tisdag 31 januari 2012

Förintelsens minnesdag i EU-parlamentet

On Tuesday 24 January the victims of the Holocaust were commemorated at a special event in the European Parliament in Brussels. The event was co-organized by the European Coalition for Israel.

söndag 29 januari 2012

Hoppfullt tecken

När jag var ute i trädgården igår så fick jag plötsligt se något märkligt. En helt frisk rosenknopp! Vi bor visserligen i en del av Sverige där det inte är som kallast, men den senaste tiden har det ändå varit ganska mycket snö, runt -5 garder på nätterna och ett par grader kallt på dagarna. Att denna rosenknopp kunnat överleva och se helt fräsch ut i denna kyla!

För mig blev det dock ett mycket hoppfullt tecken i en besvärlig situation och ett tecken på att mitt i allt som verkar vara fruset så finns det spirande liv. Herren har allt i sin hand och finns där med sitt liv även då omständigheterna ser besvärliga ut. Jag hoppas bilden kan ge dig samma uppmuntran och hopp!
All Guds välsignelse! /Barnabas

ps. Jag gick och funderade på vad den där rosen heter och kom på att den heter "the Pilgrim". För mig blev det namnet ännu mer talande i den situation som var!



fredag 27 januari 2012

I Ditt ansiktes ljus

Lyssna på texten i sången nedan...

Jag kommer som jag är, har ingenting att dölja.
Du har skapat mig och känner mig så väl.
På vacklande ben, men jag längtar att få följa
Du styrker mig och leder steg för steg.

Jag vill vara här! I ditt ansiktes ljus!
Låt mig präglas och bli en bild av dig!
Jag vill vara här! I ditt ansiktes ljus, reflektera ljuset ifrån dig. 

Vad innebär det att vara i Guds ansiktes ljus?
Micael Nilsson, Korskyrkan i Borås skriver så här i ett samtalsunderlag:

Ha en välsignad helg!/Barnabas

torsdag 26 januari 2012

"Det är som det är"

It Is What It Is! Again!


Från Rivers of Edens blogg, skrivet av Debra Westbrook:

"It is what it is. That statement reflects anyone's current reality. It is said when we reach that point where we think that nothing will change. Often I hear it said in negative terms. "Hey man just forget it! It is what it is!" or "You can't change that! It is what it is." or "Let it go man, it is what it is."

I don't buy into the cynicism of the world and neither should you. Cynicism leaves us without hope in the present let along any hope in the future. Things do change and they do shift when we trust solely in the Lord to BE Lord of our lives. He is our hope! He is our future and He is everything. In the midst of the chaos of the prevailing world conditions, I believe Christians are to be the hope, the solace, the comfort, the passion, the future and the destiny imparted into another's life by giving them Jesus Christ. The reality of Jesus Christ, nothing less than reality.

It is what it is denies the reality of the hope that resides in Jesus Christ. That statement denies our future in Christ. Jesus Himself tells us that our hope and future is in Him. Statements that deny the reality of life in Christ are to be denied vehemently within each of us who profess to be Christians. It is time to walk in the opposing spirit of the world which denies anything having to do with Jesus Christ. It is called Anti-Christ for that reason.

So, what to do? It is all about focus. Words form our atmosphere. How many times do we really need to hear that one? Spoken words define the atmosphere for there is power in the tongue. So when others speak words without hope and without life, we refute each and every word by speaking forth not what is but WHAT IS IN CHRIST. It takes a conscience effort on your part and on my part for we have been trained and raised up in a world of cynicism, sarcasm, narcissism and so much more.Each time someone tries to define your life by its current situation by their cynical outlook on life saying "Hey lady, it is what it is!" I say "No it is what it is IN CHRIST." And that is what forms my universe and my life. Now don't think I don't have bad days where the world presses in. Of course I do! That may be what it is and what it looks like but I find that when I come to Him and spend time with Him, He changes the what is to WHAT HE SAYS IT IS."

