tisdag 26 juni 2007

Ett ord om väckelse i Sverige

Ett ord om väckelse i Sverige
(Del av ett längre tilltal, se nederst)

"En vän till mig kom just tillbaka från möten i Sverige och skrev till mig idag (14 juni 2007) på tillskyndan av den Helige Ande. Hon berättade hur den Helige Ande hade rört sig med enorm kraft under hennes möten i landet Sverige. Jag vet inte varför Herren ville att hon skulle kontakta mig, men jag bad över detta samtidigt som jag lagade mat åt familjen. Jag kunde inte låta bli att se att köttbullarna som jag skulle sätta in i ugnen, bar märket "Sveriges Krona!"

Så fort jag såg den meningen fick jag en vision om hur Jesus vandrade in i Sverige. Jag såg nationens lätt igenkännliga blå och gula flagga, och hur svenska folket lade ut en röd matta för att välkomna Kungars Kung. Han bara kom! Jag frågade Herren om vad Sverige hade gjort för att få en gudomlig besökelse, och Anden svarade mjukt: ’ Ingenting. Det är Sveriges tid.’ Jag fick ett starkt intryck av att det skulle bryta ut en väckelse i Sverige, och att den skulle vara i minst tre år. Jag tror att varje nation har gudomligt utsedd tid och period av besökelse, och att Sverige nu är inne i sin väckelsetid.

Fader, i det välsignade namnet Jesus Kristus är vi eniga om att det ska utgjutas väckelse i Sverige. Vi ber att en ande av visdom och uppenbarelse ska utgjutas över Sveriges Konung och Drottning: Över den svenska riksdagen och över alla med inflytande så att de ska de ska kunna ta hand om detta. Vi kallar på arbetare till skörden och vi kröner dig, dyre Jesus, som Kung av Sverige! Tack Fader för alla vittnesbörd som kommer från detta land i Ditt Stora Namn."
Catherine Brown
Founder, Gatekeepers Global MinistriesEmail: admin@gatekeepers.org.uk
översättning "Yardsight"
Det fullständiga tilltalet:

June 22, 2007

A friend who has just returned from ministering in Sweden wrote to me today (6/14/07) on a prompt from the Holy Spirit. She shared how the Holy Spirit had moved in tremendous power during her ministry trip in the nation of Sweden. I wasn't sure why the Lord had prompted her to contact me but I was quietly praying about what that might mean as I prepared our family's evening meal. I couldn't help but notice that the meatballs I was opening up to heat on the stove were in a packet marked "Crown of Sweden!"

As soon as I saw this phrase, I had a vision of Jesus walking into Sweden. I saw the instantly recognizable blue and yellow flag of the nation, and the Swedish people were laying out a red carpet to welcome the King of Kings--He was just walking in! I asked the Lord what had Sweden done to enter into revival visitation, and the Spirit replied gently, "Nothing. It's Sweden's time." I received a strong impression that revival is about to break out in Sweden, and that it will last three years. I believe that each nation has a divinely appointed time and season of visitation, and that Sweden is upon her revival timeline.

Father, in the blessed name of Jesus Christ, we agree for an outpouring of revival in Sweden. Father, we ask that there will be spontaneous conversions--as it was during the 1939 and 1949 Lewis revivals (Scotland) in the highways and by-ways--as Your angels are dispatched in Sweden, and as preachers rise up to speak with apostolic grace, authority and compassion to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Father, we thank You for loving Sweden and for releasing miracles, signs, wonders and salvations. We decree Kingdom visitation upon Sweden and we open up the gates for Your glory to fall. We pray for a spirit of wisdom and revelation to be poured out upon the Swedish King and Queen; upon the Swedish Parliament and upon all others in positions of influence and authority in Sweden in order that they may be good stewards of this precious Kingdom outpouring. We call forth the labourers for the harvest in Sweden and we crown You King of Sweden, precious Jesus! Thank You, Father, for all the testimonies that are coming out of this land to Your Great Name.

I see this revival in Sweden gaining national and international media attention. I see many children and youth being caught up in Heavenly visitations and a phenomenal outpouring of prophetic utterance on the Swedish people. I see miracle meetings in the land with huge numbers of conversions and healings with creative miracles as part of the blessing.
Father, in Jesus' name, we pray for the five-fold ministry to be raised up in Sweden to help equip and disciple all these new disciples of all ages, that we receive by faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

I also see that surrounding nations will be touched by the holy fires of revival lit in Sweden. Prayerfulness will sweep across Sweden and affect neighbouring lands. Hallelujah!
The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come, Lord Jesus!"

Catherine Brown

Founder, Gatekeepers Global MinistriesEmail: admin@gatekeepers.org.uk

fredag 22 juni 2007


Något av det svenskaste vi kan tänka oss är väl det svenska midsommarfirandet. Men firandet har sina rötter i hedniska offerfester i fruktsamhetens tecken när asa-gudarna tillbads.
Hedendomen, med all form av tillbedjan av materialism/droger/sex-omoral, är en modern form av Baalsdyrkan. Midsommarfirandet är ett av de tillfällen under året när den kulturen gör sig särskilt gällande i vårt svenska samhälle.
Sorgligt nog är den traditionella typen av midsommarfirande också en del av många kristna konferenser denna helg.

1 Kung 18:21
Elia trädde fram för allt folket och sade: "Hur länge skall ni halta på båda sidor? Om det är HERREN som är Gud, så följ honom. Men om det är Baal, så följ honom." Men folket svarade honom inte med ett ord.

onsdag 20 juni 2007

Tillbedjan inför tronen

Worship Before The Throne

Elvis Iverson

What is worship? Worship is intimacy with God. Worship is a true relationship with God. Worship is loving God. Worship is from a pure heart. Worship is a revelation of who God is to you. Worship is passionate love. Worship is extreme passion. Worship is anything we do unto Christ from our heart.

The common believer is being called to worship before the throne. You don’t have to be someone great you just have to be in love with Jesus. We must become faithful ministers before His throne. Minister to the Lord in praise and worship. Yes you need to learn how to minister to the Lord.

We enter into the throne room by the blood of Jesus. We worship God by the blood of Jesus. What does the Blood mean to you? What does the Word say about the Blood of Jesus? Remember the Scriptures on the Blood of Jesus. By the blood of Jesus we have redemption, we have remission of sins, we our sanctified by the blood of Jesus, and we overcome by the blood of Jesus. In addition, know and partake in Jesus Christ Ministry of today at the right hand of the Father. –See Heb. 10:19.

We are to come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace. We are to worship God boldly before His throne. The seraphim cried to one another holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts. The Cherubim guard the throne of the Father and Jesus Christ. However, the worship that comes from those who are created in His image is much more desire by God then the worship of angels. –See Heb. 4:16.

The Father’s throne is in Heaven and Jesus throne is on His right hand. The Holy Spirit’s throne is in our hearts. The Father’s thrones give mercy for the name of His throne is mercy. Lord Jesus Christ throne is the throne of grace where you can get grace. The Holy Spirit throne is name love where you can receive love. Heaven is a real place, heaven was made for us. Then there our heavenly places and one of those heavenly places are in you.

In addition, those who are Born Again are Born of the Spirit, and baptized into the Body of Christ. Every Born Again Christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit on Earth. God dwells in Heaven, God dwells in You, God dwell among His believers when they gather together in His name. God is everywhere. Therefore if the Holy Spirit is in you. We are to sing songs to one another for God is in each one of us. Heaven is in you.

Moreover, He made us accepted in the beloved by the blood of Jesus. We are to come into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, through the veil, which is Christ. When we gather together we gather by the Blood of Christ. When we come we are coming through the veil, which is Christ. We are coming into the holiest when we come together. When we gather The Lord is in our midst. We are before His throne. When you’re before your brother or Sister you are before the throne room, for they are the temple of the Holy Spirit. This is all by the blood of Jesus. –See Eph. 1:6-7, Heb. 10:19-25, Matt. 18: 20.

Furthermore, every Born again Christian is a kingly priest therefore each one of us are called to minister to the Lord before Him. Let us worship and minister to the Lord. Don’t forget your ministry at the Throne Room.

