tisdag 10 april 2007


I nedanstående profetiska tilltal talas det om att vi behöver "städa vårt hus" och det kan ju kännas aktuellt såhär när vårsolen lyser på våra smutsiga fönster. Men det är kanske inte direkt våra hus och lägenheter som avses. Nej, jag tolkar det som att vi behöver göra oss av med allt som hindrar Herren att göra det han förberett i våra liv, i våra församlingar, i vår stad, i vårt land. Inte så att vi ska "slänga ut barnet med badvattnet", vi ska behålla det goda och bygga vidare på det. Men allt det där som vi krampaktigt håller kvar och som inte leder till bestående frukt och som i sämsta fall hindrar den helige Ande att verka.

Det kan vara obekänd synd, bitterhet och oförlåtelse i våra egna liv, det kan vara människopåfund, fruktan och kontroll i våra församlingar, det kan vara orättfärdiga lagar och styre i ett land. Listan kan tyvärr göras längre. Men tilllåter vi den Helige Ande att lysa "på våra smutsiga fönster", omvänder oss och ber om förlåtelse så kan vi också få ta del av det bästa "rengöringsmedlet" av alla nämligen Jesus försoningsverk på korset och det blod Han gjöt för oss så att vi kunde gå fria. Och den som Sonen sätter fri, han är verkligen fri att vara en kanal för det Herren vill göra " i en tid som denna".

"I had a vision of rooms in a house. The corners of the rooms were full of boxes and things, all piled on one another that made the rooms seem darker and smaller than they should have been. I was also aware of a lot of dust. As I looked as these messy rooms the Lord immediately laid in me:

"Clean out your house. A new season is upon you and this is time to clean out your house. You are to make way for the new and clear out the old. Why are you holding on to the things that are of the past? Why are you storing up what you do not need? Do you not know yet that these things are worthless to you? How can you receive from me when your house is already full? Make room. Clear out your house and make room. Allow the light to come in and make the dark places bright. I tell you, you cannot move forward into a new season while you are storing up all the things of the past. Be diligent and start. Now is the time. Now is the time to get your house in order.

Start and do not delay for I tell you that a new season is upon you and will not delay. It will come in a flash, in a moment and it will be here, and you need to be ready, you need to be prepared and not weighed down with the old. Make space for the new. Clear out the old that festers and takes room that it should not have. Open the boxes that store the past and let them go, for a new time is upon you and I will see your house clean, I will see your heart ready to receive all I have for you. Let us sit together and talk, you and I. Let Me tell you that I know the times have been hard and I know the season you have been in has been tiring. I know the thoughts that were in your head, for I formed you and I knew you before there was time. I know the despair you have been clutching and I know the weight you have carried. I know all these things and now I am telling you, let go.

Let go of the old season and be ready, stand prepared, for the new season. New will follow old, so let go of the old and make way for the new. I tell you these things so that you are prepared, so that you are ready to walk forward, clothed in peace, strengthened with my love, sure of my word. I have not forgotten you and I have never left you.You cannot see when you stand in the dust of yesterday. You will not see today dawn. Clean out your house and start now. The new season is coming and it will not delay"."
This word is submitted by Jane Larsen (jlarsen65@hotmail.com)

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