Jesaja 43.1-3
1 Men nu, så säger HERREN, han som har skapat dig, Jakob,
han som har danat dig, Israel: Frukta inte, ty jag har återlöst dig,
jag har kallat dig vid namn, du är min.
2 Om du än måste gå genom vatten, är jag med dig,
eller genom strömmar, så skall de inte dränka dig.
Om du än måste gå genom eld, skall du inte bli svedd,
lågan skall inte bränna dig.
3 Ty jag är HERREN, din Gud, Israels Helige, din Frälsare.
Jag ger Egypten till lösepenning för dig,
Nubien och Seba i ditt ställe.
fredag 30 november 2012
torsdag 29 november 2012
Bäste herrn, låt mig få leva - ny bok
"Bäste herrn, låt mig få leva / Max Safir
När Max var ung pojke hämtades han och hans bror av tyska SS-män i sitt hem i Kielce, Polen, och tillsammans med många andra judiska pojkar fördes de till arbetsläger i Cieszanów.
Senare hamnade Max i tvångsarbetsläger i Starachowice, vidare förintelselägret Auschwitz-Birkenau och tvingades i krigets slutskede gå en dödsmarsch till det ökända koncentrationslägret Mauthausen i Österrike. Mer än sex och ett halvt år efter krigets utbrott befriades Max slutligen av amerikanska soldater i underlägret Ebensee. Han vägde då endast 24 kilo.
Efter befrielsen försökte Max ta sig till det dåvarande brittiska mandatet Palestina, men hamnade i ännu ett läger på Cypern. Han upplevde senare staten Israels födelse och deltog i självständighetskriget 1948.
Boken beskriver på ett levande sätt Max resa, från livet som barn i en stad i Polen till nazisternas koncentrations-, arbets- och förintelseläger och vidare fram till befrielsen samt tiden därefter.
Boken innehåller även ett stort antal fördjupningstexter som ger historiska fakta kring kriget och Förintelsen. Detta tillsammans med en stark överlevnadsberättelse gör boken intressant att läsa för alla och mycket lämplig att använda i kampen mot antisemitism och främlingsfientlighet.
Max Safir har bokstavligt talat upplevt helvetet på jorden. Om detta har han berättat. I skolor, på konfirmandutbildningar och på föreningsmöten. Nazistiskt barbari blev en del av hans tidigare liv. Outtröttligt har han fört vittnesmålet om övergrepp, arbetsläger och dödsmarscher vidare. Nu kommer hans bok, som blir ytterligare ett bidrag till att förhindra att det skall ske igen.
Göran Persson, f.d. statsminister.
Max Safir överlevde, till skillnad från nästan alla andra polsk-judiska barn i hans generation. Sex långa år, från det att tyskarna tog ut honom till tvångsarbete hösten 1939 till dess att pansartrupper ur den 80:e amerikanska infanteridivisionen befriade honom och tusentals andra svältande, svårt sjuka och döende fångar i koncentrationslägret Ebensee i Österrike i maj 1945. Max berättelse är unik. Det är viktigt att lyssna till den.
Stéphane Bruchfeld, medförfattre till "Om detta må vi berätta".
Tala och skriv, för Guds skull! Upprepa i tid och otid! Bra Max Safir!
Människan har inte utvecklats och nått det sanna förnuftet eller befriats från dårskap och våldsexcesser för att vi idag lever några årtionden efter 1930-talet.
Människovärdet har aldrig kränkts och förnedrats mer än under nazisternas försök att utrota judarna. Historien kan, som vi alla vet, inte vevas tillbaka, men vi är demokratiskt pliktiga att lära av den. Och lär vi inte av nazisternas barbari, då är sannolikt våra sinnen och själar mindre observanta och inte tillräckligt vakna för att bekämpa Ondskan idag och imorgon.
Bravo Max Safir! Du har tagit ditt ansvar. Måtte alla vi andra ta vårt.
Alf Svensson, europaparlamentariker för
Kristdemokraterna och f.d. partiledare.
Hösten 2009 exakt på dagen 70 år efter andra världskrigets utbrott gjorde jag en resa i Polen som kommit att påverka mig för livet. En grupp riksdagsledamöter reste i Förintelsens spår genom överlevanden Max Safirs ögon via hans födelseort Bodzentyn, barndomen i Kielce och tiden i utrotningslägret Auschwitz-Birkenau. Max berättade naket om ondskan och jag hoppas att denna bok kommer att påverka andra lika starkt som Max berättelse påverkat mig. Om vi inte minns Europas mörkaste historia kommer vi omöjligen att kunna vaccinera framtida generationer från hatet
Birgitta Ohlsson, EU-minister
Det finns sex miljoner skulder att utkräva. Ty vi står i skuld inför sex miljoner martyrer som mördades inför en värld som var alltför passiv. Därför måste vi vara aktiva idag, och berätta om det som aldrig mer får hända. Max Safir drar här ett viktigt lass.
Willy Silberstein, ordförande för
Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism."
Kan beställas hos XP Media:
onsdag 28 november 2012
Unilateral palestinsk stat
har planer på att unilateralt/ensidigt utropa en palestinsk stat vid FN:s
generalförsamling i morgon, 29 november. Må Herren ha nåd över våra länders
regeringar när dessa kommer i konflikt med Guds eget ord (Joel 3) om Sitt land
och Sitt folk.
för European Coalition for Israel, ECI finns på plats i New York för att
bedja och påverka.
att de får möjlighet att nå nyckelledare bland nationerna med viktig historisk
och juridisk basfakta om vad en sådan deklaration skulle betyda. Tex att
Jerusalems historiska delar (Old City) skulle övergå till att ingå i en
islamistisk palestinsk stat utan möjlighet för judar att be vid sina allra
heligaste platser.
gärna filmen "Give Peace a Chance" för alla som vill ha en
snabbkurs i ämnet.
information och dagliga uppdateringar finns på engelska på deras blogg på (Klicka på ruta
uppe till vänster)
Sverige har
regeringspartierna varit oense. Utrikesminister Carl Bildt (M) har dröjt med
besked, Centern vill ha ett svenskt ja och tidigare nejsägarna FP och KD tycks
vara på väg att luckra upp sitt motstånd. Hur Sverige till sist röstar lär bero
på resolutionens ordalydelse."
i Världen Idag:
Carl Bildt´s blogg:
där det går bra att göra sin röst hörd genom att kommentera inläggen.
för honom om beskydd och vägledning och för alla andra som har en roll i Sveriges ställningstagande i denna fråga.
Sveriges och andra länders ställningstagande behöver omslutas av bön!Tack för att du ber!
välsignelse och shalom! /Barnabas
torsdag 22 november 2012
Aktuellt tilltal
Lance Lambert’s Prophetic Message Given at Mount Carmel, April 1986
By Lance Lambert..It will not be long before there will come upon the world a time of unparalleled upheaval and turmoil. Do not fear; it is I the LORD who am shaking all things. I began this shaking with the First World War,and I greatly increased it through the Second World War. Since 1973 I have given it an even greater impetus. In the last stage, I plan to complete it with the shaking of the universe itself, with signs in sun and moon and stars. But before that point is reached I will judge the nations, and the time is near. It will not only be by war and civil war, by anarchy and terrorism, and by monetary collapses that I will judge the nations, but also by natural disasters: by earthquake, by shortages and famines, and by old and new plague diseases. I will also judge them by giving them over to their own ways, to lawlessness, to loveless selfishness, to delusion and to believing a lie; to false religion and an apostate church, even to a Christianity without Me.
