söndag 15 april 2007

Gör bara din del

Jesus gjorde bara det som han såg Fadern gör (Joh 5:19) och det behöver vi också lära oss. Vi behöver komma bort ifrån prestationskristendom och döda gärningar. De ger ändå ingen bestående frukt. Nedan är ett profetiskt tilltal som känns befriande.

Marsha Burns:
April 11, 2007:

"Watch carefully the demands on your time and energy. Discern those things that are truly your burden to bear. Refuse to go beyond the boundaries of your own responsibility. There will be opportunities for others to draw you into their trouble and their concerns. Unless you are truly moved by My Spirit to do something, your only obligation is to pray and release them to Me," says the Lord. "And, the enemy will do his best to make you feel guilty for not doing more. Do not yield to this accusation even for a moment." Psalm 55:22, "Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved."

Marsha Burns Faith Tabernacle Email: ft111@spiritofprophecy.com

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