måndag 23 januari 2012

Bönenätverk Stockholm

Ett nytt bönenätverk har skapats i Stockholm!  "Bönenätverk Stockholm" är ett samarbete mellan Aglow International och XP Media. Det glädjer mig att förebedjarnätverket nu blir ännu större där. Någon sa att för att vinna landet andligt sett så måste man vinna huvudstaden. Hur det än är med den saken så ser jag detta som ett välkommet initiativ och önskar er Guds rikaste välsignelse! /Barnabas
Adressen till deras hemsida är:http://bonenatverksthlm.se/ och detta är den vision man har:
- vill vara ett böneinitiativ som samlar bedjare för att se en förändring i Stockholm och Sverige
- vi vill resa upp ett folk som väktare på muren i vår stad och land
- vi vill be för falska läror som smyger sig in bland Guds folk
- vi vill be för upprättelse av Guds folk i Stockholm och Sverige
- vi vill be så att resultatet blir omvändelse bland sekulariserade stockholmare/svenskar
- vi vill samarbeta med alla bedjare och andra bönenätverk i Stockholm
Du kan läsa mer om deras vision genom att läsa denna artikel: 

Flytta på berget!

Jag lyssnade idag på en väldigt bra predikan där David Wilkerson talar kring otro och om vi har ett sådant "berg" i våra liv så behöver det flyttas. Otro bedrövar Guds hjärta och orsakar honom smärta. Gud tar inte lätt på otro. När vi går genom svårigheter så kommer vi inte så sällan till slut till den punkten när vi uttömt alla möjligheter och vi ber då bönen som Jesus bad i Getsemane "ske inte min vilja, utan din". Segern kommer när vi är absolut övertygade om Guds kärlek och att Han har den bästa lösningen för oss och hela situationen.    

Predikan heter "Moving your mountain" och hölls den 22 maj 2008:

Källa: http://www.worldchallenge.org/en/node/4773?src=devo-email

fredag 20 januari 2012


Just nu pågår en samling för att minnas Wannsee-konferensen i Berlin. 
Den 20 januari 1942 samlades 15 Nazi-ledare i en villa utanför Berlin för att koordinera den sk "slutliga lösningen". Det var ett försök att utrota hela den judiska befolkningen i Europa. Sjuttio år senare möts kristna från Tyskland, Europa och andra delar världen för att besluta hur man tillsammans kan intensifiera kampen mot det förnekande av Förintelsen och den antisemitism som finns i vår tid. Representanter från Israels regering och Europaparlamentet deltar också.

Läs mer på ECI´s hemsida härECI om Wannsee-konferensen

Idag har det också hållit en minnescermoni med anledning av Wannsee-konferansen för 70 år sedan vid Förintelsemuséet Yad Vashem i Jerusalem:

"On Friday, a delegation of prominent German and Austrian Christian leaders gathered under the auspices of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem for remembrance ceremonies at Yad Vashem marking the 70th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference, the infamous meeting of Nazi officials which plotted the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.”
The high-ranking Christian delegation included a broad array of 70 pastors and ministry leaders representing all the Protestant and Evangelical movements of Germany and Austria, including Lutherans, Pentecostals, Charismatics, Baptists, Methodists, Mennonites, Pietists, and Adventists."

I morgon kommer Bönenätverk Stockhokm - Det gäller din stad att ha en bönesamling där man kommer att be för Israel. Aglows nationella böneledare skriver så här i dokumentet

Hela mänsklighetens skuld inför Gud.
Bön för Israel den 21 januari 2012

"Nazisterna, Tyskland och hela Europa stängde dörren för de judiska flyktingarna, historiskt sett står också alla religionsföreträdare, kristna, katoliker, ortodoxa och muslimer bakom skuldprojiceringen mot det judiska folket.
Den rättfärdiggörelse av alla de samlade attacker som skett historien igenom mot judarna kommer att avslöjas som orättfärdighet, när Han som dömer rättvist träder fram.
Jesus blev världens syndabock, Han bar allas vår synd och skuld, så att den som bekänner och
omvänder sig från synden kan bli fri.
När vi ber om förlåtelse för att vi har rättfärdiggjort oss på andras bekostnad, i den här fallet på det judiska folkets bekostnad, leder det både till vår och deras befrielse"

Läs hela texten här:

onsdag 18 januari 2012

tisdag 17 januari 2012

Nordisk bönekonferens, Dragör



Den sista helgen i mars (31 mars -1 april) kommer det att vara en bönekonferens på Frälsningsarméns kursgård "Baggersminde" i Dragör utanför Köpenhamn då bedjare kommer samman från alla de nordiska länderna.

