lördag 4 juni 2011

Eileen Fisher - Powerless within yourself‏

Eileen Fisher - Powerless within yourself

4 juni

"The Lord says, “I am looking for a people who are hungry. I am looking for a people who will be open to receive. I am looking for a people who will lay down their lives and follow Me. I am looking for a people who will pick up My power and spread that power and bring Me all praise and bring Me all glory. I am looking for a people who will humble themselves and exalt Me so that I could bring forth My glory upon My broken people.

“I am looking for a people who will call upon My Name and as they call upon My Name, they will be identified within My Name. I am looking for a people who will come in My Name and will be sent in My Name and who will receive in My Name and who will bid others to go in My Name. I am looking for a people who will proclaim My Name. I am looking for a people who feel even at time their name has been stripped away, that My Name will never be stripped away. I am looking for a people who will be loyal through testing, through trials, through triumph.

“I am looking for a people who will lay down all and follow Me. Ambition, pride, fear, disappointment, unbelief, doubt, discouragement. I am looking for a people who will have the heart of Job for I understand how painful it is to understand to be slain. Now I want to raise Myself a people stronger who will understand the gain of My resurrection and take the knowledge of the gain of My resurrection and heal the pain of My people. I am looking for a people to carry all that Heaven has gained and spread it forth and proclaim that I have not only died, but I have rose again. I am looking for a people to carry the power of My resurrection with humility, with a contrite and a broken heart and a broken spirit to where they can have My heart, My heartbeat, My heart desire. I am looking for a people to exchange their heart for My heart, their power for My power. I am looking for a people powerless within themselves, but powerful in My Spirit,” says the Lord your God.

Love and Blessing, Eileen"

källa: http://fletchwhipp.com/2011/06/04/eileen-fisher-powerless-within-yourself/

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