torsdag 2 juli 2009

Vision: “A Bowl of Fire”

Vision: “A Bowl of Fire”

In April 2005 I saw a vision of a large bowl of fire (like in the Olympic Games). From it people were running out with torches with fire burning from them.

There was a constant stream of them. Then I saw coming behind them skeletons. These too were holding torches. On the burning torches there was written "the fire on the altar must never go out (Leviticus 6 v.13)".

The vision progressed. Now I saw the same bowl of fire but the people coming out of it were dressed like Roman soldiers in full battle dress - helmets, breastplates etc. In one hand they held burning torches, in the other hand a sword. The skeletons were the same.

Then the vision changed again. Now those who had come from the fire turned round towards the fire. From the fire rose a throne, on which was seated a king in full robes. The people bowed down to worship the king. As they did the light shone from the throne. The light touched the ground and made seed grow that had been previously planted. I saw small green shoots sprouting up and also fields of corn growing tall. I saw weeds that were planted among the corn shrivel and die and a hole appear in the black clouds above.

I asked God what the skeletons represented. He said that they represent those whose vision and dreams had died but would be rejuvenated in the fire. They are the spiritually dead - both those who are part of churches, even active and involved yet their passion has gone, and those who have chosen not to follow the Lord anymore. They would come forth victorious with renewed vision, passion and dreams.

This vision came to me a few weeks after being at the European Worship Tabernacle in Switzerland in March 2005. I believe that God is looking for those who will worship Him night and day across Europe. Many now describe Europe as the 'Dark Continent' and God is longing that His light return to it. In this vision as people worshipped the King of Kings the light pierced the darkness and new life came. Many breakthroughs will come as we simply worship the Lord all across Europe.

Related Scriptures:
-Ezekiel 37
-Revelation 5

Jeremy Gadd
April 2005
Gateway Ministries


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