torsdag 28 februari 2013

Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020

Transform World Prayer Summit: Vision 2020
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
March 24-27, 2013
"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an apointed time." Habakkuk 2:2-3a

Transform World PS
Dear Friends,

We are in a defining moment in world history.  With nations in an uproar, economies in upheaval, social order declining, and times increasingly tumultuous, God is beckoning His church to advance His Kingdom.  As a response, 300 leaders from around the world are gathering at IHOPKC Missions Base in Kansas City for the Transform World Prayer Summit on March 24-27, 2013.

Transform World and the International House of Prayer would like to invite YOU to become part of this 70-hour global prayer summit as a prayer-gathering host. In becoming a prayer-gathering host, you will have the opportunity to hear teaching and strategic points for intercession from key leaders such as Luis Bush, Mike Bickle, Dick Eastman, Loren Cunningham, George Otis Jr., Billy Wilson, Jim Fiske, and others. Additionally, you'll worship and agree in intercession with these leaders as we target the 7 primary challenges that the church is currently facing.

You're invited! Become one of the 100,000 Prayer Gathering Hosts that we are asking God for! With 100,000 prayer gatherings participating via web stream, we will have nearly 5 million prayer warriors linked together in prayer, contending together for spiritual breakthrough for 70 straight hours!

Here's what a Prayer Gathering Host will do:
  • Commit to joining us via web stream for at least one of the summit's 2-hour sessions where your group will hear an exhortation from one of our speakers and engage with us in prayer for that session's focus.
  • Determine which of the sessions you would most like to tune in for. (choose as many sessions as you'd like) Click here to view the full event schedule:
  • We want to know that you're praying with us! You can let us know by filling out a short registration form. Click to access our Prayer Gathering Host page and choose the registration link that accommodates your language.
  • Invite at least 5 other people to your chosen venue to join the Transform World Prayer Summit live via web stream.
  • Let your friends know about the event.
    • Like us on Facebook:
    • Follow us on Twitter and tweet about us:
    • Click to download Challenge and Prayer Host cards to share with your friends by printing them or sharing them electronically:
  • Visit our website and direct your friends to it:
  • Tune in via live web stream on March 24th-27th to view the sessions that you have committed to. The web address for the event's stream is:
We encourage you to join us as a Prayer Gathering Host for this historic event!

Luis Bush,
Servant of the Most High God
Transform World 2020

Mike Bickle, Director
International House of Prayer, Kansas City

tisdag 26 februari 2013

Brev från fängelset

Jag har tidigare publicerat ett inlägg om den amerikanske pastorn Saeed Abedini som sitter fängslad i  Iran. 
Nu har han kunnat skriva ett brev till sin fru som berättar om de vidriga förhållandena i fängelset och hur han blir behandlad, men som han ser som tillfällen att få vara ett ljus i det mörkret. Nedan finns brevet och det vittnar om en enastående styrka i tron på Jesus Kristus. 

"Writing from my heart.

My Dear Friends,

The conditions here get so very difficult that my eyes get blurry, my body does not have the strength to walk, and my steps become very weak and shaky.
Various (bullying) groups, the psychological warfare, a year of not seeing my family, physical violence, actions committed to humiliate me, insults, being mocked, being confronted with extremists in the prison who create another prison within the prison walls, and the death threats…

It is interesting that because I am a Christian pastor, I am carefully watched. I am expected to smile at them despite what is being done and to understand why they are doing all of these things. But, of course, I can clearly see what is going on and because I want to serve God, I see all of these difficulties as golden opportunities and great doors to serve. There are empty containers who are thirsty for a taste of the Living Water and we can quench their thirst by giving them Jesus Christ. Maybe you are also in such a situation, so pray and seek God that He would use you and direct you in the pressures and difficulties of your lives.

There are those who are enemies of the Living Bible and do not want to hear. They are trying to put me under such horrific pressures (that are sometimes unbearable) so that they can show me that my faith is empty and not real. And after all of these pressures, after all of the nails they have pressed against my hands and feet, they are only waiting for one thing…for me to deny Christ. But they will never get this from me. This is why the Bible is Truth and they are in the way of destruction.

There is another group who does not know the Gospel of Truth. Instead of truly listening and meditating on God’s Word, they are just waiting to see how I react to all of their pressures and persecution. What will come out of me during these intense times? But again, this is another golden opportunity for me to shine the light of Christ in this dark world and to let God to use me.

