lördag 12 december 2015


I år firas den judiska ljusfesten, Hanukkah, från den 6 till den 14 december. På Gallilee of the Nations hemsida http://galileeofthenations.com/ kan man läsa mer om denna fest (klicka på länkarna):

A time for miracles

Another year has passed and Hanukkah has come again. Hanukkah comes as Feast, a festival, a history and memory of God's miraculous provision. We invite you to learn about this blessed Feast in our free 8-part series, The Miracles, Mysteries and Histories of Hanukkah. Click the links below to start reading.
  1. Hanukkah In The Writings of Daniel
  2. Hanukkah In The Book of Maccabees
  3. The Exploits of Judah Maccabee
  4. The Mystery of the Hanukkah Oil
  5. Yeshua Our Light and Our "Shamash"
  6. Yeshua, The Greatest Miracle of All
  7. What Does Hanukkah have to do with Israel Today?
  8. Hanukkah and the End Times

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