Från inbjudan:

"Nordic Prayer Convocation In "Baggersminde», Dragoer / Cph. Saturday 31st March - Sunday 1st April 2012
Theme: "The nations shall serve Him" Daniel 7.14

The Nordic Prayer Conference is held in continuation of the EU of Prayer’s Conference to be held the same place from Tuesday 27th - 30th. March 2012 chaired By Ortwin Schweitzer, Germany and Peter Artman, Sweden.

Both Conferences are open. Leaders and intercessors alike from all the Nordic Countries as well as other interested are welcome.
Accommodation in "Baggersminde" or in Hotel of your own choice."

Mer info finns här: Nordisk bönekonferens

fredag 13 januari 2012

Att höra Guds röst

”It's only when you hear the living words of Jesus that you'll get the unselfish energy to accomplish His works. Then, what you do for Him will be done in the spirit of peace with sensitivity and mercy towards others.”

Så introduceras denna klara och tydliga undervisning om att höra Guds röst. 
Det är en pdf-fil som du kan spara ner på din dator eller skriva ut:


onsdag 11 januari 2012

Doctors pray for patients in Western Ukraine

Doctors pray for patients in Western Ukraine

Prayer meetings for doctors and medical staff are taking place in St. Jehoshaphat Church in Lviv, Western Ukraine, reports The Christian Telegraph in reference to The Ukrainian Greek- Catholic Church website and credo-ua.org. Such cooperation of clergy and medics is called to help patients that are in need of healing. The meetings were founded by Father Vladimir Gruz who, while studying in Austria, took a great interest in the idea of one doctor, who started a prayer group with her staff. ’Although medicine in the West has an abundance of resources, doctors understood that they are merely instruments in God’s hands and, without Him, these doctors could not treat patients,’ notes Father Vladimir. He adopted this Western practice for Ukraine in light of the mass violations of patient rights and late medical aid, leading to cases of death and disability in the country.

Praise: God for the prayers of the doctors and that He would heal those who are in need. (Lk. 9:2)

Källa: http://www.openheaven.com/forums/forum_posts.asp?TID=38512&PN=1&TPN=1

tisdag 10 januari 2012

Arise Europe! George E. Markakis

George E. Markakis var en av talarna på European convocation i Prag i början av december förra året. http://europeanconvocation.com/

Han är pastor i "Shalom center" i Aten och också ledare för "Gatekeepers of Europe"
Se http://www.cdrm.org/CDRM/ och http://gatekeepersofeurope.com/

Hans budskap berörde många av oss och budskapet finns som pdf fil här: 'ARISE EUROPE Pastor George E Markakis
och ljudfil: Här
Högerklicka på "Här" och spara filen på din dator genom att klicka på "spara som". Välj plats på din dator där du vill spara den.
Guds välsignelse! /Barnabas

File:Europe with flags.png

måndag 9 januari 2012

The recompense begins!

Henry Falcone - 2012 THE RECOMPENSE BEGINS!

Henry J.Falcone on 12/28/2011
Flame of Fire Ministries

Beloved of the Lord,

As I came to the office this morning praying in tongues most of the way here, the Lord dropped in my heart the word recompense. Three times He said, "recompense, recompense, recompense" in my spirit.

I usually don't generally write words of this kind. Not because I won't, but because of it is not the "type of communication" that the Lord and I have very often. So please allow the Spirit of God to test and prove these words whether they are from Him or not.

