måndag 31 oktober 2011
onsdag 26 oktober 2011
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onsdag 19 oktober 2011
tisdag 18 oktober 2011
DPPJ 2011 Press Release
Pressrealease från The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, DPPJ:
Millions of Christians Pray From
The Day of Prayer for the Peace of
Millions of Christians united across denominational, cultural, and political differences on Sunday, October 2nd, joining together for prayer. The Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem (DPPJ) (www.daytopray.com ) invokes God’s blessing and provision upon all of Jerusalem’s people. Globally, from over 200 nations, Christians gathered to intercede during their worship services, in their homes, on college campuses, and in larger regional gatherings.
They also gathered by the tens of thousands watching the service on GOD TV. The televised DPPJ Jerusalem gathering included Arab, Jewish, and Christian leaders and was broadcast to over 200 nations on GOD TV Satellite network.
The multi-national and religiously diverse character of this global prayer movement– Co-Chaired by Rev. Robert Stearns, founder/director of Eagles’ Wings, and Dr. Jack Hayford, President of The Kings College in Los Angeles – was uniquely reflected in the Jerusalem gathering where Christians from scores of nations prayed on the Haas Promenade, overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem.
Founder and Co-Chairman of the Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, Rev. Stearns said, “God is uniting people in prayer and faith, so that the atmosphere over this city will change, that the climate over this city will change!” Stearns prayed, “Lord, from Jerusalem to the nations, let the word of God go forth with power and strength and glory!” He declared that the initiative in prayer and feeding the hungry in Israel was not ending with the Day of Prayer but just beginning.
Joining Stearns, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem – Honorable Naomi Tsur declared, “Jerusalem is a city for all of its residents. Jerusalem is a city that cannot be divided, but must be shared... By praying for the peace of Jerusalem, we can all achieve that end.”
Representing Palestinian Arab Christians, Maher Canawati announced to the gathering of over 650 participants, “As a Christian Palestinian, I came here this afternoon to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. God, Lord Jesus, we ask you to give our leaders wisdom to achieve peace [in Jerusalem].”
From the Prime Minister’s Office of Israel, Gila Gamliel dramatically read from Isaiah, “Your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be carried on the hip. Your heart shall triumph and exalt… for the wealth of the nations has come to you.” She proceeded to proclaim, “We have a mission to save Jerusalem… Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, because of King David. In spite of continuous attempts [against the city], Jerusalem the city of God will never again be divided!”
Mr. Josh Reinstein, Director of the Knesset Christian Allies Caucus emphatically remarked, “Here in Jerusalem, the undivided capital of the state of Israel… We all know that the only answer [for Jerusalem] cannot be political, but Biblical. This story of Jerusalem… has been foretold… We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we need to stand for Jerusalem, and we need to act for Jerusalem.”
Robert Stearns presented a check for $10,000 to the leaders of the two Eagles’ Wings Feeding Centers which feed both Arab and Jewish poor in Jerusalem and Tiberias. Rev. Rick Ridings, Founder Succat of Hillel prayed, “We proclaim that the Lord… foils the plans of the nations – he thwarts the purposes of the people. But the plans of His heart endure through all generations” (Psalm 33:10-11).
International Christian leaders lifted a chorus of prayer to the heavens for Jerusalem’s peace including Rev. Rebecca Brimmer, International President and CEO of Bridges for Peace, Father Octavio Gomez, The House of Mambre and Reverend Yonathan Wiryohadi, Sr. Pastor and Founder of Gereja Bethel Indonesia World Transformation Church.
Additionally, millions participated by praying in homes and special services; it is estimated that 200 nations and over 300,000 churches participated throughout October 2nd. Prayer rose to the heavens from cities and rural villages, from huts and mansions, cathedrals and simple church buildings, and from underground gatherings and over a dozen college campuses. Here are some facts from the DPPJ 24 hour prayer call.
