torsdag 27 september 2012

Keep Jerusalem United

Keep Jerusalem United

Please pray for the nations as they enter “the Valley of Decision” at the UN from 25th September-1st October
We call upon all believers to fast and pray for Israel from Rosh Hashanah (evening of 16th September) to Yom Kippur (26th September)

The United Nations will have its Annual Debate of the General Assembly from September 25 – October 1, when all 193 member states will gather in New York to be faced with a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state. In the next few months your nation will have to decide if it will accept the creation of a new Islamic state in the Middle East with the Old City of Jerusalem (East Jerusalem) as its capital.
At the same time Israel is facing both the threat of a chemical weapons attack from Syria and a nuclear Iran. At the UN General Assembly all these threats will converge as the nations will be faced with the choice to either stand up for Israel or join her enemies.

Biblical context
The Bible speaks of a point in time when "all the nations" will gather against Jerusalem and when the Lord will intervene and judge the nations. (Joel 3:1-3) The judgment will come because they - the nations - have divided up His land (Israel) and dispersed His people (The Jews). Furthermore, the New Testament (Matthew 25: 31-46) speaks of a coming judgment of the nations, based on how they have treated "these least of my brothers". We are now entering a time when the world community is trying to divide Jerusalem and disperse those Jews who are living in the biblical heartland of Israel.
This period coincides with the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah (September 16th) and Yom Kippur (September 26th). Rosh Hashanah marks a day of judgment whereas Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year for the Jews. The Israeli Prime Minister will deliver his most important speech ever in the UN the day after Yom Kippur!

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Israels premiärministers tal finns här

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En Profetia om Jerusalem och Profetens(Elias)kommande -

Jerusalem The Hinge Pin
Rev Heather Butler Revivalist/Psalmist
Hidden Treasures Ministries Intl

Jerusalem is the Hinge Pin, and belongs to the Lord, Israel does not belong to another!

woe to those who divide Jerusalem , who cry out for division. Their own governments will be filled with unrest and heads will fall.

Go back, go back to the book of Psalms look again, remind yourselves of my covenants. Psalm 111 and Deut 10:12 Psalm 96 :9

He has given food and provision to those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, He will remember His covenant forever and imprint it on His mind.

He has declared and shown to His people the power of His works in giving them the heritage of the nations of Canaan.
The works of His hands are absolute truth and justice faithful and right, and all His decrees and precepts are sure, fixed and established and trustworthy.

They stand fast and are established for ever and ever and are done in absolute faith and uprightness.

The reverent fear and worship of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and skill.

These are not just words written in a book, these are commands and promises that will not be broken. They are active words that have brought life and fruitfulness to those who lived them out, but destruction to those who defied them reducing the fruitful place once again to a barren wasteland.

A prophet of truth is being prepared for Israel who will speak with a voice unshaken and unmoved by leaders of nations, a prophet who will dare to speak as Elijah did, who leads Israel into repentance and out of bondage away from ways that were not Godly.

Israel the lord calls you back and draws you to himself once again. The Messiah will come as a warrior king, fierce in His love of you.

You have gone your own way and left the pathway of truth, turn back to the ancient foundations that were laid before the beginning and established and rooted for all time.

Turn to the Lord in this hour and He will turn to you.
You Rabbis and Teachers of the law prepare yourselves for the drawing back of the veil.

Israel is not shamed, rather Israel has learned much about the enemy that terrorizes and intimidates.
The one true G-d calls you, those already chosen by Him for victory.
This is not a time of defeat, but a time to recognise what it will take to defeat the enemies of Israel In the future
Call upon the Lord whilst He will be found.

This is key to you, call upon His name, call out to the one bruised for your transgressions the Messiah the One true G-d.
He will thunder from the heavens and come to your aid.
Your stones are ever before Him, crying at the wall, He will deliver you.

Arne Strand.

Anonym sa...

Samma Årofet som i Kommentar nr 1 ovan ?
I så fall kommer inte Profeten(Elia)Ensam utan -Those who are with Him -

Arne Strand.

Anonym sa...

Jämför med kommentar 2 ovan.

Johannes Uppenbarelse kap 19 versarna -

11. Och jag såg himmelen öppen och fick där se en vit häst; och
mannen som satt på den heter »Trofast och sannfärdig», och han
dömer och strider i rättfärdighet.
12. Hans ögon voro såsom eldslågor, och på sitt huvud bar han många
kronor och hade ett namn där skrivet, som ingen känner utom han
13. Och han var klädd i en mantel som var doppad i blod; och det
namn han har fått är »Guds Ord».
14. Och honom följde, på vita hästar, de himmelska härskarorna,
klädda i fint linne, vitt och rent.
15. Och från hans mun utgick ett skarpt svärd, varmed han skulle slå
folken. Och han skall styra dem med järnspira; och han trampar
Guds, den Allsmäktiges, stränga vredes vinpress.
16. Och på sin mantel, över sin länd, har han detta namn skrivet:
»Konungarnas konung och herrarnas herre.»

Kommentarer -
Hans Kropp äro Vi som äro Församlingen-
Någon är HANS MUN i Denna Församling -
Här den Universella Församlingen.

Arne Strand.