Since I heard it spoken three times within my Spirit, I pondered of what that meant. Here is what I believe I heard from the Holy Spirit. The Lord was about to bring recompense to "His bride to be who are making themselves ready for Him," "then to the Church at large", and "then to the nations of the world. I then proceeded to look up the meaning of the word and their were three distinct definitions that seem to fit each group of people.

The definition of the word recompense means:(to make amends to those who suffered loss or harm; pay or reward someone for an effort; punish or reward someone appropriately for an action according to their doings.)

The first three months of 2012 the Lord is going to begin to bring divine recompense in 3 unique ways and to three unique groups of people. The first is going to come to those "who are making themselves read as a Bride as found in Rev.19:7. (This is the church within a a church, the Peter, James and Johns who were separated from the 12 to go up the mount of transfiguration." The second group would be the "church proper" "daughters of Jerusalem as in Song of Solomon. (This would be what we would call the "traditional understanding of church life, going to church, doing a ministry, etc) The third group would be for the nations of the world.

The Lord is not showing me what the recompense will look like, but I am gaining some understanding to the three types of recompense that is going to come forward. This He indicated to me by speaking the word to me 3 times. Each time I heard the same word, it had three different meanings to it, to the three groups of people. For over a year the Lord has had things revealed to me in time as threes, like 5:55, or 2:22 or grouping of three's.

Läs fortsättningen här:

Läs tilltalet som utskriftsvänlig pdf genom att klicka på länken nedan:

fredag 6 januari 2012

Preparing for a Fruitful 2012

Jewels from Judy: Preparing for a Fruitful 2012
A personal letter from my heart to yours
Judy Bauman
December 29, 2011
As I have thought about 2011, I’ve wondered – could I have done more? Could I have loved God more? What about my neighbors? Could I have loved them more? Could I have fed more children or gone to more places to share the Father’s love? I also questioned if I could have managed with less in order to give more.  Perhaps you have felt this way too, but if we look too long at our own abilities and the lack therein, we can easily drown in a sea of regrets. While it can be helpful to glance in the rearview mirror while driving, if you fix your gaze there, you will soon crash your car. We have to look forward. Paul the apostle taught us that while he had not yet attained it, he worked to forget the things of the past and press on to the high calling in Christ Jesus. (See Phil 3:12-14). 
If we study out the Scriptures we can see that all the great men and women of the Bible had doubts in their abilities – like most of us do. Praise God, our Father doesn’t focus on where we fall short, but on His ability to help us reach that high calling. God’s promises are “Yes” in Christ Jesus so that we can answer Him, “Amen” to the glory of our Father. (See 2 Co 1:20) God already knew our weaknesses before He called us His children. His amazing love covers all our sin and He joyfully invites us to into His kingdom. God’s kingdom – our true home – is everlasting. Hallelujah!   
It is my heart’s desire to only do what the Father tells me to do and only say what the Father tells me to say. (See John 8:27-29) This isn’t an easy thing! Is this your desire too? How can we know what God is telling us to do or not to do? How can we know what He wants us to say? The Lord has called each of us to spend time in His presence. Why? So we know – KNOW the voice of our Savior and Friend. In this world of mixed messages and multiple voices which contend for our hearts, we must be able to recognize our Shepherd’s voice so we can follow Jesus wholeheartedly.  He calls us first to be still and know that He is God! We can’t do that running here, there and everywhere. Being still may seem like we’re doing “nothing” but this is the biggest “something” we can do! The only way to learn His voice is to spend time with Jesus and allow His Holy Spirit, the Promise of the Father, to teach us. It is the only way we can do what He tells us to do and say what He tells us to say.
Too many Christians pray for God to carry out their will. Jesus taught us to pray the Father’s will to be done, and not only did He teach it in the Lord’s Prayer, but obeyed it to the point of death. Because of His obedience all mankind has a road back home to the Father! If we will line up our will with God’s, I believe great things can be accomplished through each and every one of us in Christ. 
It is important to note that good works can be the enemy of God’s best. It’s easy to get drawn into a project or mission that we aren’t called to do when we surrender ourselves to man’s will instead of the Father’s. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of some “good” work and being miserable because you weren’t called to do it. I speak from experience.  The Lord knows how to lift His anointing and grace on a project we’ve signed up to do – especially when He’s called us to another work. The prophet Jonah comes to mind! If we wait to hear our Father’s heart, we will be waiting for His best for our lives. I am not saying it will be easy, there is also a battle to carry out His orders, but there is deep peace and joy that comes to our hearts when we are walking in His perfect will. We are more than conquerors in Christ. (See Romans 8:37) In realizing this, we must be cautious to do only what God has called us to do.  Let wisdom be justified by her children!
As many of you have sensed, 2011 has been a year of pruning and for many it’s been difficult to endure. The Lord did give warning of this pruning in a prophetic word that was released in 2009* with the hope of a great harvest in 2012.  In reminding ourselves what was said, we can each personally seek God’s direction for 2012. May you find this coming year to be one of great spiritual fruitfulness. 
There is a great expectation for 2012 and the work God has called us to do. If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please consider us in your giving. Contributions dated by December 31, 2011 will receipted for 2011 taxes (USA). You may contribute online by credit card at www.thefathersloveim.org or send a check or money order to:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May you be blessed by the Father’s love throughout the coming year!
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman

Källa: utskick från www.thefathersloveim.org 

torsdag 5 januari 2012

Herrens förrådshus tar sig olika uttryck

Kristna bönders hemsida http://kristnabonder.se/ finns två mycket intressanta profetiska tilltal:

Profetia från 990710


Profetia från 100731

Klicka på länkarna, läs och pröva, skriv ut och spara!


File:Grangarde magasin.jpg

onsdag 4 januari 2012

Kan vi lära något av grodor?

agalychnis callidryas,amfibier,detaljer,Fotolia,grodor,klippor,makro,närbild,natur,ögon,rödögd trädgroda,trädgroda,tropiker
Den här lilla historien om några grodungar som ville ordna en tävling för att nå toppen på ett torn fick jag som en julhälsning från en kvinna som aldrig ger upp. Hon är verkligen ett föredöme på området.
Så just för att jag fick den från henne gjorde att jag började fundera lite mer kring  berättelsen. Jag började reflektera över hur uthållig jag själv är på livets alla områden.

Söker man i Folkbibeln online så dyker ordet "uthållig" upp 32 gånger. Paulus säger bla i: 

2 Tess 3:5 
Må Herren leda era hjärtan in i Guds kärlek och Kristi uthållighet.


1 Tim 6:11 
Men du gudsman, håll dig borta från sådant! Sträva efter rättfärdighet, gudsfruktan, tro, kärlek, uthållighet och ödmjukhet.

och i Hebréerbrevet står det:

Hebr 12:1 

När vi alltså har en så stor sky av vittnen omkring oss, låt oss då lägga bort allt som tynger, och särskilt synden 
som snärjer oss så hårt, och löpa uthålligt i det lopp som vi har framför oss.

Här kan du läsa alla bibelställen om uthållighet: 

Jag funderade också på vem jag lyssnar på och tar råd ifrån. Vem lyssnar du på? Och vad lyssnar du på? Är det så att vi ibland lyssnar mer på människors åsikter och tyckande än på Herren? Varför det så i så fall? 

I Psalm 111 står det:

Ps 111:10

Att frukta HERREN är början till vishet, ett gott förstånd får alla som handlar därefter. Hans lov varar i evighet.

och i Ordspråksboken:

Ords 1:7 
Att frukta HERREN är början till kunskap, men vishet och förmaning föraktas av dåren.

Ords 2:6
Ty det är HERREN som ger vishet, från hans mun kommer kunskap och förstånd.

Ords 9:10
Att frukta HERREN är början till vishet, att känna den Helige är förstånd.

Ords 15.33
HERRENS fruktan fostrar till vishet, och ödmjukhet föregår ära

Ords 21:30
Ingen vishet, inget förstånd, inget råd förmår något mot HERREN.

och i Jesaja:

Jes 11:2
Över honom skall HERRENS Ande vila, Anden med vishet och förstånd, Anden med råd och styrka, Anden 
med kunskap och fruktan för HERREN.

