torsdag 31 december 2015

Två uppmuntrande profetiska ord iniför 2016

Med dessa två profetiska ord förmedlade genom Lana Wavser och Glasgow Prophetic Centre, vill jag önska alla läsare ett gott, nytt och välsignat 2016!:

Again today I kept hearing the words over and over again "The areas that have caused you the greatest burden are going to turn to the greatest blessings as you align yourself in belief/faith and declaration with what He is saying. 

The "long awaited" breakthroughs in the areas that have been burdening many have become incubators for the greatest blessings and miracles many have ever seen. Don't let the enemy tell you it's too late, or it's over. God works all things for good (Romans 8:28), and He is turning things around as His people choose the "right alignment"...Alignment with Him in belief and declaration.

His burden is easy and His yoke is light (Matthew 11:30) is going to become an even greater physical reality for many in this alignment.

Many who have felt great burden because of certain circumstances are stepping into seeing some of the greatest miraculous turnarounds. Literal transformations, even overnight transformations where things will be completely different, totally changed, sudden miracles.
Many will be surprised, the very things they thought would NEVER shift, are going to be vessels of some of the most powerful moves of His Spirit in this season.
Burdens are being broken and turning to blessings!!!


Lana Wavser:s hemsida:

Begin to watch and see in '4D'

The Spirit of God is beginning to stir up your heart for MORE: more of Him, more of His power, more of His boldness. He is stirring up a hunger that wants to see a release of His glory into the sphere (the situations where you have influence) He has placed you in!

God wants you to know that this hunger - even to the point of frustration - is preparing you to take your part in the soon to be released, 'Epic Performance of His Power'. The biggest show of His power and glory ever seen on earth!

Do not think you have missed it... you are right on time! 'The big picture' is being revealed. You will see like you've never seen before. Fresh, renewed vision will be yours in this season.

God is giving you '4D' vision - you will understand and work in the 'God Dimension'. It's the realm of His glory where anything can happen! Prepare to take your place in this great cast of faith-filled 'heroes'. Leave frustration and disappointment behind and joyfully step up to your high call in Christ Jesus!
All the credit will go to Jesus Christ whose Kingdom knows no end!

Psalms 145:11-13 They shall speak of the glory of your Kingdom, And talk of your power, to make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, And the glorious majesty of His Kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, And your dominion endures throughout all generations.


Glasgow Prophetic Centre, hemsida:.

tisdag 22 december 2015

2016 - jetströmmens år


As I have pressed into the heart of the Lord for the next year, 2016, I felt He showed me one of the themes He wanted to focus on this year.
I kept hearing the words over and over "The year of the slipstream". 
SLIPSTREAM: "the airstream generating reduced air pressure and forward suction directly behind a rapidly moving vehicle."  (
2015 has been a year of intense pressure, intense stretching, intense opposition and contending. I believe in 2016 there is an invitation into a divine 'slipstream'. The wind of the Spirit moving in great acceleration but the Lord calling us to a 'positioning' of greater rest. It seems completely opposite and 'illogical' in the natural, but many things the Lord is going to ask His people to do or not do in 2016 will be a great surprise, but MORE is going to come out of divine rest in whatever form that looks like for you (physical, emotional/mental healing, release of striving, settled heart in His nature and ways etc) in 2016.
I felt the Lord say that 2016 would be a year THE GREATEST demonstration of DIVINE REST of heart, mind, soul and body for many, but also THE GREATEST demonstration of ACCELERATION that they have ever seen. 
A place of shaking off the shackles of driving and seeing Him break off and bring deeper healing to any parts of the soul that would cause a 'pushing forward'.
Läs fortsättningen:


Alla bloggens läsare önskas en riktigt fin och välsignad julhelg med dessa två vackra sånger:

fredag 18 december 2015

En ny tid för Norden och Skandinavien

Uppdatering 8 feb. 2016
Enligt nya uppgifter så är det inte helt klart vilken arena som denna satsning kommer att äga rum i:
"Planen är att hyra en stor arena i Stockholmsområdet, och runtom i Skandinavien ska planer på denna satsning pågå."