Do not fear when these things begin to happen, for I disclose these things to you before they commence in order that you might be prepared, and that in the day of trouble and of evil you may stand firm and overcome. For I purpose that you may become the means of encouraging and strengthening many who love Me but who are weak. I desire that through you many may become strong in Me, and that multitudes of others might find My salvation through you.
And hear this! Do not fear the power of the Kremlin, nor the power of the Islamic Revolution, for I plan to break both of them through Israel. I will bring down their pride and their arrogance, and shatter them because they have blasphemed My Name. In that day I will avenge the blood of all the martyrs and of the innocent ones whom they have slaughtered. I will surely do this thing for they have thought that there was no one to judge them. But I have seen their ways and I have heard the cries of the oppressed and of the persecuted and I will break their power and make an end of them. Be therefore prepared for when all this comes to pass, to you will be given the last great opportunity to preach the gospel freely to all the nations.
In the midst of all the turmoil and shaking, and at the heart of everything, is My church. In the heavenlies she is joined to Me in one Spirit, and I have destined her for the throne. You who are My beloved, whom I have redeemed and anointed – you are mine. I will equip and empower you and you will rise up and do great things in My Name, even in the midst of darkness and evil. For I will reveal My power, and My grace and My glory through you. Do not hold back nor question My ways with you, for in all My dealings with you I have always in mind that you should be part of My bride and reign with Me. Do not forget that this requires especial discipline and training. So yield to Me that I might do a work in you in the time which is left, for I plan even during all this shaking that the bride will make herself ready.
And in the midst of nations on earth, seething with unrest and conflict, I have set My Israel. Yes, I say My Israel, even though they walk in disobedience and transgression, in the stubbornness of their hearts, divorced from Me through unbelief. Nevertheless, always remember that I made them enemies of the gospel for your sake. I the LORD, I Myself blinded them and hardened them that salvation might come to the gentiles in fullness. Yet they are still mine, beloved of Me with a tender and an undying love. They are My kith and My kin, and I love them. Shall I give them up for all that they have done to Me, says the LORD? Yet I have surrendered them to sorrow, to anguish of heart and to continuous suffering. But I have never given them up. In all their afflictions I was afflicted, though I neither delivered nor saved them from death.
Nevertheless I have been present; I the King of Israel, I have been present, although unnoticed and unregarded, in all their sufferings. There was no gas chamber, no massacre in which I was not present. But now the time has surely come when I shall receive them, for I will reveal Myself to them and with astonishment they will recognize Me.
For in the midst of these judgments multitudes upon multitudes will be saved across the nations. You will hardly know how to bring the harvest in, but My Spirit will equip you for the task. And to Israel will I also turn in that day, and I will melt the hardening which has befallen her. I will turn their blindness into clear sight and tear away the veil on their heart. Then shall they be redeemed with heart-bursting joy, and it will become a fountain of new and resurrection life to the whole company of the redeemed.
Do not fear for these days, for I have purposed that you should stand with Me and serve Me in them. Fear not, for I love you and I will protect you and equip you. I, the LORD, will anoint you with a new anointing and you will work My works and fulfill My counsel. You shall stand before Me, the LORD of the whole earth, and serve Me with understanding and with power, and you shall reign with Me during these days. Above all I call you to be intercessors.
onsdag 21 november 2012
Prayer Alert with Rick Ridings November 2012
Rick Ridings, director of Succat Hallel 24/7 Prayer and Worship in
Jerusalem, shares how we can pray for Israel at this time when she is
vulnerable for attack from all sides. If you have a heart to pray for
Israel and also for the countries around her, you need to see this.
måndag 19 november 2012
En annan bild
Konflikten runt Gaza fortsätter och för det mesta i media skildras det som händer med ett underförstått ställningstagande. Tex genom att man väljer att lyfta fram vissa fakta och underlåta att berätta om andra, att börja med att lyfta fram vissa fakta och nämna andra i en bisats osv.
I ett försök att uttrycka sin smärta och hjälpa till att förklara Israels ställning har filmskapare försökt skapa videos som syftar till att informera allmänheten. I Sderot är de ofta centrerade kring temat "15 sekunder" - den tid inom vilken invånarna måste hitta skydd när sirener varnar dem om att en raket har avfyrats mot dem.
Titta på videon och föreställ dig att leva i denna verklighet. Vi behöver verkligen be för alla inblandade i denna konflikt!!!
I ett försök att uttrycka sin smärta och hjälpa till att förklara Israels ställning har filmskapare försökt skapa videos som syftar till att informera allmänheten. I Sderot är de ofta centrerade kring temat "15 sekunder" - den tid inom vilken invånarna måste hitta skydd när sirener varnar dem om att en raket har avfyrats mot dem.
Titta på videon och föreställ dig att leva i denna verklighet. Vi behöver verkligen be för alla inblandade i denna konflikt!!!
lördag 17 november 2012
Bönesamling i Stockholm
Bönesamling den 1 december kl 11
Lördagen den 1 december kl. 11.00
Välkomna till en
Om väckelse och enhet och
integrering mellan svenska kristna och invandrarkristna med exempel från romskt
perspektiv. Med Wesco Kwiek, Anders Robertsson leder
Kl. 11.00 fika i
Kl. 11.30 mötesrum i
anslutning till konditoriet!
Denna sommar har varit
märklig! När vi samlades den 19 maj i Stockholms bönenätverk för att be
angående rasism, så bad vi speciellt för romernas situation i Sverige och
Vi bad för de kristna
romerna i Sverige och vi bad också om förlåtelse för våra egna attityder och
fördomar mot romerna.
En tid senare fick jag besök
i bönegruppen i mitt hem, en kilometer från Brandbergen av en romsk man som
bodde i Brandbergen och veckan efter tog han med en vän. De berättade en
fantastisk berättelse om väckelse ibland romerna i Brandbergen som hade börjat
Ett femtiotal i den romska
gruppen berördes då av evangeliet. Det senaste halvåret har många ungdomar
blivit frälsta, andedöpta och döpta.
Hösten 2012 startade en
lärljungaskola för nyfrälsta romska ungdomar.
Vi träffas nu regelbundet i
olika romska och svenska familjer, samarbetet har utvidgats och vi upplever
verkligen att Gud fört oss samman!