Jes 33:6
Han skall vara din framtids säkra grund, rik på frälsning, vishet och kunskap. HERRENS fruktan skall vara Sions skatt.


Jag tänker också på en annan anekdot, den om den kokande grodan. Att om man lägger en 
groda i kallt vatten och sätter på värmen så märker den inte att vattnet blir varmare förrän det
är för sent. Vilket inte hade kunnat gå om man lagt den i redan kokande vatten. Och min 
fundering är, Är detta en bild för oss kristna i Sverige idag? 
Vänjer vi oss långsamt vid vissa saker så att vi till slut riskerar att hamna i samma situation som
grodan som läggs i kallt vatten?
Om det är så vill jag blåsa ett kraftfullt ”wake up call” så att alla ”grodor” OMEDELBART hoppar 
ur alla kastruller och blir ”grodor på väg” !



tisdag 3 januari 2012

Uppmaning och uppmuntran

THE TRUMPET by Bill Burns--01/03/12:
I want you to join the revolution. Down with tired and worn out religious exercise. When I came to the earth I came with a sword. I came with a sword to bring a separation between the flesh and the spirit; between that which is alive and that which is dead. In like manner you must also start a spiritual revolution within yourself. Cut off dry and dead religious exercise that does not profit you. Sow to the Spirit and you will catch fire and you will become a flaming torch--a light of brightness that will light the path before you. The path of light will lead you into the glory of My presence. And, in the process of this I will reveal to you the hidden mysteries. I will show you more clearly than you have ever seen before the destiny that is yours. Indeed, I have already provided for you, but as it unfolds you will see My goodness. So, position yourself, and set yourself, so that you may gain all that I have purposed for you in this time, says the Lord God Almighty.
SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns--01/03/12:
The battle has been fierce and the demands on your life have been great, even weighing you down at times. But, I want you to lift up your eyes. Look to the heights and remember that I am your help in times of trouble. I want you to take flight in the Spirit and rise above the things that have kept you earthbound. Put your complete hope and trust in Me, says the Lord. I will cause your heart to sing again. 
Psalm 121:1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the hills-From whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The LORD is your keeper; The LORD is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.
January 3, 2011. It is time to let the past go behind you. For too long you have harbored hurt, pain and unforgiveness. You have and are still allowing somewhat silly and senseless events to dictate your emotions, actions and thought patterns. Would you, could you decide to not allow the past to affect your present? The things you see as negative are hindering your progress. Allow Holy Spirit to work and have His way with you. Learn from the past. I have allowed certain things to take place to refine you and bring you to where you are at this very moment. Make peace with the past and walk in My peace from here forward.

Philippians 3:13-14 (NASB) "Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Kevin Robinson 

Källa: www.fullnessonline.org

"What The Lord Is Saying Today," © Fullness In Christ Ministries, Inc.,

Permission is granted for non-commericial use to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep the date of the word, "What The Lord Is Saying Today," and the author's name (Ras and/or Bev Robinson) intact and include this entire copyright notice.  For any other use, please contact us at: info@fullnessnetwork.net.

måndag 2 januari 2012

Jesus helar en förlamad kvinna

Netherlands: Jesus heals paralyzed woman

Dutch Christians praying for visitors of an esoteric fair, 
reported a remarkable healing this month. A woman in an electric 
wheelchair, who was paralyzed over half her body, was completely healed 
when prayed for in Jesus’ name. Her brother captured her healing on 
video and followed her during several days to see how she would fare. 
Gradually all her body functions came back...