Du som är intresserad att vara med rekommenderas att följa nyhetsrapporteringen i kristen media samt
för aktuell information.
Guds välsignelse!


Nästa år i oktober kommer det att bli en stor, kristen samling i Tele2 Arena i Stockholm. Bed gärna redan nu för detta!
All Guds välsignelse! / Barnabas

En ny tid för Norden och Skandinavien

Vi är starkt övertygade om att det håller på att hända något fantastiskt i de nordiska och skandinaviska länderna. Flera månader före vårt evenemang i Nürnberg kände vi att Herren talade starkt till våra hjärtan om staden Stockholm. Han hade visat oss att Han ville samla de omgivande länderna i den staden, för att de kristna ska få kraft att bli radikala och fria i den delen av Europa. Vi hade inte sagt något till någon om vilket hjärta vi hade för Norden och Skandinavien utan faktiskt bara avvaktat att Herren skulle komma med en bekräftelse Men så fick vi av en slump ett sms från en vän som vi hade förtroende för. Meddelandet löd: ”Jag känner att Herren vill göra något i Sverige och i de omgivande nationerna”. Det här blev en chock för oss eftersom ingen kände till saken.

Sedan dess har den profetiska betydelsen med Stockholm framstått som alltmer överväldigande och det har kommit alltfler bekräftelser. Här vill Jesus tända en eld som inte kommer att slockna! Vi känner att det som Gud frigör på TELE2 arena 2016 kommer att få en enorm påverkan på hela Stockholm. Och inte bara där – vi kommer samtidigt att skicka ut hundratals evangelisationsteam i de omgivande länderna. Det betyder att tusentals människor från hela Norge, Finland, Island, Danmark och Färöarna kommer att komma samman och gå ut på gatorna – för att utgjuta Jesu kärlek över hela städer. Tänk vilken inverkan det kommer att få! Det kommer att bli som en eldstorm över hela Norden och Skandinavien. Vi känner också att fortsättningen på detta kommer att bli att alltfler får i uppdrag föra ut evangeliet över hela Europa – speciellt till de östra nationerna.

Kom och kämpa med oss för att Jesus ska ta tillbaka de nordiska och skandinaviska nationerna, för Hans äras skull och för att många ska få möta Jesus Kristus år 2016! 
(TACK till T.L. för översättning!)

Mer info och filmklipp från en tidigare samling:

onsdag 16 december 2015

Böneskola i 20 delar

På TV kanalen "Himlen TV7" sänds just nu en böneskola i 15 minuter långa avsnitt. Det är Patrik Sandberg från Sverigebönen som undervisar. 

Så här presenteras böneskolan:
"Patrik Sandberg tar oss med i bönens spännande värld genom att ge oss uppenbarelse om Guds namn, undervisning som ger oss tro och som utmanar oss, samt jordnära exempel och praktik."

Efter att avsnitten sänts på TV kanalen på måndagar kl 20 15 (repris på torsdagar kl 20 30) kan man titta på dem "on demand" på denna sida:
och hitintills har 11 av 20 avsnitt lagts ut.

Avsnitt nummer ett presenteras så här:
"Jehova – Jag är. Du är en präst, säger Nya Testamentet och kallad att vara mänsklighetens representant inför Gud och Guds representant inför människorna där du är satt att vara i vardagen."