Yesterday when I was singing worship songs, the head of my cell room attacked me in order to stop me from praising but in response I hugged him and showed him love. He was shocked.

It is during these harsh conditions, that I deeply need God’s Saving Grace so that I can be the fragrant scent of Christ in the dark house of Evin prison. I have often seen the Shining Morning Star in the darkness of this prison and I have seen His amazing and supernatural works. Oh, how beautiful is seeing the light of the Shining Morning Star of Christ in such evil darkness.
  • See your golden opportunities in pressures and difficulties.
  • See the Shining Morning Star in the dark times of your life.
I Love Him! He is Gracious, Merciful, and Righteous to me. I now know that I have not been forgotten and that we are together in this path. God gives me Grace.

This is my message for the Church: Stay Strong for His Glory. He will come back soon! Be with God and give your best efforts for His kingdom.
Pastor Saeed, servant of Jesus Christ in chains for endurance of Gospel. I love you all."

Hans frus respons är denna: 

"It is heart wrenching to hear of Saeed's continued abuse and torture in the Iranian prison. We have known for some time that he is facing physical and psychological abuse. Now our worst fears have been confirmed. He continues to face life-threatening abuse at the hands of the Iranian officials simply because of his faith in Jesus. These are the dreadful conditions he will continue to face as he serves his lengthy prison sentence in Iran. Saeed is an American citizen who is being pressured and falsely promised freedom if only he will deny his faith in Jesus. We have seen this tactic used in the past. Saeed will never recant his faith in Jesus - even if it means continued torture and abuse. Our primary concern is for his health and well-being with each passing day. We know that while he is very weak physically, Saeed is strong in his faith. His situation is dire and with the continued abuse and death threats, we are not sure how long Saeed will survive these horrendous conditions in prison. The most important thing we can do is pray, continue to raise awareness of his case and continue to work for his freedom."

Läs hela artikeln här: 

Bed för denna situation!

tisdag 19 februari 2013


Detta är lika aktuellt för Kristi kropp i Sverige:

"Newsletter February 2013


In Finland and in Europe God’s spotlight is now specially on the Church. He is watching us if we are willing to receive His plans, or if we continuously want to go according our own programs…
Years ago He gave to us the gifts of the Spirit, but the Church was not willing to receive… He called us to praise and worship Him, because He wanted to show Himself to us with His power, but the Church took a stand against praise and worship… He called us to pray for our cities, but the Church was not willing to listen to Him….

Finally with those He found listening and receiving Him, He started home groups, prayer groups and houses of praise and worship and prayer to fulfill His plans…
Now He is calling the Church to prepare every believer for the work of the Gospel (Eph. 4:10-16). He wants to get the Body ready for the last big harvest in Europe as well as for the coming rapture of the Bride of Christ. How He is preparing the saints? Through those people the Lord has given to the offices of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, like Eph. 4:11-12 says. Is the Church in Europe receiving those people? That’s the question!

He is speaking very seriously about this in Matthew 21:33-35 and verses 40-42 as well as Matthew 23:37-39. He is reminding that the pastors in His vineyard are His servants and He is the Owner, they should listen to Him and receive those servants He is sending to the vineyards. Then He is speaking about builders forsaken the Cornerstone stepping themselves to the place of the Head and thus causing their house to be forsaken. He is saying He will not come until we say Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord, meaning that if we don’t receive those He has sent in His Name, we are not actually receiving Him and He has to turn away from that house and find those who are receiving Him…

In Finland we have just last week read about a good ministry of God, One Way Mission, going to start groups in every city and village in Finland in order to prepare believers for the work of the Gospel. Here we see how God has to take somebody who is listening to Him and receiving His plans, although it means He has to do this in another structure than in the local churches… How long it takes from us to understand that God is not to obey the Church, but the Church has to obey God!

We live in crucial time of separation; there is going to be those who are serving the Living God and those who are serving themselves and finally the Deceiver. The whole Christianity has to choose; to belong to the Body of Christ, which is the Bride of Christ or to belong to the world church, which will be the harlot church. That’s why the Lord said of this time, that everyone has to watch and pray and not be deceived."

