmånen att få åka på en resa till Israel. Det är en resa för ledare och jag upplever hur viktigt det är att de som har en kallelse som ledare i Kristi kropp får uppleva Guds kärlek till folket och landet. Det är någonting högre än det vi ser i det naturliga i form av den politik som bedrivs, olika motsättningar och allt vad det är som sker i landet. Jag talar istället om en möjlighet till en uppenbarelse av Herren själv och en förståelse som är svår att få någon annanstans än på plats. Vad som sker är personligt, men jag är övertygad att alla som vill ta emot får något och man kommer hem som en lite annorlunda människa.
De senaste dagarna har jag fått ta emot personliga berättelser från dem som var med om samma resa i början av januari förra året, och det är rika vittnesbörd. Var gärna med och be för oss som åker den här gången om Herren manar dig.
Guds välsignelse och shalom! / Barnabas
lördag 1 januari 2011
Några profetiska tilltal för 2011
God och välsignad fortsättning på det nya året!!
Vid den här tiden brukar en rad profetiska tilltal publiceras om vad som kan förväntas inför året som kommer. Jag har läst ganska många sådana tilltal genom åren och ibland är det något som "sticker ut" som får en att stanna upp och som man bär med sig, men ibland läser man en hel del som bara passerar obemärkt förbi. Det kan ju ha olika orsaker, antingen var det inte från Herren eller så var det jag som inte var andligt på alerten. Hur eller hur så har vi alltid ett ansvar att pröva de tilltal vi får och läser, och bevara det som är gott.
"Prophet Gene" är en blogg som jag följt sporadiskt under förra året, och mestadels får jag en "god smak" av det jag läser. Därför publicerar jag här några av de tilltal han lagt ut på sin blogg:
WORD OF THE LORD FOR 2011 by Gene Redlin
Pawns will overtake Kings in 2011 - A word from Fletch Whipp
Word for the Body of Christ for 2011-Young Eagles Arising--Elaine Tavolacci
2011 – "An Unscripted and Formative Year" By Mary Lindow and the Holy Spirit
se också:
2011 – Leopards will become Lions - A word from Fletch Whipp
Vid den här tiden brukar en rad profetiska tilltal publiceras om vad som kan förväntas inför året som kommer. Jag har läst ganska många sådana tilltal genom åren och ibland är det något som "sticker ut" som får en att stanna upp och som man bär med sig, men ibland läser man en hel del som bara passerar obemärkt förbi. Det kan ju ha olika orsaker, antingen var det inte från Herren eller så var det jag som inte var andligt på alerten. Hur eller hur så har vi alltid ett ansvar att pröva de tilltal vi får och läser, och bevara det som är gott.
"Prophet Gene" är en blogg som jag följt sporadiskt under förra året, och mestadels får jag en "god smak" av det jag läser. Därför publicerar jag här några av de tilltal han lagt ut på sin blogg:
WORD OF THE LORD FOR 2011 by Gene Redlin
Pawns will overtake Kings in 2011 - A word from Fletch Whipp
Word for the Body of Christ for 2011-Young Eagles Arising--Elaine Tavolacci
2011 – "An Unscripted and Formative Year" By Mary Lindow and the Holy Spirit
se också:
2011 – Leopards will become Lions - A word from Fletch Whipp
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