onsdag 8 mars 2017

Full Bloom: A Season of Promises Being Fulfilled

Igår upptäckte jag att det hade slagit ut en liten vit blomma på den övervintrande potatisblomman som står i en kruka inne. Det kändes som ett hoppfullt tecken att våren och mera blommor är på väg!

Full Bloom: A Season of Promises Being Fulfilled

February 21 2017

Angie Stolba
"Before I could even finish my own thoughts, I heard the Lord say to me the phrase, “Full bloom.” As I began to ponder on those words further, He continued to speak to me, saying, “Even in the natural realm, as you are drawing near to the season of spring, so it also is in the spiritual realm. The long, hard winter is about to break, and springtime is nearly here. A season of singing and rejoicing is upon you! My promises are about to manifest in your life, and they are going to come into full bloom. That which you have been contending for is at your doorstep!”

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