Länk till första avsnittet: 

Och i denna sammanställning ser du en översikt över alla avsnitten inklusive länkar till de avsnitt som redan är sända:

5/10 – Din prästerliga roll inför Herren i bön
12/10 – Gud vill ge bönesvar
19/10 – Lär känna bönens och nådens Ande
26/10 – Att resa upp en personlig böneplats dagligen
2/11 – Kraften i överenskommen bön
9/11 – Hemligheten med Fader vår-bönen
16/11 – Be ut Guds Ord – det fungerar!
23/11 – Tillbedjan, den högsta formen av bön
30/11 – Bön i Jesu Namn
7/12 – Bönevägmärken som visar vägen i din vardag
14/12 – Att be ut Guds namn i vardagen
21/12 – Håll fast i Guds svar när du ber
28/12 – Nycklar till att få bönesvar
4/1 – Uthållig bön öppnar dörrar
11/1 – Att be för din arbetsplats
18/1 – Hur du kan be som familj
25/1 – Att resa upp en församling i bön
1/2 – Det yttersta redskapet – Fasta och bön
8/2 – Att be loss människor till frälsning
15/2 – Paulus och hans genombrott genom bön

Här kan du också läsa en intervju med Patrik om vikten av bön, publicerad i tidningen "Hemmets vän"

tisdag 15 december 2015


I början av nästa år fortsätter initiativet med bön i alla Sverige landskap. Landskapsbönen startade den 4 oktober 2015 i Kiruna, Luleå den 9 oktober, Umeå 10 oktober, Nyköping 13 november samt Uppsala och Österfärnebo 14 november och fortsatte sedan till Hassela vid det 30 meter höga korset, Söråker och Lugnvik och fortsätter nu söderut under 2016. I januari 2016 kommer bönesamlingar att hållas i: 

SMÅLAND: Fredagen den 15 januari kl 19.00 i Missionskyrkan, Hånger utanför Värnamo
HALLAND: Lördagen den 16 januari kl 11.00 i Missionskyrkan, Sennan utanför Halmstad
SKÅNE: Lördagen 16 januari kl 18.00 i Smyrnakyrkan, Vittsjö

Se mer info till höger på denna sida:

Sprid gärna denna info i ditt bönenätverk!

All Guds välsignelse! / Barnabas

måndag 14 december 2015

Start 2016 right! - en profetisk konferens i Glasgow

A prophetic conference to help you get your year off 
to the best start with God!
with Tom & Jane Hamon, Sharon Stone and Emma Stark

5-6 February 2016, Adelaides Conference Centre, Glasgow

Start the Year Right! is one of the most important new year gatherings of apostles, prophets and reformers in Europe. Glasgow Prophetic Centre is honoured to be joined for this, our fifth Start the Year Right! conference, by Apostles Tom & Jane Hamon (Florida, USA), Dr Sharon Stone (Windsor, England) and, of course, our own Emma Stark.
Come and hear what God is saying for 2016 - for you, for Scotland, for Europe.

Come and experience new levels of encounter with Jesus Christ, through passionate worship, inspired teaching and re-aligning prophetic revelation.

Come and be encouraged about your place and part in God's transformation plan for Europe!

Mer info:

Inspelningar från förra årets Start 2015 right! - konferens

lördag 12 december 2015


I år firas den judiska ljusfesten, Hanukkah, från den 6 till den 14 december. På Gallilee of the Nations hemsida kan man läsa mer om denna fest (klicka på länkarna):

A time for miracles

Another year has passed and Hanukkah has come again. Hanukkah comes as Feast, a festival, a history and memory of God's miraculous provision. We invite you to learn about this blessed Feast in our free 8-part series, The Miracles, Mysteries and Histories of Hanukkah. Click the links below to start reading.
  1. Hanukkah In The Writings of Daniel
  2. Hanukkah In The Book of Maccabees
  3. The Exploits of Judah Maccabee
  4. The Mystery of the Hanukkah Oil
  5. Yeshua Our Light and Our "Shamash"
  6. Yeshua, The Greatest Miracle of All
  7. What Does Hanukkah have to do with Israel Today?
  8. Hanukkah and the End Times

A Clarion Call

Jewels from Judy: A Clarion Call
Judy Bauman

A Clarion Call: Encouragement from the Father

“Now is the time for clarity. As a bell rings with clear sound, the Body of Christ must make a sound for all to hear. The time for the tuning of instruments, and the cacophony that comes from tuning, must stop. Hear the tapping of the baton, and play My song in harmony. I am issuing a clarion call.