Copyright © 2004 S.I.M. All Rights Reserved

Publicerad med tillstånd av Elvis Iversen

A Challenge to Worship
Every great spiritual work from Paul to this hour has sprung out of spiritual experiences that made worshipers. Unless we are worshipers, we are simply religious dancing mice, moving around in a circle getting nowhere.God wants worshipers first. Jesus did not redeem us to make us workers; He redeemed us to make us worshipers. And then, out of the blazing worship of our hearts springs our work.
A.W. Tozer

Worship to Precede Evangelism
Listen, brethren, we can become promoters and get nowhere at all. But if we become prophets and worshipers of God, God will honor us in this awful hour in which we live.I think we ought to go to our churches and insist that we adore God. And if we can’t adore Him, we ought to get purged from our sins until we can.
A.W. Tozer

måndag 18 juni 2007


The Joshua Generation
September 26, 2003

Deut. 31:1-8*

A Joshua generation is about to rise up and they shall possess the land that I would give them. This will be a mighty people full of the power of the Lord. From this generation will come forth a people that will walk in My ways and will obey My commands in all that I would ask of them.
The enemy before them is fierce, but I the Almighty God will be the strength of My people and no enemy before or behind can defeat those who put their strength and trust in Me and Me alone.
Hear this...do not be dismayed by the enemies attempts to intimidate. For he has no strength over Mine and because you are Mine, I am your great right Hand who will conquer all his attempts. Do not be swayed by the tactics of wicked and deceitful men. For they too will do all that they can to stop you. Take heed as you hear My voice and do not hesitate to obey. For truly I will move on your behalf as you step out in faith trusting Me to do all that I say I will do.
Be strong and of good courage, for I will give you victory over all of your enemies.
All For His Glory,

Karen Francis

Källa: http://www.etpv.org/2003/tjoge.html

*5 Moseboken 31:1-8

Josua som Mose efterträdare

1 Mose gick i väg och talade dessa ord till hela Israel. 2 Han sade till dem: "Jag är i dag etthundratjugo år. Jag kan inte längre vara ledare och anförare, och HERREN har sagt till mig: `Du skall inte komma över denna Jordan.' 3 Men HERREN, din Gud, går själv framför dig. Han skall förgöra dessa folk för dig och du skall driva bort dem. Josua skall anföra dig, som HERREN har sagt. 4 HERREN skall göra med dem så som han gjorde med Sichon och Og, amoreernas kungar, och med deras land när han lät dem gå under. 5 HERREN skall överlämna dem till er och ni skall göra med dem alldeles så som jag har befallt er. 6 Var starka och frimodiga, var inte rädda eller förskräckta för dem. Ty HERREN, din Gud, går själv med dig. Han skall inte lämna dig eller överge dig." 7 Sedan kallade Mose till sig Josua och sade till honom inför hela Israel: "Var stark och frimodig, ty du skall med detta folk gå in i det land som HERREN med ed har lovat deras fäder att ge dem och du skall utskifta det åt dem som arv. 8 HERREN går själv framför dig och han skall vara med dig. Han skall inte lämna dig eller överge dig. Var inte rädd eller förfärad."

lördag 16 juni 2007

Att gå den extra milen

Att visa omsorg och vara kärleksfull mot sina vänner är inte så svårt för de flesta av oss. Men att visa samma kärlek och omsorg mot dem som hyser agg mot oss eller på annat sätt vänder sig mot oss, är inte lika lätt. Men Jesus är tydlig här. I Lukas 6:27-28 står det: "Men till er som lyssnar säger jag: Älska era fiender och gör gott mot dem som hatar er. Välsigna dem som förbannar er och be för dem som förorättar er" Men detta kan vi inte åstadkomma i egen kraft, nej i allt måste vi vara ledda av Anden och drivas av Kristi kärlek. Då blir det möjligt att också älska våra fienden. I artiklarna nedan lyfts också sambandet fram mellan villigheten att gå den extra milen för andra och helandesmörjelsen. Med tanke på vårt individualistiska samhälle finns nog ett stort böneområde här.

Al Thomas with Cindy Jacobs:


May 30, 2007

Dear Friends,

God says to His people that there is a revival about to be born, and this time of travail is going to bear great fruit. You are in the season of preparation: finishing the old in order to move into the new. Transition is here! This transition is from old wine to new wine structures.

Do not allow satan to rob you of your faith and strength to "push" into the new day. This is a time of great testing, and many things are being brought full circle. Many of you had dreams and visions that were aborted or left unfinished, and you will see them revived and come to pass.
I encourage you again: This is the day to be ruled by faith and not doubt. Move boldly into new things, forgiving and shaking the dust off your feet from yesterday's disappointments and rejections--don't take them with you.

This is a time of visitation from God. Many are in the valley of decision and revival is in the air. Decide today to move into the glorious future that God has planned for you. It's just around the corner!

Cindy Jacobs Generals International Email: generals@generals.org


"This indeed will come, but before it does, My Spirit will pave the way with the Second Mile Anointing. A release of My love for the unlovely (Matthew 9:13) is about to come forth. Some have wondered, 'What is my calling, why am I here?' They have been quietly obedient, but frustrated. They have been hidden in the crowds; they have not been seeking recognition and are often silently enduring difficult circumstances and people. My Spirit has been refining them for this moment in time and their fruit is about to ripen. A few are now walking in this Second Mile Anointing, but soon multitudes will (Romans 12:20). They will live out these words: "If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles" (Matthew 5:41).

Simon of Cyrene, was one of the first who walked in the Second Mile Anointing (Matthew 27:32). When My Son told the multitudes to go two miles instead of one, they were shocked and indignant. In like manner, when this Second Mile Anointing is demonstrated in the world, it will shock many unbelievers into accepting My gift of eternal life, and then release an outpouring of the miraculous."


"Remember, the first mile was required, and there was no special honor or attention by fulfilling this task. No one would notice. Everybody had to do this. For some of My children, it can be very tempting to skip the First Mile of obligation to get to the Second Mile of recognition. Do not attempt the extraordinary before you've been faithful in the ordinary, everyday responsibilities (Luke 16:10). Do not be so quick to be involved in spectacular areas of ministry before attending to the unknown, ordinary things. I want you to be willing to serve others even if no one notices, because when you silently serve others you are serving Me (Matthew 10:42)."


"It can be greatly rewarding to do acts of kindness--for people who appreciate them. Even the world does this, but I want you to go further. Jesus said: 'Do not resist one who is evil. But if any one strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also' (Matthew 5:39). When My Son impresses you to walk the second mile, He is talking about helping people who don't like you, and who don't appreciate what you do for them. When you do them good, they may go off and laugh at you. This is My agape love in action, the kind that was expressed on the Cross.

The world is waiting to see the complete fulfillment of 'Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.' There are few who do this now, but soon many will (John 15: 12, 17). Remember you cannot do this in your own strength, but only by My Spirit (Romans 8:14). So, if you allow My love to flow through you, you will walk in this Second Mile Anointing and fulfill the task of being so different from non-Christians that you will be 'perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect' (Matthew 5:48) and ready to receive My Miraculous anointing."


"Some of you have been greatly disappointed by people or unexpectedly let down. Others misread people you thought you could have trusted...but, as much as you wanted to, you did not give in to retaliation or bitterness. You have been walking in the Second Mile Anointing and did not even know it. I am very pleased with you for doing this (Romans 15:3). Like My servant Paul, these trials have prepared you for My Miraculous Anointing (Acts 19:11). My Son walked in the Second Mile Anointing and the Miraculous Anointing at the same time--they go hand in hand. The world will soon see these so-called 'under the radar' servants--the 'unexpected' and unpretentious ones of Mine walk in My Miraculous Anointing. Rest assured that they walked in the Second Mile Anointing first.

Feeling rejected? Think you've been overlooked? Good. You've been walking in the Second Mile Anointing. Well done, now get ready for My Miraculous Anointing!"
"...the Lord confirmed the message by enabling them to do miraculous signs..." (Acts 4:30).

Al Thomas Celebrating His Life Ministries Email: a.thomas@myactv.net
Källa: www.elijahlist.com

fredag 15 juni 2007

Maria Woodworth-Etter "För en tid som denna"


Maria Woodworth-Etter For Such A Time As This

By: Wayne Warner

Description: Her Healing and Evangelizing Ministry A spirit-filled classic.This is a meticulously researched biography of the legendary Maria Woodworth-Etter, a woman who preached of repentance, salvation, holiness. healing, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Historian Grant Wacker said of her, "No one commanded greater awe in the Pentecostal circles." Carl Brumba described her as someone who looked like your grandmother, but who exercised tremendous spiritual authority over sin, disease, and demons. But she was also very human, as flawed and fragile as we all are. Author Wayne Warner strikes a delicate balance between revealing the woman and portraying her power. A must-read for every spirit-filled Christian. Contains several rare photographs.

Kan tex köpas på:


eller http://www.alibris.com/ , http://www.christianbook.com/ mfl

Maria Woodworth-Etters livsgärning finns också beskriven i boken "Guds generaler" av Roberts Liardon som kan köpas från Vingårdens förlag bla.

I Jer 6:16 står det: "Så säger HERREN: "Ställ er vid vägarna och spana, fråga efter de urgamla stigarna. Fråga efter den goda vägen och vandra på den, så skall ni finna ro för era själar." Men de svarade: "Vi vill inte vandra på den."

Jag tror vi har mycket att lära av att studera väckelsehistoria och se hur Herren rike bredde ut sig under väckelsetider. Herren gör allting nytt och kopierar inte det som har varit, men jag tror att det som kommer framöver bygger vidare på det som skett hitintills. Och av bla den anledningen kan det vara viktigt att studera vad som egentligen hände före många av oss var födda och hur det gick till.

Läs gärna denna artikel

Maria Woodworth-Etter: A Powerful Voice in the Pentecostal Vanguard

By Wayne E. Warner

When the Assemblies of God came on the scene in 1914, there were few questions about where the Fellowship stood on the often divisive subject of signs and wonders. And one who helped keep that subject on a positive note with her dynamic preaching and remarkable faith was the legendary evangelist Maria B. Woodworth-Etter.

Läs fortsättningen på:


torsdag 14 juni 2007

Acceptera ditt uppdrag i tro och tillit

Accept Your Assignment in Faith and Trust

My children, come to Me and seek Me. I will enable you, minute by minute, to be everything that I, the Lord, your God have called you to be.