Den 1 dec september 11.30
kommer Wesco Kwiek och berättar om väckelsen i Brandbergen och om behovet om
enhet och integrering mellan romerska kristna och svenska kristna för
Guds rikes skull. Han visar också på behovet av predika evangelium på djupet
det som kännetecknade den första kristna tiden och det som präglat olika
väckelser som gått fram efter det
källa: utskick från Bönenätverk Stockholm
onsdag 14 november 2012
Lövhyddohögtiden 2012 i Jerusalem
ICEJ Report: The Move of the Spirit
Feast of Tabernacles 2012
Dr. Juergen Buehler, ICEJ Executive Director, speaking on "The Spirit of Grace and Supplication" at the 2012 Feast of Tabernacles.
måndag 12 november 2012
Jewels from Judy: The Righteous Acts of the Saints
Jewels from Judy: The Righteous Acts of the Saints
Judy Bauman
An exhortation from the Lord: The Righteous Acts of the Saints
thing is needed and I desire for you to choose what is better. Sit at
My feet and learn. The enemy has come and stolen something very precious
to Me and to you. Satan had stolen the betrothal gown of My beloved. He
has come along and used his gift of soothsaying and lies to strip you
of your true covering – which is to be in right standing with Me. He has
tricked many into trading true righteous acts for unfruitful and
self-motivated works. I have gone into the enemy's camp and demanded
back that which was taken. It has been returned to Me and I give it to
us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb
has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and
clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts
of the saints.) Revelation 19:7-8
righteous acts of the saints are those things that I have asked each
individual to do, as well as what I have asked My Church to do
corporately. Many feel they have to be on some important mission field
before they will believe that they are doing righteous acts, but I tell
you this is not so. A righteous act is something I have asked you to do,
and it is something that may be insignificant in your eyes and the eyes
of others, but to Me it is a thing of beauty. If I have told you to
pick up a piece of trash on your way into a store, it is more
significant to Me that you obey My voice in that small gesture than if
you go on a mission trip to build an orphanage if I have not asked you
to do it. If I have called you to build an orphanage then build an
orphanage, but if I have asked you to pick up trash then pick up trash.
Taking care of your children and raising them in the admonition and love
of God is something precious to Me. Obedience to Me carries the same
reward in My kingdom whether large or small. Obedience is what creates
righteous acts. These acts become the fabric, the thread, the lace, the
buttons and the jewels of the bridal gown.
righteous acts of the saints are not about self-exaltation or about
doing things that make you feel better about yourself. Righteousness is
your mind, will and emotions lining up with Mine. A righteous act is an
act that has been initiated by Me and carried out by you. It is not even
carried out in your own strength, but by My grace that is upon you. It
is possible to turn a righteous act into an unrighteous act when one
seeks to receive glory for doing it. It takes My grace to pick up trash
that you did not throw down, it takes My grace to cheerfully change a
dirty diaper, and it takes My grace to build an orphanage. So give Me
the glory for the grace I have given you, and I will give you more.
now much of my church is running around naked though they think they
are clothed. They are poor and blind and pitiable. You need the
anointing oil for your eyes so that you can see your true state.”
you say, 'I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing' and
do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked. I
counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be
rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of
your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve,
that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be
zealous and repent. Revelation 3:17-19
you take serious My call for My people called by My name to pray and
seek My face? Will you humble yourselves and turn from your wicked ways
in order for your land to be healed? Beloved, I Am not asking the lost
sinner to repent, I Am asking My church to repent! For too long My
church has told homosexuals and the abortionists that they need to
repent when it is My church that needs to repent. I Am there to bind up
the wounds of the hurting and lost, but My church goes around Me and
uses the very sword I placed in their hands (the Word of God) to cause
harm. They further wound the very ones I seek to save by misusing My
words as a weapon instead of a scalpel. They have not rightly divided
the Word of Truth and have used My words to bring death instead of
healing. The Word is a weapon for fighting against Satan and his
cohorts, but My Church is using it to fight against flesh and blood.
This must end! Where there is flesh and blood the Word must be used like
a scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon who knows how to cut cancer
out of a body.
many are in sin. Yes, they need to repent; but would it not be better
for the lost sinners to see My Body working in unity and love? Have I
not told you that people would know you belong to Me because of your
love for one another? How much strife in the house will it take for you
to grow weary of it? I did NOT command you: Do not grow weary in
striving with one another! NO! My Church behaves as if I did! I
commanded you not to grow weary in well doing. Well doing is the
RIGHTEOUS ACTS which I seek the earth to find.
extremes must I take to win your heart back to your First Love? Why can
you not listen and heed the warnings from My prophets. Both the old and
the new prophets give warning with one voice, yet you continue to walk
in your own will and way. I will not strive with flesh forever. Do you
realize the position you have put Me in to bring you back into
relationship with Me? A better question would be: Do you know what
position you have placed yourself in by your willful disobedience? (I do
not speak to those who have sought out My will and continue to seek My
face each day, I speak to those who are walking in their own will.)
Am coming to restore My church to Myself, and I will not be stopped or
slowed down. I have taken back the beautiful gown that was stolen by
Satan so that the acts which you wear as your garment will not be found
missing, stained or tattered. I Am not going to wed a naked bride! I
will be wed to a bride clothed in the righteous acts of the saints.
“Remember this: A righteous act does not have to be grandiose, but it does have to originate from Me. Whether
small or large, if it is a command from Me to you, then it is a
righteous act. Listen for My voice. My sheep hear My voice and another
they will not follow.”
Your First Love
Scriptures to consider: Link2Scriptures
Luke 10:42; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Galatians 6:9; John 4:23; 10:4; 13:34
This word was originally sent out in 2008 after a very long encounter I
had with the Lord. I was not released to share that encounter at the
time but it will be in my book, “Jewels from the River” which is in
process now. I pray you have been blessed, as I believe it is a very
timely word for today!
Profetisk undervisning,
profetiskt tilltal
fredag 9 november 2012
Apostolic Networks And The God-Family
Detta blir ett långt inlägg, men jag väljer ändå att lägga in hela texten istället för att bara länka, för detta är en profetisk och aktuell text som behöver sparas och tål också att läsas flera gånger. Ha en välsignad helg!/Barnabas
Apostolic Networks And The God-Family
God is connecting His scattered people through the Holy Spirit into close spiritual families and extended families. All are to be part of heaven’’s God-family of Father, Son and Holy Spirit preparing a Bride/Wife/Mother raising up children to become mature sons of the Father.
The current worldwide shift among God’’s people toward the original plan and model of Christ Jesus and the first century disciples has two primary characteristics.
(1) The leadership of man-made religious church systems and organizations are giving way to Holy Spirit led relationally based family style groups under the direct headship of Christ Jesus by the Spirit. The ekklesia was birthed on the day of Pentecost when about 120 men and women disciples received the initial return of the life-giving Spirit of Christ Jesus. The life of Christ began to flow in and through them empowering them to do the works of Christ drawing thousand to Christ as they preached and demonstrated the kingdom of God in the Holy Spirit.
(2) The worldwide shift of today is characterized by the return to the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of God instead of the man-focused gospel of only being saved to go to heaven when we die and all the man-focused church that developed around it. The reign of Christ Jesus as King on earth by His Spirit living in His Body is the focus of the gospel of the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. It is a spiritual Kingdom ruled by God, Who is Spirit, living in redeemed mankind who is spiritual and natural (heavenly and earthly).
Our natural minds can limit our ability to discern and participate in the realities of the Spirit and the spiritual realm. God’s design for mankind includes man’s mind serving under the Spirit of God as a tool for functioning in the physical world to bring forth the plans and purposes of Spirit God on earth from heaven. From the time of Adam’’s partaking of the tree of knowledge man’’s fallen mind has attempted to overrule God’’s will and desires.