This is also a call for the intercessors to pray for the Church of Christ in Europe


Matt. 21:33-35
33 Lyssna till en annan liknelse. En husbonde planterade en vingård, satte stängsel kring den, högg ut en vinpress*och byggde ett vakttorn. Sedan arrenderade han ut den till vingårdsarbetare och reste bort. 34 När skördetiden närmade sig, skickade han sina tjänare till vingårdsarbetarna för att få sin del av avkastningen. 35 Men vingårdsarbetarna grep hans tjänare. En slog de, en annan dödade de och en tredje stenade de.   

Matt. 21:40-42
40 När nu vingårdens herre kommer, vad skall han då göra med dessa vingårdsarbetare?" 41 De sade till honom: "Onda som de är, skall han låta dem få en ond död, och han skall arrendera ut vingården till andra vingårdsarbetare, som ger honom avkastningen i rätt tid." 42 Jesus sade till dem: "Har ni aldrig läst i Skrifterna: Den sten som byggnadsarbetarna kastade bort har blivit en hörnsten. Herren har gjort den till detta, och underbar är den i våra ögon?* 

Matt. 23:37-39
37 Jerusalem, Jerusalem, du som mördar profeterna och stenar dem som är sända till dig. Hur ofta har jag inte velat samla dina barn, så som hönan samlar sina kycklingar under vingarna, men ni ville inte. 38 Se, ert hus kommer att stå öde. 39 Ty jag säger er: Härefter skall ni inte se mig, förrän ni säger: Välsignad är han som kommer i Herrens namn." 

måndag 18 februari 2013

Preparing the Scandinavian countries for the calling of the Lord in Europe

Preparing the Scandinavian countries for the calling of the Lord in Europe
By paiviheikkila | Published: 30.4.2009

The Lord is preparing “the Cross flag nations”, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland for His purposes to be a blessing for Europe and to open the way for revival. The Church of Nordic nations is in lukewarm and worldly condition, but God will cleance it and separate it for Himself and for His plans in Europe. The Lord will lift up prophets and apostles to bring the Church under the Head of Jesus Christ and to be set apart for Him from the world and from under the wrong yoke. The Lord will send bold, submitted servants in teams to help Christians in many European nations to start churches and to make way for revival in intercessory prayer. The Army of God will be raised up to prepare European nations for revival and for the coming of the Lord. The Lord will gather and connect the prophets and apostles of Scandinavian nations together to seek the plan of God and His purposes for these “end time nations”. 



Faith Tabernacle

February 18, 2013

Come My children, watch and see, for great things are about to happen within the confines of your life.  For, those things that are yet unexpected will take place.  I will visit you.  I will prepare you for that which is ahead.  I have come to you in times past to prepare the way, to outline the way and to show the way.  So, I tell you that as you enter into this time of restoration I shall indeed take you by the hand and lead you through the process that is required.  I will bring you higher so that you can see more clearly than you have before.  And, in the process of the restoration of our fellowship your commitment to Me and to the kingdom of God will become greater and stronger than ever.  And, out of the flow of that commitment you and I, My beloved, will walk together and we shall talk together and indeed I will reveal to you those things that are hidden, those things that concern you in these last days.  Come into the fullness of that which I am doing, says the Most Holy. 


The call has gone out.  Did you hear it?  Can you hear it?  It will stir your heart to the depths and create desire that cannot be denied.  It is the call to seek My face; to access new spiritual heights; to establish yourself in new spiritual territory.  Only those who have ears to hear by the Spirit will heed the call, says the Lord.  Listen!  

Matthew 13:43 "Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

lördag 16 februari 2013

Triumph Over Your Past — and Boldly Face Your Future

Triumph Over Your Past — and Boldly Face Your Future
by Bobby Conner
January 16, 2013

God Restores and Refreshes
Dear Believer, we have entered a new season.  It is the season of a fresh start! We are in a divinely appointed time of refreshing and restoring (Joel 2:25):

"So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you.  You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the LORD your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame."

This is a new day in which you may boldly declare, "Old things have passed away!" (Isaiah 48:6-7) 

God Offers Forgiveness

One of the sweetest words in any language is the word forgiven!  God promises that even if your sins are red like crimson bright, obvious, glaring, unmistakable they have been forgiven, washed white as snow because of the crimson Blood of Christ!  (Isaiah 1:18)

Not just a few sins or a handful of mistakes, but each and every betrayal, sin and offense is under the Blood of Christ.  Each and every mistake is forgotten and erased.  Truly, beloved, it makes no difference how twisted and tangled your life has been or now is:  through the shed Blood of Christ at Calvary, God has made all forgiveness and grace abound toward you! 

