lördag 16 april 2011

Kraften i gemensam smörjelse

För några år sedan så fick jag en slags förståelse för hur den gemensamma smörjelse som vilar över var och en av oss blir mer än den sammanlagda när vi kommer samman. Alltså att 1 +1 blir 3 på något vis. Jag kan inte argumentera teologiskt kring detta, men det är en övertygelse jag har att när vi kommer samman som ett hjärta och en själ och ber i ande och sanning så blir det mycket större kraft i våra böner. Hittade nedanstående text i min dator som sätter ord på detta.

Prophecy given through Barbara A. Williams, February 20, 1999

"The corporate anointing," says the Lord, "the corporate anointing and the corporate flow," says God, "the corporate flow must increase," says the Spirit of God. "The corporate anointing must increase and the corporate flow must increase. And that anointing to lead the body as many many members and to lead them into the spirit; to lead them into the spirit of prayer, to lead them into the spirit of intercession, to lead them into the spirit of deep work in Me," says the Spirit of the Lord, "is something that must return in greater measure," says the Spirit of the Living God.

"For there are many people," says the Lord, "who have a wrong spirit, that have a spirit of dividing the body, have a spirit of separating the body, have a spirit of not unifying and not appreciating the corporate anointing and the anointing that comes when all the body parts are fittly joined together," says the Spirit of God. "There is a unity in My body. There is a sense that My body is not broken; that it was broken once for you that it might be made whole as you walk upon this earth." "And so people that understand the preciousness of a whole body and a non-broken body and that can flow and function with all the parts functioning," says the Spirit of God. "People who understand the preciousness of that in My sight who understand how I feel when I see the brethren dwelling in unity together. OH how precious it is. It is like the anointing, the oil that flowed from head to toe down Aaron's body," says the Spirit of God. "OH HOW PRECIOUS WHEN THE BRETHREN DWELL IN UNITY! For that was My vision that David saw and he spoke those words from My heart," says the Spirit of God. "For the enemy has come with wickedness to divide and separate and conquer. But Oh, How beautiful it is when the brethren dwell in unity. For there is an anointing that flows from the very throne of God. There is an anointing that I pour out when I see people willing to submit to one another in love. When I see them willing to appreciate one another. When I see them willing to accept the preciousness of the brother that is sitting next to them, or the sister that is sitting next to them. To not know what that person brings and not know what that person carries, but just to appreciate them and know they are precious by the fact that they are My image," says the Spirit of God.

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