1 Cor 2:14: But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
The tension between living in the ways of the natural as opposed to the spiritual continues to be a factor for all seeking to function as sons of God in the natural world. The religious church system with its many denominations and hierarchical ruling structures is the product of natural thinking overtaking and replacing life in the Spirit. The ekklesia of God began in the Spirit and eventually it will finish in the Spirit even though many centuries of walking in the natural have brought devastation to the real kingdom of God from heaven on earth. Life in the Spirit has been eroded by the continued practice of walking in the natural mind or the flesh portion of the natural/spiritual makeup of man.
Gal 3:3: Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
God’s people are the interface between the Spirit realm of God from heaven and the natural or physical world. The design of creation is to reflect the glory of God revealing His glorious character and nature of unchanging love, righteousness, wisdom and power far beyond human understanding. Only as mankind walks in the Spirit can he fulfill his place of bringing forth the will and plans of God from the spiritual into the natural.
Walking in the Spirit means our minds, will and emotions are saturated by the Spirit of God and functioning by the empowerment of the Spirit of Christ.
The great overall God-family consists of Heavenly Father, Son Christ Jesus and Bride/Wife/Mother on earth. Spiritual babies are born that must be nourished and trained to grow into mature sons of God. In the spiritual Body of Christ on earth, there are spiritually mature (elder), younger or less mature, small children and babies. It is the design of God that the Spirit of Christ impart tools to the mature (elder) to bring the whole family to spiritual maturity. The mature ones are known as elders and serve like fathers or more accurately as elder brothers to lead the families into spiritual maturity. The spiritually mature are those who have been seasoned through the experiences of walking in the Spirit. Their spiritual discernment has grown keen by way of exercise.
Heb 5:14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
It is by the Spirit of Christ that the people of God are being built up into mature sons unified in love to fulfill God’s purpose of returning the kingdoms of this world to the kingdom of our Father. The Spirit of Christ imparts special servant gifts of Himself to some for the job of building up the saints into mature sons. These gifts cause certain elder sons to function in specific areas to equip others to build up the Body of Christ - the whole connected organism of sons under the one Head of His Body, Christ Jesus.
Eph 4:11-12: "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,"
Elder (mature) sons of God function in the Spirit of Christ to provide the specific functions needed to equip the Body to buildup itself in the love and oneness of God. The functional service gifts to the Body are apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd and teacher. Not all elders function in these service gifts. But all who function in them are elders - mature sons who lead the families toward their heavenly Father through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
1 Pet 5:1-3: The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
This is truly organic spiritual reality that develops as love relationships and does not require the confines of organizational structure devised by natural man. It is spiritual networking and flows from the spiritual realm of heaven which is beginning to imprint its patterns for life on earth as it is in heaven. It is the New Jerusalem living patterns coming down from heaven, the beginnings of the manifesting of the purified holy Bride city - the New Jerusalem / Bride of Christ lifestyle.
Rev 21:2-3: Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.
Evidence of the spiritual family of God is seen in the reality of the spiritual networking of close spiritual families with connections to extended families. The servant gifts of shepherd, teacher and evangelist are functioning within the families. The special gifts of apostle and prophet are especially emphasized and needed in the season of major shift from the religious past to the family of God relational reality of the future. True apostolic and prophetic works are being expressed to make the deep and sometimes difficult changes required to move from religion to relationship.
The demise of the family of God reality in the ekklesia came about as men established a human structural framework to govern the spiritual reality of the God-family on earth.
The original God-family ekklesia was birthed at Pentecost as Christ Jesus returned in the Spirit to abide in His people and express the special gifts and power to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. There was only Christ Jesus as head directing the birthing of the kingdom within the ekklesia through the Holy Spirit.
In a similar way the rebirth of Pentecostal reality poured out in the 20th century began to bring forth the God-family on a broad scale again for the first time since the takeover by man’s ways around the 3rd century. This is the great shift and transition of this time in history.
The same natural fallen-world concepts that brought the demise of the ekklesia of the early centuries is hard at work seeking to again replace the headship of Christ Jesus with man-made structural framework.
Apostolic Networks
Multitudes are seeking a greater reality of spiritual relationship with God outside the man-made structural frameworks of religion. Often a season of isolation which is sometimes referred to as a wilderness experience is used of God as part of the process of removing ingrained patterns of the past religious framework prior to being reconnected in close spiritual family groups as the ekklesia of God.
I believe Father wants to enlighten us regarding two major snares the enemy is attempting to use to entrap fledgling family style groups. They both stem from the same error of substituting man-made structural frameworks for the real headship of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
The first snare is allowing the focus of the family group to become purely human fellowship. There is a vast difference in Christians fellowshipping in the natural and real spiritual fellowship with Christ Jesus and the Father through the Holy Spirit.
There can be a good and refreshing time in a group that is only bringing forth their natural human personalities and natural gifts without any real spiritual fellowship with God taking place. A group like this is easily led into deception and can fall into fallen-world practices.
Spiritual fellowship takes place as each person brings forth the Spirit of Christ from within to the group. Christ Jesus truly becomes evident among the group as real spiritual fellowship brings adoration, worship and thanksgiving to the glory of God in the Holy Spirit. Love and powerful spiritual ministry may flow life from Christ by the Holy Spirit. As each joint flows to the group, the Holy Spirit brings forth the ministry of Jesus to cleanse, heal, strengthen, empower and spiritually refresh the group.
The second snare is to reestablish man-made structure as a framework to order the release of the Spirit among the group. This can happen entirely within the family group or by connecting the group to a leadership organization that is not free of man-made structure. The group could be a traditional church that is not yet changed or it could be an apostolic or prophetic network that is emerging but is also not yet fully free of man-made structure that impedes the headship of Christ flowing through the Spirit.
Christ Jesus is today flowing His life as apostle through prepared and selected elders who are apostles sent to oversee the ekklesia. The supernatural wisdom of God flows from them to the groups to help with foundational understanding and direction. The discernment of the prophet is needed as well to clearly see and confirm specific situations and encouragement. All of the gifts of the Spirit of Christ are needed. Some will be resident within the group but others will be transient. Several apostles or prophets may be sent from time to time to impart to a family group or gathering of groups and will relate as part of the God-family. All of this is to be ordered by the head of the ekklesia, Christ Jesus. The kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit.
God is Spirit.
The apostolic headquarters is in heaven at the right hand of the Father. The leadership of Christ flows by the Spirit through the sons of God on earth who walk in the Spirit. We need to remember that God is Spirit. Jesus was Spirit in heaven with Father who is Spirit. The Spirit Christ Jesus became a man on earth and eventually returned again to earth as Sprit to abide in a many-membered Body. Yet, He remains at the throne in heaven. There is no problem for Sprit God to be in all places at any time.
From Pentecost onward it is possible for God’s people to walk in the Spirit. The first century apostles were examples of walking in the Spirit. The power, wisdom, and sacrificial love of Christ Jesus lived within their beings and did the works of Christ Jesus according to the will and way of the Father. They are recorded examples of apostolic elders. Apostles today will move by the same power, in the same love and wisdom by the same Spirit.
Elders with the gifts of prophets, evangelist, shepherds and teachers will operate from the same Spirit as those gifted as apostle. Only their functions are different. All of these are simply the work of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit leading, equipping and edifying the body into love and oneness with God. They are NOT a separate class of believer. Without the work of the Spirit of Christ we all can do nothing.