“When a bell rings, summons people for a purpose. It alerts them of the time. The time is now for those I have called to work in harmony with My word. Instead of individual sounds, it is time to make the sound of unity without compromising the truth. What unites you all is Me. I Am love. Love is the common denominator.

“If you refuse to be led of My Spirit, the Spirit of truth, you will not see those things that you have hoped to see. If you are not being led of My Spirit, then you are doing what is right in your own eyes. If you are not studying the Bible by My Spirit, you will be misled. Many teach My word with their own understanding and by what others have taught them. My flock has not adhered to the warning given by John to ‘test the spirits’ to see if they are from Me. You must study yourself approved so you can discern when someone has taught you correctly or mishandled the word of truth. Many are misled because they do not take these warnings in Scripture seriously. False teachings that will cause ‘the love of many to grow cold’ because many will come to realize they have been misled.1

“Too much time has been spent teaching speculation and theories as fact. Theories are not fact and they produce fruitless arguments. Jesus’ coming has been the center of discussion when He made it clear that neither He nor the angels knew the day or hour of His return, but only the Father. So, how is it many are led away by those pretending to know? Jesus gave instruct for God’s people to be found doing what He told them to do, not arguing about His return.2

“Jesus taught a parable about tares and wheat growing together. He said that the tares (the sons of the evil one) would be gathered first and destroyed by fire. He explained the wheat (the sons of the kingdom) would then be gathered after that.3 Jesus also said about His coming that it would be just as it was in the days of Noah. What does My word say in Genesis? How was it in those days? Who was taken and who remained? It is so simple, a child can understand it. It is clearly written and understood that Noah remained, he was left on the earth, and the wicked were removed. Yet thousands of people use these very verses to believe the opposite is going to happen.4 These types of controversial teachings create distractions and confusion. They do not reveal the truth, but muffle and distort it. Because of this, people do not understand truth from fiction. The gospel of My kingdom must first be preached throughout the world as a witness to the nations. This is what the Church is to be doing.

“My Bell rings the sound of liberty; it is the sound of freedom. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Freedom in Me is what you are to clearly proclaim. I’ve called you to proclaim liberty to the captives.5 Do not call conspiracy what others call conspiracy.6 Don’t waste time on controversies that draw your attention from My will. Walk in My LOVE and LIGHT.7 This is what people need to see. They need to see HOPE. They need see JOY. If all they see is arguing, they live and die in the world’s system. Ring out My truth and call My children home!”

It is my prayer you will study these Scriptures with this exhortation:

1. Matthew 24:4, 10-12; 36-39; John 14:26-29; 16:13-15; Romans 8:12-17; Second Timothy 2:14-26; First John 4:1; 7-18
2. Matthew 24:46; Mark 13:32; Luke 12:38-40
3. Matthew 13:24-40
4. Genesis 7:7, 23; Matthew 24:29-31
5. Isaiah 61:1; John 8:36; Galatians 5:1
6. Isaiah 8:12-13
7. Ephesians 5:1-16


söndag 6 december 2015

6 månaders profetisk träning

Från YWAM Cévennes, Frankrike:

WIP-training to see people established in the prophetic Print E-mail
WIP7 Front3
A vision for the WIP-training and see people established in the prophetic:
WIP stands for
W = worship
I = intercession
P = prophetic
Worship and intercession are foundational to grow in the prophetic. So, that foundation needs to be solid  and established at the same time as people grow in the prophetic.

We cannot seperate the 3. Thus said, we want to see prophetic people develop their gifting and go into their destiny, becoming mature in their calling, not being tossed to and fro by all that hinders coming into fullness.