Läs mer: 

OBS! Läs också texten under Youtube-klippet!

söndag 1 januari 2012

2012 A Year of Great Harvest

Jewels from Judy: 2012 A Year of Great Harvest
Judy Bauman
December 31, 2011
2012 A Year of Great HarvestCome to theTable of My Delight!         
A word of encouragement and hope from the Father’s heart to yours
“As many of you have sensed, 2011 has been a year of pruning and though it’s been difficult to endure, I Am a God of hope! With pruning comes a sweet and bountiful harvest.”*
“It was also a year to see the leaven of heaven rise! My leaven brings a lightening of your load. My leaven brings a flavorful taste of heaven. Taste and see that Your Lord is good. My mercy really does endure forever. My loving-kindness surrounds your daily walk. 
“Many have cried to Me to end the pain of the pruning, but once you have been pruned it is time for healing.  Then will come a season of growth. I Am the Author and Finisher of your faith and am more interested in developing your character than anything else; and that comes when you persevere in tribulation. This will instill a hope in you that no one can take so that no matter what is going on in the world around you, you will not be disappointed!
“I love you. Do you truly believe that – even though I have not rushed to bring you out of the circumstance that has caused you pain? Do you see I’ve systematically exposed the leaven in your life that has contradicted My plan for you? 
“I warned to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. This is the leaven that causes religious people to puff up with the hot air of self-importance. Legalism is the wellspring of pride, arrogance and elitism.  These believe they are high and mighty. This is what causes their noses to physically go up in the air and look down on others expecting them to live up to their standards.  I Am the Standard! 
“I warned to beware of the leaven of the Sadducees for their religion is founded in error. Like the Pharisees they think they have it right, but they are scripturally wrong. They lead others into error and sin. I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one can come to the Father except through Me,” says the Lord.
“I warned to beware of the leaven of Herod – that is to say, THE WORLD’S SYSTEM. His was the fleshly way of doing things. He was thirsty for power and never was satiated. He always wanted more, but was continually lacking. The governments of this world are like rivers in My hand. As you have seen world leaders’ fall this past year, you will see Me move in ways that are unprecedented. What I will do in the coming days will be undeniable – though some will do their best to refute that it’s Me. The earth is the LORD’S as are those who dwell therein.
“If you have allowed the Leaven of Heaven from twenty-eleven (2011) to be worked into your hearts, you will see more from the Third Heaven in the coming days. If not, ask Me, and I will help you make up for lost time. My desire is to show you My perspective as I see things much differently than you do. I have unusual battle plans and strategies to release. My perspective on world events will allow you to see beyond what is happening on earth and prepare you for a harvest which will increase in and beyond twenty-twelve. I have a hope and a future for you. I Am the God who sees.
“The time of times is upon you. If you look up, you can see the rising of the water. I gave a sign through a surfer who gloriously rode a 90’ wave. What I said through that specific event was that the wave is upon you and it will soon be time to ride it. Position yourself! Position yourself! Position yourself!”
·         Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine for your light has come! The glory of the LORD is risen upon you.
“Keep doing the things I have asked you to do. Keep studying. Keep seeking Me. Stop condemning yourself and watch the shackles fall off. Stay by My side and you will know what you need to do. Keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes on Me.
“Watch and see what I do in this day and hour. Eye has not seen what I will do. Have I not spoken it? I will surely cause it to come to pass. All will be surprised. Some will be delighted, but more will be in terror because they’ve failed to understand.
“It is my desire that you bring more people to the Table of My Delight. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”
Forever your,
Scriptures to ponder: Matt 11:28-30; 13:33; 16:6; Mark 8:15; Romans 5:1-5; 12:1-2; Hebrews 4:16; 12:1-2; Jeremiah 29:11-14a
Ministry Note: There is a great expectation for ministry – which is sharing the Father’s love to nations. The Lord asks who will go and my heart’s cry is “send me!” I am particularly seeing all of Europe (especially where the “ground” has been very rocky, thorny, barren difficult to plow) becoming fertile and workable soil for the Kingdom of God. The people of Europe are as clay in the Potter’s hand! If this ministry has been a blessing to you, please sow into this work. You may contribute online by credit card atwww.thefathersloveim.orgor send a check or money order to:
The Father’s Love Int’l Ministries
P. O. Box 1573
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
May you be blessed by the Father’s love throughout the coming year!
Sincerely your sister and co-laborer in Christ Jesus,
Rev. Judy Bauman