tisdag 4 september 2012

Bönesamling i Jakarta, Indonesien

I maj så ägde en mycket speciell bönesamling rum i Jakarta, Indonesien. Något liknande har bara skett en gång tidigare och det var 28 år sedan. Werner Woiwode och hans fru Regula, som tillsammans med ett stort team besökte Sverige i somras, var två av ca 9000 deltagare. Vid den avslutande bönesamlingen på en stor stadium i Jakarta samlades 100 000 bedjare!

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Frank och Simon Ådahl fanns med och ledde lovsång bla med bönesången "I will pray for Korea" som du kan lyssna på här:

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Werner skriver så här på sin hemsida:

World Prayer Assembly

14-18 May 2012 in Jakarta

 "It is impossible to recount everything that happened during these four days. So here is only a small recollection of the things which spoke to us personally and are remain embedded in our minds. There has only been one such comparable event to this assambly and that was 28 years ago in Seoul (South Korea). What has happened since then, particularly in the area of prayer, what has been birthed and nurtured is nothing less than a worlwide prayer movement, which is evolving and continually increasing. South Korea has played a pioneer role in this, through the world’s largest church and the first prayer mountain in the world, both founded by Dr. Jonggi Cho. 

As a result, the South Korean church was together with the Christians from Indonensia the co-sponsors of this meeting. Firstly, because they have the necessary experience to organise such an enormous event, but above all because of their strong anointing in prayer. The greatest spiritual strength of the Indonesians lies in their worship. Here the two came together: prayer and worship. This led to a direct spiritual connection between the Christians of South Korea and Indonesia. 

Also the church in Indonesia is developing more and more into a praying church. Dozens of prayer towers have sprung up throughout the country, in which prayer and intercession continues non-stop. In one of the meetings in the largest stadium in Jakarta on the 17th. May attended by about 100,000 Christians. the „handover of a spiritual torch“ was also celebrated. In a prophetic act the „prayer fire“ of the South Korean prayer mountain was brought down to the plains so that from here it should be able to be spread out over the whole earth. From Indonesia out to the whole world, in order to once more support every old and new methods and ways of evangelisation. 

At the same time, similar meetings were being held in a further 360 towns in Indonesia and the meeting, itself, was being broadcast over several television stations to a worldwide audience. The organisation team deserves a big thank you and the greatest respect for the incredible hard work, together with God’s help, that they put in to organise this event.
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