Throughout the 24 hours of October 2, over 200 believers also prayed together through an internet “virtual prayer room” created by the 24-Hour DPPJ Prayer Conference Call (www.greatercalling.org). Christians prayed globally. In the USA, over 600 callers representing thirty-two states prayed for twenty-four hours during the Day of Prayer and were joined by intercessors from many nations including Kenya, UK, Netherlands, Canada and Germany. The Lord was praised, shofars were blown, and the people raised their voices in one accord. There were a couple people who stayed on the line for almost 6 hours straight! Believers sang in their native tongues and wept as they prayed for the peace of Jerusalem and all of her people groups.
Rabbi Micah Goodman was moved by the millions of Christians praying worldwide for Israel, “When I realize with what passion millions of Christians are praying for Jerusalem, I remember that Jews are also praying for Jerusalem... God is uniting us! It is possible that humanity is sensing that something is imminent in this city. Jerusalem is uniting humanity. The Judeo-Christian tradition is awakening now. There is a lot of hunger, a lot of misery now… but together we can dream again to make this world a better place.”
lördag 15 oktober 2011
Det bästa ligger framför
Cindy McGill: Get Ready to Rock the World - The Best is Yet to Come
Jesus is in the house and He is getting ready to rock this place. I felt like the Lord spoke to me this morning and told me things are getting ready to radically change. This trying season has caused a desperation in us that has given us two options: either to quit or to press into Him. Things that seemed important to us just are not important any more. Our desires have changed. We only want to really be close to Jesus and hear His voice. We want to feel the security of His arms around us and know that whatever we have faced and are facing at this moment, He is still the answer and our all in all. I was on my computer answering emails one morning and the Lord spoke really clearly to me. He said, "You don't need those messages, you need MINE." It was profound. I found that all of my anxiousness and time pressures were gone. God is directing our paths. He is lining up connections and doors of opportunities that He has planned for us to enter into.
Pressure, Preparation and Purification
This has been a very trying season for most of us. It has often felt like the pressure just couldn't get any more intense, however that very process has caused us to let go of some things in order to make room for new things to come.
The preparation is necessary. God sees the heart and there are things that MUST be dealt with for us to be able to operate in His power in these coming days. The areas we overcome are the areas we have authority in.
Purification occurs when the heat is the hottest. There are things that God wants to purge from our lives so His glory and presence can shine the brightest. Doors seemed blocked, prayers seemed to go unheard, hope began to fade and disappointment was overshadowing faith. But knowing that this season is temporary gives us a reason to hang on.
Psalm 27:13 says, "I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living."
He fully intends to show us His goodness in the land we are living in. We are going to learn to walk in the fullness of power and authority in these coming days. "THE BEST" IS YET TO COME.
Market Places are Becoming Sanctuaries
I had a dream about being in an artsy, classy coffee shop with my husband and my daughter. There were elevated levels in the shop and tables spread out all over. The place was packed out with people and we were seated where we could see everyone in the cafe.
A man above us was seated at a table with his friends. He was visibly physically sick and unable to walk in his present condition. He began talking with his friends about a dream he had in which Jesus had come to him, touched him and he was able to walk in his dream. As he shared the dream with his friends, the whole cafe began to listen. The man then acted on the message he received in the dream and started to declare, "I can walk, I can walk."
As he did, he actually started walking and his physical appearance changed. Color came back into his face and healing was progressing as he continued walking and hopping over chairs in the cafe. People in the cafe began to clap and shout and some began praising God as this man walked faster and faster in perfect health. Everyone was in awe and excited as they witnessed this miracle.
People will find healing and discover their "walk" in the most unusual places outside the church, and miracles will convince people of the power and goodness of God.
I Never Thought That Up!
1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."
God is going to blow our minds. We should be expecting some really unusual miracles and things to take place in us, through us and around us. Every place we are sent, God is going to do fun, weird and unusual things. I often ask myself,"Cindy, at what point did God have to get your permission to be God?" What we have seen Him do in the past is only a preview of what He has planned for our futures.
Learning to Listen...