1 Cor 12:12-13: For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body; whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free; and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.
Rom 12:4: For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.
From the youngest to the oldest, all in the Body of Christ are brethren one with another and with Christ Jesus in the God-Family. All who have been added to the family are connected by the spiritual bloodline of our Father through Christ Jesus. In the God-family there is no longer male or female, bond or free, Jew or Gentile nor any other division that would cause one member to have dominion over another. Yes, in the natural human existence there are all these things and there are offices and men ruling over men. But in the spiritual reality in which we live and move, as we walk in the Spirit, these things do not exist. The only vertical distinction is maturity and it is temporary. The heir of all is like a servant only until he matures.
Mat 23:8-10: "But you, do not be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ."
Heb 2:11: "For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren,"
God gave dominion on earth to mankind but God did not give man dominion over other men.
In the first century, there were those who called themselves apostles and were not. There are those today who do the same. Beware of so called apostolic networks that set up a hierarchy of rule and revert to the same errors of man-made systems of government that brought the demise of the spiritual ekklesia of the past. Walking in the Spirit and God-family life was replaced with religious systems of men over men that was called spiritual authority. The false two-class system of clergy and laity is attempting to be implemented again in some man-made apostolic networks. Even networks that begin functioning by the Sprit can easily slip into human organization, rule and leadership while claiming to be Spirit-led.
Rev 2:2 "I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars"
Apostolic connections are vital. We must depend on the Holy Spirit to connect us into close family style groups and also with extended family. We must receive the itinerant elders gifted as apostles, teachers and prophets who will help the local elders bring oversight and connections to the Body.
Keep on pursuing love.
It never fails.
Ron McGatlin
Apostolic Networks And The God-Family
God is connecting His scattered people through the Holy Spirit into close spiritual families and extended families. All are to be part of heaven’’s God-family of Father, Son and Holy Spirit preparing a Bride/Wife/Mother raising up children to become mature sons of the Father.
The current worldwide shift among God’’s people toward the original plan and model of Christ Jesus and the first century disciples has two primary characteristics.
(1) The leadership of man-made religious church systems and organizations are giving way to Holy Spirit led relationally based family style groups under the direct headship of Christ Jesus by the Spirit. The ekklesia was birthed on the day of Pentecost when about 120 men and women disciples received the initial return of the life-giving Spirit of Christ Jesus. The life of Christ began to flow in and through them empowering them to do the works of Christ drawing thousand to Christ as they preached and demonstrated the kingdom of God in the Holy Spirit.
(2) The worldwide shift of today is characterized by the return to the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom of God instead of the man-focused gospel of only being saved to go to heaven when we die and all the man-focused church that developed around it. The reign of Christ Jesus as King on earth by His Spirit living in His Body is the focus of the gospel of the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. It is a spiritual Kingdom ruled by God, Who is Spirit, living in redeemed mankind who is spiritual and natural (heavenly and earthly).
Our natural minds can limit our ability to discern and participate in the realities of the Spirit and the spiritual realm. God’s design for mankind includes man’s mind serving under the Spirit of God as a tool for functioning in the physical world to bring forth the plans and purposes of Spirit God on earth from heaven. From the time of Adam’’s partaking of the tree of knowledge man’’s fallen mind has attempted to overrule God’’s will and desires.
1 Cor 2:14: But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
The tension between living in the ways of the natural as opposed to the spiritual continues to be a factor for all seeking to function as sons of God in the natural world. The religious church system with its many denominations and hierarchical ruling structures is the product of natural thinking overtaking and replacing life in the Spirit. The ekklesia of God began in the Spirit and eventually it will finish in the Spirit even though many centuries of walking in the natural have brought devastation to the real kingdom of God from heaven on earth. Life in the Spirit has been eroded by the continued practice of walking in the natural mind or the flesh portion of the natural/spiritual makeup of man.
Gal 3:3: Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
God’s people are the interface between the Spirit realm of God from heaven and the natural or physical world. The design of creation is to reflect the glory of God revealing His glorious character and nature of unchanging love, righteousness, wisdom and power far beyond human understanding. Only as mankind walks in the Spirit can he fulfill his place of bringing forth the will and plans of God from the spiritual into the natural.
Walking in the Spirit means our minds, will and emotions are saturated by the Spirit of God and functioning by the empowerment of the Spirit of Christ.
The great overall God-family consists of Heavenly Father, Son Christ Jesus and Bride/Wife/Mother on earth. Spiritual babies are born that must be nourished and trained to grow into mature sons of God. In the spiritual Body of Christ on earth, there are spiritually mature (elder), younger or less mature, small children and babies. It is the design of God that the Spirit of Christ impart tools to the mature (elder) to bring the whole family to spiritual maturity. The mature ones are known as elders and serve like fathers or more accurately as elder brothers to lead the families into spiritual maturity. The spiritually mature are those who have been seasoned through the experiences of walking in the Spirit. Their spiritual discernment has grown keen by way of exercise.
Heb 5:14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
It is by the Spirit of Christ that the people of God are being built up into mature sons unified in love to fulfill God’s purpose of returning the kingdoms of this world to the kingdom of our Father. The Spirit of Christ imparts special servant gifts of Himself to some for the job of building up the saints into mature sons. These gifts cause certain elder sons to function in specific areas to equip others to build up the Body of Christ - the whole connected organism of sons under the one Head of His Body, Christ Jesus.
Eph 4:11-12: "And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,"
Elder (mature) sons of God function in the Spirit of Christ to provide the specific functions needed to equip the Body to buildup itself in the love and oneness of God. The functional service gifts to the Body are apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd and teacher. Not all elders function in these service gifts. But all who function in them are elders - mature sons who lead the families toward their heavenly Father through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
1 Pet 5:1-3: The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.
This is truly organic spiritual reality that develops as love relationships and does not require the confines of organizational structure devised by natural man. It is spiritual networking and flows from the spiritual realm of heaven which is beginning to imprint its patterns for life on earth as it is in heaven. It is the New Jerusalem living patterns coming down from heaven, the beginnings of the manifesting of the purified holy Bride city - the New Jerusalem / Bride of Christ lifestyle.
Rev 21:2-3: Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God.
Evidence of the spiritual family of God is seen in the reality of the spiritual networking of close spiritual families with connections to extended families. The servant gifts of shepherd, teacher and evangelist are functioning within the families. The special gifts of apostle and prophet are especially emphasized and needed in the season of major shift from the religious past to the family of God relational reality of the future. True apostolic and prophetic works are being expressed to make the deep and sometimes difficult changes required to move from religion to relationship.
The demise of the family of God reality in the ekklesia came about as men established a human structural framework to govern the spiritual reality of the God-family on earth.
The original God-family ekklesia was birthed at Pentecost as Christ Jesus returned in the Spirit to abide in His people and express the special gifts and power to establish the Kingdom of God on earth. There was only Christ Jesus as head directing the birthing of the kingdom within the ekklesia through the Holy Spirit.
In a similar way the rebirth of Pentecostal reality poured out in the 20th century began to bring forth the God-family on a broad scale again for the first time since the takeover by man’s ways around the 3rd century. This is the great shift and transition of this time in history.