Do not be dismayed over what may appear to be failure. Don't be alarmed over anyone's reactions to what you do and say. Keep seeking Me first in all things. Let Me be your guide and your rear guard. Don't look at the situation to think that you have failed because things are not working out perfectly according to your expectations. My plan is still in operation. My plan is going forth.

Don't try to prove yourself to anyone. Don't worry about pleasing people. Instead, seek to please Me every day, and I'll prove the reality of the work that I am doing in you to others. Don't defend yourselves, and don't try to prove that you are right. Don't try to prove that you are Mine, for I will be your defense to others. Yes, I will defend you if you allow Me to, instead of trying to defend yourself from you own limited resources.

Think on My words and ponder them. Know this: I gave you the job you have. I put you in your neighborhood, I sent you to the church you are in. I place you specifically where you are to accomplish My purposes for you, and to work through you in the lives of those people at that place.

Don't doubt that I am able to work in every situation to bring about My will. I will bring good out of your present circumstance. Blessings are in store for you. Yes, there are blessings ahead. My plans for you are good--they are the best!

Know that you are My agent, sent there to do My will. You are sent there to speak My word and sent there to demonstrate My love, My forgiveness and My compassion. Know and believe that I did this. I gave you the job.

I knew who else would work there and what they would need. Believe it. I sent you to the neighborhood in which you live. I knew the people who were already there in need of your witness, your example. Believe that you are there, on assignment, and seek Me for how to fulfill that mission. You will accomplish much and walk in great joy.

Live and act as if you are truly My ambassadors and My agents wherever you are, because you are! Wherever you are--at home, on your job, out shopping, or whatever--that place is your mission field. Live your life in such a way that whomever you meet will see Jesus in you. Live in such a way that Holy Spirit may speak through you to anyone around you anytime that He chooses.

Ask for My direction in every situation, in every decision. Look into My Word and listen for My voice; look at the example of Jesus throughout My word. Then follow His example. Say only what you hear Me, the Father, say. Do only what you see Me, your Father, doing. Crucify your flesh, deny yourself, your rights, your feelings, and your own ideas and submit to Me and My plan and My way. Then you will walk in victory. You will walk in peace.

Be like Nehemiah, and keep doing the work that I have put in your hands to do. Don't be distracted by others who want to hinder you, or stop you from doing what you are doing to help build My kingdom on the earth. You are My ambassadors and My agents of change. So act like it!

This word is submitted by Betty Heimbach bjheimbach@isp.com

Källa: http://www.godspeak.org/prophetic_word/6-12-07.html

onsdag 13 juni 2007

Vandra i frid

I vårt stressade samhälle behöver vi mer än någonsin stilla ner oss och motta Guds frid som övergår allt förstånd. Guds frid ger läkedom åt kropp, själ och ande, men är också till hjälp i den andliga striden. För när vi kommer in i ett läge av stillhet och frid kan Herren träda in och strida för oss, se 2 Mos 14.14 och 2 Krön 20:17. Friden ger oss också ett andligt beskydd och en himmelsk auktoritet som vi behöver i vårt uppdrag som Kristi medarbetare.

The Walk of Peace

The world that we find ourselves living in today is spinning at a faster pace than ever before. The demands that are put on family, work, and ministry seem to be heavier than even 10 years ago. Often we can find ourselves racing to meet schedules, only to find at the end of the day we are exhausted from the pace we have been keeping. While it is not entirely possible to slow down all of our surroundings, we can hide away with the Lord at times and enter into His amazing peace and rest. In the article, I would like to share about how the peace of God can be a powerful weapon in your life, unlocking blessing and healing in your spirit, soul, and body.

A People of Peace
As I travel, I run across many believers that seem to be stressed out and anxious about many things. We worry about the plans that God has for us, His provision, world events, and scores of other things. I find that the enemy loves to attack our minds with these types of thorns, trying to keep our minds from exploring the mysteries of Heaven. We, as followers of Christ, should be walking in huge amounts of peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and we need to wrap ourselves in His garment of perfect peace.

Often the Lord will send us into areas where there is great turmoil and strife. There has been much talk about Joel's Army and the new breed of supernatural believers that will do great exploits in this hour. I believe this army will be marked by the peace of God it will carry into the battlefield. They will be so secure in their Commander-in-Chief, that even though they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they fear nothing, but rather they release the peace and love of God to the nations. I see an outpouring of God's living peace that is being poured out upon the Church like never before. It is available today. The world is searching for true peace and rest. We as believers have the great honor to walk in God's peace and share it with the world.

Ministering Out of a Posture of Peace and Rest
We are all familiar with the story of Jesus and His disciples out at sea in Mark 4:35-41. A great windstorm arose and waves began to swamp the boat. The disciples started to freak out, and they woke Jesus up from a nice nap telling Him about their concerns. Jesus got up and rebuked the wind saying "Peace! Be Still!" Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.
Jesus and His disciples were all in the storm together, but their response was much different than His. The disciples were freaked out. Jesus was asleep. The storm was real and definitely a concern to everyone in the boat, but Jesus addressed the situation from a position of peace and rest. There is a Heavenly authority that we walk in when we, like Jesus, minister out of a position of peace. There will always be storms that will come our way, but let us aim to walk in peace and authority when they arise.

Peace Releasing Healing to Our Bodies
I read an article in my local newspaper the other day while I was enjoying breakfast. This article began to describe the dramatic increase in young children that are taking prescribed medications to treat ADD, ADHD, and other disorders. The article went on to say that while there were some positive results in the children, they really doubted if the medication was working as well as they had hoped.

My spirit began to stir within me as I read this article, and I said to myself, "Where is the God of Peace for these young children"? I thought of the Scripture in Romans 16:20, "The God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet." I saw in the spirit how a touch from the Peace of God would calm the children down and bring their minds and emotions into perfect Kingdom order. The God of peace crushing the enemy under their feet!

I saw visions of children each day being handed medicine from their mothers. I saw the desperate look in the parent's eyes, hoping that this would be the answer to help their children gain rest and control in their lives. Then I began to think of a whole new way to pray for these precious children. I began to pray and ask the Lord to come and visit every child with His peace the moment they take the medicine from their parents. I cried out and said, "Lord, let these millions of children in America have such an encounter with You the next time they take their medicine that they would be healed, saved, and delivered."

You may say that is a crazy prayer. Would God really heal people with a prayer like that? Psalm 107:20 says, "He sent out His word and healed them." We also know about the centurion soldier that said to Jesus, "Just speak the word and my servant will be healed" (Matthew 8:8), and who can forget about handkerchiefs in Acts 19:12 that healed the sick.
There are millions of children dying of aids in Africa as you are reading this article. What if we began to pray over them? Lord, each time they take their medicine let Your healing presence come down and destroy every form of sickness in their bodies. Let a movement of healing spring up and touch every child in Africa that is suffering from this plague, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Don't Worry--It's Like Trying to Shovel Smoke
Science has discovered that many of the illnesses that we face today can be traced to fear, anxiety, stress, and worry. People that have excesses in these areas often develop a wide variety of health challenges. You may also be familiar with the ministry of the "Healing Rooms." I was a director in Olympia for several years, and we had a manual from Spokane called "The Disease Sheet." In this manual, you can look up a wide range of ailments. On each page, it would have a section called "Root Causes."

While we were praying for people, sometimes the Spirit would direct us to this manual. It was amazing to find, as we spoke to the person receiving prayer, that the root cause listed, such as unforgiveness, was something they were currently dealing with. As we ministered first along the lines of forgiveness, the tears began to flow as layers of bondage evaporated before our eyes. After lovingly leading the person through this stage, we would then command healing to come to their body. It was amazing to find that when the individual first dealt with the "root," that healing sprang forth quickly in their body. While not all sicknesses are connected to our emotions, there are many that are. We just need to be led by the Spirit as we minister, just as Jesus was.

Jesus Desires for Our Entire Being to be Made Whole
We all have a body, soul, and spirit. This is basic understanding that we have in the Church today. Just pinch yourself, and you will remember you have a body, or watch a sad movie, and you may find yourself in tears as your soul hurts for someone on the screen. Jesus longs to bring health and freedom to every area of our lives.
"May the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely, and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The One who calls you is faithful, and He will do this." I Thessalonians 5:23-24

Could there be a power in God's peace that promotes healing in our entire being? We spoke earlier about the God of peace crushing satan under our feet. And now we see again the Prince of Peace touching our spirit, soul, and body. Jesus told the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5 to "go in peace, and be healed of your disease." I believe there is a spring of God's peace that is flowing in this hour like never before. While the power and benefits of God's living peace have been hidden from some, I sense the Lord is illuminating the need for people to walk in total peace as Jesus Himself is our Peace.

Paul Imparts Peace to the Early Church
I often wonder if the Apostle Paul knew the full price he would have to pay for building the Church as he did. In Acts 9, Paul went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues at Damascus. His intent was to wreak havoc for the early believers and bring them bound to Jerusalem. While on the road, Paul has a powerful visitation from Jesus, and within three days he is filled with the Holy Spirit and baptized.
Paul begins to passionately build the Church and preach the Gospel with great wisdom and boldness. His efforts though, were not without some amazing challenges. 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 shares a powerful insight into the trials that Paul faced: imprisonments, floggings, beatings with rods, shipwrecks, danger, and the constant daily pressures for the churches.