We propose a school and intership of 6 month from 20th of Sept 2016 to 24th of March 2017, as this will take time to see a transformation and build a new solide foundation.  
There will be a week of teaching every month from a mature christian in their field. The staff will also give some teaching as we move ahead. There will be a lot of time set apart to practise the WIP at the center and locally, but there will be several trips abroad for this purpose as well, through OCE ( , YETOP – YWAM-Europe Tabernacle of Prayer during the Feast of Tabernacles (Oct 17-24, 2016) and other initiative planned or as the Spirit speaks at the moment.

Läs resten av texten

lördag 5 december 2015

Greppet kommer att lossna

Cindy's Word from the Lord

An Appeal to Heaven

An Appeal to Heaven

by Dutch Sheets

Some say it is too late to “save this nation," but Dutch Sheets says, “Not if we make an Appeal to Heaven!” In this classic audio message, Dutch shows the historic role of prayer in the birthing of the United States of America. Join this modern day hero of faith and make your appeal to heaven. Believe God for a Great Awakening to come forth in your nation!


Pröva och fundera över vad detta budskap kan ha för paralleller och vilken betydelse det kan ha för hur vi ber för och förväntar oss Guds ingripande i Sverige idag. / Guds välsignelse! Barnabas

lördag 28 november 2015

Arbete – en kallelse

Jag brukar inte ofta referera till tidningsartiklar här på bloggen. Men denna artikel av Stefan Swärd tycker jag var så bra att jag vill tipsa om den:

Stefan Swärd: 

Arbete – en kallelse

Att arbeta är en del av Guds plan och kallelse för våra liv. Vardagslivet och vardagsjobbet är alltid en heltidstjänst för Gud för den troende, oavsett om vi är pastorer, förskollärare, lärare, sjuksköterskor, städare, direktörer eller forskare. Vad vi än har för arbete är det ytterst Kristus vi tjänar och det är ytterst inför honom vi står ansvariga för vårt arbete.
Gud vill även kalla oss specifikt till en viss form av arbete, och som troende kan vi uppleva Guds ledning till en viss arbetsplats, vissa arbetsuppgifter eller att starta och driva ett företag med viss inriktning.

Läs fortsättningen i tidningen Världen idag här:

torsdag 26 november 2015

Hissa segel

Från Lana Vawser.


This morning I had a vision where I saw sailing boats and they were in the midst of the storm. They were being blown around by the wind and the waves. There was such turbulence around these ships, and at times they felt like they were going to get ‘tipped’ over and just when they hit “steady seas”, another wind and wave rose up and began to cause more turbulence.
The thing I noticed about a lot of these boats was that they were DEEPLY anchored. So even though the wind and waves were blowing and rising up around them, the anchor was in the depths and wasn’t going anywhere.
In the midst of this vision I sensed the Lord saying “Many are experiencing the wind and waves of circumstances and what they enemy is bringing into their lives to attempt to tip them and sink them. The thing is, as they have gone deeper into Me as their anchor they are SECURE IN ME. The wind and the waves are LIES. They are SMOKE AND MIRRORS attempting to cause My people to believe that they are about to be overcome. This is a lie! As they are anchored in Me, even though they feel ‘shaken’, they are NOT being MOVED. My people are not to look the ‘smoke and mirror’ wind and waves but to look to Me, for the turbulence is simply an indicator that they are about to take new ground, more ground and move into new territory, higher heights and deeper depths with Me and in Me.”
Läs fortsättningen här:

tisdag 24 november 2015

Viktig predikan

Lyssna på denna viktiga predikan där John van Dinther (församlingen New life, Stockholm)  talar över ämnet:

Radical Hospitality / Radikal Gästfrihet

all Guds välsignelse!

lördag 21 november 2015

A call to order!

A call to order!

I am calling order in your life, in your circumstances and in your surrounding atmosphere. I am calling all that is out of alignment with my goodness, my grace, my judgments, my love and my kingship to come into proper position.