Heaven and earth may pass away, but "His compassions fail not" (Lam. 3:20-21).  Why?  Because Christ Jesus already bore our sins and iniquities!

"Because He poured out His soul unto death, And He was numbered with the transgressors, And He bore the sin of many, And made intercession for the transgressors."  (Isaiah 53:12)

God Forgets Your Past

Through our repentance, God always makes a way to free us from our past.  Brothers and sisters in Christ, take this encouragement to heart:  do not let your past failures keep you from experiencing your future victories!  Remember this vital promise:

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." (Romans 8:1-2).

The Lord has already lavished you with abundant, extravagant forgiveness and grace to empower you to leave behind every single past sin and failure the days of regret, doubt and fear, the many missed opportunities and failed relationships, the seasons of backsliding and passivity, the detours of the works of the flesh. 

As we believe His Word of forgiveness and set our heart to seek the Lord, we will find overwhelming grace and mercies for each day (Jer. 29:12-13). Never give up; never give in again to a mindset of guilt and failure (Hebrews 10:35). You were created by your Maker to carry His glory and Presence into a lost and dying world.  God has confidence in you (Deut.28:13).  Remember, you are His choice (Ephesians 2:10), chosen for "such a time as this" (Esther 4:14).  

God Redeems Your Wounds

Truly, it was by the stripes of Jesus Christ that we were healed (Isaiah 53:5).  Take comfort in this, dear Believer: even the wounds that you have suffered will become great avenues of healing.  When we are healed from our wounds, then we receive grace for healing others! 

We bring Christ's healing and comfort to others in the areas in which we ourselves have been afflicted (1 Thess.5:11).

God Brings Breakthrough!

God is even now releasing divine favor to us for accomplishing great exploits for His glory.  In Psalms 84:11 (NLV), we learn how He lavishes His blessings of grace and glory:

"For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right."

Even if you have not succeeded in previous days and years, do not lose heart!  God is saying, “Try again!”  It is time to regroup and try again, knowing that failure is never God’s plan (Jer.29:11). You will see doors open that were closed to you previously. God is granting breakthrough.

I pray that your entire family will experience the overwhelming love and favor of God as you leave the past behind and boldly take hold of the blessings and promises of God!


För ett tag sedan hittade jag en helt fantastisk Bibelläsingsresurs som är ett exempel på hur Internet kan användas för bra syften. Klickar man runt på sidan så blir man helt förundrad över teknikens möjligheter!

Sidan heter "" och adressen är
Den består av några olika delar:

Bible Geocoding
Här finns det massor av olika typer av kartor som visar bibliska platser kopplade till nästan alla Bibelns böcker. Kartorna finns också sorterade i bokstavsordning + att det finns antika kartor.

Topical Bible
Här kan man söka på vad Bibeln säger om olika olika ämnesområden Klicka på bokstäverna överst så kommer alla områden upp som finns. 

Realtime Bible Verse Serach 
Här kan man se vilka bibelställen som människor delar på Twitter och Facebook 

Här har personen bakom hemsidan verkligen använt tekniken. Lite svårt att beskriva innehållet här, ta en titt istället. Korsreferens-delen verkar användbar.  

Uppdateras med aktuella, intressanta tips. Absolut värd att följa!  

Guds välsignelse!


"The Prophetic Power of THE SEER"

"The Prophetic Power of THE SEER"

by Jim W. Goll 
Sep 25, 2004  

Two Streams of the Prophetic - An Analogy

The Nile is truly one of the great rivers of the world. Including its tributaries, the Nile is also the longest river in the world, running over 4,100 miles from its beginning in the heart of the African continent to its mouth in Egypt, where it flows into the Mediterranean Sea. For thousands of years, the waters of the Nile have sustained the lives of those who dwell along its banks and on its flood plain. Few other rivers have been as vital to the rise or fall of human culture and civilization along their banks as has the Nile.

As mighty as the Nile is, however, it begins its life as two rivers, rather than one. The White Nile flows from Lake Victoria in Tanzania, and the Blue Nile, from Lake Tana in Ethiopia. These two watercourses come together in Khartoum, in the Sudan, to form the Egyptian Nile, which then runs over 1,600 miles northward on its way to the sea. Two separate streams, each strong and significant in its own right, join together with each adding its strength to the other to form one mighty river that nurtures and sustains life along its entire course.