The same natural fallen-world concepts that brought the demise of the ekklesia of the early centuries is hard at work seeking to again replace the headship of Christ Jesus with man-made structural framework.
Apostolic Networks
Multitudes are seeking a greater reality of spiritual relationship with God outside the man-made structural frameworks of religion. Often a season of isolation which is sometimes referred to as a wilderness experience is used of God as part of the process of removing ingrained patterns of the past religious framework prior to being reconnected in close spiritual family groups as the ekklesia of God.
I believe Father wants to enlighten us regarding two major snares the enemy is attempting to use to entrap fledgling family style groups. They both stem from the same error of substituting man-made structural frameworks for the real headship of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
The first snare is allowing the focus of the family group to become purely human fellowship. There is a vast difference in Christians fellowshipping in the natural and real spiritual fellowship with Christ Jesus and the Father through the Holy Spirit.
There can be a good and refreshing time in a group that is only bringing forth their natural human personalities and natural gifts without any real spiritual fellowship with God taking place. A group like this is easily led into deception and can fall into fallen-world practices.
Spiritual fellowship takes place as each person brings forth the Spirit of Christ from within to the group. Christ Jesus truly becomes evident among the group as real spiritual fellowship brings adoration, worship and thanksgiving to the glory of God in the Holy Spirit. Love and powerful spiritual ministry may flow life from Christ by the Holy Spirit. As each joint flows to the group, the Holy Spirit brings forth the ministry of Jesus to cleanse, heal, strengthen, empower and spiritually refresh the group.
The second snare is to reestablish man-made structure as a framework to order the release of the Spirit among the group. This can happen entirely within the family group or by connecting the group to a leadership organization that is not free of man-made structure. The group could be a traditional church that is not yet changed or it could be an apostolic or prophetic network that is emerging but is also not yet fully free of man-made structure that impedes the headship of Christ flowing through the Spirit.
Christ Jesus is today flowing His life as apostle through prepared and selected elders who are apostles sent to oversee the ekklesia. The supernatural wisdom of God flows from them to the groups to help with foundational understanding and direction. The discernment of the prophet is needed as well to clearly see and confirm specific situations and encouragement. All of the gifts of the Spirit of Christ are needed. Some will be resident within the group but others will be transient. Several apostles or prophets may be sent from time to time to impart to a family group or gathering of groups and will relate as part of the God-family. All of this is to be ordered by the head of the ekklesia, Christ Jesus. The kingdom of God is in the Holy Spirit.
God is Spirit.
The apostolic headquarters is in heaven at the right hand of the Father. The leadership of Christ flows by the Spirit through the sons of God on earth who walk in the Spirit. We need to remember that God is Spirit. Jesus was Spirit in heaven with Father who is Spirit. The Spirit Christ Jesus became a man on earth and eventually returned again to earth as Sprit to abide in a many-membered Body. Yet, He remains at the throne in heaven. There is no problem for Sprit God to be in all places at any time.
From Pentecost onward it is possible for God’s people to walk in the Spirit. The first century apostles were examples of walking in the Spirit. The power, wisdom, and sacrificial love of Christ Jesus lived within their beings and did the works of Christ Jesus according to the will and way of the Father. They are recorded examples of apostolic elders. Apostles today will move by the same power, in the same love and wisdom by the same Spirit.
Elders with the gifts of prophets, evangelist, shepherds and teachers will operate from the same Spirit as those gifted as apostle. Only their functions are different. All of these are simply the work of Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit leading, equipping and edifying the body into love and oneness with God. They are NOT a separate class of believer. Without the work of the Spirit of Christ we all can do nothing.
1 Cor 12:12-13: For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body; whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free; and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.
Rom 12:4: For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another.
From the youngest to the oldest, all in the Body of Christ are brethren one with another and with Christ Jesus in the God-Family. All who have been added to the family are connected by the spiritual bloodline of our Father through Christ Jesus. In the God-family there is no longer male or female, bond or free, Jew or Gentile nor any other division that would cause one member to have dominion over another. Yes, in the natural human existence there are all these things and there are offices and men ruling over men. But in the spiritual reality in which we live and move, as we walk in the Spirit, these things do not exist. The only vertical distinction is maturity and it is temporary. The heir of all is like a servant only until he matures.
Mat 23:8-10: "But you, do not be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ."
Heb 2:11: "For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren,"
God gave dominion on earth to mankind but God did not give man dominion over other men.
In the first century, there were those who called themselves apostles and were not. There are those today who do the same. Beware of so called apostolic networks that set up a hierarchy of rule and revert to the same errors of man-made systems of government that brought the demise of the spiritual ekklesia of the past. Walking in the Spirit and God-family life was replaced with religious systems of men over men that was called spiritual authority. The false two-class system of clergy and laity is attempting to be implemented again in some man-made apostolic networks. Even networks that begin functioning by the Sprit can easily slip into human organization, rule and leadership while claiming to be Spirit-led.
Rev 2:2 "I know your works, your labor, your patience, and that you cannot bear those who are evil. And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars"
Apostolic connections are vital. We must depend on the Holy Spirit to connect us into close family style groups and also with extended family. We must receive the itinerant elders gifted as apostles, teachers and prophets who will help the local elders bring oversight and connections to the Body.
Keep on pursuing love.
It never fails.
Ron McGatlin
onsdag 7 november 2012
by Jo Ellen Stevens
God is saying that this is the year that we Cross Over into our destiny's .This past year has been the year of the "Whirlwind" Many of you were caught up into the Whirlwind these past few months. You have felt like the debris of your past would never stop hitting you as you went in and now it is the time that you are being flung out into the place that you have always needed to be... your destiny.
Alignment is about to take place. Joel's army is arising in the earth. Joel 2:4 The appearance of them [is] as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. Joel 2:7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: Joel 2:7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks.
At the beginning of the Hebrew year 5773 I saw a humble servant stepping over a threshold in a doorway and as they "crossed over". They became dressed in this beautiful suit of armor. This armor the Lord said to me will be "YOUR OWN" armor. Saul (jealousy, envy) has tried to dress you in his to send you forth, but this armor that you will be clad in is made of all of the lessons that you have learned in the past as you slayed the Lion and the bear in your walk with Him. You will be clad with the armor of an overcomer one that has the knowing that you are an overcomer before you even enter into the promise land... before you ever face the giants of the land.
1Sa 17:38 And Saul armed David with his armour, and he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail. 1Sa 17:39 And David girded his sword upon his armour, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved [it]. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved [them]. And David put them off him. We can only truly use what has been proven in our life .It is the engrafted word of God .That which we have been exercised by. Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, [even] those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. These are they who have exercised their five physical senses by the word of God and have proven that the word of God is true in their life!!
This is the time for the Manifest sons of God to arise! Rom 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Rom 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. The earth is awaiting those that will walk as Jesus walked in the earth speaking to the mountains that are in the way of the Kingdom from coming, healing the sick, raising the dead, bringing deliverance to everyone they come in contact with.
Many have been through the suffering by that I mean we have learned to overcome the dictates of the world, the flesh, and the devil by acting on the word and acting on the promptings of Holy spirit by obedience and through faithfulness to Him. This is who is arising in this hour to go into the Land..It is the time of His power in the Earth! Psa 110:3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power.