You may felt that you have been in a place of disorder, confusion, chaos and of discord, where everything that once seemed steady and settled is now no longer so. But this is not the grace that I release over you and this is not a season that I have ordained for you to be in. So, in response to your persistent cries for intervention, I am coming and I am coming with my order.

I am speaking order into your physical body, particularly to the blood and vascular systems. Where there has been a severe lack of energy and stability in your health, I now speak my Kingdom alignment and turn the tables.

I am speaking order into your family and your relationships. Broken relationships within your family are about to be restored and some distant family members are about to reconnect. You knew you had to advance, but brokenness in your family unit has held you back but, as I bring restoration, you will not just advance forward but even be propelled forward

I am speaking order into your thinking and your thought processes. Your thought processes have held you captive and your thinking has built your prison cell. But I am speaking order and alignment into every thought that you have and it is time to call every thought that is not of my nature, into captivity. I am breaking down the walls that lies have built and causing your thinking to begin to work for you and not against you.

Listen to my voice that brings order. Partner with my voice as it brings alignment.

Romans 12:2
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.


Glasgow Prophetic  Centre

onsdag 18 november 2015

I tider av storm

Apropå den senaste tiden skakningar så är det budskap Lance Wallnau förmedlar väldigt relevant, se video:


God Will Surprise You
Lance Wallnau
Sunday November 15, 2015

Theme – Occasionally, troubling events in life can cause us to question our purposes and destinies, and threaten our positive outlook on life.  However, these events are part of God’s shaking the heavens and earth, and should be understood as opportunities to be used by God.

·     The Mother Flame
o     Similar to what happens with the Olympic Flame, God keeps burning a perpetual flame of destiny for each of us.
o     We should prayerfully approach God to ensure we can take advantage of God’s work on the planet.

·     Pray for influence
o     We sometimes pray for our own perceived necessities, instead of understanding bigger issues through which God is working.
o     God takes what Satan does, and uses us in the midst of it, to help fulfill His purpose.
o     We should be praying to perceive the empowering meaning of how God is working through troubling events.

·     A philosophy to embrace chaos
o     Romans 14:17 – “for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.”
o     The world may be getting worse, but we can get better.
o     What we believe about our experiences shapes our perceptions, environments, and decisions.
o     If we can perceive the events of the world through God’s Word, we can powerfully understand and interpret what is happening.

·     There is more than one heaven
o     Genesis 1:1 – “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
o     The “shaking” of the world is not a problem,it is a promise.Hebrews 12:26-27 – “whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised saying, “Yet once more I shake not only the earth, but also heaven. . .that the things that cannot be shaken may remain.”
o     The shaking that is currently taking place on earth is a result of the heavens also being shaken by God.
o     The shaking that is currently taking place is happening in order to remove the things on earth that are preventing the Kingdom from being manifest.

o     This shaking provides an opportunity for us – who remain firm and standing – to be used by God.

·     Look up
o     Heaven is in the process of invading earth.
o     Luke 21:26-28 – men’s hearts are shaken by what is happening on the earth.  But, Jesus tells us this is a result of God moving, “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near (v.28)”
o     When God speaks, everything that is out of order is shaken up, while everything that is established in the Kingdom stands firm.
o     Everything that was created was created by God and for God.  “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers.”Colossians 1:16.  See alsoJohn 1:3 andRomans 11:36.
o     We need to pray for agreement into what God is doing, so that we can gain perspective and encouragement.
o     This prayer movement will provide opportunities for each of us to be used by God to reveal how He is manifesting on earth.
o     Get in a prayer flow with others, and get in agreement to understand what is happening on the planet and to be used by God.