In the spiritual realm, the flow of the prophetic from Heaven to earth resembles the Nile River. Just as the White Nile and the Blue Nile join to create the greater river, two streams of prophetic anointing come together to feed the greater concourse of the mighty prophetic river of God on earth. We can call these two streams the stream of the prophet and the stream of the seer.

Another way to look at this is to turn it around and think of a great prophetic river flowing from the throne of God that breaks into two streams - the prophet and the seer - which then give different degrees or dimensions or facets of prophetic impartation. Either way, it should be clear that both streams are important for the full expression of the Lord's prophetic word to His people in our day.

What is the difference between a prophet and a seer? For now, let us say that all true seers are prophets, but not all prophets are seers.

The Operation of the Seer Anointing

Within the overall realm of the prophet lies the particular and distinctive realm of the Seer. The word "seer" describes a particular type of prophet who receives a particular type of prophetic revelation or impartation.

The Old Testament uses two words primarily to refer to a seer: ra'ah and chozeh. Ra'ah literally means "to see," particularly in the sense of seeing visions. Other meanings include to "gaze," to "look upon," and to "perceive." Chozeh literally means "a beholder in vision" and can also be translated as "gazer" or "stargazer."

With these definitions now in place, the distinction between a prophet (nabiy') and a seer (ra'ah or chozeh) becomes a little clearer. When it comes to prophetic revelation, a prophet is primarily an inspired hearer and then speaker, while a seer is primarily visual. In other words, the prophet is the communicative dimension and the seer is the receptive dimension. Whereas nabiy emphasizes the active work of the prophet in speaking forth a message from God, ra'ah and chozeh focus on the experience or means by which the prophet "sees or perceives" that message.

The first lays emphasis on a prophet's relationship with the people; the other, on their revelatory relationship with God.

The Power of the Seer Anointing

Everyone needs a vision to sustain them in life.

Proverbs 29:18 states, "Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law." This verse in the New International Version reads: "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law." Some other translations, such as the New Revised Standard Version, use the word "prophecy" instead of "vision" or "revelation." The point is clear: without prophecy, without divine revelation or vision, people will cast off all restraint. They will run wild because they have no guidance - no vision. The Word of God - His law - provides vision and guidance for living, and those who follow it are blessed.

As Christians, we are called to be a people of vision. We must learn to set a goal or target in front of our eyes to gaze upon. It is only when we aim at something that we have any chance of hitting it! The apostle Paul set his sights on knowing Christ, which he acknowledged was a lifelong process:

Philippians 3:13-15a
"13 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have this attitude."

Like Paul, we need to be a people of vision. Let us set our sights on the Lord and aim at His goals. The seer will move your heart and stir up your hunger for intimacy with God, because "the seer's goal is to reveal the man Christ Jesus!"

A Change in Seasons - Here Come The Seers!

What is the purpose of the Seer? Like all true seers of old, we must reach high. We must look heavenward. We must think otherly. We must passionately pursue the God of visitation. For years, the Church at large has struggled just to believe and teach that God speaks today. But now, the Church is beginning to grasp the many ways God speaks, including how he speaks to the SEER.

Formerly considered "strange," the SEER anointing is becoming known as much more mainstream in the Church today. And that's good news for you. I can hear many of you saying, "Finally, they'll know I'm not fact, I'll know I'm not crazy!"

Times are changing! The seers are being restored to their place of insight, counsel, and the word of the Lord! Here come the Seers!

If there are true seers today, and there surely are, then we must have our aim and focus clear. We must see Jesus! In all our seeing - let's be like John the beloved. Let's get in the Spirit and release the true prophetic spirit by revealing a testimony of Jesus (Revelation 19:10). He is the one I long to see. He is the one for whom my heart yearns and pants. He is the goal and prize of my life.