The more we can listen to the Holy Spirit and follow His leading, the more God can trust us and send us to those He is drawing. We cannot let our zeal get in the way of the love of God. We must learn to act and not react or do things because we did them before. God wants to lead this dance and when we will train our ears to hear, the outcome will be astounding.
Money's Comin'
Ask for and receive creative ideas that will produce income for you. Get ready to be out of debt. Wealth has been stored up for His kids so we can do the work we have been called and assigned to. God's arm is not short and He owns it all. If you have given, then get ready for it to be given back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Projects and creative works that have been birthed by God are going to be in high demand by the world.
Ask God for ideas and expect to receive them. God is pouring out creativity on those who ask for it and He is going to financially bless what He has given you to do. Dreams are also increasing with step-by-step instructions for inventions to be designed. God is financing His Kingdom work. Things can and most likely will change overnight for many. No matter how deep in debt you are, repentance will bring deliverance.
Spirit Led and Not Your Head
Galatians 5:7 says, "You were running the race beautifully. Who cut in on you and stopped you from obeying the truth?"
When trying times come, the temptation to get sidetracked and off course is very strong. If we can just remember that God wants to show us another part of Himself at every junction, then we will keep on the track and finish the race. He is always teaching us about Himself and His ways. The training comes when we learn to run to Him and embrace Him in hard, dry times instead of running from Him or just sitting along the sidelines.
If we can calm our hearts and minds, God will tell us what's up. Remember, it's His message we need to hear, not what our feelings, emotions and minds tell us. The components of the soul will trick us every time. It is God's design to teach us how to live by the Spirit. Romans 8:14 says,"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
To be led by God's Spirit is absolutely essential for the days ahead, and we have to remember that it is God who is at work within us to will and to do of His good pleasure (seePhilippians 2:13).
The Starter of the Work in Us is Also the Finisher
Philippians 1:6 For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.
God has not abandoned us. He has NEVER nor will He EVER leave us or forsake us. We are constantly in His sight, and His design for us is unshakable. His great love is fashioning us after His own image, which will not only save us but also save a desperate, spiritually-starving world around us. Spiritual hunger is at an all-time high. People are desperate to find answers to their lives, their fears, and find their purpose and path. Sin for a season is pleasurable, but for a large amount of people, sin just isn't fun anymore.
There is an epidemic of people facing transition in their lives and they are ready to make life-changing decisions. God is raising up laborers who won't quit or shrink back when it gets hard. This season of testing, shaking and equipping has made us tenacious, so much so that when Jesus tells us to let our nets down on the other side of the boat when we are tired and weary from fishing all night, we will obey and be able to bring in the biggest catch of our lives. There is method to His seeming "madness." He already warned us that His ways are not ours.
Refreshing Times are Coming with Answered Prayers, New Assignments and New Perspectives
We just aren't going to see things the same way in the very near future. God is steering the boat. He has safe harbors for us to go into. He has heard our prayers and has been working behind the scenes all along. There are going to be new locations for us to occupy. Lots of people will find themselves moving to a new place with new anointing for new groups and new assignments. Some will reap where they have not sown. Pulpits will have new faces, and communities of people will strengthen as spiritual "families" will emerge like in Acts 2. People went from house to house eating and giving things away as people had need, and God did miracles in their midst and added to them daily those who were being saved.
Simplicity of heart with praise and thankfulness attracts the attention of Heaven. God likes to hang out in small places where love is large. These are the best days we have ever seen. Don't be discouraged. Get ready for breakthroughs on every side.
Cindy McGill
Hope for the Harvest
Email: dreaminslc@hotmail.com
källa: http://prophetgene.blogspot.com/2011/08/cindy-mcgill-get-ready-to-rock-world.html
fredag 14 oktober 2011
Sukkot - Lövhyddohögtiden

Fem dagar efter Försoningsdagen Yom Kippur infaller Sukkot som i Bibeln (Lev. 23:34) beskrivs som "lövhyddohögtiden". Sukkot är en av tre helger som (fram till år 70 e. Kr) firades med pilgrimsfärder till templet i Jerusalem, och de tre är därför kända som "pilgrimsfesterna." Sukkot firas till minnet av utvandringen från Egypten (Exodus; 1300-talet f. Kr) och är dessutom en skörde- och tacksägelsefest. Vid en del kibbutzer firas Sukkot som Chag Ha'asif (Skördefesten) med teman kring insamlingen av den andra spannmålsskörden och höstens frukter, början på jordbruksåret, liksom det första regnet.