Many of the letters that Paul wrote to the early Church were not typed up at the local Starbucks from his laptop while he enjoyed his favorite Mocha Coconut Frappuccino. No, they were often written from behind bars. Paul shares in Philippians 4:4-7 the following:
"Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Paul knew how to live with a Kingdom perspective. Though the situations that he often found himself in appeared to be dim, Paul looked through the eyes of the Spirit and knew that God was working all things in his life for the Glory of the Lord. This allowed Paul to walk in a greater amount of peace and impart that peace to others. He anchored his life in Colossians 3:1-3, "So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God."

Being Content in All Circumstances
Paul shares in Philippians 4:8-9 the following encouragement:
"Finally, beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you."

Paul was in prison as he wrote this. How was it possible for him to encourage the churches to imitate him? It was because Paul had already died to himself, and the life he was living was in Christ, allowing him to walk in amazing peace and joy. Paul even shares that his imprisonment is actually helping to spread the Gospel. It had become known to many that Paul was in prison for the sake of the Gospel, and many brothers and sisters were encouraged and preached the word of God with great boldness and without fear.
Through the hardships and blessings, Paul learned the discipline of being content in all circumstances. This Kingdom mindset afforded him a greater ability to see God's perspective in everything, allowing him to walk in peace and rest

I believe Paul's desire was to see the Church walk in peace in the midst of persecution, trials, and even martyrdom. The days that the early Church lived in were filled with many uncertainties. Every letter that Paul wrote in the Bible has this statement in some form in the first few lines: "Grace to you and peace." I sense that this was not just a traditional statement taking up space, but rather this was a declaration from the Spirit of God. Paul was releasing and imparting peace to the early Church. He wanted to encourage young Timothy, "Do not worry, my son, press on and do not let anyone despise your youth--walk in peace." He shared with Titus, "I left you in Crete to appoint elders, yes, you will have opposition but I impart to you grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior."

Just as Paul prayed and released peace to the early Church, the Lord Jesus prayed for His disciples to walk in peace in John 16. I sense the Spirit of the Lord is praying for you to enter into His peace today. As many of you are touched by the Prince of Peace, stress, fear, and worry will begin to melt from your body. The Lord desires for you to be a carrier of His peace--that so much of His peace would be upon you, that literally atmospheres would change as you and Jesus enter a room.

The Lord is giving you a fresh invitation to dance with Him in the rivers of peace. Won't you take His hand today as He leads you along this amazing journey? Your life and many others will be changed forever.
Numbers 6:24-26 "The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace."

Jason Phillips

Revival Town MinistriesEmail: info@revivaltown.org

Källa: www.elijahlist.com

tisdag 12 juni 2007

Ljudet i bakaträdens toppar

2 Sam. kap 5

David hade nyligen blivit smord till kung, men nu var han tvungen att ta strid med filistéerna. De anföll och han besegrade dem, men filistéerna anföll ytterligare en gång. David frågade Herren om råd och Herren svarade: "Så snart du hör ljudet av ett marscherande i bakaträdens toppar, skall du genast rycka fram, ty då har HERREN dragit ut framför dig för att slå filisteernas här." (2 Sam 5:24) Det här marscherande ljudet är inte bara ett sus i lövverket, utan himmelens härskaror och Guds armé som rör runt i löven. Och som signalerar att de var närvarande för att hjälpa David vinna striden. I Uppenbarelseboken ser vi att det som verkligen räknas är sambandet mellan himmelens ljud och Guds manifestationen på jorden. Vi behöver som David lära oss att lyssna till marscherandet i bakaträden.

"Vårt behov i den svenska kristenheten idag är väckelse genom omvändelse om skänker en ny enhet i Kristi kropp, och så kan nytt liv ges från Himlen via den kyrka han skapat för att vara Kristi kropp med nåd och upprättande kärlek till nödens människor i Sveriges land.
Bakaträdens ljud... För att träda in i denna fas av reformation och nytt liv i kyrka och församling kan vi lära oss av David och hans erfarenheter i det krig han hade att kämpa. Vi behöver som David lära oss att lyssna till marscherandet i bakaträden.

2 Sam 5:20ff - "Så kom David till Baal-Perasim, och där besegrade David dem. Han sade: "HERREN har brutit ner mina fiender inför mig, så som vatten bryter fram." Därav fick platsen namnet Baal-Perasim. Filisteerna övergav där sina avgudabilder, och David och hans män förde bort dem. Men filisteerna drog upp än en gång och spred sig i Refaimdalen. När David då frågade HERREN, svarade han: "Du skall inte dra dit upp. Gå runt dem bakifrån och kom över dem från det håll där bakaträden står. Så snart du hör ljudet av ett marscherande i bakaträdens toppar, skall du genast rycka fram, ty då har HERREN dragit ut framför dig för att slå filisteernas här." Och David gjorde som HERREN hade befallt honom. Han slog filisteerna och förföljde dem från Geba ända till Gezer".

Vi behöver lägga av alla mänskliga analyser till varför väckelsen uteblivit och lära oss himlens insikt utifrån en ny egen hjärte-relation till Herrens eget hjärta. I den närheten kan vi på ett nytt sätt se hur det står till i kyrka och församling. Det är driftsstopp och inget händer; annat än uppehållande av verksamhet och administration av förströelse om än sockrad och smyckad såsom vore det både andligt, bibliskt och sant. Men församlingen är ju döende, livlös och ger ingen frukt. Hur står det till med den andliga fertiliteten? Hjälper programmen som ges av samfund och kyrkor via stiftsadjunkter och konsulenterna? Vi behöver nya levande öron och höra vad profeten Haggai har att säga också oss i Sverige just nu.

Hagg 2:16ff - "Lägg nu noga märke till det som sker, från denna dag och framöver! Innan man lagt sten på sten till HERRENS tempel, hur var det då? Om någon kom till en sädesskyl som skulle ge tjugo mått, gav den endast tio, om någon kom till vinpressen för att ösa upp femtio kärl, gav den endast tjugo. Jag slog er med sot och rost och alla era händers verk med hagel, och ändå vände ni er inte till mig, säger HERREN. Lägg noga märke till det som sker från denna dag och framöver, från den tjugofjärde dagen i nionde månaden, från den dag då grunden lades till HERRENS tempel. Finns någon säd ännu kvar i kornboden? Nej, och varken vinstocken eller fikonträdet, varken granatträdet eller olivträdet har ännu burit någon frukt. Men från denna dag skall jag välsigna."

Läs och studera gärna A Wallis och vad han skriver om väckelsen.

In the Day of Thy Power

By A Wallis

Chapter 14


"And it shall be, when thou hearest the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then is the Lord gone out before thee to smite the host of the Philistines" (2 Sam. 5:24).

Soon after David had been established king over Israel, the Philistines came up and occupied the valley of Rephaim. David inquired of the Lord, and was told to go up against them. A bold frontal assault carried the day, and the Lord delivered them into his hand. Some time after, the Philistines repeated the manoeuver, but David, without presuming on earlier guidance or relying on past success, inquired of the Lord again. This time he was told to make a detour, take up a position behind them by the mulberry trees, and wait till he heard the sound of marching. This was to be the sign that "God's host" (Gen. 32:1, 2) was on the move, and that the powers of heaven were being thrown into the conflict to secure overwhelming victory.

These two battles help to illustrate the difference between God's method in normal evangelism on the one hand, and His method in revival on the other. In the first it is man's activity with divine aid that is prominent, in the second it is God who goes into battle, and man has only to move in the train of His victory and gather the spoils. For the moment we are only concerned to notice that preceding this remarkable operation in which God went forth for the salvation of His people, there was "the sound of marching". This warning sign, this harbinger of revival was heard only by those in the battle, the right men in the right place at the right time.

Just as there are recorded in Scripture signs that are to warn the watchful of the imminence of Christ's return, so there are also signs given to us by which we may discern that God is about to fulfil His promise to pour out the Spirit. "Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them" (Isa. 42:9). This "sound of marching" must be analysed and described so that if it is now present our ears may be attuned to hear it, or if it should come in the future we may be quick to recognize it.

Let us take heed that we do not look at the wrong factors for evidence of impending revival. General Booth of the Salvation Army, writing to his eldest daughter, "the Marechale", when much discouraged during the early days of her work in Paris, advised her to keep her eyes off the waves and fix them on the tide. To be occupied with the waves, with the ebb and flow of the spiritual battle, is to be alternately uplifted and downcast, elated and dejected. It is the unconquerable power of the tide that matters. The factors that reveal the quiet but irresistible trend of God's purposes are the true index. "Look! the tides are rising", Finney used to exclaim, and he was seldom wrong. Are they rising today? Here are some factors that may help us to answer the question. If we can discern them today we may be quite sure there is "the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees".

A Spirit of Lawlessness and Deadness

It is strange but true that the prevalence of lawlessness in the world and of deadness in the church is often an indication of impending revival. Said the Psalmist, "It is time for the Lord to work, for they have made void Thy law" (Ps. 119:126). "The wave of spiritual progress recedes, but even in receding it is gathering in power and volume to return, and to rush further in. . .; when the night is at its darkest the dawn is on the way" (James Burns).