Reflective Questions for Guard the Fire in Your Life

1.     Lance Wallnau indicated his own prayers sometimes focus more on his own immediate needs, rather than on gaining understanding about the bigger issues of how God is moving on the planet.   How much of your prayer time is devoted to gaining a heavenly perspective?  If you do pray for a heavenly perspective, do you also pray for insight into how you can be used?
2.     On the surface, there may seem to be a conflict between the peace & joy referenced inRomans 14:17 and the shaking of the earth referenced in Hebrews 12 and Luke 21.  How can peace and joy coexist with the earth’s shaking?
3.     Why is it best if we can organize ourselves into prayer teams to pray for perspective, instead of just individually doing so?
4.     Can you explain why the shaking of the world is not a problem but a promise?


onsdag 11 november 2015

Välj att se glaset halvfullt

November 5, 2015. In a day and age where so much mud-slinging, slander and malice is spreading like wildfire, be a catalyst for good. Be the standard bearer which believes and speaks the best toward people and the innate good within them. Oh sure, you can dig rather shallow sometimes and find negatives about anyone, but what good does that bring? Don't be a naysayer. Give people the benefit of the doubt and speak blessings instead of curses. Speak life.

Ephesians 4:29 (AMP) "Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak]." Kevin Robinson

tisdag 10 november 2015


Jag hittade detta citat idag som jag tycker är väldigt bra:

“If you want to go fast, go alone; If you want to go far, go together.”
Det är dags för delarna i Kristi kropp att fogas samman och börja fungera tillsammans. För "the time for the lonely wolf is over"!

måndag 2 november 2015

Vakna upp!

Dagens "Lion Bite" från Glasgow Prophetic Centre, :

Wake up my power in you

I am coming into your midst and I am calling you to wake up my power in you where it has lain dormant. I am empowering you to speak a word of waking which stirs my resurrection power to activate and rise up on the inside you. For you have cried out for power as if it was to be sent to you from a distance but know that I have made you one who carries inside of you the source of all power, my Spirit. So rather than crying out for me to send power you should decree an activation to the power that is already inside you.

The power to raise the dead, cast out demons, heal the sick and decree my word is waking up inside you. For these are the days where there will be such a surge of my power and my Spirit from the midst of you that you will not be able to help yourself express who I am through signs, wonders and miracles.

But know that with the power to heal and set free I am also releasing the power to innovate, invent, produce, create wealth, church plant, start businesses, parent, discover, advance, breakthrough, teach, communicate, promote, design, create and more. For my power has no boundaries and nothing can confine or fully express it.

Speak to the power I have already placed inside you. Expect it, call it forth, activate and stir it up. I am calling to an end the days of the perceived powerlessness of my people and I am activating the days of the rising of my power-filled people.

2 Timothy 1:6
For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.

2 Corinthians 13:4
For he was crucified in weakness, but lives by the power of God. For we also are weak in him, but in dealing with you we will live with him by the power of God.
Lion Bites are daily (Monday-Friday) prophetic words, written for your strengthening, encouragement and comfort by a team from Glasgow Prophetic Centre, headquarters of the International Network of Prophetic Centres. The International Network of Prophetic Centres is a charity and is entirely supported by gifts and donations from people like you: people who are passionate about the advancement of Christ and His Kingdom in the nations.

For advice on the best ways to receive and process a prophetic word, please read the simple list of Frequently Asked Questions on our website.
Copyright © 2015 International Network of Prophetic Centres, BUT PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COPY, PRINT, USE, SHARE OR PASS ON THESE LION BITES EMAILS!  

lördag 31 oktober 2015

Inbjudan till konferens om att vara kristen i arbetslivet

13-15 november 2015
Kungsportskyrkan, Huskvarna

Bland talarna:
Hans Weichbrodt, Ruth Nordström, Jan Sturesson, J. Gunnar Olson, Hans Jansson

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fredag 30 oktober 2015

Vi är din familj!

Ett vittnesbörd publicerat i den danska tidningen "Utfordringen":

Vi er din familie

Er du medlem af en kirke? Det spørgsmål lyder så koldt, som om Jesus kom, for at vi skulle blive medlem af en kirke, som en eller anden sportsklub.