Under de fem dagarna mellan Yom Kippur och Sukkot bygger tiotusentals familjer och företag en sukka – en tillfällig liten bod eller hydda, som i huvudsak används för att äta i och som liknar de hyddor som israeliterna levde i i öknen efter deras utvandring från Egypten. De införskaffar och smyckar sukkan med palmblad, en citron, myrten, järnekskvistar och pilgrenar som också understryker högtidens böneceremoni.
Över hela landet ser man lövhyddor; sukkot, på parkeringsplatser, balkonger, hustak, gräsmattor och på offentliga platser. Ingen armébas saknar en. Vissa tillbringar hela högtiden och de följande sex dagarna bokstavligen boende i sin lövhydda.
I Israel firas den delen som utgör Sukkots helgdag, liksom de två andra pilgrimsfesterna, Pessach och Shavuot, under endast en dag, medan judiska församlingar i förskingringen (utanför Israel) firar helgdagen i två dagar. Detta för att hedra minnet från antikens tider, då fastställandet av högtiderna gjordes i templet och resultaten rapporterades till församlingar i förskingringen genom ett fint nätverk av signaleldar och kurirer.
Gudstjänsten utökas med ytterligare böner, inklusive Hallel, en samling välsignelser och psalmer som läses vid varje Rosh Hodesh (början på varje månad) och vid pilgrimsfesterna.
Efter själva helgdagen fortsätter firandet av Sukkot, men nu med mindre fromhet, såsom föreskrivs enligt Toran (Lev. 23:36). Under vardagsveckan mellan Sukkots båda helgdagar – som till hälften är högtid, till hälften varddag – är det skollov och många arbetsplatser håller stängt eller har en kortare arbetsdag. De flesta israeler tar semester och tillbringar denna halv-helgdagsvecka under Pessach och Sukkot på någon fritidsanläggning.
Vardagsveckan och högtiden avslutas med Shmini Atseret, den "åttonde dagens heliga tillfälle" (Lev. 23:36), som är kombinerad med högtiden Simhat Tora. Firandet av Shmini Atseret/Simhat Tora fokuserar på Toran – de fem Moseböckerna – och utmärks av dans med Tora-rullarna i famnen, liksom uppläsning av Torans allra sista och första kapitel. På så vis förnyar man den årliga Tora-läsningscykeln och börjar således om på nytt. Många församlingar har fester, som ofta hålls utomhus efter mörkrets inbrott, för att festen inte skall begränsas av de religiösa påbud som gäller under själva helgdagen.
Vakta din tunga
torsdag 13 oktober 2011
The Holy City - Larry Ford
fredag 7 oktober 2011
Yom Kippur
"The focus of The Crossover Project is to promote a greater understanding of the differences and similarities between Jewish and Christian customs, history, and theology, while purposing to disarm prejudice and intolerance. We also hope evoke a deeper revelation of God's perfect order, to strengthen Biblical foundations and to encourage a closer walk with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - forsaking all other gods. "
torsdag 6 oktober 2011
Bön och lovsång tillsammans i Prag
"This is not a traditional conference with a topic, but actually a meeting of European Christians who come together for common prayers and worship. We want the whole event not to be shaped in a special theological form and direction, but would like a wide range of evangelical Christians to participate in it. Also, we do not want this convocation to be organized only by one church, denomination or Christian organization, but by a committee of people representing the main evangelical churches and organizations in this country."
THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns -- 9/5/11:
Arise, My people, and come forth from the darkness. For, indeed these last days are evil days and darkness prevails throughout the land. It is time for you to rise and shine for your light has come and Christ, the resurrected one, comes to you as the Light of the world. And, as He touches you and teaches you and leads you, you also become the light of this world. So, do not hide the light that you have, even in this present time, under a basket, but allow the resurrected One, the Holy One, to touch you and cause your light to shine brightly in these last days. For the light that shines through you in these last days will become a beacon to others. Others will find themselves coming out of the darkness and coming into the light-the light that shines upon you and through you. So do not discount yourself. Become that which has been written about you, says the Lord.
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- 9/5/11:
Beloved, I have called you to be My witnesses, says the Lord. Be aware, however, that it is hypocritical to only speak the truth without demonstrating the kingdom. The greatest witness is that of example, and it is more crucial than ever that you be an example of your faith in every detail. Let your behavior become a model that others can follow.
Matthew 7:21 "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'"
Källa: Dagligt utskick från http://ft111.com/onsdag 5 oktober 2011
AUI kommer till Sverige
AUI är en förkortning av Artists United International med uppgiften att hjälpa och inspirera kristna artister och konstnärer att uppfylla Guds vision som representanter för Guds rike i den konstnärliga världen.
De kommer nu till Sverige har konserter med tal och förbön för längtande i Stockholm och Göteborg.
- I Stockholm kommer det att vara konsert med förbön 11/10, kl. 15.45 i S:ta Clara kyrka.
- AUI medverkar också i en FGBM (Full Gospel Businessmen ) samling i Citykyrkan samma dag kl.12.00.
-I Göteborg är det möten i Utbykyrkan den 14/10 och 15/10 kl. 19.00, den 16/10 börjar samlingen kl.18.00.
Temat för detta året blir: ”Guds helande närvaro i musiken”. Efteråt blir det fika i församlingshemmet.
Du är varmt välkommen med familj och vänner!
För AUI, Roger Wågsjö
Healing of the mind
"I heard the Lord say, “I am declaring the wind over each of you right now.” He said, “Stand, Arise.” I want you to stand up right now. I heard the Lord say, “I am going to touch you. My wind is going to come into your mind and it is going to cause chains of old to be broken, so you cannot be tormented from the past wind of the damage, of the tornadoes that have touched down in your life and left damage and confusion and doubt and fear. I am the same Lord your God who spoke to the sea and it obeyed me and I calmed the sea. Tonight I will send My
wind to bring clarification and to bring clearing in your thought life to where you can think, think and know My will, think and know My presence that I can take your mind and renew it in My wind: the wind of My Spirit, the wind of My presence, the wind of My Word.
“I am blowing away unbelief tonight. Where unbelief would come to rob you of faith and rob you of joy, I would speak to that unbelief and I will say, ‘Let My people go!’ For I have called them to rise up on the wings of eagles. I am calling forth eagles to run and to walk and to
fly with the flow of My wind.
“For you will hear of winds across your nations, winds that have never been seen, winds man will try to explain away. I say it will be the wind of My Spirit, straightening things out and placing confusion in the plans of the enemies. I say I am looking for a people to arise, to
declare, to be filled with My wind. When you direct the wind of My Spirit, you shall see healing go into bodies that people have spoken death over. You will see healing go into minds where the mind has tried to trap My people in doubt and unbelief.
You will see My wind come about you and in your household and place things in order. I will direct My wind to go into your finances and command favor back over your finances. For I say unto you, you are to declare the favor in the house of the Lord. My wind will blow and there shall be nothing, nothing, nothing that can withstand My wind. All shall bow down because the wind of God has blown it into it’s position. Know that if I can walk on the water, I can train you and raise you up to walk in the wind of My Spirit,” says the Lord your God."