They make a big mistake who always expect to see revival heralded by a decreasing of wickedness or by a marked and widespread improvement in the spiritual state of the church. The very reverse is often the case. Those who look for such improvement may shake their heads at a time when God is about to pour out His Spirit, and declare that there is no hope of a revival. Said Finney, "The prevalence of wickedness is no evidence at all that there is not going to be a revival. That is often God's time to work."

In an address on the eighteenth century revival Dr. P. V. Jenness said: "Every student of history knows that the dawn of the eighteenth century was a time of material prosperity in England. The colonies were pouring their new wealth into the mother country. It was a day of luxury, dishonesty, speculation, and extravagance, and was followed by a severe panic when the South Sea bubble collapsed. It was a time of increased intellectual activity and expression. The freedom of worship secured through the Reformation had degenerated into licence to defy all authority, human and divine.

Hobbs and Locke made infidelity popular. Gibbon and Hume devoted their talents to discrediting the church. Bolingbroke and Shaftesbury (Note - not to be confused with the famous Christian philanthropist of the nineteenth century) among statesmen helped to create an atmosphere of spiritual chill. The church seemed helpless. The Reformation was a spent force. The ministry was largely corrupt. Blackstone, author of the Commentaries on Law writes as a young man that he sought in vain for a sound gospel preacher in London.

The Sabbath was a day of general carousal. Public blasphemy was common. Current literature and common conversation was lascivious and corrupt. God was openly defied. The outlook was dark indeed. Here and there a few godly men and women were crying unto God for reformation and revival. Then the Lord 'made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations, that the ends of the earth might see His salvation.'

Three men were born in one year, 1703, John Wesley in England, Gilbert Tennent in Ireland, and Jonathan Edwards in Massachusetts. - Eleven years later George Whitefield was born. These four men were the human agents of the great spiritual awakening that broke, like a storm, over England and America just two hundred years ago."

This extraordinary fact, that the river of blessing is often flowing at lowest level prior to a time of awakening, could be confirmed from history again and again. Jonathan Edwards in his Thoughts on the Revival of Religion in New England (1742) wrote: "Who that saw the state of things in New England a few years ago, the state that it was settled in, and the way that we had been so long going on in, would have thought that in so short a time there would be such a change?" And again, "How dead a time it was everywhere before this work began."

Shortly after the 1904 Revival broke out, the correspondent of the Liverpool Daily Post wrote in that paper: "If I had been asked a month ago whether a revival was probable in Wales, I should have answered, 'No'. It seemed to me that the 'higher criticism 'had wrecked the ordinary machinery of a revival, and that, until theology had been reshaped in accordance with its conclusions, nothing would happen to disturb the prevailing apathy" (from Rent Heavens by R. B. Jones).

Prevailing deadness among believers and abounding lawlessness in the world are not an indication that revival is impossible, but that it is imperative. The hopelessness of the situation was to the Psalmist one of the strongest arguments in favor of divine intervention, for he saw therein a challenge that an omnipotent God could not ignore. To him the very need of the hour cried out, "It is time for the Lord to work."

A Spirit of Dissatisfaction

This second factor may be widespread among peoples of all classes, or it may be confined to a few of the people of God who are being quietly prepared for what God is about to do. James Burns writes that the period preceding a widespread awakening "is characterized by a profound sense of dissatisfaction awaking in many hearts. A period of gloom sets in, a weariness and exhaustion invade the heart, the pleasures of the world no longer satisfy, they set up a deep distaste and satiety. Sick in soul, men turn with a sigh to God; dimly they wake to the consciousness that, in bartering heavenly for earthly joys, they have encountered irremediable loss; that in the decay of spiritual vision the world has lost its soul of loveliness. Slowly this aching grows, the heart of man begins to cry out for God, for spiritual certainties, for fresh visions. From a faint desire this multiplies as it widens, until it becomes a vast human need; until in its urgency it seems to beat with violence at the very gates of Heaven" (Revivals, their Laws and Leaders).

Though this widespread dissatisfaction is almost always there in measure, it cannot always be discerned until the movement is under way. But a sure mark of impending revival is where this spirit of dissatisfaction becomes apparent among believers. It may not be widespread, but here and there among different groups there is a growing thirst for a fuller, richer, and deeper experience of God than they have known. This spiritual restlessness, this holy dissatisfaction that is wrought in their hearts by God causes them to reach out with a great longing for that life more abundant that they know is theirs in Christ. Here are the birth pangs of that new thing that God is about to do, the travail out of which revival is born. "I will pour water upon him that is thirsty, and streams upon the dry ground"(Isa. 44:3). "Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled" (Matt. 5:6). Thank God for every thirsty, dissatisfied heart in a day when coldness, apathy, and complacency abound.

This profound dissatisfaction with which these believers view themselves and the work of God around them is nothing less than a thirst for God. "As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God"(Ps. 42:1). There is a thirst for the holiness of God, for the power of God, for the manifestation of God, for the truth of God.

There is a thirst for the holiness of God. A longing fills the soul for victory over sin and deliverance from the corruptions of the carnal man; for hearts of flesh instead of hearts of stone; to be wholly sanctified and conformed to the image of God's Son; to walk, like Enoch, in unbroken fellowship with God, and to be well pleasing in His sight.

There is a thirst also for the power of God in personal experience. Believers begin to view with growing concern the ineffectiveness of their own efforts to serve the Lord. They are conscious of the reproach of the ungodly that God is not amongst them, even as was David, when he confessed in the same Psalm. "My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?" (Ps. 42:3). The more they examine the pages of the New Testament, and the lives of those whom God has used, the more convinced they become that they too ought to be clothed with power from on high, filled with the Spirit, and speak the word with boldness.

There is a thirst for the manifestation of God, to see His power and glory displayed before the eyes of men. It is this that David expresses in another Psalm, "My soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee, in a dry and weary land, where no water is. . . to see Thy power and Thy glory" (Ps. 63:1). That their beloved, yet rejected Lord should be vindicated before the eyes of men becomes the passion of their souls. As in that first recorded prayer meeting of the early church, they long that God would stretch forth His hand to heal and that signs and wonders may be done in the name of Jesus, so that He may be glorified and the hearts of the people may be opened to Him.

Lord, we are few, but Thou art near; Nor short Thine arm, nor deaf Thine ear: Oh, rend the heavens, come quickly down, And make a thousand hearts Thine own. COWPER.

There is a thirst too for the truth of God. Believers begin to crave for a deeper understanding of God's word; they search for it as for hid treasures, and rejoice in it as one that finds great spoil. There is often a healthy unwillingness to accept without question all that is taught and accepted as orthodox. A spirit of inquiry and discernment necessitates a fresh examination of what Scripture has to say. There is often a purging of the floor of truth, which scatters the chaff of human tradition and interpretation. James Burns points out one of the curious facts connected with the human mind - "its power to see only that which corresponds with current opinion, and of failing to see, not by conscious rejection, but by a strange incapacity, all that opposes it. Every age is imprisoned in its own conceptions, and has to be set free by the master minds which refuse to be enslaved." Such are often raised up preceding or during times of revival, when hearts have been unconsciously made ready to receive fresh light from God.

A Spirit of Sin consciousness

Like the spirit of dissatisfaction, this sensitivity to sin will be in evidence here and there among the people of God, where hearts are being made ready. It will be seen that most of these signs of impending blessing anticipate in the hearts of the few that which is to characterize all who will be affected when revival comes. Just as a cloud "as small as a man's hand" betokened to Elijah on Carmel the sound of abundance of rain, and was to him the earnest of "the heaven black with clouds" (1 Kings 18:44, 45), so does this growing sensitiveness to sin in the hearts of the few indicate to the watchful eye that the day is at hand when God shall be revealed in holiness, and men shall repent in dust and ashes. The God who dwells in "the high and holy place" has promised "to revive the heart of the contrite ones" (Isa. 57:15). A spirit of contrition among the saints is therefore a strong indication that revival is coming.

This conviction of the conscience regarding personal sin is usually manifested by confession. Christians are not easily brought to the point where they are prepared to obey the exhortation, "Confess therefore your sins one to another" (Jas. 5:16), to apologize and ask forgiveness, and to make restitution. Where this happens, and there is a deep desire on the part of the saints to walk in the light with God, and in love one with another, it is evident that the Spirit of God is working, and hearts are being prepared for the outpouring of the Spirit. "A revival of religion may be expected when Christians begin to confess their sins one to another. . . when there is an ingenuous breaking down, and a pouring out of the heart in making confession of their sins, the floodgates will soon burst open, and salvation will flow over the place" (Finney).

A Spirit of Tender Concern

Where this is found in the hearts of believers it is a strong indication that revival is at hand. "Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for it is time to have pity upon her, yea, the set time is come. For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and have pity upon her dust" (Ps. 102:13, 14). When the harsh, unfeeling criticism with which believers often speak of the state of the church or the sin of the world gives place to a deep solicitude and tender concern which manifests the strong compassion of the Son of God, then we may be sure that the hour of revival is near. When believers feel as though they could cry out with the weeping prophet, "Oh that my head were waters, and mine eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!" (Jer. 9:1), then it is evident that the fountains of the great deep are being broken up, that the windows of heaven may be opened (Gen. 7:11). When the saints mourn before the Lord, as did Hannah, Nehemiah, and Daniel, the answer of heaven will be as near to them as it was to those of abygone age when they wept in the secret place.