Nej, Jesus ville at kirken skulle være en familie. En familie man blev født ind i, og familier har ikke medlemskab. Jeg tror, den første menighed virkelig var som en familie.
Vi siger, at blod er tykkere end vand, når det kommer til vores almindelige familie. Men jeg vil gå så langt at påstå, at ånd er tykkere end blod.
I mange år havde jeg kun oplevet kirken som en institution, man var medlem af, men nu har jeg fået lov at opleve kirken, som en familie og til det, må jeg bare sige ”Wow, sikke en forskel”. Kirken er jo en familie, hvor man elsker hinanden og lever sammen.

Läs fortsättningen här:

tisdag 20 oktober 2015

Var frimodig

Från Glasgow Prophetic Centre:

 Be Bold!

Don't just read this word, absorb its truth fully into your soul, spirit and body today, for you will need its truth to guide you today:
I hear Adonai say, 'Be bold in me! Have I not commanded you to be bold and courageous? I AM the Lord your God: come to me and trust in me. I will give you everything that you need for the situations you are facing for I AM creator God and I created the heavens and the Earth. I want to give you all that you need, this is my desire. 

Trust in me - open your mouth and I will fill it. I have the words you need; I have the wisdom you need. Ask me - I am a generous God. My ways are not your ways. Do not be afraid... come to me and ask for a 'Holy Boldness'. I AM all that you need. I have the wisdom and the words for every situation. Speak out truth and speak out life.'

Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Lion Bites are daily (Monday-Friday) prophetic words, written for your strengthening, encouragement and comfort by a team from Glasgow Prophetic Centre, headquarters of the International Network of Prophetic Centres. The International Network of Prophetic Centres is a charity and is entirely supported by gifts and donations from people like you: people who are passionate about the advancement of Christ and His Kingdom in the nations.
For advice on the best ways to receive and process a prophetic word, please read the simple list of Frequently Asked Questions on our website.

Inspirerande undervisning på samma tema från en profetisk-apostolisk konferens i Norge:


fredag 16 oktober 2015

Gudomliga sammanlänkningar

Från Lana Vawser,


The Lord is building bridges of favour leading His people to unexpected but glorious new relationships and places. Be on the lookout for the bridges, connections and networks He is building before you for they are leading to a new level of birthing and catapulting. These bridges are opening greater doors of divine destiny. Don’t be put off by “how they look” or “where you think” they are leading, follow the prompting of His Spirit for He is leading you into a glorious place where only He could get you.

onsdag 14 oktober 2015

Du har vad du behöver

Lion Bites daily prophetic word from Glasgow Prophetic Centre for 14 October 15

You have what you need

The Holy Spirit spoke by means of a dialogue between a believer - who could be any one of us - and God. Imagine yourself in this conversation:

You were saying to Him,
'I don’t have the right gifts or abilities to fulfil what you have asked of me, God. I am not capable, adequate or able to do what you have called me to do because I lack the necessary tools.'

As Father God listened to what you had to say He chuckled and then replied,
'My child, look inside you. Do not forget that when you received salvation that your spirit and my Spirit became one. Everything that I have, you now have access to, right in the inside of you. All power, gifts, strategies, solutions, peace and more do not need to be sent to you.. because you already have them - you just need to learn to pull them up and out.'

As He finished speaking He moved your head downwards so that you could see inside of yourself. There, inside you, was your spirit, dancing with the Holy Spirit and, in this dance, the Holy Spirit was giving to you all you need.

Today, God asks you, 'What do you need?'
You tell Him.
He asks you, 'Where can you find it?'
You answer, 'It is already inside me!'

All you require, you already have. You just need to learn to access and pull on it. Do not forget, as you move forward in these coming days, that you have access to all that you need. All required resource is not absent, nor is it far off. It is simply on the inside of you.

1 Corinthians 6:17
But the one who joins himself to the Lord is one spirit with Him.


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