Love and Blessing, Eileen
källa: http://presenceleader.com/2011/07/23/eileen-fisher-healing-of-the-mind/tisdag 4 oktober 2011
ECIs mission i FN i New York fullgjord - pressmeddelande
ECIs mission i FN i New York fullgjord
Ett öppet brev till FN-kvartetten uppmanar till ett återupptagande av fredsförhandlingarna
New York 26 september 2011. Efter ett år av forskande och aktiv kampanj har den första fasen av ECIs initiativ att att föra fram de lagliga grunderna för den moderna staten Israel framgångsrikt fullföljts. Trots den palestinska ledaren Mahmoud Abbas framlagda förslag till FNs säkerhetsråd att deklarera en palestinsk stat idag, har Mellanösternkvartetten sagt att de kommer att rekommendera att de två parterna återupptar sina fredssamtal och givit dem en ny tidsfrist för underhandlingarna fram till december 2012. Med då måste man ha nått ett komplett fredsavtal. Trots detta kan detta nya förslag rinna ut i sanden. Inom en månad bör de två parterna komma överens om basen för nya förhandlingar för att processen skall gå vidare.
ECI s direktor Tomas Sandell välkomnar rekommendationen. ”Vi har haft en klar målsättning från början att be Mellanöstern-kvartetten (USA, Ryssland, FN, EU) att förkasta en ensidig statsdeklaration och be de båda parterna att förhandla utan förhandsvillkor. Om kvartettens nya rekommendationer tillämpas, has ECIs kampanj varit en stor framgång. Kvartettens medlemmar står för merparten av understödet till den palestinska myndigheten som skulle falla ihop inom några veckor utan detta stöd.
ECI har fört sin kampanj i parlamenten i Haag, Bryssel, Berlin, Rom och London liksom också i regeringar i Afrika och på andra platser i världen. Det kulminerade i en två veckors slutkampanj i FN i New York. Under FNs generalförsamling kunde ECIs teammedlemmar tala både till olika länders delegater, till media och också överräcka ett öppet brev till stöd för fortsatta förhandlingar. Brevet som var undertecknat av 16 prominenta europeiska ledare överläts till generalsekreterarens Mellanöstern-byrå på torsdagen (22. 9). Brevet tillsammans med ett nformationspaket bestående av filmen ”Ge-freden–en–chans”, ett forskningsdokument presenterande staten Israels lagliga grunder samt vädjanden från Tyskland, Finland och Italien kommer att överlåtas personligen till FNs generalsekreterare Ban-Ki-Moon de närmaste dagarna.
Under de senaste veckorna har filmen som på endast 15 min presenterar Israels lagliga grunder översatts till 10 språk och setts av över 38.000 personer på nätet, liksom av stora auditorier världen runt. I New York hade teamet tillfälle att ge intervjuer och visa filmen för media i Ukraina, Brasilien och Japan, liksom för internationella media som Newsweek.
Fastän det vore övermodigt av oss att ta åt oss äran för kvartettens uppmaningar till återupptagna fredssamtal, har vi arbetat hårt i över ett år med att ta fram fakta. Vi är tacksamma för att förnuftet segrat åtminstone för tillfället. Genom att processen ges mera tid får vi fler tillfällen att visa vårt material till flera FN-medlemsstater världen runt. Fastän pressen på Israel temporärt kan ha lättat, kommer Israels regering fortsättningsvis att stå inför stora utmaningar under de kommande månaderna och trycket på eftergifter kommer att fortsätta. Samtidigt kommer det palestinska ledarskapet att pressa på Säkerhetsrådet för att få dess erkännande.
Under en konferens som ordnats av Hudson-institutet kunde ECI tala med nobelpristagaren Elie Wiesel om den nuvarande inställningen till Israel inom EU. Tillfrågad om han var besviken över det svaga stödet för Israel svarade han: ”Jag hade aldrig några förväntningar, men Europa borde lära sej av historien.”
Fastän begynnelseskedet av kampanjen nu fullgjorts, kommer ECI under de kommande månaderna att fortsätta med sin aktivitet att presentera Israels lagliga ställning för att nå FNs medlemsländer med de historiska och juridiska fakta kring skapandet av den judiska staten och dess legitimitet enligt internationell lag.
För mera information se filmen www.givepeaceachance.info