A Spirit of Expectancy

This is a further mark of coming revival, when found in the hearts of God's people. To find groups of Christians in different places, meeting independently of one another, with no denominational or other connection, and yet possessing the same spirit of desire and expectancy throbbing in their hearts, is presumptive evidence that it has been created by the sovereign Spirit, that out of the fulness of His loving heart God may abundantly satisfy it. The measure of expectancy may vary greatly; with some it is little more than a vague presentiment that something, they hardly know what, is going to happen; with others it is a clear and definite expectation of the outpouring of the Spirit. But however dim or definite it may be, it is the beginning of that spirit of faith that rises like the waters within the lock gates, until it has reached the required level, and the ship of revival moves forward on its divinely appointed way.

News of stirrings of the Spirit or even outpourings of the Spirit in other parts is a means God commonly uses to foster this spirit of expectancy. Every evidence of God's willingness to bless in other places should be to every longing soul a most hopeful sign of impending revival. "If God has done it there, may He not do it here also?" - this is the simple but reasonable ground of optimism. There is nothing more calculated to quicken desire and expectancy in prepared hearts than the news of what God has done or is doing elsewhere. When there comes news of striking conversions, of local movements of the Spirit, of touches of revival - if we may call them such - here and there, longing hearts will beat with quickened expectancy, and opened ears will hear God saying through these unusual events, "I will work, and who shall reverse it?" (Isa. 43:13, R.V. margin).

A Spirit of Unity

When this is manifest among various believers it is a strong indication that revival is at hand. "With one accord" marked the preparation of those early believers for the first outpouring of the Spirit, and so it has been in every subsequent outpouring. In spite of the prayer of the Son of God, "That they all may be one," sectarianism, exclusivism, and an attitude of spiritual superiority have everywhere split the people of God. Churches and groups act as though they and they alone were the rightful recipients of divine blessing.

The Lord's servants outside their circles, although they may be signally used of God, have evidently nothing to impart to them. They only desire ministry from the man who, in the realm of theology, will dot all their "i"s, cross all their "t"s, and subscribe to all their shibboleths. They have, it would seem, the monopoly of truth and spiritual illumination. They feel that God ought to favour them in a special way; and when, as is often the case, He blesses elsewhere, they are at a loss to know why, and all too often try to disparage or belittle what God has done.When, however, such barriers are thrown down, and believers come together in true humility and on the common ground of their love for Christ and desire for souls; when denominational pride and jealousy are slain, and there is a willingness, without compromising personal convictions, to learn in meekness one of another, to receive light and impart light, then there is evidence indeed that revival is coming. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! . . For there the Lord commanded the blessing" (Ps. 133).

A Spirit of Prayer

Finally, the infallible sign of impending revival is a spirit of prayer for it. When you see this in evidence among the people of God, you may be sure "it is time to seek the Lord, till He come and rain righteousness upon you" (Hos. 10:12). It has been well said that "Satan laughs at our toil, mocks at our wisdom, but trembles when we pray". Therefore we may be confident that where a true spirit of prayer for revival exists, it does not proceed from the Devil. Such a spirit of prayer leads to humbling before God; to confession of sin, coldness, and unbelief; and to the consecration of oneself to the Lord: therefore we may be certain it has not issued from the flesh. Therefore it has come from God; and if God has created and maintained in the hearts of His children that spirit of prayer for revival, however few and feeble they may be, there can be but one logical explanation - He intends to send revival.

This spirit of prayer need not be widespread before it constitutes a sign of impending blessing. It may be but a small group of earnest souls; it may be but a single intercessor who has caught the vision of what God is about to do, and refuses to let Him go until He does it. Such was a case recorded by Finney: "There was a woman in New Jersey who was very positive there was going to be another revival. She wanted to have conference meetings appointed. But the minister and elders saw nothing to encourage it, and would do nothing. She saw they were blind, and so she went forward, and got a carpenter to make seats for her, for she said she would have meetings in her own house. There was certainly going to be a revival. She had scarcely opened her doors for meetings, before the Spirit of God came down with great power. And these sleepy church members found themselves surrounded all at once with convicted sinners. And they could only say, 'Surely the Lord was in this place, and we knew it not.' The reason why such persons understand the indication of God's will is not because of the superior wisdom that is in them, but because the Spirit of God leads them to see the signs of the times. . . that converging of providences to a single point, which produces in them a confident expectation of a certain result."

Signs of the Times

"When ye see a cloud rising in the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it cometh to pass. . . Ye know how to interpret the face of the earth and the heaven; but how is it that ye know not how to interpret this time?" (Luke 12:54). Thus Christ spoke to the multitudes probably less than a year before that first great outpouring of the Spirit. They were quick to perceive the cloud in the sky, but were blind to that which heralded the spiritual shower. How easy it is to miss the signs of the times, and fail to recognize what God is about to do.

Let us pause a moment and look into our own hearts. Let us look about us. Let us strain our ear to catch any sounds wafted by the wind of the Spirit from distant parts. Is there abroad a spirit of lawlessness and deadness that challenges the Most High, and cries out, "It is time for the Lord to work"? Is there a spirit of dissatisfaction, of soul thirst among the people of God?

Can we find those with a deep consciousness of the holiness of God and the sinfulness of sin, with a readiness to confess the sin and put things right? Are there those with a deep and tender concern for the state of the church and the need of the world? Can we discern a spirit of expectancy, a conviction or premonition that God is about to do a new thing? Do we find anywhere a new spirit of unity among the people of God, a breaking down of sectarian barriers, and a meeting together on common ground to seek after God? Is there a new spirit of prayer appearing among believers, that cannot be limited to the weekly prayer meeting, but which is seen in groups of Christians on bended knee in cottage or mansion, in school or business premises? Are some seizing for prayer the hurried moments of the lunch hour, praying on into the night, or wakening the dawn with their cries?

If we can answer "yes" to these questions, it matters not that the sun still shines out of an azure sky - we have seen the cloud rising in the west. "Is the seed yet in the barn? Yea, the vine, and the fig tree, and the pomegranate, and the olive tree hath not brought forth; from this day will I bless," saith the Lord (Hag. 2:19). Above the incessant noise of human activity we have heard "the sound of marching" that tells us God is on the move."

K'älla: http://missionxp.webblogg.se/prophetical.html

måndag 11 juni 2007

Ljudet av silvertrumpeter

4 Mos kap 10 "Silvertrumpeterna"

Alla metallmalm måste hettas upp för att skilja bort slagget från den rena metallen. Det är en bild också på hur Herren renar och luttrar oss i våra liv. Den helige Andes eld bränner bort allt som inte är beständigt. Silvertrumpeterna som skulle hamras (v.2) blir en bild för hur vi människor behöver gå igenom smärtan att korsfästa vårt kött. Det finns också en symbolik i själva metallen. Den tyngsta metallen guld symboliserar Gud Fadern. Ordet "vikt" på hebreiska är samma ord som Guds härlighet. Silver representerar Jesus, Sann Gud och sann människa.
Silvertrumpeterna skulle användas när menigheten skulle sammankallas och när lägret skulle brytas upp. När man stötte i båda två skulle hela menigheten samlas och när man stötte i en skulle huvudmännen för Israels ätter samlas.

Några förklaringar:
Make two silver trumpets: The two silver trumpets were for use in directing the movement of the camps for marching and for battle, and also for gathering the nation together for an assembly.

You shall use them for calling the congregation and for directing the movement of the camps: The trumpets were essential tools for the journey to the Promised Land. Without them it would be very difficult to assemble the nation and march towards the Promised Land. Israel needed tools to come into the Promised Land.

When they blow both of them, all the congregation shall gather: Distinctive sounds were made to indicate gathering for assembly, marching, or warfare. God also promised to hear the trumpet of Israel in warfare, and to act on behalf of the nation.

Also in the day of your gladness: Trumpets were also to be sounded in the day of your gladness; they were a way of celebrating God’s people coming together and the presence of the Lord with them.

The Sounding of the Trumpets
by Bill Britton

Many people have been waiting with great anticipation to hear the sound of the Trumpet so that they might take their "flight to the sky". What part of the sky they are going to, no one seems to know. No one seems to know either whether we Americans will fly up and the Chinese Christians fly downward, or they will fly up and we fly down. Now if if all of us on this earthen ball fly upward physically, then we will all be going in different directions in God's great universe. Now please understand me. I in no way deny the Scriptures that tell us that Jesus is coming, that there will be a Trumpet, that we will ascend to Him, and that we will meet Him in the clouds. These things are all true, and we thank God for these wonderful Truths. But it is the traditional interpretations put on these Scriptures and the man-made church teachings about them that we differ with.

The Bible says there is to be a blowing of Trumpets. Paul the Apostle knew this, and taught the early church the meaning of these trumpets. Paul knew it because it was taught in the Law, with which he was very familiar, having studied at the feet of Gamiel. In fact, in Acts 26:22 Paul says that he preached nothing except what was found in the Law and the Prophets. Everything he preached about the Body of Christ, the Sons of God, the High Calling, etc., is found pictured in the Law and foretold by the Prophets. I Cor. 10:11 tells us that everything that happened to Israel in the Old Testament was for types and ensamples for us upon whom the ends of the world have come. So let us see what God gave Israel concerning the Trumpets.

