By Cindy Jacobs 2009-01-06
As I have been seeking the Lord for a word for 2009, one seems to leap out to me in my spirit. It is the word "transition."
This is a season during which we are going from the old to the new—from old wine to new wine. What do I mean by "new wine"? I mean we are going from what doesn't work to what does work or from the nonproductive to the productive. It seems as I am sharing with Christians around the world there is a frustration with the old. People know that what they are doing isn't producing the results they want to see, but they don't know what to do.
This is what I am sensing: God is forming a new wineskin for your life that is a good fit. You are being pressed into the new. No one likes that feeling. It is uncomfortable and, at times, stressful. Stress can actually be productive. It is when we get into (dis)stress that it becomes nonproductive. One of the most difficult things to do in the midst of pressure is to still your spirit so God can speak to you. At times, when [you] are in that condition, God will use the prophetic voice to come alongside you in your distress to comfort you and help you.
This is what I am hearing God say for you, "You are coming into the most creative time of your life. The Holy Spirit, the Creator of the world, is going to fill you with His Spirit in a way beyond your understanding to help you go to a new level of anointing. He is going to fill you with His new wine to overflowing. Do not let fear paralyze you and stop up the flow He is wanting to release within you." Here is a strategy to get to the new places God wants you to go:
Also read Become a Reformer by Barbara Wentroble -
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