In all our seeing - let us see and reveal the man Christ Jesus!

by James (Jim) W. Goll


Elijah List Publications | 528 Ellsworth St SW | Albany | OR | 97321

Boken "The Seer" av James W. Goll kan tex köpas på Adlibris, klicka här
En förhandstitt i boken, av bla innehållsförteckning, kan du få här

"Join James Goll on an exciting and insightful journey into the visionary world of The Seer
The Prophetic movements in church history and in contemporary life are fed by two mighty streams: the prophet, whose revelation is primarily verbal, and the seer, whose revelation is more visionary in nature. While the role of the prophet is familiar, less is known about the seer dimension. To many people, these visionary prophets remain mysterious, other-worldly and even strange.
Knowledge dispels misunderstanding. Join author James W. Goll on exciting and insightful journey into this lesser-known dimension--the visionary world of the seer. You will discover the prophetic power of dreams, visions, and life under the open heavens.
How does visionary revelation "happen"? Can it be trusted? Where does it fit into the life of the church today? Can any believer become a seer, or is this a prophetic dimension reserved for the spiritually-gifted?
The Seer will move your heart and stir up your hunger for intimacy with God, because "the seer's goal is to reveal the man Christ Jesus "

fredag 15 februari 2013

Robert Stearns Interviews Jack Hayford


by Jack Hayford

Israel is a land about which God says— uniquely, prophetically, redemptively, and repeatedly in the Bible—“This is Mine.” God refers to Israel as He does to no other land on Earth. Israel was raised up to be a light to the Gentiles.

The Church at its inception was virtually entirely Jewish, and it remained so until the Gospel began to spread. Ultimately the Gospel spread to Antioch—where the first Gentile congregation began—the base from which the Gospel spread into all the world.

In the book of Romans, chapters 9 through 11, the Apostle Paul deals with the question of the Jews in God’s providence and purpose. These three chapters virtually stand alone, within the whole of the Bible, as an elaboration of the theology of God’s dealing with Jews. The Jews were the “firstfruit”…the “first people” (through Abraham) to understand a covenant God. They then relayed the riches of that truth to the world, and through their agency, the Messiah came into the world. The Word of God calls Jews the “root” and Gentiles the “branches.”We’re reminded that while “because of unbelief, some of them were broken off and you stand by faith,” we are not to become haughty but to fear: “For if God did not spare the natural branches, He may not spare you either.” When the fullness of the Gentiles is completed, “all Israel will be saved.” (v. 11:16-27)


We are living in a sobering moment in history that calls us, as believers in Jesus Christ, to take a stand with Israel. We could be people of the last hour.We are not to be passive in the face of prophecy; we are called to pray with passion, to intercede, and to minister according to the words of the Savior who said it is not our task to speculate when the end will be. It is our responsibility to do Kingdom business until He comes (Luke 19:13).

This is not about politics, this is about the Word of God…but the political ramifications are extremely dramatic. Scripture declares there will come a time when all the nations of the world will turn against Israel. It is so highly conceivable this could happen in our time that it is critical to outline: why we should stand with Israel today.


Läs fortsättningen i pdf-filen här:

måndag 11 februari 2013

Jonas Myrin

Jonas Myrin har som ende svensk fått ta emot en Grammy i årets utdelning. Det gjorde han i kategorin "Best Contemporary Christian Music Song of the year" tillsammans med Matt Redman.  Sången heter "10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)" Bed för Jonas att han får fortsätta vara ett vittne för Herren i de sammanhang han finns. Och om ett starkt beskydd, integritet, ödmjukhet och vishet. Guds välsignelse Jonas!

torsdag 7 februari 2013

"En profetisk bild av kyrkan i Sverige" på svenska

På den här bloggen är många av inläggen på engelska och det kanske av någon kan upplevas som ett problem. I vissa fall har jag känt det angeläget att översätta texter, men oftast litar jag på att den som har problem att förstå engelska använder sig av den utmärkta tjänsten "Google translate"  Översättningen blir inte perfekt, men fullt förståelig. 
Eftersom jag fick en kommentar kring detta angående tilltalet "En profetisk bild av kyrkan i Sverige" så översatte jag den texten som kan läsas nedan. Originaltexten finns här:

En profetisk bild av kyrkan i Sverige

Gud gav mig en bild av en traditionell, stor kyrkobyggnad av sten. Kyrkobyggnaden lyftes upp och under den var ett stort hål. Massor av människor kom till kanten av hålet och kikade ner Alla dessa människor hoppade sedan ner i hålet och började gräva runt. Längst ned i det djupaste fundamentet i kyrkan fanns skatter. Allteftersom dessa människor grävde neråt, fann de fantastiska bitar av skatten ibland smutsen. Varje person hade med sig en bit av skatten i sin hand när de lämnade hålet och återvände ovan jord.