Israel had three major feasts during the year: 1. Passover, 2. Pentecost, 3. Tabernacles. The Feast of Passover was ordained to be a new beginning for Israel, and was in the first month in their dealings with God, though not the first month of the civil year. It was when the lamb was slain, the blood sprinkled on the door-post, and the people took their flight from Egypt. This, as you know, is a type of our salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on Calvary. Pentecost, meaning fiftieth, came fifty days later in the third month, the time of harvest. This was when God chose to pour out the Holy Ghost on the early Church, signifying the formation of the Church, His Body. Now we know that these two types have been fulfilled, at Calvary and in the upper room on Pentecost, but what about this other great feast...Tabernacles? Has it been fulfilled? No. Are we just to ignore it? No. Is it to be fulfilled after death, in Heaven? No, not any more than the first two feasts. All of these feasts are to be fulfilled right here on this earth, in human vessels. So, let us look to the Bible and see if we can discover what God has for us in this Old Testament type...

Just as Passover, the beginning of a new day for Israel (and for us), was in the first month; and just as Pentecost, the time of fruit bearing and harvest, was in the third month (see what happened on the Third day of Creation, (Gen 1); now we find that Tabernacles is in the seventh month (which is the end of the civil year). This is signifying that it is the end of civil rule of the kingdoms or governments of this world, and a time of Rest prepared for His People. Now. the trumpets were sounded to announce each of the feasts (Num 10:10), but there is a special significance in the sounding of the trumpets in the seventh month. It was dispensationally to announce the beginning of the seventh month, the day of the Lord, the day of His rest (Lev 23:24). It alerted the people (those who heard the trumpets) to prepare for the time of soul searching and fiery sacrifice, and the great feast to follow. These things we will deal with in the next few messages on the "Feast of Tabernacles" series, but now we want to consider the trumpets, and the significance they had...

In Numbers 10 it says "The Lord spake unto Moses saying, Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole piece shalt thou make them;". Now, perhaps you want to think that God couldn't think of anything else to say, or saw that Israel had plenty of time and just wanted to make it harder for them. But as for me, I believe God has a good reason for each thing He said, and that there is a special meaning for each instruction He gave Moses. Why two trumpets? In a previous message on "The Two Witnesses", we showed that the number two is symbolic of Christ in the fulness of His Body...for instance, Adam and his bride who came from his side; The Sun and Moon; the two rows of bread of the table of shew-bread in the tabernacle, and other examples showing forth the glory of Christ and His Body, two yet one body, "one new man" created in "Himself of twain". Notice how the two were made of one piece. This wonderfully shows how Christ identified Himself with His people, being one with them, as explained in Heb 2:11..He and they "are all of one". So this great message of full salvation in this end of the Age is to be proclaimed in the power of the Spirit by a redeemed people. (For silver is the metal of redemption, symbolizing that it is fallen men redeemed by their Saviour, not angels, who give forth this trumpet sound.) And just as the two trumpets were beaten into perfect shape from the piece of silver, so must Christ and His Church be brought into perfection through much suffering. Heb 2:10 says, "it became Him...in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the Captain (author or originator) of their salvation perfect through sufferings." Heb 5:8 - "Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered". And just as He was perfected by the beating of the silver, so must His Body taste of the same cup of suffering in order to reigh with Him.. This message will come through that Body of anointed saints who have gone through the fire and been "refined as silver is refined" (Zech 13:9, Mal 3:3). So, beloved, draw not back from the fire, but leap joyfully into it, for the Lord hath ordained it for thy profit, not that thou shouldst be consumed, but that thou should be perfected for His use. "Yea, thou shall think that He reduceth thee to nothing, but it is only the dross, the hay, wood and stubble that burneth up with a great blaze and a great noise. For the silver cloth simply melt before the Refiner and floweth together to form one body that cannot be separated, but shall be formed into instruments for the glory of God! Complain not against that which the Lord doeth unto thee. Attribute not His works unto the enemy., my beloved the apple of mine eye.
For all things work together for thy profit, and to bring thee into the likeness of Him who hath redeemed thee! So, rejoice in the mist of the fire. Joyfully thrust the hay and stubble from thee and rejoice while it burneth. So shalt thou be a sign unto the world, and I will speak unto them through thee, saith the Lord, thy God, and thy Redeemer." Hallelujah, Glory to His great Name!


In Numbers 10 we find the purposes of the trumpets set forth, the use to which they are put. The first one is in verse two.."For the calling of the assembly.". Verse 3 says: "When they shall blow with them, all the assembly shall assemble themselves to thee at the door of the tabernacle.." Out of their various tribes came the inhabitants of Judah, Issachar, Dan, Levi, etc., until they were all one at the Door. They gathered together at the Door, to hear the voice of the Lord through His Prophet. And in this end of the Age, God is once again drawing His people together unto Christ, the Door, to hear His Prophet..that Anointed One that God is raising up to bear the Word of the Lord. Beloved, this is the hour of the fulness of time. It has finally come upon us. This is not time for pretty sermons and educational lectures...it is a time for God's Prophet, the Anointed Body, to lift up his voice like a trumpet as Isaiah says (58:1), "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins." But so many will not hear, their ears are dull, they stay in their tents of captivity and refuse to "Come out of her, my people" (Rev 18:4). So many seem unconcerned to the fact that God is calling His people together, to form His Body for a mighty work in the earth. They are more concerned that they receive their checks on time, and that they can stretch them to buy all the pretty things offered by the world. Once a week they take a trip to the church house to salve their consciences and to deaden their ears to the real call of God. To invite them to services in a home, a store building, or a tent is a disgraceful slam at their religious dignity. But some are hearing, and the trumpets are sounding. And they come..out of their tribes, denominations, sectarian groups, "non-denomination fellowships", and doctrines that separate. Being brought into One by the sound of the Trumpet. Eph 1:10 says that in the fulness of time He will gather together in one all things in Christ. The message is going forth through redeemed, anointed lips to lay aside that which is of man, that which separates the Body, and come to the Door. And when you leave the sectarian groups, leave your sectarian and your Babylonian spirit there. There is no place for it in this Move of God. It may take the refiner's fire to bring this message forth, and to bring this thing about, but it shall be done, the Word of the Lord declares it!

God has a trumpet sound to send forth when it is time for His people to move on into new territory. Numbers 10:2 says "for the journeying of the camps". It is a sad fact that different groups found themselves a little mountain, or kingdom, to their liking, and began going in circles around it. The Pentecostal movement got hold of something good 60 years ago, organized it into a denomination with a static theology, and has been going in circles ever since, getting nowhere. To prevent this from happening to Israel, God had a trumpet which meant to move on and follow the cloud and pillar of fire. Woe to that Israelite who decided that the little stream he had come to was sufficient for him and his little group and would not move on at the sound of the trumpet. For I Cor 10:4 says that the Rock which gave them their water followed Israel as they journeyed on through the wilderness. So, that one who stayed behind with his little stream and palm trees soon found that the Rock was gone, the stream dried up, and the palm trees withered. And he knew not which way to go to catch up with those who moved on. This is the sad condition of the denominations today. Each of them found a place in God to their liking, stopped, failed to hear the signal to move on, and now they find their living water gone, their stream of revelation dried up, and themselves going in circles trying to get blessings from what is now only a mud puddle. And talk about mud slinging..political campaigns can't hold a light to the churches of today. That's all they have - mud. Scandals, bitterness, jealousies, murmurings, backbitings, debates, and religious political maneuverings in high places. Their streams have dried up. They didn't hear, or didn't heed, the trumpets message. But, thank God, there are those who heard, who heeded, and who did not have their tent stakes driven too deeply to pull up and move on. This place may look good, but when the trumpet sounds, you can rely on it that God has a better place ahead. Pentecost looked very good to me as a young man coming out of the dead denomination I was in. And I was right in the middle of Pentecost when the trumpet sounded again. Raised in the Headquarters city, a graduate of their Headquarters Bible school, being accepted as a writer for their various national publications, the fair-haired boy with a great future in the organization. But I heard the trumpet's message. And it sounded a chord deep within my heart, for I hungered desperately for more of God. I knew I had to move on. I thought I could move on in God and still retain my position in the organization and the associations, but little did I know of the workings of the system of religious theology and ecclesiastical orders. But I learned. Many others have had the same experience as they heard and heeded the sound of the trumpet. However, there is still the danger today even for those who have "come out" that they will become satisfied, drive their stakes down, and not heed the next call. This is a never ending pilgrim journey through the wilderness, ever onward and upward to that cherished promised land of victory and REST. Many in so called "Latter Rain" have received prophecy, laying on of hands, ministries and gifts of the Spirit, and are now in the position where they are not moving on in God, afraid to journey further, not hearing the trumpet as it sounds loud and clear. But God has sworn that He will have a people who will enter Canaan, this much is established -- will you be in it?