Yes, the Manifest Sons are arising in the Earth!! Knowing who they are in Him. Knowing that "It was finished before the foundation of the world!! Hebrews 4:3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. They enter into the rest of God in knowing and believing in this finished work. They know that they're nothing in themselves, but that "greater is He that is in them then He that is in the world". 1st John 4:4. They do not care about there insecurities, because they know that He has ".chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; They are humble knowing that it is not them, but Christ in them the hope of glory!! Col.1:27. They know where there power comes from. They know it is at His feet that they possess this power. It all comes from Him!
They also know that it is not there best laid plans, or their programs,or their might,education,or social status. They know in whom they believe.This is the day of the manifest Sons of God, this is the "Day of The Saints" Arise shine for thy light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!!" Isaiah 60:1.
God says it is time to step across the threshold into that which you have known and have been prepared for. That which David stepped into as king. That which every force of hell has tried to stop you from doing all of these years. Step into the fullness of your destiny. God had prepared you for such a time as this. This is the "Set Time For you to Arise" the Lord is asking you today. Why Not You??!!
Get ready my people it is time to run with the Lion Of the Tribe Of Judah!! It is time for God to Roar out of Zion!!
It is time!!
by Jo Ellen Stevens
God is saying that this is the year that we Cross Over into our destiny's .This past year has been the year of the "Whirlwind" Many of you were caught up into the Whirlwind these past few months. You have felt like the debris of your past would never stop hitting you as you went in and now it is the time that you are being flung out into the place that you have always needed to be... your destiny.
Alignment is about to take place. Joel's army is arising in the earth. Joel 2:4 The appearance of them [is] as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they run. Joel 2:7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: Joel 2:7 They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the wall like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks.
At the beginning of the Hebrew year 5773 I saw a humble servant stepping over a threshold in a doorway and as they "crossed over". They became dressed in this beautiful suit of armor. This armor the Lord said to me will be "YOUR OWN" armor. Saul (jealousy, envy) has tried to dress you in his to send you forth, but this armor that you will be clad in is made of all of the lessons that you have learned in the past as you slayed the Lion and the bear in your walk with Him. You will be clad with the armor of an overcomer one that has the knowing that you are an overcomer before you even enter into the promise land... before you ever face the giants of the land.
1Sa 17:38 And Saul armed David with his armour, and he put an helmet of brass upon his head; also he armed him with a coat of mail. 1Sa 17:39 And David girded his sword upon his armour, and he assayed to go; for he had not proved [it]. And David said unto Saul, I cannot go with these; for I have not proved [them]. And David put them off him. We can only truly use what has been proven in our life .It is the engrafted word of God .That which we have been exercised by. Hebrews 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, [even] those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil. These are they who have exercised their five physical senses by the word of God and have proven that the word of God is true in their life!!
This is the time for the Manifest sons of God to arise! Rom 8:18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time [are] not worthy [to be compared] with the glory which shall be revealed in us. Rom 8:19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. The earth is awaiting those that will walk as Jesus walked in the earth speaking to the mountains that are in the way of the Kingdom from coming, healing the sick, raising the dead, bringing deliverance to everyone they come in contact with.
Many have been through the suffering by that I mean we have learned to overcome the dictates of the world, the flesh, and the devil by acting on the word and acting on the promptings of Holy spirit by obedience and through faithfulness to Him. This is who is arising in this hour to go into the Land..It is the time of His power in the Earth! Psa 110:3 Thy people [shall be] willing in the day of thy power.
Yes, the Manifest Sons are arising in the Earth!! Knowing who they are in Him. Knowing that "It was finished before the foundation of the world!! Hebrews 4:3 For we which have believed do enter into rest, as he said, As I have sworn in my wrath, if they shall enter into my rest: although the works were finished from the foundation of the world. They enter into the rest of God in knowing and believing in this finished work. They know that they're nothing in themselves, but that "greater is He that is in them then He that is in the world". 1st John 4:4. They do not care about there insecurities, because they know that He has ".chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; They are humble knowing that it is not them, but Christ in them the hope of glory!! Col.1:27. They know where there power comes from. They know it is at His feet that they possess this power. It all comes from Him!
They also know that it is not there best laid plans, or their programs,or their might,education,or social status. They know in whom they believe.This is the day of the manifest Sons of God, this is the "Day of The Saints" Arise shine for thy light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you!!" Isaiah 60:1.
God says it is time to step across the threshold into that which you have known and have been prepared for. That which David stepped into as king. That which every force of hell has tried to stop you from doing all of these years. Step into the fullness of your destiny. God had prepared you for such a time as this. This is the "Set Time For you to Arise" the Lord is asking you today. Why Not You??!!
Get ready my people it is time to run with the Lion Of the Tribe Of Judah!! It is time for God to Roar out of Zion!!
It is time!!
Jerusalem: 4000 Years in 5 Minutes
Psalm 122
A song of ascents. Of David.
1 I rejoiced with those who said to me,
“Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
2 Our feet are standing
in your gates, Jerusalem.
“Let us go to the house of the Lord.”
2 Our feet are standing
in your gates, Jerusalem.
3 Jerusalem is built like a city
that is closely compacted together.
4 That is where the tribes go up—
the tribes of the Lord—
to praise the name of the Lord
according to the statute given to Israel.
5 There stand the thrones for judgment,
the thrones of the house of David.
that is closely compacted together.
4 That is where the tribes go up—
the tribes of the Lord—
to praise the name of the Lord
according to the statute given to Israel.
5 There stand the thrones for judgment,
the thrones of the house of David.
“May those who love you be secure.
7 May there be peace within your walls
and security within your citadels.”
8 For the sake of my family and friends,
I will say, “Peace be within you.”
9 For the sake of the house of the Lord our God,
I will seek your prosperity.
måndag 5 november 2012
Bön för två viktiga situationer

Prayer Alert: Two World-Changing Situations
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
"Prayer that ignores the
Powers ends up blaming God for evils committed by the Powers.... God's hands
are effectively tied when we fail to pray. That is the dignity and urgency of
our praying." -Walter Wink
Prayer Alert: Two
World-Changing Situations
This week, two critical
political developments are happening that will influence our world for years to
come- a transition of leadership in China
and the U.S.
election. Please join your prayers to ours for "His will to be done on
earth as it is in heaven". He has given His Church authority to bind
principalities and powers and to determine the politics of nations through our
prayers of unity and faith in the power of the Holy Spirit!
1. New Leadership for China
From inside China a prayer leader- friend writes: "The
18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be the next major
Communist Party Congress in China.
It is scheduled to begin on November 8, 2012 in Beijing, China,
at the Great Hall of the People. Due to term and age limit restrictions, seven
of the nine members of the most important CCP Central Politburo Standing
Committee will be retiring. This includes current Paramount Leader Hu Jintao,
who will step down as the powerful party's General Secretary. The Congress will
elect the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and will
likely elect currently touted successors into power, who will lead China for the
next ten years. Because the communist Party is the ruling party in China, so the importance of this congress for us
is just like the U.S election for America. We would like to kindly
invite you to please stand with us at this critical moment."