Jag kände då hur Gud säger: "Min kyrka är värd att rädda"

Gud gav mig sedan en närbild av en av de personer som höll en bit av skatten. Gud uppenbarade sig och stod framför personen. Gud höll personens huvud kärleksfullt i händerna. Han placerade sedan sina händer på personens axlar. Jag kände hur Gud sedan gav personen bekräftelse och auktoritet. Personen fick en mantel av ledarskap, auktoritet och Guds kraft.

Personen vände sig om och såg en kraftfull svart drake som stod framför porten till deras stad. Personen kunde därför inte komma in i staden med skatten. Personen stod framför den kraftfulla draken och var helt livrädd. Personen höll ängsligt ut en bit av skatten i ett försök att besegra draken. Det kom då ett rop från bakgrunden. Någon ropade: "Nej, vänta." Sedan klev massor av människor fram. Alla dessa människor var de människor som hade kommit och grävt och funnit skatten. Var och en av dem klev nu fram med en bit av skatten i sin hand.

Alla dessa människor omringade sedan murarna i staden. De gick sedan ner på knä, vända mot muren och började be. Vid vissa ställen runt staden började murarna att rasa. Folk kunde då komma in i staden genom de öppningar som skapades när murarna föll. Staden innanför murarna var mörk, krigshärjad och fylld med sjuka människor.
En av dem som bar på skatten gick fram till en kvinna som ligger på marken döende av törst. Personen med skatten gav henne att dricka, och då återvände livet till hennes kropp och hon log ett himmelskt leende. Personen med skatten gick sedan över till en man i en skinnjacka. Han sprack nästan av ilska och viftade med armarna i luften. Personen med skatten placerade sin hand stadigt över mannens hjärta och placerade skatten i honom. Han blev stilla och fridfull. Ett barn sprang sedan upp till personen med skatten och sprang in i dess armar. Personen med skatten höll det och snurrade runt i glädje. Barnets skratt lät änglalikt. Allteftersom personen med skatten räddade människor samlades dessa människor runt personen för att skapa en liten grupp. Jag kunde då se över hela staden - det var personer som hade del i skatten som gjorde exakt samma sak med människor i liknande situationer runt om i staden och var och en hade samma positiva resultat. Små grupper av räddade människor och personer som hade del i skatten skapades i hela staden.

"Jag såg då en Bibel med ett kors på framsidan. Bibeln låg på golvet i mitten av staden. Alla dessa nya grupper av människor kom tillsammans, samlades kring Bibeln och krokade arm med varandra. Tusentals människor omringade Bibeln och personer som hade del i skatten var utspridda bland dem. Alla började sjunga tillsammans och tillbe Herren. När de gjorde detta, tändes staden upp och blev full av ljus. Marken blev indränkt med ljus och blev gyllene. Hela staden glödde.

Sedan fick jag en bild på en vattenbrunn/källa av sten.

Gud påminde mig då om Joh. 4 vers 4-26, där Jesus samtal med en samaritisk kvinna.
När jag läste berättelsen kände jag hur Gud säger: "Jag (Gud) behöver sanna tillbedjare. Du har något fantastiskt att erbjuda alla människor, alla - Gå, gå och erbjud dem mitt sanna vatten. Låt inte mitt enkla, klara, äkta vatten bli fläckat av någon av djävulens lögner. Låt min sanning lysa och förbered för att se förvandlade liv.

Pleasing God

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Pleasing God

Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

This verse, if preached with a heavy hand of religion, comes with a dose of guilt, condemnation, fear and a host of other things trying to attach to your life. This verse can then make you feel like you just can't cut it, can't measure up, can't be pleasing to God. There is an undertone, when preached religiously, that makes this verse a template of performance for your Christian life. You do, you perform, and you seek faith in order TO be pleasing to God. If you happen to be hit with this on a day when you are struggling, weary, or downcast, you can't seem to measure up to the thought of trying to get God's attention.

Look at this verse in the shining light of grace and God's love for you in Christ Jesus. You can't muster up enough faith in your own efforts to be pleasing to God. You already are pleasing to God in Christ. On good days, bad days, or any day in between, in your salvation in Christ, you are pleasing to a Father who loves you unconditionally and with great passion.

