tisdag 30 juli 2013

Utövande av makt

Beskrivning av innehållet i undervisningen i videoklippet:

Vi kommer att titta på korrekt och gudfruktig användning av makt och inflytande i det kristna hemmet och i kyrkan i ljuset av exempel och undervisning från Herren som har getts all makt. Vi kommer först att komma till en förståelse av vad makt är och hur vi använder den samt ta upp olika sätt på vilka vi kan missbruka vår gudagivna makt och skada fåren till vika vi har blivit kallade som herde. Slutligen kommer vi att studera  hur makt som är återlösande (redemptive) ser ut i en ledares liv. 


The proper and godly use of power and influence in the Christian home and in the church will be considered in light of the example and teachings of our Lord to whom all power has been given. We will first come to an understanding of what power is and how we use it as well as consider various ways in which we can abuse our God-given power and bring harm to the sheep we have been called to shepherd. Finally, we will consider what power that is redemptive looks like in the life of a leader. - See more at: http://www.foclonline.org/workshop/leadership-power-and-authority-church-and-home#sthash.y9gqAn4e.DmQR25Yz.dpuf
The proper and godly use of power and influence in the Christian home and in the church will be considered in light of the example and teachings of our Lord to whom all power has been given. We will first come to an understanding of what power is and how we use it as well as consider various ways in which we can abuse our God-given power and bring harm to the sheep we have been called to shepherd. Finally, we will consider what power that is redemptive looks like in the life of a leader. - See more at: http://www.foclonline.org/workshop/leadership-power-and-authority-church-and-home#sthash.y9gqAn4e.DmQR25Yz.dpuf
The proper and godly use of power and influence in the Christian home and in the church will be considered in light of the example and teachings of our Lord to whom all power has been given. We will first come to an understanding of what power is and how we use it as well as consider various ways in which we can abuse our God-given power and bring harm to the sheep we have been called to shepherd. Finally, we will consider what power that is redemptive looks like in the life of a leader. - See more at: http://www.foclonline.org/workshop/leadership-power-and-authority-church-and-home#sthash.y9gqAn4e.DmQR25Yz.dpuf

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