Let's agree in prayer with
our Chinese brothers and sisters for good new leaders that will take China forward
into its destiny for God's kingdom and that increasing political and religious
freedom will be the result of this important leadership transition.
2. America's Election, November 6
For years, America has
seemed to wander in the darkness without clear moral and spiritual vision
for the future. We have also been hit hard by economic recession and
division within our government and society. Tuesday, American voters face
what could be the most important national election we have ever
participated in. Surely we need "a
new day for the USA"!
Please pray with us that
people will get to the polls and vote for politicians who support
Judaeo-Christian values such as the right to life and marriage between one man
and one woman, as well as policies that uphold our constitution
and the rule of law and present a sound economic plan that takes the nation out
of debt and into the future the Lord has for us. We need moral and spiritual
revival especially!
The Bible says our conflict
is not against human beings. Agree with us that principalities and powers
of darkness will be bound (Matthew 18:19), wicked leaders removed or
prevented from getting into power, the media cleansed from corruption and
deception, and that good and honest leaders will be placed in the White
House, Congress and state governments around the country so that this nation
will have a new beginning.
As we all know, God uses
the prayers of His people to shape history! Thanks for praying for China and the USA at this crucial time in the
history of both nations.
Yours in Christ,
John Robb
IPC Chairman
lördag 3 november 2012
Vittnesbörd från New Age-mässa
Människor behöver Jesus
och vi kristna behöver finnas med där längtande och sökande människor finns.
Detta är ett vittnesbörd efter förra helgens New Age mässa i Stockholm. Bed
för Joel och hans vänner nu och framöver!
New age-mässan
helgen var vi ett gäng som var med på en new age-mässa i Stockholm. Vi hade en
monter där det fanns böcker, biblar och tidningar, helt utan kostnad. Montern
besöktes av fler än 400 personer. Besökarna var förvånade och tacksamma över
att FÅ böcker och biblar. Under de två dagarna gick det åt böcker till ett
försäljningsvärde av över 100 000 kr. Drygt 1200 böcker och biblar och även en
hel del tidningar utöver det.
att dela ut böcker och biblar låg fokus på att betjäna människor. Många
människor ville ta emot förbön. Det gällde olika problem, men ofta ville de
"bara" bli välsignade. Flera hade drömmar som de ville berätta om och
få reda på vad de kunde innebära. Det blev många samtal där vi fick berätta om
Jesus - och vad han gjort för oss. Fem personer var så öppna att de konkret
ville inbjuda Jesus i sina liv!
rörde vid flera människor påtagligt. Flera människor upplevde att smärta
försvann. Många upplevde värme och Guds närvaro när vi bad. En tjej berättade
att hennes syster som haft en fläck på huvudet där det inte växt hår på sju år,
hade fått förbön under förra mässan. Håret hade nu växt ut på den fd kala
önskar ni kunde förstå vilken glädje och förmån det var att få så ut så mycket
av Guds ord och att träffa så många sökande människor. Söndag kväll åkte vi
hemåt efter en intensiv helg på mässan, ganska trötta, men ändå så glada
och upplivade.
vill rikta ett stort tack till alla som varit med och bett för helgen. Det har
gjort en skillnad. Tack också för alla generösa gåvor. (Omkring 15 000 kr har
hittills kommit in till omkostnader för mässan).
gärna med och be för dem som vi kom i kontakt med. Be att Guds Ande för tala
genom böckerna och biblarna när de läser dem. Be att de får förstå vad
evangeliet handlar om!
nåd och frid!
Mission/Gospel Media
för bibel och bokspridning: 100-4852
fredag 2 november 2012
Bönedag i Stockholm
Imorgon blir det en bönedag i Stockholm som Bönenätverk Stockholm anordnar och där bönenätverk i Stockholm medverkar. Kan du inte vara med på plats så bed gärna ändå för dem! Läs också gärna artikeln om "Strategi för bön och bönepromenader", rekommenderas! Se nedan.
Ha en välsignad helg! /Barnabas
Läs hela artikeln här:
Ha en välsignad helg! /Barnabas
Bönedag den 3 november
Lördagen den 3 november kl. 11.00
Välkomna till en bönedag i samarbete med andra bönenätverk i Stockholm!
Kl. 11.00 fika i Citykonditoriet
Kl. 11.30 mötesrum i anslutning till konditoriet!
av Stockholms Bönehus i mötet. Samt bedjare från andra församlingar,
samt från andra bönesamlingar och nätverk i Stockholm. Strategisk bön
och bönepromenad till Helgeandsholmen där både Stockholms slott och
Riksdagshuset ligger!
Artikel att läsa: Strategi för bön och bönepromenader
för bön och bönepromenader
Men Mitt folk, det som är uppkallat
efter Mitt namn, då ödmjukar sig och ber och söker Mitt ansikte och omvänder
sig från sina onda vägar, så vill Jag höra från himmelen och förlåta deras synd
och skaffa bot åt deras land. 2:a
Krön. 7:14
Bön är nyckeln för att
förlösa Guds vilja på jorden, genom bön kan våra ögon öppnas och Sanningens
Ande kan befria oss. Det sker när vi ödmjukar oss och söker Gud och överlåter
oss till Herrens vilja..
Den Helige Ande banar väg för uppenbarelsen om
Jesus Kristus som Frälsare, Försonare, Befriare och som Den som renar,
upprättar och ger nytt liv. När vi först ber om förlåtelse för egna synder och
förlåter dem som skadat oss och överlämnar hämnden och domen till Gud, öppnas
vägen för försoningen.
Herren har gett oss makt att lösa och binda,
vi kan binda någon i hans synd genom oförsonlighet, genom att ”hävda” vår
”rätt” att vara arga, kränkta t.ex. Vi kan också lösa någon för att ta emot
försoningen från Gud genom att ge upp vår ”rätt” att ge igen.
Guds Rike
Bön påverkar och förändrar
orter, städer och länder. Guds Rike är en realitet som beskrivs som en surdeg
som till slut skall genomsyra allt. Syndens konsekvenser måste rensas bort,
både i oss och i det omgivande samhället. Vår gamla människa kan inte ärva Guds Rike.
Köttet är fiende till Anden och Anden till
köttet. Gal. 5:17a
Det ”köttet” ger, frukten
av kunskapens träd på gott och ont – även det som ser gott ut i våra ögon – är
besmittat av syndafallets konsekvenser.
När Nehemja fick nöd över
att Jerusalems murar var nedbrutna ”såg” han att människors synd orsakade krig
och splittring och han bad Gud om förlåtelse för egna, andras men också för
sina förfäders synder.
Ack Herre, Himmelens Gud, Du store och
vördnadsvärde Gud, Du som står fast vid förbundet och bevarar nåd mot dem som
älskar Dig och håller Dina bud. Låt Ditt öra ge akt på detta och låt Dina ögon
vara öppna, och hör Din tjänares bön, den som jag nu ber inför Dig både dag och
natt, för Israels barn, Dina tjänare, genom att jag bekänner Israels barns
synder, dem som vi begått mot Dig. Ty också jag och min faders hus har syndat.
Vi har svårt förbrutit oss mot Dig. Vi har inte hållit de bud och stadgar och
lagar som Du gav Din tjänare
Neh. 1: 5-7
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