So how do I look at this verse? Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith in what? You can't have faith in faith, faith in your good efforts, faith in your performance, faith in church attendance, faith in good moral behavior, faith in anything you do is not enough to actually make God love you or be pleased with you. It is not the substance of faith that pleases God but in whom you have faith in that pleases Him. Without faith in the glorious reality of Christ Jesus, it is impossible to please God. In Christ, in your salvation, you are totally unconditionally pleasing to Him.

With a faith in Christ and the finished work of the cross, you are pleasing to God and He delights in you with a love that is profound and deep and unconditional. If you have faith in Christ, you are, right NOW pleasing to God. You may look at yourself and see yourself as anything but pleasing to God but it is because of the reality of Christ in you that God bestows great love upon you. It is not because of what you do. Jesus did it all on the cross. Just enter into this reality.

It is also not because of some great faith in yourself or in your accomplishments or endeavors in which you seek to attract God's attention. It is Jesus Christ. In Him, we are pleasing to God. In faith in Him, we walk in faith with a focus on He who is faithful in His perfection, Christ Jesus. You are acceptable in the beloved. Rest in that reality!

In Christ
Debra Westbrook

onsdag 6 februari 2013

En profetisk bild av kyrkan i Sverige

Denna profetiska bild av kyrkan i Sverige förmedlades av Jade 2011 och texten är ursprungligen publicerad på:  
Jag hade en del kontakt med Jade för några år sedan och vet att hon får profetiska intryck.  Men såklart ska alla budskap prövas..Guds välsignelse! /Barnabas   

"God gave me a picture of a traditional, large, stone Church building. The Church building was lifted up and underneath was a massive hole. Lots of people came towards the edge of the hole and peered in. All these people then jumped into the hole and started digging around. At the very bottom in the deep foundations of the Church there was treasure. As these people dug down, they found amazing pieces of treasure in amongst the dirt. Each person carried out a piece of treasure in their hand as they left the hole and returned to above ground.

I then felt God say: ‘My Church is worth saving.’

God then gave me a close up of one of the people holding a piece of treasure. God appeared and stood before the person. God held the person’s head in His hands lovingly. He then placed His hands on the person’s shoulders. I felt God then give them affirmation and authority. The person was given a mantle of leadership, authority and God’s power.

The person then turned around and saw a massive black dragon stood in front of the gate to their city. The person could therefore not enter the city with the treasure they held. The person stood in front of the massive dragon and was absolutely terrified. The person fearfully held out the piece of treasure in an attempt to defeat the dragon. There was then a call from the back ground. Someone shouted, ‘No, wait.’ Then lots of people stepped forward. All these people were the people who had gone digging and found treasure. Each one of them now stepped forward with a piece of treasure in the palm their hand.

All these people then together surrounded the walls of the city. They then got down on their knees, faced the walls and began to pray. At certain points around the city, the walls began to crumble. People were then able to get into the city through the gaps created by these crumbling walls. The city inside the walls was dark, war torn and filled with sick people. One of the treasure holders went up to a woman lying on the ground dying of thirst. The treasure holder gave her a drink, life returned to her body and she smiled a heavenly smile. The treasure holder then went over to a man in a leather jacket. He was bursting with anger and wrestling with thin air. The treasure holder placed their hand firmly into the man’s heart, placing the treasure into him. He became still and peaceful. A child then ran up to the treasure holder and ran into their arms. The treasure holder held them and joyfully spun them around. The child’s laughter sounded angelic. As the treasure holder saved people, these people gathered around them to create a small group. I was able to then see across the whole city – there were treasure holders doing exactly the same with people in similar situations all around the city and each had the same positive results. Small groups of rescued people and treasure holders were created throughout the city.

I then saw a Bible with a cross on its front cover. The Bible was on the floor in the centre of the city. All these new groups of people came together, gathered around the Bible and linked arms. Thousands of people circled this Bible and the treasure holders were scattered throughout them all. Everyone began to sing together and worship the Lord. As they did this, the city lit up and became full of light. The ground became soaked with light and turned golden. The whole city glowed.
I then had a picture of a stone water well.

God then reminded me of John 4 vs. 4-26, where Jesus talks with a Samaritan Woman.
As I read the story I felt God say: ‘I (God) need true worshippers. You have something amazing to offer to all people, everyone – Go, go and offer them all my true water. Don’t allow my simple, clear, true water to get tainted by any of the devil’s lies. Let my truth shine forth and prepare to see changed lives.’"