Joel 2 says, "Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand." Numbers 10:9 says that the trumpets are also to sound an alarm for war, and that the Lord will remember them, and give them victory. Paul recognized this when he admonished the church to put on the whole armour of God in Ephesians 6. There was no protection for the back to them that ran, and no wings with which to fly away. But enough armour to win the victory against the greatest foe, even against principalities and powers in the heavens. But so many are not giving forth the message to prepare their people for the great battle ahead in the day of the Lord. Preachers are preaching "peace, peace, times are good, our property values and our membership is growing, and some sweet morning when the trumpet sounds we will fly away to a home "somewhere in the sky." God gave a strong indictment against these false prophets in chapter 13 of Ezekiel, verse 4-5: "O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts. Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord." He said that because these preachers seduced His people, saying "peace" and there was no peace, therefore, God would deal with them strongly. Why? Because they have failed to warn God's people of the days ahead, that they might put on the whole armour of God.
This day of battle, the day of the Lord, is not a time for God's Army to fly to the sky, much as some would like to. Some long for this day who are not ready for it. Hear what the prophet Amos says in 5:18.."Woe unto you that desire the Day of the Lord! To what end is it for you? The day of the Lord is darkness and not light." And in Joel 2: 1-2 . "the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh at hand; A day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and of thick darkness, as the morning spread upon the mountains; a great people and a strong.." And Joel goes on to describe the Army of the Lord. Verse 11: "And the Lord shall utter His voice before His Army; for His camp is very great; for he is strong that executeth His Word; for the day of the Lord is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?" Notice in verse 2 that the Day of Tribulation and Darkness to the wicked shall be as the morning spread upon the mountains to the saints in Christ Jesus, the day of their greatest victory. Yes, it is a day of the shining forth of God's power and glory to those who have prepared for it. I Thess. 5:9 says that "God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain (full) salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ." In verse 2 you will see that Paul is talking about the Day of the Lord, commonly called the great Tribulation. In verse 8 we have a helmet and a breastplate, but no wings. Yes, this is the day to stand and fight. Not a physical warfare, for our weapons are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. All hell trembles when it hears of this great Army, small in number, but mighty through God. This time God shall shake not only the earth, but also heaven (Heb 12:26), until Satan's throne shall topple and fall, and the Sons of God shall regain what Adam lost in the garden, yea and much more as they go on in an illimitable God. "Look and behold, my people, and see man who has been trampled under foot of his enemy, who has been tormented and defeated, as he rises up in his God and overcomes. Yea, and they shall say Who is this that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners?' Behold, it is the Lord's beloved, it is the One whom Satan feareth, it is the One for whom the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain to bring forth. Yea, he cometh with the sound of the trumpet, and with the banner of his God over him, for victory is his, and none shall stop him. Courage is in his heart, and the sword of the Lord in his hand. He shall wound and he shall heal, he shall judge with righteous judgment, and that which can be shaken shall be shaken, and that which cannot be shaken shall remain. It shall be mine, saith God, and shall be my temple in that hour when I inhabit my people."

There is to be corn and wine aplenty for these who overcome. Numbers 10:10 tells us that the fourth use of the trumpets is to announce the feasts, the times of rejoicing. And now the Feast of Tabernacles is nigh at hand. Send the message forth, God has riches for those who dare to believe and accept His bountiful supply. Joel 2:21-26 tells of the riches of His restored land. And in the first month (the first month in the civil year, the seventh month of the religious year) "the floors shall be full of wheat, and the fats shall overflow with wine and oil." In Exodus 23:16 and 34:22 we see that the feast of ingathering, or Feast of Tabernacles, which was the 7th month, was the end of the civil or agricultural year, and the start of a new day or new year. We see in Lev 25:9 that the year of Jubilee began in the seventh month, at the Feast of Tabernacles. So, it is at the Feast of Tabernacles that Joel's prophecy will be fulfilled in its entirety. Pentecost was only the firstfruits of it, and Paul knew this. as he brings out in Romans 8:23. Look up and rejoice, saints of God, for the time of our deliverance is at hand. God is restoring all that was lost in the fall. The barns shall be full, great shall be the feasting in the days ahead.

Kä'lla http://www.dimensionsoftruth.org/bill_britton/shadows1.html

lördag 9 juni 2007

Nödtider väntar

En artikel från tidningen Världen idag och därefter två profetiska tilltal

Nödtider väntar

Publicerad 2007-06-08 08:49

av Ruben Agnarsson

Sveriges folk är inte förberett för svåra tider. Många unga svenskar lever i föreställningen att högkonjunktur, fred och välfärd är konstanta företeelser. Den svenska modellen bygger på att ondskan inte finns och att alla problem i världen kan lösas med konsensus, politiskt samförstånd och diplomati. Om vi samtalar med Usama bin Ladin, kommer han att förstå hur vi tänker och anpassa sig, är tanken.

Det är kanske inte så konstigt att det har blivit så. Sverige har inte befunnit sig i krig på omkring 200 år. Men kan vi vara så säkra på att den fridfulla situation som vi upplever just nu, kommer att fortsätta i all framtid? Det finns ett antal hotbilder, inte minst säkerhetspolitiska, som alltmer börjar pocka på uppmärksamhet. Om det exempelvis skulle visa sig - som forskare nu börjar misstänka - att det var explosioner som sänkte Estonia, hur reagerar Sverige då? Hur skall våra politiker agera, om det var den ryska militären som låg bakom ett attentat som orsakade katastrofen som medförde att över 800 människor omkom? Skickar Carl Bildt - och kanske också Mona Sahlin - en protestnot till ryska ambassaden för att sedan hoppas att hela händelsen därmed är överspelad? Och vad säger de anhöriga till dem som omkom?

Den rysk-tyska gasledningen som skall passera strax utanför Gotland i svensk ekonomisk zon är redan påbörjad. Från rysk sida kommer projektets framväxt, enligt president Putin, att garanteras och backas upp av den ryska militären. Ryssland ger inga som helt signaler om att man är beredd att diskutera gasledningens dragning. Försiktiga svenska politiker hävdar att man har rätt att säga nej till gasledningen, av miljöskäl. Andra menar att om det svenska näringslivet investerar i Ryssland, kommer Putin omedelbart att nedrusta, bli demokrat och aspirant till fredspriset. Det är alltså inte otänkbart att vi inom kort får en situation där Ryssland bygger en gasledning, som Sverige sagt nej till, strax utanför Gotland. Skall svenska politiker då anmäla gasledningen till det svenska Naturvårdsverket (den myndighet som ligger närmast till hands och som dessutom föreslagit en nationalpark på norra Gotland), så att de får diskutera frågan med den ryska Östersjöflottan?

Sverige saknar inte bara ett militärt försvar. Även den moraliska beredskapen är svag. Sveriges befolkning är sömndrucken och berusad av nöjen, konsumtion och självcentrering. Många har testat allt och har ledsnat på det normala och tillåtna och vill kasta sig ut i nya och oprövade upplevelser som fortfarande kitslar. Det som ibland beskrivs som medfödd läggning kan i själva verket ibland vara helt vanliga svenskar som blivit blasé. Den politiska dagordningen handlar i stor utsträckning om att hantera dessa krav på att få testa och utmana nya gränser.

Mitt i denna destruktiva utveckling är det idag många kristna i Sverige som ber för vårt land. Det är hoppingivande att se hur tiotusentals kristna förenas över gränserna för att tillsammans be om ett andligt uppvaknande över Sverige. Gud kommer att höra varje bön. Men kanske att det uppvaknande vi ber om kommer att infinna sig mer brutalt än vi egentligen hade tänkt och önskat oss.

Källa: http://www.varldenidag.se/ArticlePages/200706/08/20070608084916_910/20070608084916_910.dbp.asp

Profetiskt tilltal nr 1

Mina barn! Varför är ni så ängsliga? Har ni inte hört vad jag har sagt om Sverige? Lyssnar ni bara till domedagsprofeter? Jag har inte kommit för att döma Sverige, utan för att rädda Sverige.
Men det hot ert land nu står inför kan bara avvärjas med era böner. Era samlade böner. Bed och ni ska få, bed och jag ska skydda er, liksom jag har skyddat er från två världskrig.

Framfört genom Yardsight

Profetiskt tilltal nr 2

Var är ni mitt folk?

Se på mig, inte era händer! Ur era händer kan inget växa utan endast vid mina fötter skall växt komma.

Se på mig, inte på era ambitioner. Fruktlöst har ni vandrat på era vägar, vänd om, vänd om till mina fötter och se ni skall få skörda mångfalt av liv, inte död som ni nu har skördat.

Se på mitt liv, inte era fruktlösa vingårdar som ni har planterat. Jag är Livets Herre inte dödens.

Se upp på mig, jag är Kyrkans Herre inte dess välgörare, jag Är. Fattiga har ni kommit till mitt bord och fattiga har ni vänt åter för att ni valt ert eget och inte mitt.

Se min smärta, se min älskade går ifrån mig! Vänd åter till mig i bön och omvändelse. Se jag har inte kallat er till era ambitioner utan min vilja.

Se jag skall byta ledarskapet och jag skall upprätta mitt rike byggt på mina väktare. Saltet skall åter få sin sälta när de återvänder till mig

Ett ljus skall tändas där mörkret rått, ett ljus av enorm styrka. Det är tomt på sig själv och fyllt av mig.

Kjell-Gunnar Bergman


Källa: http://www.bed.nu/artikel.asp?id=353&subject=Var%20är%20ni%20mitt%20folk?%20-%20KG%20Bergman